996 resultados para geotechnical


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The method of characteristics was used to generate passive earth pressure coefficients for an inclined wall retaining cohesionless backfill material in the presence of pseudostatic horizontal earthquake body forces. The variation of the passive earth pressure coefficients K-pq and K-pgamma with changes in horizontal earthquake acceleration coefficient due to the components of soil unit weight and surcharge pressure, respectively, has been obtained; a closed-form solution for K-pq is also provided. The passive earth resistance has been found to decrease sharply with an increase in the magnitude of horizontal earthquake acceleration. The computed passive earth pressure coefficients were found to be the lowest when compared to all of the previous solutions available in the literature.


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: In the presence of pseudo-static seismic forces, passive earth pressure coefficients behind retaining walls were generated using the limit equilibrium method of analysis for the negative wall friction angle case (i.e., the wall moves upwards relative to the backfill) with logarithmic spirals as rupture surfaces. Individual density, surcharge, and cohesion components were computed to obtain the total minimum seismic passive resistance in soils by adding together the individual minimum components. The effect of variation in wall batter angle, ground slope, wall friction angle, soil friction angle, and horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations on seismic passive earth pressures are considered in the analysis. The seismic passive earth pressure coefficients are found to be highly sensitive to the seismic acceleration coefficients both in the horizontal and the vertical directions. The results are presented in graphical and tabular formats.


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In this paper, a finite-element model is developed in which the nonlinear soil behavior is represented by a hyperbolic relation for static load condition and modified hyperbolic relation, which includes both degradation and gap for a cyclic load condition. Although batter piles are subjected to lateral load, the soil resistance is also governed by axial load, which is incorporated by considering the P-Δ moment and geometric stiffness matrix. By adopting the developed numerical model, static and cyclic load analyses are performed adopting an incremental-iterative procedure where the pile is idealized as beam elements and the soil as elastoplastic spring elements. The proposed numerical model is validated with published laboratory and field pile test results under both static and cyclic load conditions. This paper highlights the importance of the degradation factor and its influence on the soil resistance-displacement (p-y) curve, number of cycles of loading, and cyclic load response.


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This paper addresses the behaviour of compacted expansive soils under swell-shrink cycles. Laboratory cyclic swell-shrink tests were conducted on compacted specimens of two expansive soils at surcharge pressures of 6.25, 50.00, and 100.00 kPa. The void ratio and water content of the specimens at several intermediate stages during swelling until the end of swelling and during shrinkage until the end of shrinkage were determined to trace the water content versus void ratio paths with an increasing number of swell-shrink cycles. The test results showed that the swell-shrink path was reversible once the soil reached an equilibrium stage where the vertical deformations during swelling and shrinkage were the same. This usually occurred after about four swell-shrink cycles. The swelling and shrinkage path of each specimen subjected to full swelling - full shrinkage cycles showed an S-shaped curve (two curvilinear portions and a linear portion). However, the swelling and shrinkage path occurred as a part of the S-shaped curve, when the specimen was subjected to full swelling - partial shrinkage cycles. More than 80% of the total volumetric change and more than 50% of the total vertical deformation occurred in the central linear portion of the S-shaped curve. The volumetric change was essentially parallel to the saturation line within a degree of saturation range of 50-80% for the equilibrium cycle. The primary value of the swell-shrink path is to provide information regarding the void ratio change that would occur for a given change in water content for any possible swell-shrink pattern. It is suggested that these swell-shrink paths can be established with a limited number of tests in the laboratory.


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Effect of aging on swelling and swell-shrink behavior of a compacted expansive soil is investigated in this paper. An expansive soil having a liquid limit of 100% is used for this purpose. Compacted specimens were prepared and aged for a predetermined number of days (7, 15, 30, and 90 days) to study their swelling and swell-shrink behavior. It has been shown that aging improves the resistance to compression of compacted specimens. The swelling potentials of specimens also decreased with aging. The dominant factors that influence the aging effects are the water content and degree of saturation at the beginning of the aging process. The changed behavior of aged specimens is attributed to particle rearrangements and formation of bonds, which affect the surface area absorbing water during swelling. The cyclic swell-shrink tests on aged specimens indicated that the differences in vertical displacement during the first swelling were eliminated in the subsequent cycles when specimens were shrunk more, but the aging effect was found to persist with cycles for specimens subjected to lower shrinkage magnitudes.


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By using the method of characteristics, the bearing capacity factor N-gamma was computed for a rough strip footing. The analysis was performed by considering a curved nonplastic wedge under the foundation base bounded by curved slip lines being tangential to the base of the footing at its either edge and inclined at an angle pi/4 - phi/2 with the vertical axis of symmetry. The existing theories in the literature for rough footings, which usually employ a triangular wedge below the footing base, were generally found to provide greater values of N-gamma as compared with the results obtained in this contribution.


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This paper examines the role of microstructure and matric suction in the collapse behavior of a compacted clay soil from Bangalore District in Karnataka State, India. The microstructure of the compacted specimens was examined by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), and the ASTM Filter Paper Method was used to determine their matric suction. The microstructure and matric suction of the compacted specimens were changed by varying their compaction water content, dry density, and clay content (< 2 mum fraction). Experimental results showed that relative abundance of coarse (60 to 6 mum) pores was mainly affected by increasing the dry density of the specimens from 1.49 to 1.77 g/cm(3). The relative abundance of coarse and fine (0.01 to 0.002 mum) pores was affected by increasing the compaction water content from 10.6 to 26.4%. Variations in dry density, compaction water content, and clay contents notably affected the matric suction of the compacted specimens. The collapse behavior of the compacted specimens is explained from analysis of the MIP and matric suction results.


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Existing soil nailing design methodologies are essentially based on limit equilibrium principles that together with a lumped factor of safety or a set of partial factors on the material parameters and loads account for uncertainties in design input parameter values. Recent trends in the development of design procedures for earth retaining structures are towards load and resistance factor design (LRFD). In the present study, a methodology for the use of LRFD in the context of soil-nail walls is proposed and a procedure to determine reliability-based load and resistance factors is illustrated for important strength limit states with reference to a 10 m high soil-nail wall. The need for separate partial factors for each limit state is highlighted, and the proposed factors are compared with those existing in the literature.


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For the successful performance of a granular filter medium, existing design guidelines, which are based on the particle size distribution (PSD) characteristics of the base soil and filter medium, require two contradictory conditions to be satisfied, viz., soil retention and permeability. In spite of the wider applicability of these guidelines, it is well recognized that (i) they are applicable to a particular range of soils tested in the laboratory, (ii) the design procedures do not include performance-based selection criteria, and (iii) there are no means to establish the sensitivity of the important variables influencing performance. In the present work, analytical solutions are developed to obtain a factor of safety with respect to soil-retention and permeability criteria for a base soil - filter medium system subjected to a soil boiling condition. The proposed analytical solutions take into consideration relevant geotechnical properties such as void ratio, permeability, dry unit weight, effective friction angle, shape and size of soil particles, seepage discharge, and existing hydraulic gradient. The solution is validated through example applications and experimental results, and it is established that it can be used successfully in the selection as well as design of granular filters and can be applied to all types of base soils.


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This paper elucidates the methodology of applying artificial neural network model (ANNM) to predict the percent swell of calcitic soil in sulphuric acid solutions, a complex phenomenon involving many parameters. Swell data required for modelling is experimentally obtained using conventional oedometer tests under nominal surcharge. The phases in ANN include optimal design of architecture, operation and training of architecture. The designed optimal neural model (3-5-1) is a fully connected three layer feed forward network with symmetric sigmoid activation function and trained by the back propagation algorithm to minimize a quadratic error criterion.The used model requires parameters such as duration of interaction, calcite mineral content and acid concentration for prediction of swell. The observed strong correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9979) between the values determined by the experiment and predicted using the developed model demonstrates that the network can provide answers to complex problems in geotechnical engineering.