915 resultados para international understanding
Fictitious capital and the elusive quest in understanding its implications : illusions and paradoxes
This paper deals with the interaction between fictitious capital and the neoliberal model of growth and distribution, inspired by the classical economic tradition. Our renewed interest in this literature has a close connection with the recent international crisis in the capitalist economy. However, this discussion takes as its point of departure the fact that standard economic theory teaches that financial capital, in this world of increasing globalization, leads to new investment opportunities which improve levels of growth, employment, income distribution, and equilibrium. Accordingly, it is said that such financial resources expand the welfare of people and countries worldwide. Here we examine some illusions and paradoxes of such a paradigm. We show some theoretical and empirical consequences of this vision, which are quite different and have harmful constraints.
This paper analyzes import diversification in an aggregated perspective -- Using a dataset for 60 countries covering the period 1995-2010, we study the main determinants of import diversification -- We expect to contribute to the current literature, taking into account that there have been few empirical studies addressing import diversification and more specifically, at the cross-country level -- We take into account variables classified into four categories: Structural factors, macroeconomic factors, international trade factors and political factors -- We find robust evidence that total factor productivity (TFP), capital stock, real Exchange rates and terms of trade are key drivers of import diversification -- On the other hand, domestic consumption and trade openness exert an effect leading to import concentration -- We interpret this finding, taking into account the theoretical framework provided by the international trade and growth theories
Il existe une grande diversité dans les programmes de formation en sciences infirmières concernant l’organisation de stages d’immersion clinique à l’international et le soutien offert aux étudiantes (Kokko, 2011). Cette étude de cas qualitative explore, selon la perspective d’étudiantes infirmières, les éléments de l’environnement d’apprentissage de la pratique en contexte de diversité culturelle dans le cadre d’une immersion clinique à l’international. Le modèle constructiviste de développement de la compétence culturelle de Blanchet Garneau (2013 ; Blanchet Garneau et Pepin, 2015a) a servi de cadre de référence à cette étude. Dix étudiantes ayant participé à l’immersion clinique ont pris part à une entrevue individuelle en profondeur. Suite à une analyse qualitative thématique des données inspirée de Miles, Huberman et Saldana (2014), trois thèmes inter reliés ressortent : accompagnement par de multiples collaborations, trouver sa place dans le milieu d’accueil et écart entre les attentes des étudiantes et l’expérience vécue. Ces thèmes permettent de comprendre l’environnement d’apprentissage des étudiantes dans le développement de leur compétence culturelle, notamment leur capacité de s’ouvrir aux différentes réalités en contexte de diversité culturelle. Puisque peu d’écrits abordent spécifiquement les éléments de l’environnement d’apprentissage liés à la capacité de s’ouvrir aux différentes réalités de la pratique en contexte de diversité culturelle à l’étranger, cette étude contribue à l’approfondissement des éléments de l’environnement d’apprentissage présenté dans le modèle de Blanchet Garneau (2013 ; Blanchet Garneau et Pepin, 2015) et constitue un ajout aux connaissances actuelles liées au développement de la compétence culturelle.
Il existe une grande diversité dans les programmes de formation en sciences infirmières concernant l’organisation de stages d’immersion clinique à l’international et le soutien offert aux étudiantes (Kokko, 2011). Cette étude de cas qualitative explore, selon la perspective d’étudiantes infirmières, les éléments de l’environnement d’apprentissage de la pratique en contexte de diversité culturelle dans le cadre d’une immersion clinique à l’international. Le modèle constructiviste de développement de la compétence culturelle de Blanchet Garneau (2013 ; Blanchet Garneau et Pepin, 2015a) a servi de cadre de référence à cette étude. Dix étudiantes ayant participé à l’immersion clinique ont pris part à une entrevue individuelle en profondeur. Suite à une analyse qualitative thématique des données inspirée de Miles, Huberman et Saldana (2014), trois thèmes inter reliés ressortent : accompagnement par de multiples collaborations, trouver sa place dans le milieu d’accueil et écart entre les attentes des étudiantes et l’expérience vécue. Ces thèmes permettent de comprendre l’environnement d’apprentissage des étudiantes dans le développement de leur compétence culturelle, notamment leur capacité de s’ouvrir aux différentes réalités en contexte de diversité culturelle. Puisque peu d’écrits abordent spécifiquement les éléments de l’environnement d’apprentissage liés à la capacité de s’ouvrir aux différentes réalités de la pratique en contexte de diversité culturelle à l’étranger, cette étude contribue à l’approfondissement des éléments de l’environnement d’apprentissage présenté dans le modèle de Blanchet Garneau (2013 ; Blanchet Garneau et Pepin, 2015) et constitue un ajout aux connaissances actuelles liées au développement de la compétence culturelle.
Legumes are bee-pollinated, but to a different extent. The importance of the plant– pollinator interplay (PPI), in flowering crops such as legumes lies in a combination of the importance of pollination for the production service and breeding strategies, plus the increasing urgency in mitigating the decline of pollinators through the development and implementation of conservation measures. To realize the full potential of the PPI, a multidisciplinary approach is required. This article assembles an international team of genebank managers, geneticists, plant breeders, experts on environmental governance and agro-ecology, and comprises several sections. The contributions in these sections outline both the state of the art of knowledge in the field and the novel aspects under development, and encompass a range of reviews, opinions and perspectives. The first three sections explore the role of PPI in legume breeding strategies. PPI based approaches to crop improvement can make it possible to adapt and re-design breeding strategies to meet both goals of: (1) optimal productivity, based on an efficient use of pollinators, and (2) biodiversity conservation. The next section deals with entomological aspects and focuses on the protection of the “pest control service” and pollinators in legume crops. The final section addresses general approaches to encourage the synergybetweenfoodproductionandpollinationservicesatfarmerfieldlevel.Twobasic approaches are proposed: (a) Farming with Alternative Pollinators and (b) Crop Design System.
Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2016-09-22 22:05:24.246
There are a lot of different business strategies for any company. However, in the fashion industry, the best way to become successful is to develop the brand using special branding strategies. Hence, a brand is the main weapon for fashion companies, which helps to launch international market and to create loyal customers around the world. Nowadays, due to the difficult current political situations and the collapse of oil and the dollar a lot of companies in different industries have to change their business strategies. It is especially true for fashion companies, because they depend on consumers ' income and their purchasing power. In the case of the fashion industry, branding strategy development can be more effective, than just business strategy. Hence, this thesis discusses the following problem: What branding strategy should Russian and Swedish fashion companies choose in order to build a strong brand and enter the international market. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze various branding strategies of Russian and Swedish fashion companies during the process of entering foreign markets. At the end of this thesis, practical contribution in their process of international branding strategy creation will be discussed. In order to answer research questions more broadly and accurately, the mixed research method, using quantitive and qualitative study through interviews and survey was chosen. Semi-structured interviews were made with the CEO and brand managers of Russian and Swedish fashion companies. Moreover, the survey was made with two different questionnaires: for Russian and for Swedish customers. In the case of qualitative research, the author found that fashion companies from Russia and Sweden have got not just some features and differences, but also common aspects. The primary data from interviews allowed the author to understand the specifics of brand management in the fashion industry. It was found, that there are some useful aspects in Swedish strategies, which can be used by Russian companies to develop their brands on the international market. In the case of quantitative research, preferences of consumers from Russia and Sweden were analyzed and also some features were identified. Survey results provided the author with a common understanding about purchase habits, attitudes and perceptions to fashion brands. According to these, some hypothesizes, which are formulated in the first part of the thesis, have been proven or disproven. It was found, that preferences of Russian and Swedish people are pretty the same, however Russian customers do not like to risk with new brands and prefer well-known and trusted brands while Swedish customers are open for any brand, which can satisfy their tastes.
Children with chronic conditions often experience a long treatment which can be complex and negatively impacts the child's well-being. In planning treatment and interventions for children with chronic conditions, it is important to measure health-related quality of life (HrQoL). HrQoL instruments are considered to be a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) and should be used in routine practice. Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the content dimensions of HrQoL instruments for children's self-reports using the framework of ICF-CY. Method: The sample consist of six instruments for health-related quality of life for children 5 to 18 years of age, which was used in the Swedish national quality registries for children and adolescents with chronic conditions. The following instruments were included: CHQ-CF, DCGM-37, EQ-5D-Y, KIDSCREEN-52, Kid-KINDL and PedsQL 4.0. The framework of the ICF-CY was used as the basis for the comparison. Results: There were 290 meaningful concepts identified and linked to 88 categories in the classification ICF-CY with 29 categories of the component body functions, 48 categories of the component activities and participation and 11 categories of the component environmental factors. No concept were linked to the component body structures. The comparison revealed that the items in the HrQoL instruments corresponded primarily with the domains of activities and less with environmental factors. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results confirm that ICF-CY provide a good framework for content comparisons that evaluate similarities and differences to ICF-CY categories. The results of this study revealed the need for greater consensus of content across different HrQoL instruments. To obtain a detailed description of children's HrQoL, DCGM-37 and KIDSCREEN-52 may be appropriate instruments to use that can increase the understanding of young patients' needs.
Legumes are bee-pollinated, but to a different extent. The importance of the plant– pollinator interplay (PPI), in flowering crops such as legumes lies in a combination of the importance of pollination for the production service and breeding strategies, plus the increasing urgency in mitigating the decline of pollinators through the development and implementation of conservation measures. To realize the full potential of the PPI, a multidisciplinary approach is required. This article assembles an international team of genebank managers, geneticists, plant breeders, experts on environmental governance and agro-ecology, and comprises several sections. The contributions in these sections outline both the state of the art of knowledge in the field and the novel aspects under development, and encompass a range of reviews, opinions and perspectives. The first three sections explore the role of PPI in legume breeding strategies. PPI based approaches to crop improvement can make it possible to adapt and re-design breeding strategies to meet both goals of: (1) optimal productivity, based on an efficient use of pollinators, and (2) biodiversity conservation. The next section deals with entomological aspects and focuses on the protection of the “pest control service” and pollinators in legume crops. The final section addresses general approaches to encourage the synergybetweenfoodproductionandpollinationservicesatfarmerfieldlevel.Twobasic approaches are proposed: (a) Farming with Alternative Pollinators and (b) Crop Design System.
Como futuros administrados es importante recordar que nuestra función no será únicamente crear una empresa y generar constantemente ingresos. Esto es una de tantas tareas que tiene una persona que se encamina por crear o ser parte de una empresa, sea grande o pequeña siempre existirán variables que con los años se han convertido más y más indispensables en los procesos de este recorrido. El tema principal de nuestro estudio de caso es entender el concepto del endomarketing o como muchos lo conocen marketing interno; en pocas palabras es algo que por años se ha visto su efectividad en la productividad y satisfacción de los empleados. Google es una de las multinacionales más grandes del mundo, que el ultimo reconocimiento fue por parte de uno de los ranking más influyentes “The World’s Billionaries” ocupando como el CEO de la compañía Larry Page el puesto #12 , que por años ha sabido invertir en su recurso más importante que son sus empleados. En una entrevista con la revista Fortune, Larry exclama que “es importante que la empresa sea una familia, que las personas sientan que son parte de la empresa, y que la empresa es como una familia para ellos. Cuando se trata a las personas de esa manera, se obtiene una mejor productividad”. Con este pequeño ejemplo e idea de cómo una de las marcas más influyentes en el mundo ha fortalecido su mejor recurso por años el cual le ha remunerado con el éxito que tiene hoy en día. Entonces es como el mercadeo interno o endomarketing siendo uno de los conceptos tratados en el mercadeo en general hoy en día, logrando meterse como un modelo de negocio en la mayoría de empresas que existen hoy. Este es uno de los motivos que nos motivó para desarrollar este estudio de caso que verán a continuación, el cual se basa en la investigación y análisis de variables que comprenden a la empresa Petrofac, y si bien ha sabido implementar el concepto en sus procesos diarios. El estudio de caso describe como a través de los años ha sabido implementar con éxito la herramienta de evaluación y análisis del mercado interno a los empleados que constituyen hoy en día Petrofac International Limited. Abarcaremos primero con los objetivos del estudio, seguido del inicio y crecimiento de la empresa en los últimos años, en que países tiene presencia y cuáles son sus proyectos más importantes hoy en día. El estudio de caso será implementado por un tipo de investigación descriptiva, que con la recopilación de suficiente información tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa nos ira fortaleciendo la hipótesis principal, usaremos datos estadísticos que serán recopilados de encuestas, entrevistas y focus group. Al final con el análisis y a las conclusiones que lleguemos se busca demostrar el impacto positivo que ha tenido los empleados de diferentes países y de diferentes culturas que poco a poco han influenciado a la empresa para alcanzar el éxito que ha logrado hasta ahora, y de la misma forma como la empresa ha influenciado en cada una de las vidas de estas personas sin importar el lugar en el que estén laborando, siempre la empresa busca que se sientan parte de ella. Como resultados generales, se obtienen argumentos que sustentan que la implementación del mercadeo interno le permite a la empresa generar ventajas competitivas y dinámicas, que son desarrolladas internamente para un futuro reflejarlas ante los clientes externos. El estudio permitió concluir que el mercadeo interno debe ser una estrategia de comunicación dentro de una empresa convirtiéndose de primera necesidad para la compañía, pues los beneficios que genera son cada vez más necesarios para cada área que abarca el negocio.
Este estudio de caso busca identificar los elementos del portafolio de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago que le permitieron promover exitosamente sus intereses en el Protocolo de Kioto. Al hacer esto, este texto analizará las limitaciones de Trinidad y Tobago en términos de vulnerabilidades de localización, burocracia y recursos. Posteriormente, una revisión del portafolio de política exterior de este Estado ilustrará el uso de estrategias de creación de capacidades y de organización como lo son el contacto con actores institucionales y no gubernamentales, la formación de coaliciones y estrategias argumentativas, entre otras. Finalmente, este artículo concluirá que dichas acciones permitieron la promoción de la agenda de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago a través de la creación de hojas de ruta y la coordinación de la incertidumbre con el Protocolo de Kioto. Para hacer esto, este trabajo se concentrará en examinar conceptos como vulnerabilidad y priorización, asimismo contrastando diferentes artículos académicos en la materia junto con documentos oficiales de Trinidad y Tobago.
Objectives: There is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of how coaching processes psychologically operate. This paper presents the findings from a study aimed to characterise the coaching process experience and to identify how specific experiences contribute to coaching outcomes. Design: A qualitative design was adopted. Data was analysed by Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith, 2008). Method: Data was collected from 10 participants, this included coaches (N=4), coachees (N=5) and one commissioner, three times along the coaching process. A total of 30 interviews were undertaken. Findings: Coaching outcomes can be generated by three essential mechanisms: Projection of Future Self; Perspectivation of Present Self; and Confirmation of Past/Present Self. Each mechanism’s name represents a particular effect on coachee’s self and may evolve diverse coaching behaviours. Although they all can be actively managed to generate sustainability of outcomes, each mechanism tends to contribute differently to that sustainability. Conclusion: The study provides a comprehensive understanding of the different methodological and experiential ingredients of the coaching process and its implications. While most coaching research is focused on identifying coaching results based on a retrospective analysis, this is one of the first studies accompanying longitudinally the coaching process and capturing an integrative understanding of its dynamics. Moreover, the study provides evidence of how coaching can differently deliver sustainable outcomes and be used as a valuable developmental tool in organisations. The study contributes to our understanding of theory building and raises questions for further research on the uniqueness of coaching interventions.
The headquarters and park of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon represent the first modern Portuguese environment with an outstanding relation between exterior and interior as a spatial continuum . As such, the project refused the more common conceptual attitude of interior plus exterior. This unitary view revealed a clear understanding of the proposed site for the project and what could have been Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian (1869-1955) expectations, while concretizing Modern Movement ideals regarding landscape architecture and architecture. Through its design the park mediates the relation between the buildings’ super-structures, the urban context, and the human scale, while generating a unifying system established by the complicity between natural and synthetic materials. From the first moment of the project’s design process, this complicity resulted in a set of strategies that met programmatic
Irradiation is the main component for producing the electricity from solar energy. When obstacles come in between the sun and the PV cell then it doesn’t get sufficient irradiance to produce enough electricity. Shadowing has a great impact on photovoltaic cell. The main fuel of PV cell is solar radiation. Using solar radiation, a photovoltaic cell produces electricity. The shadow on a PV cell decreases the output of the photovoltaic cell. It has been already shown in different papers that shadow effect decreases the output of the PV cell. There are different kinds of shadow effects which are observed, some minimize the PV cell output and some reduce the output to zero. There are different types of shadow based on their effects on the photovoltaic cell. The shadow has also effects depending on whether the PV cells are connected in series connection or in parallel connection. In series when one cell is out of order then the whole series of the PV cells will not work but in parallel connection if one cell is damaged, the others will work because they work independently. According to the output requirement the arrangement of the PV cells are made in series or parallel. Simulink modeling is made for series and parallel connection between two PV cells and the shadow effect is analyzed on one of the PV cells. Using SIMULINK, the shadowing is simulated on the two PV cells, where in one system they are in series and in another system they are in parallel. Slowly the irradiance is decreased to simulate the shadow effect. Simulation of the shadow effect gives an idea about the output of the PV cell system when system has shadow on the PV cells. Here the shadow effect on the two PV cells using series and parallel combinations are simulated and analyzed for understanding the effects on output.
To compare time and risk to biochemical recurrence (BR) after radical prostatectomy of two chronologically different groups of patients using the standard and the modified Gleason system (MGS). Cohort 1 comprised biopsies of 197 patients graded according to the standard Gleason system (SGS) in the period 1997/2004, and cohort 2, 176 biopsies graded according to the modified system in the period 2005/2011. Time to BR was analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier product-limit analysis and prediction of shorter time to recurrence using univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards model. Patients in cohort 2 reflected time-related changes: striking increase in clinical stage T1c, systematic use of extended biopsies, and lower percentage of total length of cancer in millimeter in all cores. The MGS used in cohort 2 showed fewer biopsies with Gleason score ≤ 6 and more biopsies of the intermediate Gleason score 7. Time to BR using the Kaplan-Meier curves showed statistical significance using the MGS in cohort 2, but not the SGS in cohort 1. Only the MGS predicted shorter time to BR on univariate analysis and on multivariate analysis was an independent predictor. The results favor that the 2005 International Society of Urological Pathology modified system is a refinement of the Gleason grading and valuable for contemporary clinical practice.