997 resultados para geophysical logs
Pasminco Century Mine has developed a geophysical logging system to provide new data for ore mining/grade control and the generation of Short Term Models for mine planning. Previous work indicated the applicability of petrophysical logging for lithology prediction, however, the automation of the method was not considered reliable enough for the development of a mining model. A test survey was undertaken using two diamond drilled control holes and eight percussion holes. All holes were logged with natural gamma, magnetic susceptibility and density. Calibration of the LogTrans auto-interpretation software using only natural gamma and magnetic susceptibility indicated that both lithology and stratigraphy could be predicted. Development of a capability to enforce stratigraphic order within LogTrans increased the reliability and accuracy of interpretations. After the completion of a feasibility program, Century Mine has invested in a dedicated logging vehicle to log blast holes as well as for use in in-fill drilling programs. Future refinement of the system may lead to the development of GPS controlled excavators for mining ore.
Bridled nailtail wallabies Onychogalea fraenata are endangered, medium-sized, nocturnal macropodids that persist at only one location in central Queensland, Australia. Characteristics of juvenile development, shelter use, anti-predator behaviour and maternal care were investigated in the wild using trapping, radio-tracking and spotlighting observations., Timing of developmental stages was identical to the pattern previously found in captivity, except for age at weaning which was much earlier in the wild. After young had left the pouch permanently at 17 weeks of age and weighing c. 800 g, they always spent the day concealed in dense cover, generally > 200 m from their mothers. Juveniles were also alone in > 50% of observations at night, and stayed closer to cover than did adult females. Young became independent of their mothers 7-8 weeks after permanent exit from the pouch and weighing c. 1800 g. Females with dependent juveniles changed their behaviour in ways likely to reduce predation on young. They reduced their home ranges, stayed closer to cover and became more wary than other females. Juveniles differed from adult females in their habitat use, anti-predator behaviour and shelter site preferences. Juveniles were more likely than adults to respond to threats by standing still or lying flat on the ground, whether or not they were in concealing cover. Juveniles used a wider range of smaller shelters than adults, and were less likely to use solid shelters such as hollow logs during the day. Because bridled nailtail wallabies have a 'hider' strategy of maternal care and the young rely on crypsis, successful breeding in the wild requires dense vegetation cover.
The virtual (or minimum) height of the F-region (h'F), recorded over a number of solar cycles for I I equatorial and mid-latitude ionosonde stations, was used to deduce the hemispheric (i.e. southern or northern hemisphere) character of equatorial stations. The semi-annual median monthly height (h'F) variations consist of two components: major local summer maximum and winter sub-maximum (about 5 percent of the summer maximum). This hemispheric pattern was most consistently observed for equatorial stations (within 5degrees of the geomagnetic equator) in a period centred on the local midnight (21-03 LT) but was also present, to a lesser extent, at mid-latitude stations and at other time intervals. It is evident that the physical parameter h'F defines the hemispheric character of an equatorial station which has different (sometimes opposite) geographic and geomagnetic latitudes. There is a sharp transition in the latitudinal character of the stations on both sides of the equator leading to hypothesis that the equal maxima in h'F in December and June solstices are observed at a near-equator position labelled as ionosonde deduced equator (IDE). Such a signature was observed for an American equatorial (both geographic and geomagnetic) station Talara (Peru) which is an experimental support of the hypothesis. The IDE can be another useful parameter characterising the equatorial ionosphere. This finding reveals a new application of the standard ionosonde data in defining the geophysical character of equatorial stations, being an important contribution to space climatology. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
[1] In this paper a detailed design, development and performances of a 5 GHz microstrip Yagi antenna, which uses a two-dimensional (2-D) electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure in the ground plane, are presented. The results indicate that the use of the EBG structure improves the radiation pattern of the antenna. The cross polarization is suppressed by properly choosing the period and dimensions of EBGs. Also, the broadside gain is improved in comparison with the analogous antenna without the EBGs.
[1] Comprehensive measurements are presented of the piezometric head in an unconfined aquifer during steady, simple harmonic oscillations driven by a hydrostatic clear water reservoir through a vertical interface. The results are analyzed and used to test existing hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic, small-amplitude theories along with capillary fringe effects. As expected, the amplitude of the water table wave decays exponentially. However, the decay rates and phase lags indicate the influence of both vertical flow and capillary effects. The capillary effects are reconciled with observations of water table oscillations in a sand column with the same sand. The effects of vertical flows and the corresponding nonhydrostatic pressure are reasonably well described by small-amplitude theory for water table waves in finite depth aquifers. That includes the oscillation amplitudes being greater at the bottom than at the top and the phase lead of the bottom compared with the top. The main problems with respect to interpreting the measurements through existing theory relate to the complicated boundary condition at the interface between the driving head reservoir and the aquifer. That is, the small-amplitude, finite depth expansion solution, which matches a hydrostatic boundary condition between the bottom and the mean driving head level, is unrealistic with respect to the pressure variation above this level. Hence it cannot describe the finer details of the multiple mode behavior close to the driving head boundary. The mean water table height initially increases with distance from the forcing boundary but then decreases again, and its asymptotic value is considerably smaller than that previously predicted for finite depth aquifers without capillary effects. Just as the mean water table over-height is smaller than predicted by capillarity-free shallow aquifer models, so is the amplitude of the second harmonic. In fact, there is no indication of extra second harmonics ( in addition to that contained in the driving head) being generated at the interface or in the interior.
Spread-F/sporadic E coupling at Chung-Li, especially for postsunset periods of sunspot maximum years
Levantamentos geofísicos de alta resolução e amostragem de sedimentos de fundo foram realizados na Baía de Vitória tendo como objetivo mapear o fundo marinho acusticamente. A análise integrada de registros de sonar de varredura lateral e sísmica rasa permitiu o reconhecimento de 4 ecofácies distintas. A ecofácies Tipo 1 está associada a fundos sem penetração do sinal acústico e com sonogramas de alta intensidade de retorno do sinal e dunas subaquosas, onde areias são predominantes. A ecofácies Tipo 2 ocorre comumente em fundos areno-lamosos que apresentam alta penetração do sinal acústico e baixa intensidade do sinal nos sonogramas. A ecofácies Tipo 3 é caracterizada por uma penetração transparente do sinal até encontrar um refletor de alta amplitude e sem penetração, sendo típica de fundos lamosos. A ecofácies Tipo 4 está diretamente associada a fundos rochosos. A análise da distribuição destas ecofácies permite a interpretação dos principais processos sedimentares que atuam ao longo da baía.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito dos parâmetros que compõem os dentes de serra de fita na produção e qualidade da madeira serrada de eucalipto. Analisou-se o efeito de dois passos de dentes (57,15 mm e passo variado: 50,8 - 50,8 - 50,39 - 50,71 - 60,03 - 60,35 mm), de dois ângulos de ataque (26 e 270) e de duas alturas (22 e 25,4 mm) em duas classes diamétricas (25 a 34 cm e 35 e 47 cm) de clones de híbridos Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla com 15 anos de idade. Não houve ganho de qualidade quando se trabalhou com passo variado. As lâminas de serra que possuíam ângulo de ataque de 270 e passo único tanto com altura do dente de 22 mm quanto com 25,4 mm geraram desvios acima da espessura-meta. A menor variação em torno da espessura-meta foi obtida quando se utilizaram lâminas de serra de ângulo de ataque de 270 e altura do dente de 25,4 mm. O maior desvio ocorreu quando o desdobro foi efetuado com passo variado e ângulo de ataque de 260. A utilização de passo variado, de modo geral, foi o que apresentou maiores desvios na espessura das tábuas em relação à espessura desejada.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a variação das dimensões das fibras e dos vasos da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis com quatro diferentes idades (10, 14, 20 e 25 anos), proveniente de talhões comerciais. A amostragem do material na árvore foi feita através da coleta de três discos, retirados da base e das extremidades das duas primeiras toras, ambas com o comprimento comercial de 3 m. De cada disco, retiraram-se cinco amostras, de dimensões 1,0 x 1,0 x 1,0 cm, tomadas de pontos eqüidistantes, correspondentes a 0; 25; 50; 75; e 100% da seção, no sentido radial medula-casca, fazendo-se a medição das fibras e dos vasos. Verificou-se, em todos os parâmetros, o efeito da idade e da variação radial, no sentido medula-casca, à exceção da largura e do diâmetro do lume das fibras; todos os demais parâmetros apresentaram correlação positiva.
As variações de umidade e da densidade do lenho das árvores são as principais causas dos defeitos de secagem, como o empenamento e fendilhamento das peças de madeira. Os tipos de madeira presentes em um tronco estão relacionados com as variações dessas duas importantes propriedades físicas. Os gradientes de umidade e da densidade da madeira de sete espécies de eucalipto foram avaliados nas direções radial e longitudinal do tronco de árvores recém-abatidas. Os resultados apontaram uma maior homogeneidade de distribuição de umidade dentro das árvores de E. paniculata e E. citriodora, indicada pelos coeficientes de variação e desvio-padrão. O diferencial de umidade da madeira nas regiões internas do tronco de E. paniculata e E. citriodora foi de 20% e de E. urophylla e E. grandis, de 80%. A densidade básica da madeira aumentou na direção radial do tronco, e cada espécie de eucalipto apresentou um modelo de variação.
Este trabalho objetivou testar a resistência natural da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis de quatro diferentes idades (10, 14, 20 e 25 anos) ao ataque de cupins de madeira seca. As amostras foram retiradas da prancha diametral, na região próxima ao cerne mais externo, em número de seis unidades por tora, de cada uma das 16 árvores (quatro de cada idade). Cada par de amostras foi colocado em contato com 40 indivíduos, da espécie Cryptotermes brevis (cupim de madeira seca), avaliando-se cada par comparativamente com corpos-de-prova de madeira altamente suscetível ao ataque de cupins, no caso a madeira de Pinus elliottii, sob idênticas condições laboratoriais, mediante observações em intervalos periódicos. Ao término do ensaio foram registrados a porcentagem de cupins mortos e o número de furos, além do desgaste produzido por esses insetos. Verificou-se que a madeira de 10 anos foi a mais severamente atacada, com desgaste semelhante ao da testemunha. As madeiras de 14, 20 e 25 anos não diferiram estatisticamente entre si, quanto à resistência natural ao ataque de cupim de madeira seca, todas classificadas como de desgaste acentuado. A madeira de todas as idades mostrou-se altamente suscetível ao ataque de cupins, revelando a baixa resistência natural da espécie.
P>Reconstruction of the South Atlantic opening has long been a matter of debate and several models have been proposed. One problem in tracing properly the Atlantic history arises from the existence of a long interval without geomagnetic reversals, the Cretaceous Normal Superchron, for which ages are difficult to assign. Palaeomagnetism may help in addressing this issue if high-quality palaeomagnetic poles are available for the two drifting continental blocks, and if precise absolute ages are available. In this work we have investigated the Cabo Magmatic Province, northeastern Brazil, recently dated at 102 +/- 1 Ma (zircon fission tracks, Ar39/Ar40). All volcanic and plutonic rocks showed stable thermal and AF demagnetization patterns, and exhibit primary magnetic signatures. AMS data also support a primary origin for the magnetic fabric and is interpreted to be contemporaneous of the rock formation. The obtained pole is located at 335.9 degrees E/87.9 degrees S (N = 24; A(95) = 2.5; K = 138) and satisfies modern quality criteria, resulting in a reference pole for South America at similar to 100 Ma. This new pole also gives an insight to test and discuss the kinematic models currently proposed for the South Atlantic opening during mid-Cretaceous.
The origin of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (KPB) mass extinction is still the center of acrimonious debates by opposing partisans of the bolide impact theory to those who favored a terrestrial origin linked to the Deccan Traps volcanism. Here we apply an original and high-resolution environmental magnetic study of the reference Bidart section, France. Our results show that the KPB is identified by an abrupt positive shift of the magnetic susceptibility (MS), also observed by others at the KPB elsewhere. In addition, an anomalous interval of very low MS, carried by an unknown Cl-bearing iron oxide similar to specular hematite, is depicted just below the KPB. Grain-size and morphology of the Cl-iron oxide are typically in the range of hematitic dust currently transported by winds from Sahara to Europe. This discovery is confirmed in the referenced Gubbio section (Italy) suggesting a global scale phenomenon. As a conjecture we suggest an origin by heterogeneous reaction between HCl-rich volcanic gas and liquid-solid aerosols within buoyant atmospheric plumes formed above the newly emitted Deccan flood basalts. Based on this hypothesis, our discovery provides a new benchmark for the Deccan volcanism and witnesses the nature and importance of the related atmospheric change.