878 resultados para formation process


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L’électrofilage est une technique de mise en œuvre efficace et versatile qui permet la production de fibres continues d’un diamètre typique de quelques centaines de nanomètres à partir de l’application d’un haut voltage sur une solution concentrée de polymères enchevêtrés. L’évaporation extrêmement rapide du solvant et les forces d’élongation impliquées dans la formation de ces fibres leur confèrent des propriétés hors du commun et très intéressantes pour plusieurs types d’applications, mais dont on commence seulement à effleurer la surface. À cause de leur petite taille, ces matériaux ont longtemps été étudiés uniquement sous forme d’amas de milliers de fibres avec les techniques conventionnelles telles que la spectroscopie infrarouge ou la diffraction des rayons X. Nos connaissances de leur comportement proviennent donc toujours de la convolution des propriétés de l’amas de fibres et des caractéristiques spécifiques de chacune des fibres qui le compose. Les études récentes à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle ont mis en lumière des comportements inhabituels, particulièrement l’augmentation exponentielle du module avec la réduction du diamètre. L’orientation et, de manière plus générale, la structure moléculaire des fibres sont susceptibles d’être à l'origine de ces propriétés, mais d’une manière encore incomprise. L’établissement de relations structure/propriétés claires et l’identification des paramètres qui les influencent représentent des défis d’importance capitale en vue de tirer profit des caractéristiques très particulières des fibres électrofilées. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes plus accessibles et permettant des analyses structurales rapides et approfondies sur une grande quantité de fibres individuelles présentant une large gamme de diamètre. Dans cette thèse, la spectroscopie Raman confocale est utilisée pour l’étude des caractéristiques structurales, telles que l’orientation moléculaire, la cristallinité et le désenchevêtrement, de fibres électrofilées individuelles. En premier lieu, une nouvelle méthodologie de quantification de l’orientation moléculaire par spectroscopie Raman est développée théoriquement dans le but de réduire la complexité expérimentale de la mesure, d’étendre la gamme de matériaux pour lesquels ces analyses sont possibles et d’éliminer les risques d’erreurs par rapport à la méthode conventionnelle. La validité et la portée de cette nouvelle méthode, appelée MPD, est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement. Par la suite, une méthodologie efficace permettant l’étude de caractéristiques structurales à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle par spectroscopie Raman est présentée en utilisant le poly(éthylène téréphtalate) comme système modèle. Les limites de la technique sont exposées et des stratégies expérimentales pour les contourner sont mises de l’avant. Les résultats révèlent une grande variabilité de l'orientation et de la conformation d'une fibre à l'autre, alors que le taux de cristallinité demeure systématiquement faible, démontrant l'importance et la pertinence des études statistiques de fibres individuelles. La présence de chaînes montrant un degré d’enchevêtrement plus faible dans les fibres électrofilées que dans la masse est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement pour la première fois par spectroscopie infrarouge sur des amas de fibres de polystyrène. Les conditions d'électrofilage favorisant ce phénomène structural, qui est soupçonné d’influencer grandement les propriétés des fibres, sont identifiées. Finalement, l’ensemble des méthodologies développées sont appliquées sur des fibres individuelles de polystyrène pour l’étude approfondie de l’orientation et du désenchevêtrement sur une large gamme de diamètres et pour une grande quantité de fibres. Cette dernière étude permet l’établissement de la première relation structure/propriétés de ces matériaux, à l’échelle individuelle, en montrant clairement le lien entre l’orientation moléculaire, le désenchevêtrement et le module d'élasticité des fibres.


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A recent all-object spectroscopic survey centred on the Fornax cluster of galaxies has discovered a population of subluminous and extremely compact members, called 'ultra-compact dwarf' (UCD) galaxies. In order to clarify the origin of these objects, we have used self-consistent numerical simulations to study the dynamical evolution a nucleated dwarf galaxy would undergo if orbiting the centre of the Fornax cluster and suffering from its strong tidal gravitational field. We find that the outer stellar components of a nucleated dwarf are removed by the strong tidal field of the cluster, whereas the nucleus manages to survive as a result of its initially compact nature. The developed naked nucleus is found to have physical properties (e. g. size and mass) similar to those observed for UCDs. We also find that although this formation process does not have a strong dependence on the initial total luminosity of the nucleated dwarf, it does depend on the radial density profile of the dark halo in the sense that UCDs are less likely to be formed from dwarfs embedded in dark matter haloes with central 'cuspy' density profiles. Our simulations also suggest that very massive and compact stellar systems can be rapidly and efficiently formed in the central regions of dwarfs through the merging of smaller star clusters. We provide some theoretical predictions on the total number and radial number density profile of UCDs in a cluster and their dependencies on cluster masses.


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O relacionamento de longo prazo é atualmente o elemento-chave para o sucesso das organizações. Com um mercado tão competitivo, as empresas estão desenvolvendo estratégias que melhor possam satisfazer e criar valor para seus clientes. As empresas precisam definir muito bem as suas estratégias com foco na percepção de seus clientes e do mercado. Porém a criação de valor não advém apenas da qualidade de um produto, da tecnologia e da infraestrutura. Ela também tem base em valores intrínsecos como, por exemplo, as competências. Sendo assim, as empresas precisam investir nos profissionais de linha de frente para que eles desenvolvam competências e atendam às necessidades e desejos dos clientes. Este trabalho tem o intuito de demonstrar se as competências coletivas, desenvolvidas a partir da interação social de um grupo podem trazer algum(s) benefício(s) ou não para o atendimento ao cliente em termos de satisfação e criação de valor, promovendo o marketing de relacionamento. Em seu desenvolvimento, foram utilizadas como base as teorias de competência, competências coletivas, gestão do conhecimento, satisfação e criação de valor para o cliente e marketing de relacionamento. Porém, não foi possível encontrar na literatura qualquer relação entre os temas competências coletivas e marketing de relacionamento. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar como o desenvolvimento das competências coletivas de uma equipe de vendas pode influenciar a satisfação do cliente. Especificamente buscou-se a) levantar quais os principais fatores ligados à equipe de vendas que geram satisfação nos clientes; b) analisar como as competências coletivas da equipe de vendas influenciam a satisfação do cliente; c) identificar como se formam competências coletivas em uma equipe de vendas. A partir destes objetivos, o procedimento metodológico de abordagem qualitativa foi orientado pelo método de estudo de caso, com procedimentos de análise de dados de entrevistas, observação direta e levantamento de registros. Foram entrevistadas duas equipes de vendas de uma empresa multinacional no segmento de serviços para análise e proteção de crédito, envolvendo o gerente, três vendedores e um cliente de cada equipe, atendidos por estes vendedores. As observações foram realizadas em duas reuniões de vendas envolvendo vendedores e clientes, e os registros analisados referem-se a metas e número de clientes atendidos no mês. Os resultados evidenciam que as competências coletivas podem influenciar na satisfação do cliente, embora estes só percebam as competências individuais e organizacionais. Mas ficou evidente, por parte de vendedores e gerentes de equipe, que as competências coletivas, além de promover a satisfação do cliente, auxiliam no desenvolvimento e na formação de competências individuais das pessoas na área comercial.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a mulher congregacional, sua formação pastoral no período de 1965-1975, considerado de grande desenvolvimento da Igreja. Fez-se analise dos contextos social, político, econômico e religioso para ter idéia do contexto geral do espaço em que a Igreja Evangélica Congregacional em Angola foi implantada. Falou-se da viagem dos primeiros missionários norte-americanos para o interior do país, assim como do episódio acontecido durante a implantação da Igreja no Bailundo, sede do reino na época, liderado pelo rei Ekuikui II nos primeiros anos de vida da Igreja. O desenvolvimento da igreja mereceu um olhar especial, assim como os modelos pastorais, a cooperação dos nativos na expansão do evangelho, as instituições da Igreja e sua mudança de nome. Destacaram-se as relações de gênero, a formação na cultura, o processo da formação pastoral das mulheres e os principais cursos ministrados nos centros, nas estações missionárias e no Dôndi. Os cursos eram: economia doméstica, alfabetização, educação cristã, formação feminina, formação das parteiras. A contribuição das mulheres para o desenvo lvimento da Igreja e da sociedade era diversificada, o que acontece até hoje, entretanto, destacam-se as contribuições das mulheres leigas, diaconisas, esposas dos pastores e o programa do Fogo Cristão implementado por elas. Apontei as dificuldades que as mulheres encontraram no processo da formação. Analisei a situação geral e a necessidade da formação pastoral das mulheres nos dias de hoje no Huambo e em toda Angola. O trabalho faz propostas de formação pastoral das mulheres que podem servir de ponte entre a nova e a velha geração.


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Os textos bíblicos são o resultado de um processo histórico-literário no qual as sociedades e as culturas se fazem presentes pelas construções e representações simbólicas, pelas linguagens e pelos discursos. Desse modo, na pesquisa bíblica torna-se imprescindível o estudo das fontes do cristianismo primitivo por meio de conceitos histórico-antropológicos que possibilitem compreender o processo de formação de identidades no contexto judaicohelênico do cristianismo primitivo. Na perspectiva de análise das identidades, Gl 3,26-29 reflete e sugere a interação e a aproximação entre os grupos étnicos e socioculturais, observadas as diferenças e a unidade em Cristo Jesus; e o reconhecimento das identidades a partir da dinâmica das fronteiras sociais, étnicas e geográficas. Dos pontos de vista teológico e antropológico, aproximamo-nos dos componentes conceituais étnicos, socioculturais e religiosos que o texto sugere, bem como das representações sociais e de gênero que emergem da interação entre os grupos cristãos ainda no século I. Portanto, para o cristianismo paulino da Galácia, a concepção do judaísmo, em sua relação com o helenismo, não constitui uma entidade fixa, estagnada, em simples oposição a este; eles estão em contínuo movimento de interação entre as fronteiras e, em sua diversidade e diferenças, possibilitam compreender o emergir das identidades fluidas em formação.


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O presente trabalho procura analisar e avaliar a instalação de uma instituição de ensino metodista na cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG ao final do século XIX, bem como identificar e analisar a educação metodista, a partir de uma investigação a respeito do movimento religioso que se iniciou na Inglaterra, no século XVII, sob a liderança de John Wesley. Com a sua consolidação, o movimento adotou o nome de Metodismo, de acordo com a visão que observadores tinham a respeito do grupo de adeptos, sempre disciplinados, metódicos e comprometidos com a filosofia que acreditavam. A investigação se estendeu às demais regiões pelas quais o Metodismo se instalou, passando pela América do Norte, chegando ao Brasil e abrangendo o sudeste brasileiro, mais especificamente, a Zona da Mata mineira, na cidade de Juiz de Fora/Minas Gerais. O estudo bibliográfico apresenta reflexões sobre o processo de formação, desenvolvimento e expansão da doutrina religiosa metodista e sua concepção educacional. Busca também analisar as relações do Metodismo com o processo de formação e transformação política, social e cultural do Brasil, no final do século XIX, quando acontece a implantação do regime republicano em substituição ao regime monárquico. Além disso, procura analisar as contribuições da educação metodista na construção e desenvolvimento da educação brasileira, que, juntamente com a política estavam sendo pensadas e questionadas por um grupo social e intelectual em ascensão na sociedade brasileira naquele momento histórico. Juntamente com as obras consultadas, a análise documental utilizou os livros de atas da congregação dos primórdios da fundação da instituição, o primeiro livro de matrícula, os estatutos e regulamento e as revistas editados na própria instituição, além de fragmentos do mais importante jornal da cidade à época. A análise destes documentos permite que sejam comprovadas as reflexões realizadas à luz da história e da teoria pesquisada, que serviram de base na pesquisa.


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão e uma discussão em torno dos modelos de democracia, presentes nos gestores e em suas práticas pedagógicas. Essa leitura é feita a partir de processos de formação que incluem toda a trajetória das pessoas envolvidas na busca das formas de apropriação dos ideais de democracia presentes em cada um e em suas etapas de formação para a vida e para a profissão. O suporte teórico pauta-se no ouvir contar , ou seja, nos relatos orais das histórias de vida de cada um dos envolvidos. Infância, dolescência, juventude e maturidade permeiam-se na busca de respostas para os referenciais que cada um dos agentes possui. Dialoguei com as memórias dos entrevistados na busca da descoberta da idéia que cada um dos entrevistados carrega a respeito da gestão democrática. Olhei para as subjetividades e descobri um universo muito mais complexo do que aquele abordado pelas bibliografias a respeito do assunto. Descobri que as pessoas constroem suas concepções ao longo da vida e se relacionam com estas através das situações mais formais, tais como a profissão. O trabalho está estruturado em três capítulos, seguidos de anexos.


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A sudden change applied to a single component can cause its segregation from an ongoing complex tone as a pure-tone-like percept. Three experiments examined whether such pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams by extending the research of Bregman and Rudnicky (1975). Those authors found that listeners struggled to identify the presentation order of 2 pure-tone targets of different frequency when they were flanked by 2 lower frequency “distractors.” Adding a series of matched-frequency “captor” tones, however, improved performance by pulling the distractors into a separate stream from the targets. In the current study, sequences of discrete pure tones were substituted by sequences of brief changes applied to an otherwise constant 1.2-s complex tone. Pure-tone-like percepts were evoked by applying 6-dB increments to individual components of a complex comprising harmonics 1–7 of 300 Hz (Experiment 1) or 0.5-ms changes in interaural time difference to individual components of a log-spaced complex (range 160–905 Hz; Experiment 2). Results were consistent with the earlier study, providing clear evidence that pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams. Experiment 3 adapted Experiment 1 by presenting a global amplitude increment either synchronous with, or just after, the last captor prior to the 1st distractor. In the former case, for which there was no pure-tone-like percept corresponding to that captor, the captor sequence did not aid performance to the same extent as previously. It is concluded that this change to the captor-tone stream partially resets the stream-formation process, and so the distractors and targets became likely to integrate once more. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)


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Aim: Topical application of ophthalmic drugs is very inefficient; contact lenses used as drug delivery devices could minimize the drug loss and side effects. Styrene-maleic acid copolymers (PSMA) can form polymer-phospholipid complexes with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) in the form of nanometric vesicles, which can easily solubilise hydrophobic drugs. They can be dispersed on very thin contact lens coatings to immobilize the drug on their surface. Methods: Two types of complexes stable at different pH values (5 and 7 respectively) where synthesized and loaded with drugs of different hydrophilicities during their formation process. The drug release was studied in vitro and compared to the free drug. Results: The mean sizes of the complexes obtained by light scattering were 50 nm and 450 nm respectively with low polydispersities. However, they were affected by the drugs load and release. An increase was observed in the duration of the release in the case of hydrophobic drugs, from days to weeks, avoiding initial “burst” and with a lesser amount of total drug released due to the interaction of the drug with the phospholipid core. The size and charge of the different drugs and the complexes nature also affected the release profile. Conclusions: Polymer-phospholipid complexes in the form of nanoparticles can be used to solubilise and release hydrophobic drugs in a controlled way. The drug load and release can be optimised to reach therapeutic values in the eye.


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Background/Aims: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are spherical fragments of cell membrane released from various cell types under physiological as well as pathological conditions. Based on their size and origin, EVs are classified as exosome, microvesicles (MVs) and apoptotic bodies. Recently, the release of MVs from human red blood cells (RBCs) under different conditions has been reported. MVs are released by outward budding and fission of the plasma membrane. However, the outward budding process itself, the release of MVs and the physical properties of these MVs have not been well investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate the formation process, isolation and characterization of MVs released from RBCs under conditions of stimulating Ca2+ uptake and activation of protein kinase C. Methods: Experiments were performed based on single cell fluorescence imaging, fluorescence activated cell sorter/flow cytometer (FACS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The released MVs were collected by differential centrifugation and characterized in both their size and zeta potential. Results: Treatment of RBCs with 4-bromo-A23187 (positive control), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), or phorbol-12 myristate-13 acetate (PMA) in the presence of 2 mM extracellular Ca2+ led to an alteration of cell volume and cell morphology. In stimulated RBCs, exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) and formation of MVs were observed by using annexin V-FITC. The shedding of MVs was also observed in the case of PMA treatment in the absence of Ca2+, especially under the transmitted bright field illumination. By using SEM, AFM and DLS the morphology and size of stimulated RBCs, MVs were characterized. The sizes of the two populations of MVs were 205.8 ± 51.4 nm and 125.6 ± 31.4 nm, respectively. Adhesion of stimulated RBCs and MVs was observed. The zeta potential of MVs was determined in the range from - 40 mV to - 10 mV depended on the solutions and buffers used. Conclusion: An increase of intracellular Ca2+ or an activation of protein kinase C leads to the formation and release of MVs in human RBCs.


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Long-term survival and growth depends on the firm’s ability to exploit its current competencies while exploring fundamentally new ones. Finding the balance between exploration and exploitation is called ambidexterity in the literature. This paper is a comprehensive review of organizational ambidexterity theory. Creating and maintaining the capacity to simultaneously pursue these contradictory activities is an extremely difficult managerial challenge. Although, several aspects are well-researched, especially structural and leadership solutions in large, multinational enterprises, but little is known about: (1) how ambidexterity forms in earlier growth stages? (2) What are the key drivers and elements of organizational context that makes organizations able to become ambidextrous? (3) What is the role of different managerial levels in this formation process? Reviewing the literature, in this article the author would like to introduce the paradox of exploration and exploitation, the tensions and different aspects of ambidexterity, the fields current stage and some important research gaps.


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Clusters are aggregations of atoms or molecules, generally intermediate in size between individual atoms and aggregates that are large enough to be called bulk matter. Clusters can also be called nanoparticles, because their size is on the order of nanometers or tens of nanometers. A new field has begun to take shape called nanostructured materials which takes advantage of these atom clusters. The ultra-small size of building blocks leads to dramatically different properties and it is anticipated that such atomically engineered materials will be able to be tailored to perform as no previous material could.^ The idea of ionized cluster beam (ICB) thin film deposition technique was first proposed by Takagi in 1972. It was based upon using a supersonic jet source to produce, ionize and accelerate beams of atomic clusters onto substrates in a vacuum environment. Conditions for formation of cluster beams suitable for thin film deposition have only recently been established following twenty years of effort. Zinc clusters over 1,000 atoms in average size have been synthesized both in our lab and that of Gspann. More recently, other methods of synthesizing clusters and nanoparticles, using different types of cluster sources, have come under development.^ In this work, we studied different aspects of nanoparticle beams. The work includes refinement of a model of the cluster formation mechanism, development of a new real-time, in situ cluster size measurement method, and study of the use of ICB in the fabrication of semiconductor devices.^ The formation process of the vaporized-metal cluster beam was simulated and investigated using classical nucleation theory and one dimensional gas flow equations. Zinc cluster sizes predicted at the nozzle exit are in good quantitative agreement with experimental results in our laboratory.^ A novel in situ real-time mass, energy and velocity measurement apparatus has been designed, built and tested. This small size time-of-flight mass spectrometer is suitable to be used in our cluster deposition systems and does not suffer from problems related to other methods of cluster size measurement like: requirement for specialized ionizing lasers, inductive electrical or electromagnetic coupling, dependency on the assumption of homogeneous nucleation, limits on the size measurement and non real-time capability. Measured ion energies using the electrostatic energy analyzer are in good accordance with values obtained from computer simulation. The velocity (v) is measured by pulsing the cluster beam and measuring the time of delay between the pulse and analyzer output current. The mass of a particle is calculated from m = (2E/v$\sp2).$ The error in the measured value of background gas mass is on the order of 28% of the mass of one N$\sb2$ molecule which is negligible for the measurement of large size clusters. This resolution in cluster size measurement is very acceptable for our purposes.^ Selective area deposition onto conducting patterns overlying insulating substrates was demonstrated using intense, fully-ionized cluster beams. Parameters influencing the selectivity are ion energy, repelling voltage, the ratio of the conductor to insulator dimension, and substrate thickness. ^


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Receptor-tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are membrane bound receptors characterized by their intrinsic kinase activity. RTK activities play an essential role in several human diseases, including cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. RTK activities have been regulated by the expression or silencing of several genes as well as by the utilization of small molecules. Ras Interference 1 (Rin1) is a multifunctional protein that becomes associated with activated RTKs upon ligand stimulation. Rin1 plays a key role in receptor internalization and in signal transduction via activation of Rab5 and association with active form of Ras. This study has two main objectives: (1) It determines the role of Rin1 in the regulation of several RTKs focusing on insulin receptor. This was accomplished by studying the Rin1-insulin receptor interaction using a variety of biochemical and morphological assays. This study shows a novel interaction between the insulin receptor and Rin1 through the Vps9 domain. Two more RTKs (epidermal growth factor receptor and nerve growth factor receptor) also interacted with the SH2 domain of Rin1. The effect of the Rin1-RTK interaction on the activation of both Rab5 and Ras was also studied during receptor internalization and intracellular signaling. Finally, the role of Rin1 was examined in two differentiation processes (adipogenesis and neurogenesis). Rin1 showed a strong inhibitory effect on 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation but it seems to show a modest effect in PC12 neurite outgrowth. These data indicate a selective function and specific interaction of Rin1 toward RTKs. (2) It examines the role of the small molecule Dehydroleucodine (DhL) on several key signaling molecules during adipogenesis. This was accomplished by studying the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes exposed to different concentrations of DhL in different days of the adipocyte formation process. The results indicate that DhL selectively blocked adipocyte formation, as well as the expression of PPARγ, and C/EBP&agr;. However, DhL treatment did not affect Rin1 or Rab5 expression and their activities. Taken together, the data indicate a potential molecular mechanism by which proteins or small molecules regulate selective and specific RTK intracellular membrane trafficking and signaling during cell growth and differentiation in normal and pathological conditions.


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The cutting fluids are lubricants used in machining processes, because they present many benefits for different processes. They have many functions, such as lubrication, cooling, improvement in surface finishing, besides they decreases the tool wear and protect it against corrosion. Therefore due to new environment laws and demand to green products, new cutting fluids must be development. These shall be biodegradable, non-toxic, safety for environment and operator healthy. Thus, vegetable oils are a good option to solve this problem, replacing the mineral oils. In this context, this work aimed to develop an emulsion cutting fluid from epoxidized vegetable oil, promoting better lubrication and cooling in machining processes, besides being environment friendly. The methodology was divided in five steps: first one was the biolubricant synthesis by epoxidation reaction. Following this, the biolubricant was characterized in terms of density, acidity, iodo index, oxirane index, viscosity, thermal stability and chemical composition. The third step was to develop an emulsion O/A with different oil concentration (10, 20 and 25%) and surfactant concentration (1, 2.5 and 5%). Also, emulsion stability was studied. The emulsion tribological performance were carried out in HFRR (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig), it consists in ball-disc contact. Results showed that the vegetable based lubricant may be synthesized by epoxidationreaction, the spectra showed that there was 100% conversion of the epoxy rings unsaturations. In regard the tribological assessment is observed that the percentage of oil present in the emulsion directly influenced the film formation and coefficient of friction for higher concentrations the film formation process is slow and unstable, and the coefficient of friction. The high concentrations of surfactants have not improved the emulsions tribological performance. The best performance in friction reduction was observed to emulsion with 10% of oil and 5% of surfactant, its average wear scar was 202 μm.


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This work aims at studying the biographical mediation taken as the progress of people in formation process who develop a biographical work on their own experiences with the help of a former (PASSEGGI, 2006, 2011). The research was carried out on a curricular component from Curso de Formação Inicial e Continuada (initial and continuous process of formation of teachers) with teachers from public schools developed by Instituto Federal de Educação do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN/ Ipanguaçu). The target audience featured diversity of professionals and experiences of formation. The general objective studied the potentials of procedures and devices used to mediate the reflection about the necessary knowledge to teaching practice based on their own experiences (auto-biographical) and the experience from the others (hetero-biographical). The study tried to respond to the following questions: how do teachers in formation relate themselves to the knowledge from experience? What procedures and devices contribute on the teachers‟ formation on the three different dimensions of biographical mediation (initiatory, maieutic, hermeneutics)? How to provide the auto-formation and hetero-formation? The theories and methods of this work are based on studies and researches that place the person in formation in the center of investigation and formation and analyze their reflective, re-inventive and self-re-inventive capacity. (FREIRE, 1987, 1996, 2001, 2011; JOSSO, 2008, 2010, 2012; DELORY-MONBERGER, 2006, 2008, 2012; CHARLLOT, 2000; CATANI, 2001; PASSEGGI, 2008; 2010; 2011; 2012). We selected six teachers who participate entirely on the meetings of the program. They discussed on the study topics, shared narrations that integrate their formation and the themes related to the course. The empirical material is composed by the narrations of the six participants and hearing boards done by themselves at the moment of the narration sharing process. The analysis followed three steps: a) the path of the program and the procedures of biographical mediation; b) the relations former/teacher on the three dimensions of biographical mediation; c) the hearing board as a device of biographical mediation. We concluded that the procedures and devices used for biographical mediation made possible specific learnings that are sources for the practice of initial and continuous teachers‟ formation, as well as for the formation of the former-researcher about the work with autobiographical narrations. Thus, it allow the co-investment of participants into the process of auto-formation and hetero-formation.