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This study evaluated the course of psychological variables during a 2-year follow-up in patients after common whiplash of the cervical spine. From a sample of 117 non-selected patients with common whiplash (investigated on average 7.2 +/- 4.2 days after trauma) a total of 21 suffered trauma-related symptoms over 2 years following initial injury. These patients (symptomatic group) were compared with 21 age, gender and education pair-matched patients, who showed complete recovery from trauma-related symptoms during the 2-year follow-up (asymptomatic group). Both groups underwent standardised testing procedures (i.e., Freiburg Personality Inventory and Well-Being Scale) at referral, and at 3, 6 and 24 months. In the symptomatic group during follow-up no significant changes in rating of neck pain or headache were found. Significant differences between the groups and significant deviation of scores over time were found on the Well-Being and Nervousness Scales. There was a lack of significant difference between the groups on the Depression Scale, indicating a possible somatic basis for changes in psychological functioning in the investigated sample. With regard to scales of Extraversion or Neuroticism, there were neither significant differences between the groups nor significant deviation over time. These results highlight that patients' psychological problems are rather a consequence than a cause of somatic symptoms in whiplash.
AIMS: To compare the gender distribution of HIV-infected adults receiving highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) in resource-constrained settings with estimates of the gender distribution of HIV infection; to describe the clinical characteristics of women and men receiving HAART. METHODS: The Antiretroviral Therapy in Lower-Income Countries, ART-LINC Collaboration is a network of clinics providing HAART in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. We compared UNAIDS data on the gender distribution of HIV infection with the proportions of women and men receiving HAART in the ART-LINC Collaboration. RESULTS: Twenty-nine centers in 13 countries participated. Among 33,164 individuals, 19,989 (60.3%) were women. Proportions of women receiving HAART in ART-LINC centers were similar to, or higher than, UNAIDS estimates of the proportions of HIV-infected women in all but two centers. There were fewer women receiving HAART than expected from UNAIDS data in one center in Uganda and one center in India. Taking into account heterogeneity across cohorts, women were younger than men, less likely to have advanced HIV infection, and more likely to be anemic at HAART initiation. CONCLUSIONS: Women in resource-constrained settings are not necessarily disadvantaged in their access to HAART. More attention needs to be paid to ensuring that HIV-infected men are seeking care and starting HAART.
BACKGROUND: Being a caregiver for a spouse with Alzheimer's disease is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular illness, particularly for males. This study examined the effects of caregiver gender and severity of the spouse's dementia on sleep, coagulation, and inflammation in the caregiver. METHODS: Eighty-one male and female spousal caregivers and 41 non-caregivers participated (mean age of all participants 70.2 years). Full-night polysomnography (PSG) was recorded in each participants home. Severity of the Alzheimer's disease patient's dementia was determined by the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale. The Role Overload scale was completed as an assessment of caregiving stress. Blood was drawn to assess circulating levels of D-dimer and Interleukin-6 (IL-6). RESULTS: Male caregivers who were caring for a spouse with moderate to severe dementia spent significantly more time awake after sleep onset than female caregivers caring for spouses with moderate to severe dementia (p=.011), who spent a similar amount of time awake after sleep onset to caregivers of low dementia spouses and to non-caregivers. Similarly, male caregivers caring for spouses with worse dementia had significantly higher circulating levels of D-dimer (p=.034) than females caring for spouses with worse dementia. In multiple regression analysis (adjusted R(2)=.270, p<.001), elevated D-dimer levels were predicted by a combination of the CDR rating of the patient (p=.047) as well as greater time awake after sleep onset (p=.046). DISCUSSION: The findings suggest that males caring for spouses with more severe dementia experience more disturbed sleep and have greater coagulation, the latter being associated with the disturbed sleep. These findings may provide insight into why male caregivers of spouses with Alzheimer's disease are at increased risk for illness, particularly cardiovascular disease.
The aim of this project is to investigate the use of gender-fair language from a cross-linguistic perspective. Specifically, we are interested in whether the use of gender-fair language correlates with socio-economic rankings of gender equality and with structural features of a language. We decided to analyze online job advertisements, as they reflect common language use and can easily be compared across languages. Moreover, formulations in job advertisements have been shown to impact personnel selection via the way target groups are addressed and referred to. In the present study we examined to what extent job advertisements are formulated in a gender-fair way and how this correlates with factors such as language, culture as well as status and gender-typicality of the job advertised. The data consisted of job advertisements published online in four European countries which occupy different positions in socio-economic rankings of gender equality (World Economic Forum, 2011): Switzerland (10), Austria (rank 34), Poland (42), and Czech Republic (75). We randomly selected 100 job advertisements from four lines of business characterized by different proportions of female employees – steels/metals, science, restaurants/food services, and health care. The advertisements were analyzed with regard to the linguistic form of the job title and the remaining text; we also noted indicators of job status, reference to gender-typical traits, pictures of women/men and other information which might be relevant to the use of gender-fair language (e.g., equal opportunity policies). A first analysis of the data indicates that the phrasing of job titles is closely related to the gender-typicality of a profession. While mainly gender-fair forms are used in healthcare, masculine forms are used more often in the domain of steels and metals. Feminine forms only, however, are almost never used. Cultural differences as well as correlations with associated variables will be discussed.
IMPORTANCE Little is known about whether sex differences in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) presentation exist in young patients and what factors determine absence of chest pain in ACS presentation. OBJECTIVES To evaluate sex differences in ACS presentation and to estimate associations between sex, sociodemographic, gender identity, psychosocial and clinical factors, markers of coronary disease severity, and absence of chest pain in young patients with ACS. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS We conducted a prospective cohort study of 1015 patients (30% women) 55 years or younger, hospitalized for ACS and enrolled in the GENESIS PRAXY (Gender and Sex Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease: From Bench to Beyond Premature Acute Coronary Syndrome) study (January 2009-September 2012). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The McSweeney Acute and Prodromal Myocardial Infarction Symptom Survey was administered during hospitalization. RESULTS The median age for both sexes was 49 years. Women were more likely to have non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (37.5 vs 30.7; P = .03) and present without chest pain compared with men (19.0% vs 13.7%; P = .03). Patients without chest pain reported fewer symptoms overall and no discernable pattern of non-chest pain symptoms was found. In the multivariate model, being a woman (odds ratio [OR], 1.95 [95% CI, 1.23-3.11]; P = .005) and tachycardia (OR, 2.07 [95% CI, 1.20-3.56]; P = .009) were independently associated with ACS presentation without chest pain. Patients without chest pain did not differ significantly from those with chest pain in terms of ACS type, troponin level elevation, or coronary stenosis. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Chest pain was the most common ACS symptom in both sexes. Although women were more likely to present without chest pain than men, absence of chest pain was not associated with markers of coronary disease severity. Strategies that explicitly incorporate assessment of common non-chest pain symptoms need to be evaluated.
Marital breakup is among the most incisive stressors in adult life. While the negative effects of divorce on well-being are well documented in research literature, the large interindividual differences in psychological adaptation to marital dissolution are still not well understood. One major controversially discussed question is, whether marital dissolution represents a temporary crisis or rather a chronic strain. But also with regard of the role of gender results are mixed. The aim of the present study is to investigate the psychological adaptation (depression, perceived stress and life satisfaction) to marital breakup in a sample of 980 middle-aged persons (M = 51.8 years) who were partnered on average 19.4 years. We compared four time groups: one with a separation within the last 12 months (84 women, 36 men), another within the last 13-24 months (75 women, 19 men), a third within 25-60 months (121 women, 49 men), and one with a separation more than 60 months ago (189 women, 144 men). A group of 348 age-matched married people served as control group (189 women, 159 men). Findings from ANOVA with the outcome depression as well as with the outcome perceived stress yielded a significant main effect for both factors (gender and time). The group who had experienced a separation within the last 12 months differed significantly from all other groups (higher depression score and higher perceived stress). No significant main effect for the factor time was found for the outcome life satisfaction. Regarding gender differences, females from all time groups displayed higher depression scores and higher perceived stress but lower life satisfaction than males. These results give important insights into the process of adaptation to marital breakup, which can be used for counselling.