860 resultados para information and communication sector


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Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) han alcanzando una fuerte expansión en la última década y se convierten en una estrategia clave para la educación científica y tecnológica. Actualmente se realizan significativas inversiones en computadoras e insumos acordes a esta tecnología lo que no garantiza que éstas mejores disponibilidades sean necesariamente conducentes a propuestas educativas aceptables, ya que la incorporación de las TIC en la educación científica no puede consistir en un mero cambio de soporte sin que esto se acompañe de una renovación constructivista del aprendizaje. También se observa un escaso desarrollo y aplicación de las TIC tanto en la formación de grado de las carreras científicas, como en la formación permanente de los docentes. A partir de lo expuesto, nos planteamos los siguientes problemas: ¿cómo generar cursos de formación docente con alternativas virtuales que garanticen la construcción, actualización y transferencia de conocimientos en las disciplinas científicas? ¿qué diseño de materiales se requiere para potenciar aprendizajes flexibles de calidad?, ¿qué dimensiones, variables e indicadores dan cuenta de procesos de comunicación en estos entornos?, ¿Cuáles son las principales estrategias que promueven los desarrollos tecnológicos? ¿De qué manera se lleva a cabo el seguimiento y evaluación de los desarrollos tecnológicos? Para dar respuesta a estos interrogantes nos planteamos este proyecto que tiene por objetivos: diseñar, desarrollar, implementar y evaluar materiales basados en un modelo constructivista que utiliza como soporte las TIC el marco de la "Enseñanza para la Comprensión". Analizar las relaciones que se establecen en el intercambio comunicativo a través de las TIC, ya sea de manera síncrona o asíncrona e identificar las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por los estudiantes cuando trabajan con entornos virtuales. Se profundizará en los siguientes temas: "La materia y sus cambios", "Biotecnología" y "Dilemas investigativos a los que se enfrentan los científicos". Los dos primeros módulos estarán destinados a la formación de futuros docentes en Ciencias y a la formación permanente de docentes en ejercicio. Los usuarios del tercer módulo serán los estudiantes del ciclo de nivelacion. Se propone desarrollar instrumentos de evaluación, adaptando indicadores que sirvan para evaluar el modelo, el diseño de los materiales, el medio tecnológico, la eficiencia de estos programas con TIC. Se van a definir variables que permitan identificar las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por los usuarios de estos desarrollos tecnológicos y las relaciones que se establecen en el intercambio comunicativo de los entornos virtuales, haciendo hincapié en la lecto-escritura científica. Se utilizará la plataforma Moodle que permite la administración de los estudiantes, las interacciones sociales necesarias para integrar una comunidad de aprendizaje a través de los foros y correo electrónico y la evaluación continua de los aprendizajes. El desarrollo de los contenidos específicos y las actividades de aprendizaje se hará en CD interactivos elaborados con diferentes programas de computación. En el desarrollo de los materiales se incluyen algunas simulaciones interactivas que permiten comprender conceptos que habitualmente requerían experimentación fáctica. El estudio se enmarca en la combinación de dos enfoques metodológicos que integran técnicas y procedimientos de análisis tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos. Consideramos que esta investigación es una contribución teórica importante ya que propone mejorar un modelo para la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales introduciendo las TIC. Se espera realizar un aporte novedoso al campo de la Didáctica de las Ciencias con la obtención de los resultados y acciones tendientes a establecer una red de comunicaciones entre los docentes participantes y los investigadores involucrados en el programa, instalada en forma progresiva.


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Article published in Greek in the special issue "The Olympic Games: the mega sports and media event" of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens journal Communication Issues (2004, no.1), discussing the need for establishing a communication model for city-games relations.


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This paper provides evidence on the sources of co-movement in monthly US and UK stock price movements by investigating the role of macroeconomic and financial variables in a bivariate system with time-varying conditional correlations. Crosscountry communality in response is uncovered, with changes in the US Federal Funds rate, UK bond yields and oil prices having similar negative effects in both markets. Other variables also play a role, especially for the UK market. These effects do not, however, explain the marked increase in cross-market correlations observed from around 2000, which we attribute to time variation in the correlations of shocks to these markets. A regime-switching smooth transition model captures this time variation well and shows the correlations increase dramatically around 1999-2000. JEL classifications: C32, C51, G15 Keywords: international stock returns, DCC-GARCH model, smooth transition conditional correlation GARCH model, model evaluation.


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The use of the Internet now has a specific purpose: to find information. Unfortunately, the amount of data available on the Internet is growing exponentially, creating what can be considered a nearly infinite and ever-evolving network with no discernable structure. This rapid growth has raised the question of how to find the most relevant information. Many different techniques have been introduced to address the information overload, including search engines, Semantic Web, and recommender systems, among others. Recommender systems are computer-based techniques that are used to reduce information overload and recommend products likely to interest a user when given some information about the user's profile. This technique is mainly used in e-Commerce to suggest items that fit a customer's purchasing tendencies. The use of recommender systems for e-Government is a research topic that is intended to improve the interaction among public administrations, citizens, and the private sector through reducing information overload on e-Government services. More specifically, e-Democracy aims to increase citizens' participation in democratic processes through the use of information and communication technologies. In this chapter, an architecture of a recommender system that uses fuzzy clustering methods for e-Elections is introduced. In addition, a comparison with the smartvote system, a Web-based Voting Assistance Application (VAA) used to aid voters in finding the party or candidate that is most in line with their preferences, is presented.


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This paper studies dichotomous majority voting in common interest committees where each member receives not only a private signal but also a public signal observed by all of them. The public signal represents, e.g. expert information presented to an entire committee and its quality is higher than that of each individual private signal. We identify two informative symmetric strategy equilibria, namely i) the mixed strategy equilibrium where each member randomizes between following the private and public signals should they disagree; and ii) the pure strategy equilibrium where they follow the public signal for certain. The former outperforms the latter. The presence of the public signal precludes the equilibrium where every member follows their own signal, which is an equilibrium in the absence of the public signal. The mixed strategy equilibrium in the presence of the public signal outperforms the sincere voting equilibrium without the public signal, but the latter may be more efficient than the pure strategy equilibrium in the presence of the public signal. We suggest that whether expert information improves committee decision making depends on equilibrium selection.


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In this study we elicit agents’ prior information set regarding a public good, exogenously give information treatments to survey respondents and subsequently elicit willingness to pay for the good and posterior information sets. The design of this field experiment allows us to perform theoretically motivated hypothesis testing between different updating rules: non-informative updating, Bayesian updating, and incomplete updating. We find causal evidence that agents imperfectly update their information sets. We also field causal evidence that the amount of additional information provided to subjects relative to their pre-existing information levels can affect stated WTP in ways consistent overload from too much learning. This result raises important (though familiar) issues for the use of stated preference methods in policy analysis.


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Objective: The relationship between physicians and patients has undergone¦important changes, and the current emancipation of patients has led to¦a real partnership in medical decision-making. This study aimed to assess¦patients' preferences on different aspects of decision-making during treatment¦and potential complications, as well as the amount and type of preoperative¦information before visceral surgery.¦Methods: Prospective non-randomized study based on a questionnaire given¦to 253 consecutive patients scheduled for elective GI surgery.¦Results: Concerning surgical complications or treatment in the intensive care¦unit, 64% of patients wished to take actively part in any medical decisions.¦The respective figures for cardiac resuscitation and treatment limitations were¦89% and 60%. About information, 73%, 77% and 47% of patients wish¦detailed information, information on a potential ICUhospitalization and cardiac¦resuscitation, respectively. Elderly and low-educated patients were significantly¦less interested in shared medical decision-making (p = 0·003 and 0·015) and in¦information receiving (p = 0·03 and 0·05). Similarly, involvement of the family¦in decision-making was significantly less important in elderly and male patients¦(p = 0·05 and 0·03 respectively). Neither the type of operation (minor or major)¦nor the severity of disease (malignancies vs. non-malignancies) was a significant¦factor for shared decision-making, information or family involvement.¦Conclusion: The vast majority of surgical patients clearly want to get adequate¦preoperative information about their disease and the planned treatment. They¦also consider it as crucial to be involved in any kind of decision-making for¦treatment and complications. The family's role is limited to support the treating¦physicians if the patient is unable to participate in taking decisions.


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Objective. The existence of two vaccines seasonal and pandemic-created the potential for confusion and misinformation among consumers during the 2009-2010 vaccination season. We measured the frequency and nature of influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults for both seasonal and 2009 influenza A(H1N1) vaccination and quantified its association with uptake of the two vaccines.Methods. We analyzed data from 4040 U.S. adult members of a nationally representative online panel surveyed between March 4th and March 24th, 2010. We estimated prevalence rates and adjusted associations between vaccine uptake and vaccination-related communication between patients and healthcare providers using bivariate probit models.Results. 64.1% (95%-CI: 61.5%-66.6%) of adults did not receive any provider-issued influenza vaccination recommendation. Adults who received a provider-issued vaccination recommendation were 14.1 (95%-CI: -2.4 to 30.6) to 32.1 (95%-CI: 24.3-39.8) percentage points more likely to be vaccinated for influenza than adults without a provider recommendation, after adjusting for other characteristics associated with vaccination.Conclusions. Influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults was relatively uncommon during the 2009-2010 pandemic. Increased communication could significantly enhance influenza vaccination rates. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. He Institute houses the all-Ireland population health observatory, INIsPHO. The Institute has enjoyed good working relations with HIQA and welcomes the opportunity to submit its views for inclusion in HIQA’s forthcoming Corporate Plan. Our response highlights the inter-relatedness of the four Functions of HIQA. The Institute believes that HIQA’s first Corporate Plan should aim to develop all four Functions in a co-ordinated manner that recognizes and takes advantage of their inter-dependence. For example; the Health Information Function should include a strong focus on, but not be limited to, information requirements to support the delivery of the other three Functions. As well as gathering relevant information in a complementary way, these other Functions can help define priorities for the Health Information Function. This approach will have implications for the organizational structures and processes within HIQA, and the way it conducts its business.


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Easy Read version of Speech, Language and Communication Therapy Action Plan (2011/12 - 2012/13)