305 resultados para guilty plea
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate whether older adults conform more than young and middle-aged adults on a juror decision making task. Degree of group pressure, personality characteristics, gender, and social influence processes were also examined.^ Registered voters (208 participants) completed a personality questionnaire. Several weeks later, groups of six participants listened to a robbery case that portrayed the defendant as guilty. Afterwards, participants completed the first of two ballots. On the first, participants rated the defendant's degree of guilt and scored their degree of certainty in this verdict rating. They also indicated in writing which piece of information (a statement of evidence) from the robbery case supported their verdict ratings. Next, participants reviewed photocopies of five contrived first ballots. Then participants completed second ballots, in which they again rated the defendant's degree of guilt and scored their degree of certainty in this verdict rating. Finally, participants rated the importance of the five contrived first ballot verdict ratings (normative social influence) and statements of evidence (informational social influence) in reaching their second ballot verdict ratings.^ The results demonstrated that not only did older adults conform as expected, but all age groups conformed; that is, all age groups changed their verdict ratings. After reviewing the other jurors' contrived first ballots (group pressure), participants rated the defendant as less guilty on their second ballot than on their first. However, only older adults significantly changed their level of certainty in their verdict ratings from first to second ballot compared to young and middle-aged adults. With regard to personality characteristics, only rigidity predicted conformity in young and middle-aged adults but not in older adults. It was also found that females conformed more than males. Finally, all three age groups reported that different social influence processes (normative vs. informational) were important in reaching their second ballot verdict ratings. The results of this research indicate that various factors can influence young, middle-aged, and older adults as they reach verdicts. Knowledge of these factors may help alter stereotypes of older adults in terms of conformity, rigidity, and desirability as jurors. ^
The current study investigated the exculpatory value of alibi evidence when presented together with various types of incriminating evidence. Previous research has reported that alibi evidence could weaken the effects of DNA evidence and eyewitness identification. The present study assessed the effectiveness of alibi evidence in counteracting defendant's confession (experiment 1) and eyewitness evidence (experiment 2). In experiment 1, three levels of alibi evidence (none, weak, strong) were combined with three levels of confession evidence (voluntary, elicited under low pressure, elicited under high pressure). Results indicated significant main effects of confession and alibi and an alibi by confession interaction. Of participants exposed to high-pressure confession, those in the strong alibi condition rendered lower guilt estimates than those in the no alibi condition. In experiment 2, three levels of alibi were combined with two levels of eyewitness evidence (bad view, good view). A main effect of alibi was obtained, but no interaction between alibi and eyewitness evidence. ^ An explanation of this pattern is based in part on the Story Model (Pennington & Hastie, 1992) and a novel “culpability threshold” model of juror decision-making. The Story Model suggests that jurors generate verdict stories (interpretations of events consistent with a guilty or not guilty verdict) based on trial evidence. If the evidence in favor of guilt exceeds jurors' threshold for perceiving culpability, jurors will fail to properly consider exonerating evidence. However, when the strength of incriminating evidence does not exceed the jurors' threshold, they are likely to give appropriate consideration to exculpatory evidence in their decisions. ^ Presentation of a reliable confession in Experiment 1 exceeded jurors' culpability threshold and rendered alibi largely irrelevant. In contrast, presentation of a high-pressure confession failed to exceed jurors' culpability threshold, so jurors turned to alibi evidence in their decisions. Similarly, in the second experiment, eyewitness evidence (in general) was not strong enough to surpass the culpability threshold, and thus jurors incorporated alibi evidence in their decisions. A third study is planned to further test this “culpability threshold” model, further explore various types of alibi evidence, and clarify when exculpatory evidence will sufficiently weaken the prosecution's “story.” ^
The purpose of the current study was to attempt to model various cognitive and social processes that are believed to lead to false confessions. More specifically, this study manipulated the variables of experimenter expectancy, guilt-innocence of the suspect, and interrogation techniques using the Russano et al. (2005) paradigm. The primary measure of interest was the likelihood of the participant signing the confession statement. By manipulating experimenter expectancy, the current study sought to further explore the social interactions that may occur in the interrogation room. In addition, in past experiments, the interrogator has typically been restricted to the use of one or two interrogation techniques. In the present study, interrogators were permitted to select from 15 different interrogation techniques when attempting to solicit a confession from participants. ^ Consistent with Rusanno et al. (2005), guilty participants (94%) were more likely to confess to the act of cheating than innocent participants (31%). The variable of experimenter expectancy did not effect confessions rates, length of interrogation, or the type of interrogation techniques used. Path analysis revealed feelings of pressure and the weighing of consequences on the part of the participant were associated with the signing of the confession statement. The findings suggest the guilt/innocence of the participant, the participant's perceptions of the interrogation situation, and length of interrogation play a pivotal role in the signing of the confession statement. Further examination of these variables may provide researchers with a better understanding of the relationship between interrogations and confessions. ^
Individual cues to deception are subtle and often missed by lay people and law enforcement alike. Linguistic statement analysis remains a potentially useful way of overcoming individual diagnostic limitations (e.g. Criteria based Content Analysis; Steller & Köhnken, 1989; Reality monitoring; Johnson & Raye, 1981; Scientific Content Analysis; Sapir, 1996). Unfortunately many of these procedures are time-consuming, require in-depth training, as well as lack empirical support and/or external validity. The current dissertation develops a novel approach to statement veracity analysis that is simple to learn, easy to administer, theoretically sound, and empirically validated. Two strategies were proposed for detecting differences between liars' and truth-tellers' statements. Liars were hypothesized to strategically write statements with the goal of self-exoneration. Liars' statements were predicted to contain more first person pronouns and fewer third person pronouns. Truth-tellers were hypothesized to be motivated toward being informative and thus produce statements with fewer first person pronouns and more third person pronouns. Three studies were conducted to test this hypothesis. The first study explored the verbal patterns of exoneration and informativeness focused statements. The second study used a traditional theft paradigm to examine these verbal patterns in guilty liars and innocent truth tellers. In the third study to better match the context of a criminal investigation a cheating paradigm was used in which spontaneous lying was induced and written statements were taken. Support for the first person pronoun hypothesis was found. Limited support was found for the third person pronoun hypothesis. Results, implications, and future directions for the current research are discussed.
Police investigators rely heavily on eliciting confessions from suspects to solve crimes and prosecute offenders. Therefore, it is essential to develop evidence-based interrogation techniques that will motivate guilty suspects to confess but minimize false confessions from the innocent. Currently, there is little scientific support for specific interrogation techniques that may increase true confessions and decrease false confessions. Rapport building is a promising possibility. Despite its recommendation in police interrogation guidelines, there is no scientific evidence showing the effect of rapport building in police interrogations. The current study examined, experimentally, whether using rapport as an interrogation technique would influence participants’ decisions to confess to a wrongdoing. It was hypothesized that building rapport with participants would lead to more true confessions and fewer false confessions than not building rapport. One hundred and sixty nine undergraduates participated in the study. Participants worked on logic problems together and individually, with a study confederate. The confederate asked half of the participants for help in one of the individual problems – effectively breaking the rules of the study. After working on these problems, a research assistant playing the role of interviewer came into the room, built rapport or not with participants, accused all participants of cheating by sharing answers on the individual problems, and asked them to sign a statement admitting their guilt. Results indicated that guilty participants were more likely to sign the confession statement than innocent participants. However, there were no significant differences on participants’ confession decisions based on the level of rapport they experienced. Results do not provide support for the hypothesis that building rapport increases the likelihood of obtaining true confessions and decreases the likelihood of obtaining false confessions. These findings suggest that, despite the overwhelming recommendation for the use of rapport with suspects, its actual implementation may not have a direct impact on the outcome of interrogations.
Student’s mistakes as viewed in a didactic and pedagogical perspective are a phenomenon inevitably observed in any context in which formal teaching-andlearning processes are taking place. Researchers have shown that such mistakes are viewed most of the times as undesirable and often as a consequence of lack of attention or poor commitment on the part of the student and rarely considered didactically useful. The object of our reflections in this work is exactly those mistakes, which are born in the entrails of the teaching-and-learning processes. It is our understanding that a mistake constitutes a tool which mediates knowledge and may therefore become a strong ally of the instructor’s actions in her/his teaching tasks and thus should be taken into the teacher’s best consideration. Understanding a mistake as so, we postulate that the teacher must face it as a possibility to be exploited rather than as a negative occurrence. Such an attitude on the part of the teacher would undoubtedly render profitable didactic situations. To deepen the understanding of our aim, we took a case study on the perception of senior college students in the program of Mathematics at UFRN in the year 2009, 2nd term. The reason of this choice is the fact that Mathematics is the field presenting traditionally the poorest records in terms of school grades. In this work we put forth data associated to ENEM1 , to the UFRN Vestibular2 and the undergraduate courses on Mathematics. The theoretical matrixes supporting our reflections in this thesis follow the ideas proposed by Castorina (1988); Davis e Espósito (1990); Aquino (1997); Luckesi (2006); Cury (1994; 2008); Pinto (2000); Torre (2007). To carry out the study, we applied a semi-structured questionnaire containing 14 questions, out of which 10 were open questions. The questions were methodologically based on the Thematic Analysis – One of the techniques for Content Analysis schemed by Bardin (1977) – and it was also used the computer program Modalisa 6.0 (A software designed by faculties the University of Paris VIII). The results indicate that most of the teachers training instructors in their pedagogical practice view the mistakes made by their students only as a guide for grading and, in this procedure, the student is frequently labeled as guilty. Conclusive analyses, therefore, signal to the necessity of orienting the teachers training instructors in the sense of building a new theoretical contemplation of the students’ mistakes and their pedagogical potentialities and so making those professionals perceive the importance of such mistakes, since they reveal gaps in the process of learning and provide valuable avenues for the teaching procedures.
Surveying habitats critical to the survival of grey nurse sharks in South-East Queensland has mapped critical habitats, gathered species inventories and developed protocols for ecological monitoring of critical habitats in southern Queensland. This information has assisted stakeholders with habitat definition and effective management. In 2002 members of UniDive applied successfully for World Wide Fund for Nature, Threatened Species Network funds to map the critical Grey Nurse Shark Habitats in south east Queensland. UniDive members used the funding to survey, from the boats of local dive operators, Wolf Rock at Double Island Point, Gotham, Cherub's Cave, Henderson's Rock and China Wall at North Moreton and Flat Rock at Point Look Out during 2002 and 2003. These sites are situated along the south east Queensland coast and are known to be key Grey Nurse Shark aggregation sites. During the project UniDive members were trained in mapping and survey techniques that include identification of fish, invertebrates and substrate types. Training was conducted by experts from the University of Queensland (Centre of Marine Studies, Biophysical Remote Sensing) and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service who are also UniDive members. The monitoring methods (see methods) are based upon results of the UniDive Coastcare project from 2002, the international established Reef Check program and research conducted by Biophysical Remote Sensing and the Centre of Marine Studies. Habitats were mapped using a combination of towed GPS photo transects, aerial photography, bathymetry surveys and expert knowledge. This data provides georeferenced information regarding the major features of each of Sites mapped including Wolf Rock
Existing evidence pertaining to Ireland’s Nine Years’ War (1594–1603) strongly lends itself to the impression that the majority of Old English Palesmen, at least those of higher social status, chose to support the English crown during this conflict rather than their co-religionist Gaelic Irish countrymen. Loyalties, however, were anything but straightforward and could depend on any number of cultural values, social concerns, and economic incentives. Nevertheless, James Fitzpiers Fitzgerald, a ‘Bastard Geraldine’ who served as sheriff of Kildare, seemed to have been driven by a genuine sense of duty to the English crown and establishment. With the outbreak of hostilities in the 1590s, Fitzpiers proved to be a devout crown servitor, risking life and limb to confront the English queen’s Irish enemies. But, in late 1598 he suddenly, and somewhat inexplicably, threw his lot in with the Irish confederacy, defying the government he had once championed. During the ensuing investigation, the Dublin administration accumulated much damning evidence against Fitzpiers, including a patriotic plea from rebel leader Hugh O’Neill which urged Fitzpiers to defend his Irish homeland from the oppressions of English Protestant rule. Yet, at the very same time, a counter case was made by Fitzpiers’s controversial English friend, Captain Thomas Lee, which argued that Fitzpiers’s actions were more loyal than anyone could have imagined. Through an examination of Fitzpiers’s perplexing case, this paper will explore the complicated nature of allegiances in 1590s Ireland and how loyalties were not always what they seemed.
Objectif. Les jeunes crossover sont définis comme des adolescents qui sont à la fois victimes de maltraitance et délinquants juvéniles. L'objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner les relations entre les paramètres de la maltraitance (ex., récurrence, sous-types et variété) et les paramètres de la délinquance juvénile (ex., précocité, volume, variété, gravité moyenne et présence de sous-types) vécus par les jeunes crossover. Méthodes. La source des données est constituée de rapports officiels pour tous les adolescents et adolescentes québécois qui ont plaidé coupables ou ont été reconnus coupables d'un crime entre le 1e janvier 2005 et le 31 décembre 2010. D'abord, un portrait des jeunes crossover québécois est dressé à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des analyses multivariées sont utilisées pour déterminer si les paramètres de la maltraitance prédisent les différentes dimensions de la délinquance et pour examiner les différences selon le sexe. Résultats. La délinquance des jeunes crossover est plus importante que celle des délinquants non-maltraités. Les expériences différentielles de la maltraitance sont liées à des paramètres hétérogènes de la délinquance juvénile. La récurrence de la maltraitance est un prédicteur important des paramètres de la délinquance ultérieure. De plus, la maltraitance est particulièrement influente sur la délinquance des garçons. Implications. Les interventions au sein des systèmes de la protection de la jeunesse et de la justice juvénile doivent être adaptées afin d'identifier les jeunes à risque de délinquance grave, de cibler les dimensions spécifiques de la maltraitance et d’entraver leurs liens à la délinquance ultérieure. L'intervention doit être privilégiée pour les victimes de multiples incidents de maltraitance et pour les garçons victimes de maltraitance.
A partir de un análisis temático inductivo, este artículo explora la visión ciudadana sobre la esfera pública expresada en las cartas de los lectores de los diarios El Tiempo y El Heraldo de Colombia. Los resultados muestran cómo la identidad colectiva de los lectores apareció en forma transversal en las cartas, para dar cuenta de una comunidad de adultos que se autodefine como “colombianos de bien”. El análisis reveló dos unidades de significado: posturas sobre la administración de lo público y antagonismos en la esfera pública, centrada en el conflicto político con las guerrillas. A través de estas se pudieron hacer visibles los llamamientos vívidos de los lectores al gobierno, funcionarios públicos, actores al margen de la ley y a sus compatriotas, para movilizarse para exigir cambios sociales largamente esperados.
La conformidad procesal es una de las manifestaciones más importantes del principio de oportunidad. Éste, en relación constante con el principio de legalidad, tiende a la agilización y el recorte de los trámites procesales, sin perjuicio de las garantías esenciales del procedimiento penal. Debido a sus ventajas se ha instalado tanto en el modelo norteamericano, a través del «plea bargaining», como en el modelo continental europeo.
Objectif. Les jeunes crossover sont définis comme des adolescents qui sont à la fois victimes de maltraitance et délinquants juvéniles. L'objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner les relations entre les paramètres de la maltraitance (ex., récurrence, sous-types et variété) et les paramètres de la délinquance juvénile (ex., précocité, volume, variété, gravité moyenne et présence de sous-types) vécus par les jeunes crossover. Méthodes. La source des données est constituée de rapports officiels pour tous les adolescents et adolescentes québécois qui ont plaidé coupables ou ont été reconnus coupables d'un crime entre le 1e janvier 2005 et le 31 décembre 2010. D'abord, un portrait des jeunes crossover québécois est dressé à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des analyses multivariées sont utilisées pour déterminer si les paramètres de la maltraitance prédisent les différentes dimensions de la délinquance et pour examiner les différences selon le sexe. Résultats. La délinquance des jeunes crossover est plus importante que celle des délinquants non-maltraités. Les expériences différentielles de la maltraitance sont liées à des paramètres hétérogènes de la délinquance juvénile. La récurrence de la maltraitance est un prédicteur important des paramètres de la délinquance ultérieure. De plus, la maltraitance est particulièrement influente sur la délinquance des garçons. Implications. Les interventions au sein des systèmes de la protection de la jeunesse et de la justice juvénile doivent être adaptées afin d'identifier les jeunes à risque de délinquance grave, de cibler les dimensions spécifiques de la maltraitance et d’entraver leurs liens à la délinquance ultérieure. L'intervention doit être privilégiée pour les victimes de multiples incidents de maltraitance et pour les garçons victimes de maltraitance.
The present study investigated the impact of different legal standards on mock juror decisions concerning whether a defendant was guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity. Undergraduate students (N = 477) read a simulated case summary involving a murder case and were asked to make an insanity determination. The cases differed in terms of the condition of the defendant (rationality deficit or control deficit) and the legal standard given to the jurors to make the determination (Model Penal Code, McNaughten or McNaughten plus a separate control determination). The effects of these variables on the insanity determination were investigated. Jurors also completed questionnaires measuring individualism and hierarchy attitudes and perceptions of facts in the case. Results indicate that under current insanity standards jurors do not distinguish between defendants with rationality deficits and defendants with control deficits regardless of whether the legal standard requires them to do so. Even defendants who lacked control were found guilty at equal rates under a legal standard excusing rationality deficits only and a legal standard excluding control and rationality deficits. This was improved by adding a control test as a partial defence, to be determined after a rationality determination. Implications for the insanity defence in the Criminal Justice System are discussed.
Background: Diabetes imposes restrictions on physical, emotional, and social functioning of children and adolescents. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for depression, psychological well-being and feeling of guilt in 7 - 15 years old diabetic children. Patients and Methods: This was a clinical trial with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The study population consisted of 34 participants selected using convenient sampling out of all 7 - 15 years old patients that referred to the Diabetes Association of Tabriz. They were randomly allocated into two equal groups (experimental and control). The experimental group participated in therapy sessions and the control group did not receive any intervention. The research instruments were reynolds child depression scale (RCDS), eysenck feelings of guilt scale and satisfaction with life scale (SWLS). Results: Multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) showed that the treatment was effective on variables of depression, psychological well-being and feeling guilty in 7 - 15 years old diabetic children (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The aforementioned treatment is effective and suggested to be used in other psychosomatic diseases of children.
Partant de la réputation naïve, colorée et digressive de La Conquête de Constantinople de Robert de Clari, ce mémoire propose une analyse méthodique de ce récit en prose vernaculaire de la quatrième croisade de façon à en circonscrire les moments de continuité et de rupture. En fonction de plusieurs facteurs, dont leurs formules d’introduction et de clôture, leur rapport au temps de la croisade, leur longueur relative ainsi que leur positionnement dans l’économie globale du texte, les épisodes divergents sont identifiés puis analysés en travaillant lestement avec trois caractéristiques fondamentales de la digression plutôt qu’avec une définition nucléaire du concept, ce qui permet de discerner des degrés de digressif et d’offrir un panorama nuancé de l’oeuvre. Afin d’adopter un regard plus large sur le phénomène de la digression, quatre autres récits de croisade sont étudiés, et tous, qu’ils soient écrits en prose ou en vers, en français ou en latin, sont à leur façon coupables de s’être laissés emporter par leur sujet dans des excursus qui trahissent la personnalité et les convictions de leur auteur. Tout comme Clari, Villehardouin, l’auteur de l’Estoire de la guerre sainte, Eudes de Deuil et Albert d’Aix laissent entrevoir leur propre histoire lorsque celle qu’ils mettent à l’écrit s’égare de la droite voie de sa narration. Les digressions contenues dans les récits de croisade constituent ainsi une fenêtre privilégiée sur l’histoire des mentalités du Moyen Âge central, une mine d’informations qui ne peut être adéquatement exploitée que par les efforts conjoints de l’histoire et de la littérature.