839 resultados para job rotation
Las Unidades de Evaluación se presentan como alternativa a las pruebas de rendimiento o exámenes. Una Unidad de Evaluación tiene tres partes esenciales: el escenario, las tareas y los inventarios de corrección. El 'escenario' es el estímulo, la situación significativa del contexto que se utiliza para movilizar los conocimientos; se utiliza un formato verbal (texto escrito) y otro no verbal (imágenes, tablas, gráficos, cuadros, etc.) que se extraen de cualquier fuente documental. Las 'tareas' permiten conocer, mediante la movilización de los conocimientos, cuál es la competencia alcanzada en el uso de procesos cognitivos, afectivos, sociales y funcionales, y el nivel de logro de los aprendizajes. Para que la información contenida sea completa (saber, hacer y querer) la Unidad de Evaluación debe incluir tareas que valoren aprendizajes receptivos, productivos y valorativos. El proceso de evaluación concluye con la corrección de tareas, realizada por el propio alumno o por el profesorado. Con carácter general, las tareas utilizadas en las Unidades de Evaluación se definen con diferentes formatos de respuesta y criterios de corrección. Esta Unidad de Evaluación se presenta como un modelo de evaluación competencial, en ningún caso pretende ser algo más que una ejemplificación que estimule la creación de materiales para la evaluación de las competencias básicas de los propios docentes. Elaborada por la Oficina de Evaluación de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha para su aplicación en las pruebas de acceso a los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio en la convocatoria de junio de 2009
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Se analiza, en el ámbito del mercado de trabajo, la adecuación existente entre la cualificación de los trabajadores y aquella que es requerida en sus puestos de trabajo. Habitualmente, la literatura especializada aproxima la educación formal a la cualificación, pese a que la educación formal no proporciona todas las competencias de capital humano que poseen los trabajadores y que requieren sus empleos. Por ello, siendo conscientes de la limitación que supone la utilización de la educación formal como medida de la cualificación, se analiza de forma diferenciada dos fenómenos que tienen lugar en el mercado de trabajo: el ajuste educativo y el ajuste en cualificación.
Guía práctica dirigida a los adultos para que desarrollen, con un método sencillo y práctico, las habilidades básicas con la escritura, necesarias además, para su vida cotidiana, desde escribir una sencilla nota, a rellenar un formulario o solicitar un trabajo.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
The relevance of the fragment relaxation energy term and the effect of the basis set superposition error on the geometry of the BF3⋯NH3 and C2H4⋯SO2 van der Waals dimers have been analyzed. Second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations with the d95(d,p) basis set have been used to calculate the counterpoise-corrected barrier height for the internal rotations. These barriers have been obtained by relocating the stationary points on the counterpoise-corrected potential energy surface of the processes involved. The fragment relaxation energy can have a large influence on both the intermolecular parameters and barrier height. The counterpoise correction has proved to be important for these systems
The complexity inherent in climate data makes it necessary to introduce more than one statistical tool to the researcher to gain insight into the climate system. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is one of the most widely used methods to analyze weather/climate modes of variability and to reduce the dimensionality of the system. Simple structure rotation of EOFs can enhance interpretability of the obtained patterns but cannot provide anything more than temporal uncorrelatedness. In this paper, an alternative rotation method based on independent component analysis (ICA) is considered. The ICA is viewed here as a method of EOF rotation. Starting from an initial EOF solution rather than rotating the loadings toward simplicity, ICA seeks a rotation matrix that maximizes the independence between the components in the time domain. If the underlying climate signals have an independent forcing, one can expect to find loadings with interpretable patterns whose time coefficients have properties that go beyond simple noncorrelation observed in EOFs. The methodology is presented and an application to monthly means sea level pressure (SLP) field is discussed. Among the rotated (to independence) EOFs, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) pattern, an Arctic Oscillation–like pattern, and a Scandinavian-like pattern have been identified. There is the suggestion that the NAO is an intrinsic mode of variability independent of the Pacific.
Rotational structure has been resolved and analyzed in the 1049-cm−1 parallel fundamental and the 1182 cm−1 perpendicular fundamental bands in the infrared spectrum of the CH3F molecule. Combination bands at 2223 cm−1 and around 2650 cm−1 have also been studied. The effective resolving power of the spectrometer was 0.25 cm−1 for all these bands. The two long-wavelength fundamentals have been analyzed in much greater detail than in previous work, and a complete analysis of the perpendicular band has been made, including the J-structure in the P and R branches of the sub-bands. Rotational constants of CH3F determined in this work and elsewhere are summarized in Table XIII of the text. Some anomalous intensity perturbations in the rotation lines of the 1182-cm−1 fundamental have been observed, and are discussed.
High-resolution vibration-rotation spectra of monofluoroacetylene are reported for many bands in the region 1700 to 7500 cm−1. The spectra were observed on Nicolet 7199 and Bruker IFS 120 Fourier spectrometers, with resolutions of about 0.06 and 0.003 cm−1, respectively. About 130 bands have been observed in this region, of which about 80 have been rotationally analyzed. The assignment of vibrational labels to the higher energy levels is complicated by the effects of strong Fermi resonances, and many weak localized rotational resonances are observed.
Symmetry restrictions on Raman selection rules can be obtained, quite generally, by considering a Raman allowed transition as the result of two successive dipole allowed transitions, and imposing the usual symmetry restrictions on the dipole transitions. This leads to the same results as the more familiar polarizability theory, but the vibration-rotation selection rules are easier to obtain by this argument. The selection rules for symmetric top molecules involving the (+l) and (-l) components of a degenerate vibrational level with first-order Coriolis splitting are derived in this paper. It is shown that these selection rules depend on the order of the highest-fold symmetry axis Cn, being different for molecules with n=3, n=4, or n ≧ 5; moreover the selection rules are different again for molecules belonging to the point groups Dnd with n even, and Sm with 1/2m even, for which the highest-fold symmetry axes Cn and Sm are related by m=2n. Finally it is shown that an apparent anomaly between the observed Raman and infra-red vibration-rotation spectra of the allene molecule is resolved when the correct selection rules are used, and a value for the A rotational constant of allene is derived without making use of the zeta sum rule.
The lowest-wavenumber vibration of HCNO and DCNO, ν5, is known to involve a largeamplitude low-frequency anharmonic bending of the CH bond against the CNO frame. In this paper the anomalous vibrational dependence of the observed rotational constants B(v5, l5), and of the observed l-doubling interactions, is interpreted according to a simple effective vibration-rotation Hamiltonian in which the appropriate vibrational operators are averaged in an anharmonic potential surface over the normal coordinates (Q5x, Q5y). All of the data on both isotopes are interpreted according to a single potential surface having a minimum energy at a slightly bent configuration of the HCN angle ( 170°) with a maximum at the linear configuration about 2 cm−1 higher. The other coefficients in the Hamiltonian are also interpreted in terms of the structure and the harmonic and anharmonic force fields; the substitution structure at the “hypothetical linear configuration” determined in this way gives a CH bond length of 1.060 Å, in contrast to the value 1.027 Å determined from the ground-state rotational constants. We also discuss the difficulties in rationalizing our effective Hamiltonian in terms of more fundamental theory, as well as the success and limitations of its use in practice.
Infrared spectra of the trans and the cis isomers of nitrous acid, both HONO and DONO, have been observed in the gas phase using a Fourier transform interferometer with a resolution of about 0.05 cm−1 from 4000 to 500 cm−1. Rotational analyses are reported on eleven of the fundamentals and some overtones.
Vibration-rotation spectra of HOCl have been measured at a resolution of 0.05 cm−1 to determine vibration rotation constants, and 35–37 Cl isotope shifts in the vibration frequencies. The spectrum of DOCl has also been recorded, and a preliminary analysis for the band origins has been made. The vibrational frequency data and centrifugal distortion constants have been used to determine the harmonic force field in a least-squares refinement; the force field obtained also gives a good fit to data on the vibrational contributions to the inertial defect. The equilibrium rotational constants of HOCl have been obtained, and an equilibrium structure has been estimated.
Some absorption bands of diazomethane vapour between 1950-3500 cm-1 have been measured with very high resolving power. The rotational structure of two parallel bands and of one perpendicular band has been resolved, and approximate values have been determined for the rotational constants. The results are consistent with the geometrical structure usually accepted for this molecule. A peculiarity in the results for the band near 2100 cm-1, together with other facts, leads to the suggestion that a tautomeric form of this molecule exists, HCN=NH, being an isoelectronic analogue of hydrazoic acid.