900 resultados para legal system, environment, prediction, challenge, resources


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El Ordenamiento jurídico colombiano desde sus inicios se ha enmarcado en la familia jurídica Romano Germánica, donde la Jurisprudencia ocupa un papel secundario en el momento de tomar decisiones por parte de los jueces, fungiendo como un instrumento meramente auxiliar, totalmente opacado por la ley. Sin embargo, a partir de la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución de 1991, con la creación de la Corte Constitucional junto al valor vinculante que se ha dado a sus decisiones, el tradicional sistema de fuentes ha presentado una evolución que lo aproxima al uso de instituciones, como el precedente judicial, que parecían exclusivas del Common Law. De esta manera, lo novedoso del problema de investigación es que la discusión sobre la alteración de la jerarquía de las fuentes del derecho, se aborda desde una perspectiva teórica, pero desarrolla puntualmente, mecanismos como las sentencias de unificación y la extensión de jurisprudencia, que posiblemente dan alcance al concepto de precedente judicial en el Contencioso Administrativo en la práctica.


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Estudio de la figura de la extensión de jurisprudencia por parte de la Autoridades Administrativas dispuesta en el artículo 102 de la Ley 1437, así como de sus antecedentes y de los problemas de constitucionalidad que comporta su inclusión en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano.


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El objeto de esta tesis es el análisis de la autorregulación regulada, es decir, el análisis de las normas y de los controles privados que poseen relevancia para el Derecho público. A pesar de su aparente desvinculación con el Derecho Administrativo, la autorregulación es una tendencia que se percibe cada vez con mayor nitidez; es, claramente, un fenómeno que se asocia principalmente al uso de nuevas tecnologías, pero que desborda con mucho este ámbito. La autorregulación es una noción directamente relacionada con la transformación de las formas de gobernanza impulsada desde la Unión Europea; es una nueva técnica o instrumento que las normas jurídico-públicas, a través de numerosas remisiones a la autorregulación, ponen en manos de la administración para gestionar los fines que ésta tiene encomendados. Existe, sin embargo una clara disociación entre las esperanzas puestas en la autorregulación y la falta de respuestas que ofrece el derecho positivo. Un análisis exhaustivo de la jurisprudencia y de la legislación que utilizan la voz "autorregulación" me ha llegado a concluir que este vocablo es en nuestro ordenamiento, un "término sin concepto". En esta fuentes se asimila la "autorregulación" con la capacidad de autonormación de un sujeto. Es el derecho comunitario el que la autorregulación como una alternativa o un complemento a la desreglamentación estatal y como una manifestación de un traslado de funciones y responsabilidades públicas a la sociedad. Por influencia del Derecho comunitario, el legislador pretende, a través de la autorregulación, alcanzar dos finalidades aparentemente contradictorias: (a) facilitar la función de garante que tiene atribuida el Estado, mediante una intervención más extensa i más intensa en las actividades privadas; (b) hacer efectivo los objetos propuestos con la desregulación, mediante una contención del ejercicio de la potestad reglamentaria y una disminución de los controles, preventivos o represivos, realizados directamente por la Administración. Para salvar esta contradicción, es necesario que el legislador establezca una regulación adecuada de la autorregulación. Dicha regulación es, hoy por hoy, manifiestamente insuficiente. Deberían fijarse con carácter general -y no sólo puntualmente y por sectores- las medidas adecuadas para el fomento de la autorregulación; los efectos públicos que ésta posee en cada caso y, significativamente, las garantías y controles necesarios para contrarrestar tales efectos. Esto es, los principios que rigen la actividad administrativa deberían ser aplicados también a la autorregulación en aquellos casos en los que sus diversas manifestaciones poseen efectos similares a los que son propios de los reglamentos, las inspecciones o las sanciones administrativas. Esta propuesta deja abierta la cuestión acerca de la incidencia recíproca de ambas técnicas; esto es , la incidencia de la regulación pública en la autorregulación de origen privado y, a la inversa, el impacto del desarrollo de la autorregulación regulada en el ejercicio de las potestades reglamentaria, autorizatoria, y sancionadora de la Administración. Esta cuestión sólo puede ser contestada hoy caso por caso, de modo que la respuesta es distinta si se analiza una norma técnica, un código ético, un manual de buenas prácticas, una certificación privada del cumplimiento de normas técnicas, el ejercicio de la potestad disciplinaria privada o el arbritaje. De lo que no cabe duda alguna es que ni la autorregulación es sólo una actividad de interés privado, ni la regulación pública conserva hoy sus rasgos tradicionales.


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Considering the specific conception of the legal system proposed by Castanheira Neves’ jurisprudentialism — as a reinvention which may be capable of critically re-thinking and re-experiencing Law’s constitutive cultural-civilizational originarium in a «limit-situation» such as our own —,this essay explores some main challenges and tensions, which contemporary practical thought autonomously recognizes: those challenges and tensions which we identify when invoking the counterpoints plurality/ unity, dogmatic presupposition / critical self-reflection, societas / communitas, legality / morality (but also particular/ universal).


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En este artículo se analizará la posibilidad del Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional de aplicar, como criterio de interpretación, la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, de forma preferente a la voluntad del constituyente boliviano como otro criterio de interpretación dispuesto expresamente, a ese efecto se tendrá en cuenta el rol de la interpretación constitucional y su relación con las normas internacionales de derechos humanos, el análisis de la posición jurídica de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el sistema jurídico boliviano, el efecto de la jurisprudencia de la Corte en la protección de derechos humanos, y el análisis de esta jurisprudencia en relación con la voluntad del constituyente como criterios de interpretación.


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Este ensayo examina la naturaleza jurídica y política del imperio español en América y sus orígenes medievales. Con el fin de ofrecer un nuevo enfoque para estudiar la relación entre España y sus posesiones americanas, este trabajo propone una revisión de la tradición jurídica española. El estudio de la evolución de los conceptos de soberanía, representación y jurisdicción permite dilucidar los elementos constitutivos de las relaciones entre las diversas entidades políticas como mecanismo de comprensión del desarrollo de la cultura política de América Latina. De acuerdo a las características del sistema jurídico político en la época virreinal, la dispensación de la justicia y la práctica judicial constituyeron el eje de las relaciones entre la autoridad imperial y sus periferias. El artículo sostiene que la práctica judicial estuvo llena de sentido político y se convirtió en un medio de inclusión y representación.


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La conformación de un derecho supranacional comunitario y de un derecho común supletorio para nuestro continente es una asignatura pendiente de la que puede ocuparse la ciencia jurídica. En el presente artículo, tras ofrecer un marco teórico conceptual sobre el Derecho comunitario y presentar el estado actual de los diversos esquemas y procesos regionales y subregionales de integración en nuestro hemisferio, se proponen una serie de perspectivas (interdisciplinarias) y de temas (políticos, jurídicos y económicos) sobre lo que tendría que reflexionar la ciencia jurídica –academia y foro– americana, para adelantar los contenidos de este nuevo ordenamiento jurídico.


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In the northeastern United States, grassland birds regularly use agricultural fields as nesting habitat. However, birds that nest in these fields regularly experience nest failure as a result of agricultural practices, such as mowing and grazing. Therefore, information on both spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use is needed to effectively manage these species. We addressed these complex habitat use patterns by conducting point counts during three time intervals between May 21, 2002 and July 2, 2002 in agricultural fields across the Champlain Valley in Vermont and New York. Early in the breeding season, Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) used fields in which the landscape within 2500 m was dominated by open habitats. As mowing began, suitable habitat within 500 m became more important. Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) initially used fields that contained a high proportion of suitable habitat within 500 m. After mowing, features of the field (i.e., size and amount of woody edge) became more important. Each species responded differently to mowing: Savannah Sparrows were equally abundant in mowed and uncut fields, whereas Bobolinks were more abundant in uncut fields. In agricultural areas in the Northeast, large areas (2000 ha) that are mostly nonforested and undeveloped should be targeted for conservation. Within large open areas, smaller patches (80 ha) should be maintained as high-quality, late-cut grassland habitat.


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The measurement of public attitudes towards the criminal law has become an important area of research in recent years because of the perceived desirability of ensuring that the legal system reflects broader societal values. In particular, studies into public perceptions of crime seriousness have attempted to measure the degree of concordance that exists between law and public opinion in the organization and enforcement of criminal offences. These understandings of perceived crime seriousness are particularly important in relation to high-profile issues where public confidence in the law is central to the legal agenda, such as the enforcement of work-related fatality cases. A need to respond to public concern over this issue was cited as a primary justification for the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. This article will suggest that, although literature looking at the perceived seriousness of corporate crime and, particularly, health and safety offences is limited in volume and generalist in scope, important lessons can be gleaned from existing literature, and pressing questions are raised that demand further empirical investigation.


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Most construction sectors around the world have a high percentage of output being produced informally. In developing countries informal construction activities can account for as much as 80% of employment (Farrell 2004). In general, the informal sector equates to a significant percentage of country’s GDP — 40% in developing countries and 18% in the OECD high-income countries. The informal sector in construction is not well understood and difficult to measure and is thriving both in the developed and developing world. Construction industries are made up of a large number of small firms and a small number of large firms. Many small firms are less likely to be able (or to want to) afford the bureaucratic demands of a nation’s fiscal and legal system. This evasion means a reduction in tax income for the government, and also leads to inaccurate estimates of the true value of construction output. Some national statistical agencies factor in an estimate of the size of the informal sector, but without effective measurement, there is no guarantee that the estimate is a fair one. The message from the paper is that the informal sector in construction is likely to grow. We need to understand the sector and recognise its impact on construction.


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In Hobbesian terminology, ‘unwritten laws’ are natural laws enforced within a polity, by a non-sovereign judge, without some previous public promulgation. This article discusses the idea in the light of successive Hobbesian accounts of ‘law’ and ‘obligation’. Between De Cive and Leviathan, Hobbes dropped the idea that natural law is strictly speaking law, but he continued to believe unwritten laws must form a part of any legal system. He was unable to explain how such a law could claim a legal status. His loyalty to the notion, in spite of all the trouble that it caused, is a sign of his belief that moral knowledge is readily accessible to all.


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The problem of semantics is inherent in any discussion of ethics. The general term "ethics" is itself commonly confused. In addition, systems of ethics must be built upon assumptions, and assumptions are necessarily subject to lengthy debate. These two problems are encountered in my investigation of the ethical practices of the modern business community and to remedy the situation I have taken two steps: the first being an attempt to clarify the meaning of terms used therein;-and the second being a clear description of the assumptions utilized to further my analysis. To satisfy those who would disagree with these assumptions, I have attempted to outline the consequences of differing premises. The first assumption in my discussion is that the capitalistic economy is powered by the motivation supplied by man's self-interest. We are conditioned to basing our courses of action upon an orientation toward gratifying this self-interest. Careers are chosen by blending aptitude, interest, and remuneration. of course, some people are less materially inclined than others, but the average member of our capitalistic society is concerned with the physical rewards derived from his employment. Status and happiness are all-important considerations in pursuing a chosen course of action, yet all too often they are measured in physical terms. The normal self-interest natural to mankind is heightened in capitalism, due to the emphasis placed upon material compensation. Our thinking becomes mechanistic as life devolves into a complex game played by the rules. We are accustomed to performing meaningless or unpleasant duties to fulfill our gratifications. Thought, consequently, interferes with the completion of our everyday routines. We learn quickly not to be outspoken, as the outspoken one threatens the security of his fellow man. The majority of the people are quite willing to accept others views on morality, and indeed this is the sensible thing to do as one does not risk his own neck. The unfortunate consequence of this situation has been the substitution of the legal and jural for the moral and ethical. Our actions are guided by legal considerations and nowhere has this been more evident than in the business community. The large legal departments of modern corporations devote full time to inspecting the legality of corporate actions. The business community has become preoccupied with the law, yet this is necessarily so. Complex, modern, capitalistic society demands an elaborate framework of rules and regulations. Without this framework it would be impossible to have an orderly economy, to say nothing of protecting the best interests of the people. However, the inherent complexities, contradictions, and sometimes unfair aspects of our legal system can tempt men to take things into their own hands. From time to time cases arise where men have broken laws while acting in good faith, and other cases where men have been extremely unethical without being illegal. Examples such as these foster the growth of cynicism, and generally create an antagonistic attitude toward the law on the part of business. My second assumption is that the public, on the whole, has adopted an apathetic attitude toward business morality. when faced with an ethical problem, far too many people choose to cynically assume that, if I don't do it someone else will. "The danger of such an assumption lies in that it eliminates many of the inhibitions that normally would preclude unethical action. The preventative factor in contemplating an unethical act not only lies in it going against the "right course of action", but also in that it would display the actor as one of the few, immoral practitioners. However, if the contemplator feels that many other people follow the same course of action, he would not feel himself to be so conspicuous. These two assumptions underly my entire discussion of modern business ethics., and in my judgment are the two most important causal factors in unethical acts perpetrated by the business community. The future elimination of these factors seems improbable, if not futile, yet there is no reason to consider things worse than they ever have been before. The heightened public interest in business morality undoubtedly lies in part in the fact that examples of corporate malpractice are of such magnitude in scope, and hence more newsworthy.


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Este trabalho discorre sobre a aplicação de uma proposta de método de resolução de problemas utilizando a Teoria das Restrições (TOC). No desenvolvimento desta proposta procurou-se aliar a focalização dos problemas e os conceitos financeiros protagonizados pela TOC. Para que uma solução urgente de problemas possa ser conduzida de uma forma coerente, precisa e rápida, não é necessário que seja executada de maneira que os gastos ultrapassem os benefícios. Além disso, o todo que compõe o sistema analisado deve poder ser vislumbrado claramente. Esta proposta foi aplicada a uma corporação que fabrica autopeças. Ela está localizada nos Estados Unidos da América. Os resultados da aplicação do método aqui apresentado permitiram chegar às conclusões apontadas no capítulo final deste trabalho.