862 resultados para idrodinamica, fluidi, Navier-Stokes, Kelvin, Jeans
La propagación frecuente de ondas Kelvin de hundimiento o “downwelling” atrapadas a la costa, suele caracterizar la ocurrencia de El Niño costero frente al Perú. Estas ondas causan la elevación del nivel del mar y se asocian a la profundización de la estructura vertical sub-superficial de la columna de agua, influenciando en la fertilidad del afloramiento costero. En el presente estudio se describe la variabilidad mensual de la estructura vertical de la columna de agua frente a la costa de Paita-Piura y se comparan con anomalías del nivel del mar frente a Galápagos y en la costa norte del país. Para tal propósito se calculó una climatología con la base de datos histórica de temperatura del punto fijo de Paita, puesta a disposición por el Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), para el periodo 1994-2010. Luego de la remoción de datos extremos dudosos, se realizó una interpolación vertical de los datos cada 10 m y una climatología de los datos a frecuencia mensual. La serie de tiempo de anomalía de temperatura muestra una gran consistencia con el arribo de ondas Kelvin a las costa de Sudamérica, por lo cual su monitoreo es de gran utilidad para la alerta temprana de El Niño.
We have designed and built an experimental device, which we called a "thermoelectric bridge." Its primary purpose is simultaneous measurement of the relative Peltier and Seebeck coefficients. The systematic errors for both coefficients are equal with this device and manipulation is not necessary between the measurement of one coefficient and the other. Thus, this device is especially suitable for verifying their linear relation postulated by Lord Kelvin. Also, simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity is described in the text. A sample is made up of the couple nickel¿platinum, taking measurements in the range of ¿20¿60°C and establishing the dependence of each coefficient with temperature, with nearly equal random errors ±0.2%, and systematic errors estimated at ¿0.5%. The aforementioned Kelvin relation is verified in this range from these results, proving that the behavioral deviations are ¿0.3% contained in the uncertainty ±0.5% caused by the propagation of errors
This paper presents a model of the Stokes emission vector from the ocean surface. The ocean surface is described as an ensemble of facets with Cox and Munk's (1954) Gram-Charlier slope distribution. The study discusses the impact of different up-wind and cross-wind rms slopes, skewness, peakedness, foam cover models and atmospheric effects on the azimuthal variation of the Stokes vector, as well as the limitations of the model. Simulation results compare favorably, both in mean value and azimuthal dependence, with SSM/I data at 53° incidence angle and with JPL's WINDRAD measurements at incidence angles from 30° to 65°, and at wind speeds from 2.5 to 11 m/s.
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is rapidly developing into a unique microscopic tool in biophysics, biology and the material sciences. The nonlinear nature of CARS spectroscopy complicates the analysis of the received spectra. There were developed mathematical methods for signal processing and for calculations spectra. Fourier self-deconvolution is a special high pass FFT filter which synthetically narrows the effective trace bandwidth features. As Fourier self-deconvolution can effectively reduce the noise, which may be at a higher spatial frequency than the peaks, without losing peak resolution. The idea of the work is to experiment the possibility of using wavelet decomposition in spectroscopic for background and noise removal, and Fourier transformation for linenarrowing.
Lanthanum lutetium oxide (LaLuO3) thin films were investigated considering their perspective application for industrial microelectronics. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques permitted to visualize the surface topography and study the electric properties. This work compared both the material properties (charge behavior for samples of 6 nm and 25 nm width) and the applied SPM modes. Particularly, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize local potential difference with high lateral resolution. Measurements showed the difference in morphology, chargeability and charge dissipation time for both samples. The polarity effect was detected for this material for the first time. Lateral spreading of the charged spots indicate the diffusive mechanism to be predominant in charge dissipation. This allowed to estimate the diffusion coefficient and mobility. Using simple electrostatic model it was found that charge is partly leaking into the interface oxide layer.
Psychotria ipecacuanha é uma espécie medicinal da família Rubiaceae, importante pela produção em suas raízes do alcalóide emetina. Foram feitas análises das três populações disjuntas que compõem a espécie e que ocorrem na América Central (Nicarágua, Costa Rica e Panamá) e Colômbia, sul da Floresta Amazônica (Rondônia e Mato Grosso) e Mata Atlântica (Pernambuco até Paraná). Foram utilizados, no estabelecimento dos limites inter e intraespecíficos, todos os dados morfológicos vegetativos e reprodutivos disponíveis e feita análise dos componentes principais, que permitiram concluir que não existem diferenças significativas entre as populações examinadas. As poucas diferenças individuais observadas não estão relacionadas com a distribuição geográfica das populações examinadas. Como conclusão, a ipecacuanha ao longo de toda sua distribuição geográfica foi considerada como uma só espécie, Psychotria ipecacuanha (Brot.) Stokes. Além da análise taxonômica, são apresentados neste trabalho dados anatômicos e sobre o número de cromossomos da espécie.
Psychotria ipecacuanha is a perennial, medicinal herb that grows in clusters in the understory of humid, shady areas of the Atlantic Rain Forest of southeastern Brazil. The present study characterized the variation in floral traits among 35 clusters from three natural populations of this plant species. Field observations showed that the clusters are isomorphic, that is, a given cluster will either set long-styled or short-styled flowers. Stigmas and anthers are reciprocally placed in each morph, a dimorphism characteristic of distyly. The populations are isoplethic, that is, a given population exhibits an equilibrium 1:1 ratio of floral morphs. Morphometric analyses revealed that anther length, stigma length, corolla diameter, and pollen grain diameter were consistently greater in short-styled flowers, regardless of the population investigated. Significant differences for floral traits in the short-styled morph were found among populations. Floral traits in the long-styled morph also showed some significant differences among populations, but not for stigma height and corolla length. Controlled pollinations carried out in natural populations showed that fruit production was higher after inter-morph pollination. Nevertheless, observations of pollen tube growth in style, and also fruit production after spontaneous self-pollination and intra-morph pollination, indicated partial intramorph compatibility in this plant species.
ZrO2 nanocomposites were investigated considering their perspective application in hygroelectric power elements. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques allowed to visualize the surface topography and electrical properties. In this work was compared spacial charge behaviour of sample in humid and dry air conditions. Also different SPM modes were compared. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize the spacial charge distribution on surface of the sample. Measurements showed, that trapped charge is not dissipated and can be manipulated with low voltages. Humidity influence on the electric potential of the sample was shown.
Il est connu qu’une équation différentielle linéaire, x^(k+1)Y' = A(x)Y, au voisinage d’un point singulier irrégulier non-résonant est uniquement déterminée (à isomorphisme analytique près) par : (1) sa forme normale formelle, (2) sa collection de matrices de Stokes. La définition des matrices de Stokes fait appel à un ordre sur les parties réelles des valeurs propres du système, ordre qui peut être perturbé par une rotation en x. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons établi le caractère intrinsèque de cette relation : nous avons donc établi comment la nouvelle collection de matrices de Stokes obtenue après une rotation en x qui change l’ordre des parties réelles des valeurs propres dépend de la collection initiale. Pour ce faire, nous donnons un chapitre de préliminaires généraux sur la forme normale des équations différentielles ordinaires puis un chapitre sur le phénomène de Stokes pour les équations différentielles linéaires. Le troisième chapitre contient nos résultats.
The method of approximate approximations is based on generating functions representing an approximate partition of the unity, only. In the present paper this method is used for the numerical solution of the Poisson equation and the Stokes system in R^n (n = 2, 3). The corresponding approximate volume potentials will be computed explicitly in these cases, containing a one-dimensional integral, only. Numerical simulations show the efficiency of the method and confirm the expected convergence of essentially second order, depending on the smoothness of the data.