326 resultados para immunogenicity


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Traditional vaccines consisting of whole attenuated microorganisms, killed microorganisms, or microbial components, administered with an adjuvant (e.g. alum), have been proved to be extremely successful. However, to develop new vaccines, or to improve upon current vaccines, new vaccine development techniques are required. Peptide vaccines offer the capacity to administer only the minimal microbial components necessary to elicit appropriate immune responses, minimizing the risk of vaccination associated adverse effects, and focusing the immune response toward important antigens. Peptide vaccines, however, are generally poorly immunogenic, necessitating administration with powerful, and potentially toxic adjuvants. The attachment of lipids to peptide antigens has been demonstrated as a potentially safe method for adjuvanting peptide epitopes. The lipid core peptide (LCP) system, which incorporates a lipidic adjuvant, carrier, and peptide epitopes into a single molecular entity, has been demonstrated to boost immunogenicity of attached peptide epitopes without the need for additional adjuvants. The synthesis of LCP systems normally yields a product that cannot be purified to homogeneity. The current study describes the development of methods for the synthesis of highly pure LCP analogs using native chemical ligation. Because of the highly lipophilic nature of the LCP lipid adjuvant, difficulties (e.g. poor solubility) were experienced with the ligation reactions. The addition of organic solvents to the ligation buffer solubilized lipidic species, but did not result in successful ligation reactions. In comparison, the addition of approximately 1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) proved successful, enabling the synthesis of two highly pure, tri-epitopic Streptococcus pyogenes LCP analogs. Subcutaneous immunization of B10.BR (H-2(k)) mice with one of these vaccines, without the addition of any adjuvant, elicited high levels of systemic IgG antibodies against each of the incorporated peptides. Copyright (c) 2006 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The causal relationship between Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer has motivated the development, and further improvement, of prophylactic vaccines against this virus. 70% of cervical cancers, 80% of which in low-resources countries, are associated to HPV16 and HPV18 infection, with 13 additional HPV types, classified as high-risk, responsible for the remaining 30% of tumors. Current vaccines, Cervarix® (GlaxoSmithKline) and Gardasil®(Merk), are based on virus-like particles (VLP) obtained by self-assembly of the major capsid protein L1. Despite their undisputable immunogenicity and safety, the fact that protection afforded by these vaccines is largely limited to the cognate serotypes included in the vaccine (HPV 16 and 18, plus five additional viral types incorporated into a newly licensed nonavalent vaccine) along with high production costs and reduced thermal stability, are pushing the development of 2nd generation HPV vaccines based on minor capsid protein L2. The increase in protection broadness afforded by the use of L2 cross-neutralizing epitopes, plus a marked reduction of production costs due to bacterial expression of the antigens and a considerable increase in thermal stability could strongly enhance vaccine distribution and usage in low-resource countries. Previous studies from our group identified three tandem repeats of the L2 aa. 20-38 peptide as a strongly immunogenic epitope if exposed on the scaffold protein thioredoxin (Trx). The aim of this thesis work is the improvement of the Trx-L2 vaccine formulation with regard to cross-protection and thermostability, in order to identify an antigen suitable for a phase I clinical trial. By testing Trx from different microorganisms, we selected P. furiosus thioredoxin (PfTrx) as the optimal scaffold because of its sustained peptide epitope constraining capacity and striking thermal stability (24 hours at 100°C). Alternative production systems, such as secretory Trx-L2 expression in the yeast P. pastoris, have also been set-up and evaluated as possible means to further increase production yields, with a concomitant reduction of production costs. Limitations in immune-responsiveness caused by MHC class II polymorphisms –as observed, for example, in different mouse strains- have been overcome by introducing promiscuous T-helper (Th) epitopes, e.g., PADRE (Pan DR Epitope), at both ends of PfTrx. This allowed us to obtain fairly strong immune responses even in mice (C57BL/6) normally unresponsive to the basic Trx-L2 vaccine. Cross-protection was not increased, however. I thus designed, produced and tested a novel multi-epitope formulation consisting of 8 and 11 L2(20-38) epitopes derived from different HPV types, tandemly joined into a single thioredoxin molecule (“concatemers”). To try to further increase immunogenicity, I also fused our 8X and 11X PfTrx-L2 concatemers to the N-terminus of an engineered complement-binding protein (C4bp), capable to spontaneously assemble into ordered hepatmeric structures, previously validated as a molecular adjuvant. Fusion to C4bp indeed improved antigen presentation, with a fairly significant increase in both immunogenicity and cross-protection. Another important issue I addressed, is the reduction of vaccine doses/treatment, which can be achieved by increasing immunogenicity, while also allowing for a delayed release of the antigen. I obtained preliminary, yet quite encouraging results in this direction with the use of a novel, solid-phase vaccine formulation, consisting of the basic PfTrx-L2 vaccine and its C4bp fusion derivative adsorbed to mesoporus silica-rods (MSR).


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Antibodies reactive with native double stranded DNA are characteristic of the chronic inflammatory disease systemic lupus erythematosus. Native DNA is however, a poor immunogen and the mechanism of anti-DNA antibody production is incompletely understood. Modification of DNA can increase its immunogenicity and in inflammatory disease states reactive oxygen species produced from phagocytic cells have been shown to thus modify DNA. In this study, monoclonal antibodies produced spontaneously by two mice strains with lupus-like disease were used in a competition ELISA to monitor changes to DNA induced by reactive oxygen species. Different procedures for reactive oxygen species generation were found to cause distinct and characteristic changes to DNA involving modifications of base residues, the sugar-phosphate backbone and the gross conformational structure of double-stranded DNA. In view of this, it may be possible to use these antibodies further to probe DNA and infer the source and nature of the reactive oxygen species it has been exposed to, particularly in vivo.


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INTRODUCTION: Liposomes remain at the forefront of drug and vaccine design owing to their well-documented abilities to act as delivery vehicles. Nevertheless, the concept of liposomes as delivery vehicles is not a new one, with most works focusing on their use for the delivery of genes and drugs. However, in the last 10 years a significant amount of research has focused on using liposomes as vaccine adjuvants, not only as an antigen delivery vehicle but also as a tool to increase the immunogenicity of peptide and protein antigens. AREAS COVERED: This paper reviews liposomal adjuvants now in vaccine development, with particular emphasis on their adjuvant mechanism and how specific physicochemical characteristics of liposomes affect the immune response. The inclusion of immunomodulators is also discussed, with prominence given to Toll-like receptor ligands. EXPERT OPINION: The use of liposomes as vaccine delivery systems is evolving rapidly owing to the combined increase in technological advances and understanding of the immune system. Liposomes that contain and deliver immunostimulators and antigens are now being developed to target diseases that require stimulation of both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. The CAF liposomal system, described in detail in this review, is one liposomal model that shows such flexibility.


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Immunoinformatics is an emergent branch of informatics science that long ago pullulated from the tree of knowledge that is bioinformatics. It is a discipline which applies informatic techniques to problems of the immune system. To a great extent, immunoinformatics is typified by epitope prediction methods. It has found disappointingly limited use in the design and discovery of new vaccines, which is an area where proper computational support is generally lacking. Most extant vaccines are not based around isolated epitopes but rather correspond to chemically-treated or attenuated whole pathogens or correspond to individual proteins extract from whole pathogens or correspond to complex carbohydrate. In this chapter we attempt to review what progress there has been in an as-yet-underexplored area of immunoinformatics: the computational discovery of whole protein antigens. The effective development of antigen prediction methods would significantly reduce the laboratory resource required to identify pathogenic proteins as candidate subunit vaccines. We begin our review by placing antigen prediction firmly into context, exploring the role of reverse vaccinology in the design and discovery of vaccines. We also highlight several competing yet ultimately complementary methodological approaches: sub-cellular location prediction, identifying antigens using sequence similarity, and the use of sophisticated statistical approaches for predicting the probability of antigen characteristics. We end by exploring how a systems immunomics approach to the prediction of immunogenicity would prove helpful in the prediction of antigens.


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A robust vaginal immune response is considered essential for an effective prophylactic vaccine that prevents transmission of HIV and other sexually acquired diseases. Considerable attention has recently focused on the potential of vaginally administered vaccines as a means to induce such local immunity. However, the potential for vaccination at this site remains in doubt as the vaginal mucosa is generally considered to have low immune inductive potential. In the current study, we explored for the first time the use of a quick release, freeze-dried, solid dosage system for practical vaginal administration of a protein antigen. These solid dosage forms overcome the common problem associated with leakage and poor retention of vaginally administered antigen solutions. Mice were immunized vaginally with H4A, an HIV gp41 envelope based recombinant protein, using quick release, freeze-dried solid rods, and the immune responses compared to a control group immunized via subcutaneous H4A injection. Vaginally immunized mice failed to elicit robust immune responses. Our detailed investigations, involving cytokine analysis, the stability of H4A in mouse cervicovaginal lavage, and elucidation of the state of H4A protein in the immediate-release dosage form, revealed that antigen instability in vaginal fluid, the state of the antigen in the dosage form, and the cytokine profile induced are all likely to have contributed to the observed lack of immunogenicity. These are important factors affecting vaginal immunization and provide a rational basis for explaining the typically poor and variable elicitation of immunity at this site, despite the presence of immune responsive cells within the vaginal mucosae. In future mucosal vaccine studies, a more explicit focus on antigen stability in the dosage form and the immune potential of available antigen-responsive cells is recommended.


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Vaccination remains a key tool in the protection and eradication of diseases. However, the development of new safe and effective vaccines is not easy. Various live organism based vaccines currently licensed, exhibit high efficacy; however, this benefit is associated with risk, due to the adverse reactions found with these vaccines. Therefore, in the development of vaccines, the associated risk-benefit issues need to be addressed. Sub-unit proteins offer a much safer alternative; however, their efficacy is low. The use of adjuvanted systems have proven to enhance the immunogenicity of these sub-unit vaccines through protection (i.e. preventing degradation of the antigen in vivo) and enhanced targeting of these antigens to professional antigen-presenting cells. Understanding of the immunological implications of the related disease will enable validation for the design and development of potential adjuvant systems. Novel adjuvant research involves the combination of both pharmaceutical analysis accompanied by detailed immunological investigations, whereby, pharmaceutically designed adjuvants are driven by an increased understanding of mechanisms of adjuvant activity, largely facilitated by description of highly specific innate immune recognition of components usually associated with the presence of invading bacteria or virus. The majority of pharmaceutical based adjuvants currently being investigated are particulate based delivery systems, such as liposome formulations. As an adjuvant, liposomes have been shown to enhance immunity against the associated disease particularly when a cationic lipid is used within the formulation. In addition, the inclusion of components such as immunomodulators, further enhance immunity. Within this review, the use and application of effective adjuvants is investigated, with particular emphasis on liposomal-based systems. The mechanisms of adjuvant activity, analysis of complex immunological characteristics and formulation and delivery of these vaccines are considered.


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The combination of dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA) and the synthetic cord factor trehalose dibehenate (TDB) with Ag85B-ESAT-6 (H1 fusion protein) has been found to promote strong protective immune responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The development of a vaccine formulation that is able to facilitate the requirements of sterility, stability and generation of a vaccine product with acceptable composition, shelf-life and safety profile may necessitate selected alterations in vaccine formulation. This study describes the implementation of a sterilisation protocol and the use of selected lyoprotective agents in order to fulfil these requirements. Concomitantly, close analysis of any alteration in physico-chemical characteristics and parameters of immunogenicity have been examined for this promising DDA liposome-based tuberculosis vaccine. The study addresses the extensive guidelines on parameters for non-clinical assessment, suitable for liposomal vaccines and other vaccine delivery systems issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA). Physical and chemical stability was observed following alteration in formulations to include novel cryoprotectants and radiation sterilisation. Immunogenicity was maintained following these alterations and even improved by modification with lysine as the cryoprotective agent for sterilised formulations. Taken together, these results outline the successful alteration to a liposomal vaccine, representing improved formulations by rational modification, whilst maintaining biological activity.


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Introduction: The requirement of adjuvants in subunit protein vaccination is well known yet their mechanisms of action remain elusive. Of the numerous mechanisms suggested, cationic liposomes appear to fulfil at least three: the antigen depot effect, the delivery of antigen to antigen presenting cells (APCs) and finally the danger signal. We have investigated the role of antigen depot effect with the use of dual radiolabelling whereby adjuvant and antigen presence in tissues can be quantified. In our studies a range of cationic liposomes and different antigens were studied to determine the importance of physical properties such as liposome surface charge, antigen association and inherent lipid immunogenicity. More recently we have investigated the role of liposome size with the cationic liposome formulation DDA:TDB, composed of the cationic lipid dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and the synthetic mycobacterial glycolipid trehalose 6,6’-dibehenate (TDB). Vesicle size is a frequently investigated parameter which is known to result in different routes of endocytosis. It has been postulated that targeting different routes leads to different intracellular signaling pathway activation and it is certainly true that numerous studies have shown vesicle size to have an effect on the resulting immune responses (e.g. Th1 vs. Th2). Aim: To determine the effect of cationic liposome size on the biodistribution of adjuvant and antigen, the ensuing humoral and cell-mediated immune responses and the uptake and activation of antigen by APCs including macrophages and dendritic cells. Methods: DDA:TDB liposomes were made to three different sizes (~ 0.2, 0.5 and 2 µm) followed by the addition of tuberculosis antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 therefore resulting in surface adsorption. Liposome formulations were injected into Balb/c or C57Bl/6 mice via the intramuscular route. The biodistribution of the liposome formulations was followed using dual radiolabelling. Tissues including muscle from the site of injection and local draining lymph nodes were removed and liposome and antigen presence quantified. Mice were also immunized with the different vaccine formulations and cytokine production (from Ag85B-ESAT-6 restimulated splenocytes) and antibody presence in blood assayed. Furthermore, splenocyte proliferation after restimulating with Ag85B-ESAT-6 was measured. Finally, APCs were compared for their ability to endocytose vaccine formulations and the effect this had on the maturation status of the cell populations was compared. Flow cytometry and fluorescence labelling was used to investigate maturation marker up-regulation and efficacy of phagocytosis. Results: Our results show that for an efficient Ag85B-ESAT-6 antigen depot at the injection site, liposomes composed of DDA and TDB are required. There is no significant change in the presence of liposome or antigen at 6hrs or 24hrs p.i, nor does liposome size have an effect. Approximately 0.05% of the injected liposome dose is detected in the local draining lymph node 24hrs p.i however protein presence is low (<0.005% dose). Preliminary in vitro data shows liposome and antigen endocytosis by macrophages; further studies on this will be presented in addition to the results of the immunisation study.


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Sensitive and precise radioimmunoassays for insulin and glucagon have been established. Although it was possible to employ similar precepts to the development of both hormone assays, the establishment of a reliable glucagon radioimmunoassay was complicated by the poor immunogenicity and instability of the peptide. Thus, unlike insulin antisera which were prepared by monthly injection of guinea pigs with crystalline insulin emulsified in adjuvant, the successful production of glucagon antisera was accomplished by immunisation of rabbits and guinea pigs with glucagon covalently linked to bovine plasma albumin. The conventional chloramine-T iodination with purification by gel chromatography was only suitable for the production of labelled insulin. Quality tracer for use in the glucagon radioimmunoassay was prepared by trace iodination, with subsequent purification of monoiodinated glucagon by anion exchange chromatography. Separation of free and antibody bound moieties by coated charcoal was applicable to both hormone assays, and a computerised data processing system, relying on logit-log transformation, was used to analyse all assay results. The assays were employed to evaluate the regulation of endocrine pancreatic function and the role of insulin and glucagon in the pathogenesis of the obese hyperglycaemic syndrome in mice. In the homozygous (ob/ob) condition, mice of the Birmingham strain were characterised by numerous abnormalities of glucose homeostasis, several of which were detected in heterozygous (ob/+) mice. Obese mice exhibited pancreatic alpha cell dysfunction and hyperglucagonaemia. Investigation of this defect revealed a marked insensitivity of an insulin dependent glucose sensing mechanism that inhibited glucagon secretion. Although circulating glucagon was of minor importance in the maintenance of hyperinsulinaemia, lack of suppression of alpha cell function by glucose and insulin contributed significantly to both the insulin insensitivity and the hyperglycaemia of obese mice.


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A variety of islet microencapsulation techniques have been investigated to establish which method provides the least occlusive barrier to net insulin release in vitro, and optimum biocompatibility for islet implantation in vivo. NMRI mouse islets have been microencapsulated with Na+ -alginate-poly-L-lysine (PLL)/poly-L-ornithine (PLO)-alginate, Ba2+ -alginate and agarose gels. Both free and microencapsulated islets responded to glucose challenge in static incubation and perifusion by significantly increasing their rate of insulin release and theophylline significantly potentiated the insulin response to glucose. While little insulin was released from microencapsulated islets after short term (2 hours) static incubation, significantly greater amounts were released in response to glucose challenge after extended (8-24 hours) incubation. However, insulin release from all types of microencapsulated islets was significantly reduced compared with free islets. Na+ -alginate-PLO-alginate microencapsulated islets were significantly more responsive to elevated glucose than Na+ -alginate-PLL-alginate microencapsulated islets, due to the enhanced porosity of PLO membranes. The outer alginate layer created a significant barrier to glucose/insulin exchange and reduced the insulin responsiveness of microencapsulated islets to glucose. Ba2+ -alginate membrane coated islets, generated by the density gradient method, were the most responsive to glucose challenge. Low concentrations of NG-monomethyl L-arginine (L-NMMA) had no significant effect on glucose stimulated insulin release from either free or microencapsulated islets. However, 1.0 mmol/1 L-NMMA significantly inhibited the insulin response of both free and microencapsulated islets to glucose challenge. In vivo work designed to evaluate the extent of pericapsular fibrosis after 28 days ip. and sc. implantation of microencapsulated islets into STZ-diabetic recipients, revealed that the inclusion of islets within microcapsules increased their immunogenicity and markedly increased the extent of pericapsular fibrosis. When the outer alginate layer was omitted from microcapsules, little or no pericapsular mononuclear cell deposition was observed. The subcutaneous site was not suitable for microencapsulated islet transplantation in NMRI recipient mice. Systemic immunosuppression using cyclosporin A was effective in preventing pericapsular mononuclear cell deposition, while L-NMMA loading into microcapsules had no significant effect on pericapsular fibrosis, although it did maintain the integrity of microencapsulated islets.


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In recent years, much interest has focused on the significance of inducing not only systemic immunity but also good local immunity at susceptible mucosal surfaces. A new field of mucosal immunity has been established as information accumulates on gut-associated lymphoid tissue, bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue and nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT, BALT and NALT, respectively) and on their role in both local and systemic immune responses. This project, following the line of investigation started by other workers, was designed to study the use of microspheres to deliver antigens by the mucosal routes (oral and nasal). Antigen-containing microspheres were prepared with PLA and PLGA, by either entrapment within the particles or adsorption onto the surface. The model protein antigens used in this work were mainly tetanus toxoid (TT), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and γ-globulins.In vitro investigations included the study of physicochemical properties of the particulate carriers as well as the assessment of stability of the antigen molecules throughout the formulation procedures. Good loading efficiencies were obtained with both formulation techniques, which did not affect the immunogenicity of the antigens studied. The influence of the surfactant employed on the microspheres' surface properties was demonstrated as well as its implications on the adsorption of proteins. Preparations containing protein adsorbed were shown to be slightly more hydrophobic than empty PLA microspheres, which can enhance the uptake of particles by the antigen presenting cells that prefer to associate with hydrophobic surfaces. Systemic and mucosal immune responses induced upon nasal, oral and intramuscular administration have been assessed and, when appropriate, compared with the most widely used vaccine adjuvant, aluminium hydroxide. The results indicate that association of TT with PLA microspheres through microencapsulation or adsorption procedures led to an enhancement of specific mucosal IgA and IgG and systemic IgG responses to the mucosal delivered antigens. Particularly, nasal administration of TT produced significantly higher serum levels of specific IgG in test animals, as compared to control groups, suggesting that this is a potential route for vaccination. This implies the uptake and transfer of particles through the nasal mucosa, which was further demonstrated by the presence in the blood stream of latex particles as early as 10 min after nasal administration.


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Liposomes remain at the forefront of vaccine design due to their well documented abilities to act as delivery vehicles and adjuvants. Liposomes have been described to initiate an antigen depot-effect, thereby increasing antigen exposure to circulating antigen-presenting cells. More recently, in-depth reviews have focussed on inherent immunostimulatory abilities of various cationic lipids, the use of which is consequently of interest in the development of subunit protein vaccines which when delivered without an adjuvant are poorly immunogenic. The importance of liposomes for the mediation of an antigen depot-effect was examined by use of a dual-radiolabelling technique thereby allowing simultaneous detection of liposomal and antigenic components and analysis of their pharmacokinetic profile. In addition to investigating the biodistribution of these formulations, their physicochemical properties were analysed and the ability of the various liposome formulations to elicit humoral and cell-mediated immune responses was investigated. Our results show a requirement of cationic charge and medium/strong levels of antigen adsorption to the cationic liposome in order for both a liposome and antigen depot-effect to occur at the injection site. The choice of injection route had little effect on the pharmacokinetics or immunogenicity observed. In vitro, cationic liposomes were more cytotoxic than neutral liposomes due to significantly enhanced levels of cell uptake. With regards to the role of bilayer fluidity, liposomes expressing more rigid bilayers displayed increased retention at the injection site although this did not necessarily result in increased antigen retention. Furthermore, liposome bilayer rigidity did not necessarily correlate with improved immunogenicity. In similar findings, liposome size did not appear to control liposome or antigen retention at the injection site. However, a strong liposome size correlation between splenocyte proliferation and production of IL-10 was noted; specifically immunisation with large liposomes lead to increased levels of splenocyte proliferation coupled with decreased IL-10 production.


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It has been postulated that immunogenicity results from the overall dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins versus the host proteome. We have sought to use this concept to discriminate between antigens and non-antigens of bacterial origin. Sets of 100 known antigenic and nonantigenic peptide sequences from bacteria were compared to human and mouse proteomes. Both antigenic and non-antigenic sequences lacked human or mouse homologues. Observed distributions were compared using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The statistical null hypothesis was accepted, indicating that antigen and non-antigens did not differ significantly. Likewise, we were unable to determine a threshold able to separate meaningfully antigen from non-antigen. Thus, antigens cannot be predicted from pathogen genomes based solely on their dissimilarity to the human genome.


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Computational genome analysis enables systematic identification of potential immunogenic proteins within a pathogen. Immunogenicity is a system property that arises through the interaction of host and pathogen as mediated through the medium of a immunogenic protein. The overt dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins when compared to the host proteome is conjectured by some to be the determining principal of immunogenicity. Previously, we explored this idea in the context of Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal antigen. In this paper, we broaden and extend our analysis to include complex antigens of eukaryotic origin, arising from tumours and from parasite pathogens. For both types of antigen, known antigenic and non-antigenic protein sequences were compared to human and mouse proteomes. In contrast to our previous results, both visual inspection and statistical evaluation indicate a much wider range of homologues and a significant level of discrimination; but, as before, we could not determine a viable threshold capable of properly separating non-antigen from antigen. In concert with our previous work, we conclude that global proteome dissimilarity is not a useful metric for immunogenicity for presently available antigens arising from Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and tumours. While we see some signal for certain antigen types, using dissimilarity is not a useful approach to identifying antigenic molecules within pathogen genomes.