728 resultados para grounded theorizing


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En este estudio partimos de un posicionamiento constructivista relacional (Botella, Herrero, Pacheco y Corbella, 2004) y de la Teoría del Apego (Bowlby, 1969) para el análisis del apego adulto y de su relación con la construcción de la identidad de una mujer de treinta y cinco años (Sara), adoptada a los tres. Es una investigación metodológicamente plural, puesto que incluye tanto metodologías cuantitativas como cualitativas. Analizamos una narrativa de identidad de Sara, mediante el método cualitativo de Grounded Theory (Glaser y Strauss, 1967). Administramos también el cuestionario ECR-S (Alonso-Arbiol, Balluerka y Shaver, 2007) para evaluar el apego adulto y la Rejilla de Constructos Personales (Kelly, 1955/1991) referida a la construcción del sí mismo (Butt, Burr y Bell, 1997) analizada mediante el programa RECORD (Feixas y Cornejo, 1996). Los resultados confirman la literatura previa (por ejemplo, Grosso y Nagliero, 2004; Negre, Forns y Freixa, 2007) y muestran una reconstrucción positiva en el modelo de funcionamiento interno de Sara, a partir de la resolución de dudas sobre su origen biológico. Los resultados del análisis de la Rejilla confirman que las características del patrón de apego con la madre y con el padre no tienen por qué ser similares y que una mujer puede construir su posicionamiento como madre a partir de la relación con su padre. También indican la presencia de conflictos cognitivos en la construcción de la identidad. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de investigaciones previas.


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La reorganización empresarial de los servicios sanitarios ha generado notables cambios en las condiciones de trabajo de los profesionales de la medicina. Objetivo: profundizar sobre influencia de las nuevas condiciones de trabajo en el bienestar laboral y en la salud ocupacional de los profesionales de la medicina. Participaron (voluntariamente) 281 profesionales de la medicina de hospitales de España (47,7%) y de América Latina (52,3%), a quienes se accedió mediante un muestreo de conveniencia, intencional y estratificado por sexo (55,4% hombres y 44,6% mujeres), edad (X= 43,16 años, SD=11,19) y antigüedad en la profesión (X=16,51 años, SD=10,85). Para ello, se articuló un diseño mixto que combinó tanto metodología cualitativa (entrevistas en profundidad y focus group – análisis de contenido temático inspirado en grounded theory) como cuantitativa (cuestionarios de QCT y QBLG de Blanch y cols. – estadística inferencial), lo que permitió por una parte evaluar aspectos cuantificables del bienestar laboral del colectivo médico en el marco de sus nuevas condiciones de trabajo, y, por otra, analizar y profundizar en aspectos cualitativos relevantes de la dimensión subjetiva de esta experiencia laboral. Los resultados evidenciaron una valoración moderadamente positiva de las condiciones de trabajo y del bienestar laboral - mayor en los participantes de América Latina-, contrapesada por sentimientos y percepciones ambivalentes hacia el contexto y la propia experiencia laboral. Además, aunque en el factor bienestar laboral general los resultados solo arrojan una diferencia tendencial entre los grupos iberoamericano y español, los resultados cualitativos arrojan una diferencia clara en la valoración subjetiva del profesional en cuanto al devenir del cambio organizacional, siendo a mejor en el primer grupo y a peor en el español. El abordaje mixto ha permitido fortalecer y ahondar más en los vericuetos del Bienestar laboral, sin embargo, sería preciso integrar variables culturales y de la organización sanitaria de ambos grupos estudiados. Palabras clave Bienestar laboral, calidad de vida laboral, condiciones de trabajo, organización saludable, personal médico, riesgo psicosocial.


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We have constructed a forward modelling code in Matlab, capable of handling several commonly used electrical and electromagnetic methods in a 1D environment. We review the implemented electromagnetic field equations for grounded wires, frequency and transient soundings and present new solutions in the case of a non-magnetic first layer. The CR1Dmod code evaluates the Hankel transforms occurring in the field equations using either the Fast Hankel Transform based on digital filter theory, or a numerical integration scheme applied between the zeros of the Bessel function. A graphical user interface allows easy construction of 1D models and control of the parameters. Modelling results are in agreement with other authors, but the time of computation is less efficient than other available codes. Nevertheless, the CR1Dmod routine handles complex resistivities and offers solutions based on the full EM-equations as well as the quasi-static approximation. Thus, modelling of effects based on changes in the magnetic permeability and the permittivity is also possible.


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Background: Primary care physicians are often requested to assess their patients' fitness to drive. Little is however known on their needs to help them in this task. Aims: The aim of this study is to develop theories on needs, expectations, and barriers for clinical instruments helping physicians assess fitness to drive in primary care. Methods: This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to investigate needs and expectations for instruments used to assess fitness to drive. From August 2011 to April 2013, we recorded opinions from five experts in traffic medicine, five primary care physicians, and five senior drivers. All interviews were integrally transcribed. Two independent researchers extracted, coded, and stratified categories relying on multi-grounded theory. All participants validated the final scheme. Results: Our theory suggests that for an instruments assessing fitness to drive to be implemented in primary care, it need to contribute to the decisional process. This requires at least five conditions: 1) it needs to reduce the range of uncertainty, 2) it needs to be adapted to local resources and possibilities, 3) it needs to be accepted by patients, 4) choices of tasks need to adaptable to clinical conditions, 5) and interpretation of results need to remain dependant of each patient's context. Discussion and conclusions: Most existing instruments assessing fitness to drive are not designed for primary care settings. Future instruments should also aim to support patient-centred dialogue, help anticipate driving cessation, and offer patients the opportunity to freely take their own decision on driving cessation as often as possible.


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The aim of this thesis was to examine emotions in a web-based learning environment (WBLE). Theoretically, the thesis was grounded on the dimensional model of emotions. Four empirical studies were conducted. Study I focused on students’ anxiety and their self-efficacy in computer-using situations. Studies II and III examined the influence of experienced emotions on students’ collaborative visible and non-collaborative invisible activities and lurking in a WBLE. Study II also focused on the antecedents of the emotions students experience in a web-based learning environment. Study IV concentrated on clarifying the differences between emotions experienced in face-to-face and web-based collaborative learning. The results of these studies are reported in four original research articles published in scientific journals. The present studies demonstrate that emotions are important determinants of student behaviour in a web-based learning, and justify the conclusion that interactions on the web can and do have an emotional content. Based on the results of these empirical studies, it can be concluded that the emotions students experience during the web-based learning result mostly from the social interactions rather than from the technological context. The studies indicate that the technology itself is not the only antecedent of students’ emotional reactions in the collaborative web-based learning situations. However, the technology itself also exerted an influence on students’ behaviour. It was found that students’ computer anxiety was associated with their negative expectations of the consequences of using technology-based learning environments in their studies. Moreover, the results also indicated that student behaviours in a WBLE can be divided into three partially overlapping classes: i) collaborative visible ii) non-collaborative invisible activities, and iii) lurking. What is more, students’ emotions experienced during the web-based learning affected how actively they participated in such activities in the environment. Especially lurkers, i.e. students who seldom participated in discussions but frequently visited the online environment, experienced more negatively valenced emotions during the courses than did the other students. This result indicates that such negatively toned emotional experiences can make the lurking individuals less eager to participate in other WBLE courses in the future. Therefore, future research should also focus more precisely on the reasons that cause individuals to lurk in online learning groups, and the development of learning tasks that do not encourage or permit lurking or inactivity. Finally, the results from the study comparing emotional reactions in web-based and face-to-face collaborative learning indicated that the learning by means of web-based communication resulted in more affective reactivity when compared to learning in a face-to-face situation. The results imply that the students in the web-based learning group experienced more intense emotions than the students in the face-to-face learning group.The interpretations of this result are that the lack of means for expressing emotional reactions and perceiving others’ emotions increased the affectivity in the web-based learning groups. Such increased affective reactivity could, for example, debilitate individual’s learning performance, especially in complex learning tasks. Therefore, it is recommended that in the future more studies should be focused on the possibilities to express emotions in a text-based web environment to ensure better means for communicating emotions, and subsequently, possibly decrease the high level of affectivity. However, we do not yet know whether the use of means for communicating emotional expressions via the web (for example, “smileys” or “emoticons”) would be beneficial or disadvantageous in formal learning situations. Therefore, future studies should also focus on assessing how the use of such symbols as a means for expressing emotions in a text-based web environment would affect students’ and teachers’ behaviour and emotional state in web-based learning environments.


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BACKGROUND: The proportion of surgery performed as a day case varies greatly between countries. Low rates suggest a large growth potential in many countries. Measuring the potential development of one day surgery should be grounded on a comprehensive list of eligible procedures, based on a priori criteria, independent of local practices. We propose an algorithmic method, using only routinely available hospital data to identify surgical hospitalizations that could have been performed as one day treatment. METHODS: Moving inpatient surgery to one day surgery was considered feasible if at least one surgical intervention was eligible for one day surgery and if none of the following criteria were present: intervention or affection requiring an inpatient stay, patient transferred or died, and length of stay greater than four days. The eligibility of a procedure to be treated as a day case was mainly established on three a priori criteria: surgical access (endoscopic or not), the invasiveness of the procedure and the size of the operated organ. Few overrides of these criteria occurred when procedures were associated with risk of immediate complications, slow physiological recovery or pain treatment requiring hospital infrastructure. The algorithm was applied to a random sample of one million inpatient US stays and more than 600 thousand Swiss inpatient stays, in the year 2002. RESULTS: The validity of our method was demonstrated by the few discrepancies between the a priori criteria based list of eligible procedures, and a state list used for reimbursement purposes, the low proportion of hospitalizations eligible for one day care found in the US sample (4.9 versus 19.4% in the Swiss sample), and the distribution of the elective procedures found eligible in Swiss hospitals, well supported by the literature. There were large variations of the proportion of candidates for one day surgery among elective surgical hospitalizations between Swiss hospitals (3 to 45.3%). CONCLUSION: The proposed approach allows the monitoring of the proportion of inpatient stay candidates for one day surgery. It could be used for infrastructure planning, resources negotiation and the surveillance of appropriate resource utilization.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ohjelmistotestauksen tehokkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkimalla yritysten ohjelmistotestausta, hyviä toimintatapojasekä toiminnan ongelmia. Tutkimalla yritysten ohjelmistotestausta on mahdollista kehittää ohjelmistotestauksen tehokkuutta parantavia toimenpiteitä ja malleja. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa oli mukana 26 yritystä, joista valittiin viisi case-yritystä tutkimuksen jatkovaiheisiin. Työn teoriaosuudessa esitetään sekä ohjelmistotestauksen teoria että käytetyn tutkimusmenetelmän teoriaa. Tässä diplomityössä keskitytään valittuihin viiteen case-yritykseen. Näiden viiden yrityksen sekä aiemman vaiheen 26 yrityksen kohdalla tehtiin kvalitatiivinen tutkimus käyttäen grounded-teorian mukaista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tämän kvalitatiivisen eli laadullisen tutkimuksen näkökulmat perustuivat aiempiin teknologiaselvitysvaiheen tuloksiin. Tämän diplomityön näkökulmana oli prosessien kehittäminen. Työn tuloksena löytyi tekijöitä, joilla näyttää olevan vaikutuksia testauksen tehokkuuteen. Tulosten avulla pystytään muodostamaan parannusehdotuksia testauksen tehokkuuden parantamiseksi yhdessä tutkimushankkeen muiden osa-alueiden tulosten kanssa. Testauksen tehokkuuteen vaikuttavatprosessinäkökulmasta mm. aikataulupaineet, lisääntyvä monimutkaisuus sekä ulkoahankittujen ohjelmiston osien testaamisen hankaluus. Ongelmia voidaan ratkaistatestauksen aikaisella mukanaololla projekteissa, ohjelmistotuotannon luonteen huomioimisella testauksessa, testauksen priorisoinnilla sekä ulkoisten komponenttien testattavuuden parantamisella.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää paikallisten metsäteollisuuteen toimittavien pienten ja keskisuurten ohjelmistoyritysten nykytilannetta, hyviä käytäntöjä ja toiminnan ongelmia. Tunnistamalla pienten ja keskisuurten ohjelmistoyritysten nykytilanne on mahdollista suunnitella konkreettisia yrityksille suunnattavia kehittämistoimenpiteitä. Työssä on keskitytty tutkimaan metsäteollisuuteen toimittavia kaakkoissuomaisia pieniä ja keskisuuria ohjelmistoyrityksiä. Työn viitekehyksenä esitellään metsäteollisuuden nykytilannetta, kehitystrendejä sekä kehitystrendien vaikutusta metsäteollisuusyritysten tietojärjestelmätarpeisiin. Lisäksi työn viitekehyksessä esitellään tutkimuksessa käytetyt kvalitatiiviset tutkimusmenetelmät.Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen ja tutkimusotteeltaan deskriptiivinen eli kuvaileva. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 19 asiantuntijahaastattelusta ja dokumenttiaineistosta. Tutkimusaineiston analysoinnissa käytin aineistopohjaista meneelmää ja tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella pystyttiinkuvaamaan tutkimuksessa mukana olleille 10 paikalliselle pienelle ja keskisuurelle ohjelmistoyritykselle yhteisiä ominaisuuksia. Tämän lisäksi pystyttiin tunnistamaan ohjelmistoyrityksistä kolme erilaista tyyppiä ja luonnehtimaan kunkin tyypin nykytilannetta, hyviä käytäntöjä ja toiminnan ongelmia. Tunnistetut paikallisten pienten ja keskisuurten ohjelmistoyritysten tyypit ovat: erikoistuja, ennakoija ja keräilijä. Tutkimustulokset antavat hyvän lähtökohdan tulevaisuuden kehitystrendien tunnistamisessa ja toiminnankehitystoimenpiteiden suunnittelussa.


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Maatalouden perinteisen harjoittamismuodon, perheviljelmän, rinnalle on viime aikoina noussut yhtiömuotoista maataloutta. Syitä maatilan yhtiöittämiseen on useita, mutta yksi tärkeimmistä lienee osakeyhtiöön sovellettava erilainen verotus. Osakeyhtiömuotoinen maatalous asettaa uusia vaatimuksia erityisesti maatilayhtiön hallinnolle. Etukäteen on mm.selvitettävä viljelijän eläketurvaan liittyvät kysymykset, koska eläkelaki on sidoksissa tulevassa maatilaosakeyhtiössä noudatettavaan verolakiin. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää osakeyhtiömuotoisen maatalouden eroja perinteiseen harjoittamismuotoon verrattuna sekä selvittää, miten tila voidaan toimintamuodon muutoksen kautta yhtiöittää ilman vero-vaikutuksia. Taulukkolaskentaohjelmaan on rakennettu verolaskentamalli ja sen tarkoituksena on toimia tilansa yhtiöittämistä pohtivan viljelijän työkaluna. Malli laskee tilan verorasituksen sekä ammatinharjoittajalle, että osakeyhtiömuotoiselle maataloudelle, ja lopuksi vertaa näitä keskenään. Tutkielmassa on rakennettu myös yksinkertainen malli osakeyhtiö-muotoisen maatalouden avaavasta taseesta, jonka tulee syntyä TVL 24 §:n tasejatkuvuutta ja identtisyyttä noudattaen. Tähän ei ole olemassa selvää ohjetta, vaan on jouduttu käyttämään perusteltuja tulkintoja ja käytäntöjä.


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This thesis investigates factors that affect software testing practice. The thesis consists of empirical studies, in which the affecting factors were analyzed and interpreted using quantitative and qualitative methods. First, the Delphi method was used to specify the scope of the thesis. Secondly, for the quantitative analysis 40industry experts from 30 organizational units (OUs) were interviewed. The survey method was used to explore factors that affect software testing practice. Conclusions were derived using correlation and regression analysis. Thirdly, from these 30 OUs, five were further selected for an in-depth case study. The data was collected through 41 semi-structured interviews. The affecting factors and their relationships were interpreted with qualitative analysis using grounded theory as the research method. The practice of software testing was analyzed from the process improvement and knowledge management viewpoints. The qualitative and quantitativeresults were triangulated to increase the validity of the thesis. Results suggested that testing ought to be adjusted according to the business orientation of the OU; the business orientation affects the testing organization and knowledge management strategy, and the business orientation andthe knowledge management strategy affect outsourcing. As a special case, the complex relationship between testing schedules and knowledge transfer is discussed. The results of this thesis can be used in improvingtesting processes and knowledge management in software testing.


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There is a broad consensus among economists that technologicalchange has been a major contributor to the productivity growth and, hence, to the growth of the material welfare in western industrialized countries at least over the last century. Paradoxically, this issue has not been the focal point of theoretical economics. At the same time, we have witnessed the rise of the importance of technological issues at the strategic management level of business firms. Interestingly, the research has not accurately responded to this challenge either. The tension between the overwhelming empirical evidence of the importance of technology and its relative omission in the research offers a challenging target for a methodological endeavor. This study deals with the question of how different theories cope with technology and explain technological change. The focusis at the firm level and the analysis concentrates on metatheoretical issues, except for the last two chapters, which examine the problems of strategic management of technology. Here the aim is to build a new evolutionary-based theoreticalframework to analyze innovation processes at the firm level. The study consistsof ten chapters. Chapter 1 poses the research problem and contrasts the two basic approaches, neoclassical and evolutionary, to be analyzed. Chapter 2 introduces the methodological framework which is based on the methodology of isolation. Methodological and ontoogical commitments of the rival approaches are revealed and basic questions concerning their ways of theorizing are elaborated. Chapters 3-6 deal with the so-called substantive isolative criteria. The aim is to examine how different approaches cope with such critical issues as inherent uncertainty and complexity of innovative activities (cognitive isolations, chapter 3), theboundedness of rationality of innovating agents (behavioral isolations, chapter4), the multidimensional nature of technology (chapter 5), and governance costsrelated to technology (chapter 6). Chapters 7 and 8 put all these things together and look at the explanatory structures used by the neoclassical and evolutionary approaches in the light of substantive isolations. The last two cpahters of the study utilize the methodological framework and tools to appraise different economics-based candidates in the context of strategic management of technology. The aim is to analyze how different approaches answer the fundamental question: How can firms gain competitive advantages through innovations and how can the rents appropriated from successful innovations be sustained? The last chapter introduces a new evolutionary-based technology management framework. Also the largely omitted issues of entrepreneurship are examined.


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This thesis examines coordination of systems development process in a contemporary software producing organization. The thesis consists of a series of empirical studies in which the actions, conceptions and artifacts of practitioners are analyzed using a theory-building case study research approach. The three phases of the thesis provide empirical observations on different aspects of systemsdevelopment. In the first phase is examined the role of architecture in coordination and cost estimation in multi-site environment. The second phase involves two studies on the evolving requirement understanding process and how to measure this process. The third phase summarizes the first two phases and concentrates on the role of methods and how practitioners work with them. All the phases provide evidence that current systems development method approaches are too naïve in looking at the complexity of the real world. In practice, development is influenced by opportunity and other contingent factors. The systems development processis not coordinated using phases and tasks defined in methods providing universal mechanism for managing this process like most of the method approaches assume.Instead, the studies suggest that managing systems development process happens through coordinating development activities using methods as tools. These studies contribute to the systems development methods by emphasizing the support of communication and collaboration between systems development participants. Methods should not describe the development activities and phases in a detail level, butshould include the higher level guidance for practitioners on how to act in different systems development environments.


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This study described elite football (soccer) goalkeepers' activity and performance in critical game situations. The 11 best French players (M age = 15.5 yr., SD = 0.5) participated in the study. Interviews focused on goalkeepers' experiences were conducted to identify meaningful events involved in failed actions. Players formulated 23 critical game situations. Verbatim encoding using a thematic analysis indicated that four main categories (coming off the line, goal-line clearance, one-on-one, and diving) represented the most critical situations encountered during matches. The relations among experience and action, inner states, background, attention contents, and intentions were elucidated. The discussion is grounded on the properties of such critical game situations and their implications for improving goalkeepers' performance.


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Diplomityössä tutkittiin elinkaariarvioinnin ja sillä saatavien tulosten käyttöä ympäristömyötäisen tuotesuunnittelun tukena. Työn alussa kuvaillaan niitä asioita, jotka yhdistävät yrityksen ympäristöasioihin. Työn aikana suoritettiin kahden yritysten tuotteille elinkaariarvioinnit. Näistä tutkimuksista saatuja käytännön kokemuksia on käytetty diplomityössä. Pääpainopiste käytännön kokemuksissa oli itse elinkaariarvioinnin tekemisessä esille tulleissa seikoissa sekä tulosten tulkinnassa ympäristömyötäisen tuotesuunnittelun tavoitteiden asettamisen näkökulmasta. Ympäristömyötäisen tuotesuunnittelun tavoitteet ovat: materiaali- ja energiakulutuksen vähentäminen, kierrätettävyyden parantaminen, tuotteen käyttöiän pidentäminen ja ympäristölle haitallisten raaka-aineiden välttäminen. Jokaisella ympäristömyötäisen tuotesuunnittelun tavoitteella on oma erityispiirteensä, joka on huomioitava elinkaariarviointia käytettäessä. Työn aikana havaittiin, että erityinen huomio on kiinnitettävä lähtötietojen keruuvaiheeseen. Vielä nykyään on vaikea saada, etenkin alihankkijoilta, kaikkia tarvittavia inventaariotietoja. Tähän elinkaariarvioinnin suorittamisen kannalta ratkaisevaan vaiheeseen, on kaikkien osapuolten kiinnitettävä tulevaisuudessa huomiota. Myös tulosten tulkintaan kiinnitettiin huomioita. Merkittävien tekijöiden ja niihin vaikutusmahdollisuuksien havaitseminen on tärkeä osa tavoitteiden asettamista. Hyvin perusteltujen tavoitteiden asettamisen edellytys on kattavat ja luotettavat elinkaariarvioinnin tulokset. Nämä taas edellyttävät riittävän laajoja, laadukkaita ja yhdenmukaisia lähtötietoja, joita vielä nykyään on harvoin saatavilla.


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This study presents an innovative methodology for forensic science image analysis for event reconstruction. The methodology is based on experiences from real cases. It provides real added value to technical guidelines such as standard operating procedures (SOPs) and enriches the community of practices at stake in this field. This bottom-up solution outlines the many facets of analysis and the complexity of the decision-making process. Additionally, the methodology provides a backbone for articulating more detailed and technical procedures and SOPs. It emerged from a grounded theory approach; data from individual and collective interviews with eight Swiss and nine European forensic image analysis experts were collected and interpreted in a continuous, circular and reflexive manner. Throughout the process of conducting interviews and panel discussions, similarities and discrepancies were discussed in detail to provide a comprehensive picture of practices and points of view and to ultimately formalise shared know-how. Our contribution sheds light on the complexity of the choices, actions and interactions along the path of data collection and analysis, enhancing both the researchers' and participants' reflexivity.