962 resultados para flash mob
La incorporació del Moodle com a eina de docència, i l’augment de hores no presencials a les diverses assignatures fa que calgui incorporar les noves tecnologies perquè els alumnes disposin de més material docent al seu abast. Però l’acumulació de material fa que només sigui útil aquell material que es guanyi a l’alumne. En aquest sentit, creiem que les animacions i les eines interactives poden ser materials atractius pels alumnes. En aquest projecte hem creat una eina d’animació interactiva perquè l’estudiant de Bioquímica practiqui i aprengui dues rutes principals del metabolisme de hidrats de carboni: la glucòlisi i la gluconeogènesi. Aquesta eina consta d’una pantalla separada en 3 zones: 1) una zona lateral que inclou la ruta metabòlica completa, i en la que l’alumne pot prémer sobre cada un dels passos que estructuren la ruta (finestra del metabolisme); 2) una zona inferior que presenta la reacció individual de la ruta metabòlica, en la que s’observa l’estructura química de les molècules i informació de l’enzim implicat en la reacció (finestra de l’enzim); i 3) una zona central en la que a través d’una animació amb Macromedia Flash MX, l’alumne observa el mecanisme químic de la reacció (finestra del mecanisme químic). Les tres zones són interactives i en prémer sobre elles donen informació, respectivament sobre la ruta completa, l’enzim de cada pas en particular i el mecanisme d’acció. A més, la finestra del mecanisme químic permet aturar en qualsevol moment la animació, tornar enrere i veure els intermediaris. Durant el segon semestre del curs 2007-2008 hem avaluat l’eina amb alumnes de Bioquímica de la Llicenciatura de Química, incorporant-la als dossier electrònics i al Moodle. Creiem que hem assolit els objectius que es proposaven: que l’alumne aprengui les dues rutes metabòliques, de manera divertida; el mecanisme de cada un dels passos de les rutes i l’estructura química dels metabòlits intermediaris de les rutes.
AIMS: To investigate the effect of surgical gastric bypass-induced weight loss and related alterations in endocannabinoids (ECs) and adipocytokine plasma levels on coronary circulatory dysfunction in morbidly obese (MOB) individuals. METHODS AND RESULTS: Myocardial blood flow (MBF) responses to cold pressor test (CPT) from rest (ΔMBF) and during pharmacologically induced hyperaemia were measured with &supl;³N-ammonia PET/CT in 18 MOB individuals with a body mass index (BMI) > 40 kg/m² at baseline and after a median follow-up period of 22 months. Gastric bypass intervention decreased BMI from a median of 44.8 (inter-quartile range: 43.3, 48.2) to 30.8 (27.3, 34.7) kg/m² (P < 0.0001). This decrease in BMI was accompanied by a marked improvement in endothelium-related ΔMBF to CPT and hyperaemic MBFs, respectively [0.34 (0.18, 0.41) from 0.03 (-0.08, 0.15) mL/g/min, P = 0.002; and 2.51 (2.17, 2.64) from 1.53 (1.39, 2.18) mL/g/min, P < 0.001]. There was an inverse correlation between decreases in plasma concentrations of the EC anandamide and improvement in ΔMBF to CPT (r = -0.59, P = 0.009), while increases in adiponectin plasma levels correlated positively with hyperaemic MBFs (r = 0.60, P = 0.050). Conversely, decreases in leptin plasma concentrations were not observed to correlate with the improvement in coronary circulatory function (r = 0.22, P = 0.400, and r = -0.31, P = 0.250). CONCLUSIONS: Gastric bypass-related reduction of BMI in MOB individuals beneficially affects coronary circulatory dysfunction. The dysbalance between ECs and adipocytokines appears to be an important determinant of coronary circulatory function in obesity.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To determine optimum spatial resolution when imaging peripheral arteries with magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eight vessel diameters ranging from 1.0 to 8.0 mm were simulated in a vascular phantom. A total of 40 three-dimensional flash MRA sequences were acquired with incremental variations of fields of view, matrix size, and slice thickness. The accurately known eight diameters were combined pairwise to generate 22 "exact" degrees of stenosis ranging from 42% to 87%. Then, the diameters were measured in the MRA images by three independent observers and with quantitative angiography (QA) software and used to compute the degrees of stenosis corresponding to the 22 "exact" ones. The accuracy and reproducibility of vessel diameter measurements and stenosis calculations were assessed for vessel size ranging from 6 to 8 mm (iliac artery), 4 to 5 mm (femoro-popliteal arteries), and 1 to 3 mm (infrapopliteal arteries). Maximum pixel dimension and slice thickness to obtain a mean error in stenosis evaluation of less than 10% were determined by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Mean errors on stenosis quantification were 8.8% +/- 6.3% for 6- to 8-mm vessels, 15.5% +/- 8.2% for 4- to 5-mm vessels, and 18.9% +/- 7.5% for 1- to 3-mm vessels. Mean errors on stenosis calculation were 12.3% +/- 8.2% for observers and 11.4% +/- 15.1% for QA software (P = .0342). To evaluate stenosis with a mean error of less than 10%, maximum pixel surface, the pixel size in the phase direction, and the slice thickness should be less than 1.56 mm2, 1.34 mm, 1.70 mm, respectively (voxel size 2.65 mm3) for 6- to 8-mm vessels; 1.31 mm2, 1.10 mm, 1.34 mm (voxel size 1.76 mm3), for 4- to 5-mm vessels; and 1.17 mm2, 0.90 mm, 0.9 mm (voxel size 1.05 mm3) for 1- to 3-mm vessels. CONCLUSION: Higher spatial resolution than currently used should be selected for imaging peripheral vessels.
Aquesta memòria descriu el procés de desenvolupament del projecte de fi de carrera “Sistema de monitorització vital portable amb System on Chip i interfície SD Card”. Aquest es tracta d’un dispositiu de dimensions reduïdes, baix consum i portable amb capacitat d’enregistrar els biopotencials cardíacs dins d’una targeta de memòria flash SD Card. En temps real es mostra una representació d’aquests biopotencials mitjançant una pantalla LCD gràfica. El projecte, a més, inclou el desenvolupament d’un software de visualització per PC que permet l’anàlisi posterior més detallada dels registres emmagatzemats a la targeta SD Card.
En la totalitat del següent document es detalla el procés dut a terme per a la realització d'un sistema d'informació geogràfica (SIG) en relació a la creació d'un widget amb dades meteorològiques a temps real de Meteoclimatic, utilitzant els productes d'Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 i l'API ArcGIS for Flex (que ens permetrà implementar mapes ESRI dins aquest entorn).
Purpose of reviewAtherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (ARAS) usually occurs in patients at high risk of vascular disease, and is associated with increased mortality. The primary goals of ARAS treatment include the control of blood pressure (BP), the improved renal function, and the benefit on cardiovascular events. Although medical therapy remains the standard approach to the management of ARAS, percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) revascularization can be a therapeutic option under certain conditions.Recent findingsRecent evidence confirms that ARAS increases cardiovascular risk, independent of BP and renal function. This suggests that revascularization might potentially improve overall prognosis, but no data are available currently. In cases of significant ARAS, the accepted indications for PTRA are uncontrollable hypertension, gradual or acute renal function decline with the use of agents blocking the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and recurrent flash pulmonary edema. The key point of treatment success remains in all cases a careful patient selection.SummaryAlthough the atherosclerotic lesions of the renal arteries tend to progress over time, the anatomical lesion progression is not always associated with changes in BP. Furthermore, a poor correlation was noted between the degree of anatomic stenosis and glomerular filtration rate. The high cardiovascular risk warrants aggressive pharmacological treatment to prevent progression of the generalized vascular disorder. Ongoing trials will show whether PTRA revascularization has added, long-term effects on BP, renal function, and cardiovascular prognosis. With or without PTRA revascularization, medical therapy using antihypertensive agents, statins, and aspirin is necessary in almost all cases.
Amb l'objectiu de fomentar l'ús de recursos audiovisuals, s'ha desenvolupat un bloc de Moodle que permet afegir vídeos codificant-los automàticament al format Flash Video, reduint així l'espai de disc i l'ample de banda necessaris per fer-ne ús. Cada usuari té el seu propi repositori i tots els vídeos afegits com a públics passen a formar part d'un repositori d'accés públic. La darrera versió del programari és disponible a: http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=3977
El proyecto tiene como finalidad gestionar de manera automatizada la documentación electrónica subida vía Web, siendo así que sea compatible con la gran mayoría de los móviles. El programa trata de enfocar documentos con proyectos, permitiendo así saber cual es su información y contenido y a qué proyecto pertenece. Al estar hecho en PHP íntegramente podrá ser accesible desde cualquier navegador sin necesidad de utilizar Flash. La base de datos esta construida desde MySQL.
Until now, mortality atlases have been static. Most of them describe the geographical distribution of mortality using count data aggregated over time and standardized mortality rates. However, this methodology has several limitations. Count data aggregated over time produce a bias in the estimation of death rates. Moreover, this practice difficult the study of temporal changes in geographical distribution of mortality. On the other hand, using standardized mortality hamper to check differences in mortality among groups. The Interactive Mortality Atlas in Andalusia (AIMA) is an alternative to conventional static atlases. It is a dynamic Geographical Information System that allows visualizing in web-site more than 12.000 maps and 338.00 graphics related to the spatio-temporal distribution of the main death causes in Andalusia by age and sex groups from 1981. The objective of this paper is to describe the methods used for AIMA development, to show technical specifications and to present their interactivity. The system is available from the link products in www.demap.es. AIMA is the first interactive GIS that have been developed in Spain with these characteristics. Spatio-temporal Hierarchical Bayesian Models were used for statistical data analysis. The results were integrated into web-site using a PHP environment and a dynamic cartography in Flash. Thematic maps in AIMA demonstrate that the geographical distribution of mortality is dynamic, with differences among year, age and sex groups. The information nowadays provided by AIMA and the future updating will contribute to reflect on the past, the present and the future of population health in Andalusia.
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to investigate abnormalities in coronary circulatory function in 2 different disease entities of obese (OB) and morbidly obese (MOB) individuals and to evaluate whether these would differ in severity with different profiles of endocannabinoids, leptin, and C-reactive protein (CRP) plasma levels. BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that altered plasma levels of endocannabinoids, leptin, and CRP may affect coronary circulatory function in OB and MOB. METHODS: Myocardial blood flow (MBF) responses to cold pressor test from rest and during pharmacologically induced hyperemia were measured with N-13 ammonia positron emission tomography/computed tomography. Study participants (n = 111) were divided into 4 groups based on their body mass index (BMI) (kg/m(2)): 1) control group (BMI: 20 to 24.9, n = 30); 2) overweight group (BMI: 25 to 29.9, n = 31), 3) OB group (BMI: 30 to 39.9, n = 25); and 4) MOB group (BMI ≥40, n = 25). RESULTS: The cold pressor test-induced change in endothelium-related MBF response (ΔMBF) progressively declined in overweight and OB groups when compared with the control group [median: 0.19 (interquartile range [IQR] 0.08, 0.27) and 0.11 (0.03, 0.17) vs. 0.27 (0.23, 0.38) ml/g/min; p ≤ 0.01, respectively], whereas it did not differ significantly between OB and MOB groups [median: 0.11 (IQR: 0.03, 0.17) and 0.09 (-0.01, 0.19) ml/g/min; p = 0.93]. Compared with control subjects, hyperemic MBF subjects comparably declined in the overweight, OB, and MOB groups [median: 2.40 (IQR 1.92, 2.63) vs. 1.94 (1.65, 2.30), 2.05 (1.67, 2.38), and 2.14 (1.78, 2.76) ml/g/min; p ≤ 0.05, respectively]. In OB individuals, ΔMBF was inversely correlated with increase in endocannabinoid anandamide (r = -0.45, p = 0.044), but not with leptin (r = -0.02, p = 0.946) or with CRP (r = -0.33, p = 0.168). Conversely, there was a significant and positive correlation among ΔMBF and elevated leptin (r = 0.43, p = 0.031) and CRP (r = 0.55, p = 0.006), respectively, in MOB individuals that was not observed for endocannabinoid anandamide (r = 0.07, p = 0.740). CONCLUSIONS: Contrasting associations of altered coronary endothelial function with increases in endocannabinoid anandamide, leptin, and CRP plasma levels identify and characterize OB and MOB as different disease entities affecting coronary circulatory function.
En aquest projecte es desenvolupa el maquinari i el programari d'un centre multimèdia. Aquest és un sistema elemental, capaç de reproduir i copiar fitxers d'imatge, so i vídeo provinents del mateix sistema, d'un dispositiu extern com per exemple un disc òptic o una memòria flash, i també d'altres sistemes connectats en xarxa. El programari és de codi obert, està desenvolupat per funcionar amb el sistema operatiu Linux i està implementat amb Java. Es realitza una aplicació escalable per facilitar l’addició de funcionalitats.
Este proyecto consiste en el estudio de una placa de prototipado mixta analógico-digital formada principalmente por un PSoC, una FPGA y memoria flash para determinar sus capacidades en sistemas de control ESP, ASR y ABS. El estudio se basa en concluir la lógica que se puede añadir al dispositivo para enfocarlo a unas aplicaciones que, a pesar de ser muy comunes en coches, está poco desarrollado en motocicletas y ciclomotores. Es por ello surge el interés de diseñar un sistema del más bajo coste posible para impulsar su desarrollo.
The Condemned es un juego de lucha en dos dimensiones desarrollado en Flash CS4 y ActionScript 3. El juego consta de cuatro pantallas, en cada una de ellas el jugador se enfrenta a un enemigo controlado por el ordenador a través de una inteligencia artificial. En la creación de este videojuego se ha pasado por todas las fases de desarrollo: diseño gráfico de personajes y escenarios, programación y control de errores.