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A population of Biomphalaria occidentalis was found for the first time in the State of Minas Gerais. It was probavly introduced into the Várzea das Flores dam, in the municipality of Contagem, the area o0f study, during fish stocking in 1985. There is possibility of "competitive exclusion"between that species and B. glabrata, previously the only Biomphalaria found in the region. The present geographical distribution of B. occidentalis in Brazil is listed.


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In some fishes, water chemistry or temperature affects sex determination or creates sex-specific selection pressures. The resulting population sex ratios are hard to predict from laboratory studies if the environmental triggers interact with other factors, whereas in field studies, singular observations of unusual sex ratios may be particularly prone to selective reporting. Long-term monitoring largely avoids these problems. We studied a population of grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in Lake Thun, Switzerland, that has been monitored since 1948. Samples of spawning fish have been caught about 3 times/week around spawning season, and water temperature at the spawning site has been continuously recorded since 1970. We used scale samples collected in different years to determine the average age of spawners (for life-stage specific analyses) and to identify the cohort born in 2003 (an extraordinarily warm year). Recent tissue samples were genotyped on microsatellite markers to test for genetic bottlenecks in the past and to estimate the genetically effective population size (N(e) ). Operational sex ratios changed from approximately 65% males before 1993 to approximately 85% males from 1993 to 2011. Sex ratios correlated with the water temperatures the fish experienced in their first year of life. Sex ratios were best explained by the average temperature juvenile fish experienced during their first summer. Grayling abundance is declining, but we found no evidence of a strong genetic bottleneck that would explain the apparent lack of evolutionary response to the unequal sex ratio. Results of other studies show no evidence of endocrine disruptors in the study area. Our findings suggest temperature affects population sex ratio and thereby contributes to population decline. Persistencia de Proporción de Sexos Desigual en una Población de Tímalos (Salmonidae) y el Posible Papel del Incremento de la Temperatura.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of Pacific marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), in a polyculture in tanks subjected to different stocking densities and feeding strategies, in comparison with monoculture. Two experiments were performed, at the same time, in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replicates each. Treatments for experiment I were: monoculture with 10 shrimp per m² (10S:0T); polyculture with 10 shrimp and 0.5 tilapia per m² (10S:0.5T); and polyculture with 10 shrimp and 1 tilapia per m² (10S:1T). Shrimp was the main crop, and feed was provided based on shrimp biomass. Treatments for experiment II were: monoculture with 2 tilapia per m² (2T:0S); polyculture with 2 tilapia and 2.5 shrimp per m² (2T:2.5S); and polyculture with 2 tilapia and 5 shrimp per m² (2T:5S). Tilapia was the main crop, and feed was provided based on fish requirements. In the experiment I, tilapia introduction to shrimp culture resulted in lower shrimp growth and poor feed conversion rate. In experiment II, shrimp introduction to tilapia culture did not interfere with fish performance. Polyculture is more efficient with the combination of 2 tilapia and 2.5 or 5 shrimp per m² and feed based on fish requirements.


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The telomere length in nucleated peripheral blood (PB) cells indirectly reflects the mitotic history of their precursors: the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The average length of telomeres in PB leukocytes can be measured using fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry (flow FISH). We previously used flow FISH to characterize the age-related turnover of HSCs in healthy individuals. In this review, we describe results of recent flow FISH studies in patients with selected hematopoietic stem cell-associated disorders: chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and several bone marrow failure syndromes. CML is characterized by a marked expansion of myeloid Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) cells. Nevertheless, nonmalignant (Ph-) HSCs typically coexist in the bone marrow of CML patients. We analyzed the telomere length in > 150 peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and bone marrow samples of patients with CML as well as samples of Ph- T-lymphocytes. Compared to normal controls, the overall telomere fluorescence in PBLs of patients with CML was significantly reduced. However, no telomere shortening was observed in Ph- T-lymphocytes. Patients in late chronic phase (CP) had significantly shorter telomeres than those assessed earlier in CP. Our data suggest that progressive telomere shortening is correlated with disease progression in CML. Within the group of patients with bone marrow failure syndromes, we only found significantly shortened telomeres (compared to age-adjusted controls) in granulocytes from patients with aplastic anemia (AA). Strikingly, the telomere length in granulocytes from AA patients who had recovered after immunosuppressive therapy (recAA) did not differ significantly from controls, whereas untreated patients and nonresponders with persistent severe pancytopenia (sAANR) showed marked and significant telomere shortening compared to healthy donors and patients with recAA. Furthermore, an inverse correlation between age-adjusted telomere length and peripheral blood counts was found in support of a model in which the degree of cytopenia and the amount of telomere shortening are correlated. These results support the concept of extensive proliferation of HSCs in subgroups of AA patients and suggest a potential use of telomere-length measurements as a prognostic tool in this group of disorders as well.


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The overall purpose of this thesis was to increase the knowledge on the biogeochemistry of rural acid sulphate (AS) soil environments and urban forest ecosystems near small towns in Western Finland. In addition, the potential causal relationship between the distribution of AS soils and geographical occurence of multiple sclerosis (MS) disease was assessed based on a review of existing literature and data. Acid sulphate soils, which occupy an area of approximately 17–24 million hectare worldwide, are regarded as the nastiest soils in the world. Independent of the geographical locality of these soils, they pose a great threat to their surrounding environment if disturbed. The abundant metal-rich acid drainage from Finnish AS soils, which is a result of sulphide oxidation due to artificial farmland drainage, has significant but spatially and temporally variable ecotoxicological impacts on biodiversity and community structure of fish, benthic invertebrates and macrophytes. This has resulted in mass fish kills and even eradication of sensitive fish species in affected waters. Moreover, previous investigations demonstrated significantly enriched concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Al, metals which are abundantly mobilised in AS soils, in agricultural crops (timothy grass and oats) and approximately 50 times higher concentrations of Al in cow milk originating from AS soils in Western Finland. Nevertheless, the results presented here demonstrate, in general, relatively moderate metal concentrations in oats and cabbage grown on AS soils in Western Finland, although some of the studied fields showed anomalous values of metals (e.g. Co and Ni) in both the soil and target plants (especially oats), similar to that of the previous investigations. The results indicated that the concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Zn in oats and Co and Zn in cabbage were governed by soil geochemistry as these metals were correlated with corresponding concentrations extracted from the soil by NH4Ac-EDTA and NH4Ac, respectively. The concentrations of Cu and Fe in oats and cabbage were uncorrelated to that of the easily soluble concentrations in the soils, suggesting that biological processes (e.g. plant-root processes) overshadow geochemical variation. The concentrations of K and Mg in cabbage, which showed a low spread and were strongly correlated to the NH4Ac extractable contents in the soil, were governed by both the bioavailable fractions in the topsoil and plant-uptake mechanisms. The plant´s ability to regulate its uptake of Ca and P (e.g. through root exudates) seemed to be more important than the influence of soil geochemistry. The distribution of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and S within humus, moss and needles in and around small towns was to a high degree controlled by biological cycling, which was indicated by the low correlation coefficients for P, K, Ca, Mg and S between humus and moss, and the low spread of these nutrients in moss and needles. The concentration variations of elements in till are mainly due to natural processes (e.g. intrusions, weathering, mineralogical variations in the bedrock). There was a strong spatial pattern for B in humus, moss and needles, which was suggested to be associated with anthropogenic emissions from nearby town centres. Geogenic dust affected the spatial distribution of Fe and Cr in moss, while natural processes governed the Fe anomaly found in the needles. The spatial accumulation patterns of Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb in humus and moss were strong and diverse, and related to current industry, the former steel industry, coal combustion, and natural geochemical processes. An intriguing Cu anomaly was found in moss. Since it was located close to a main railway line and because the railway line´s electric cables are made of Cu, it was suggested that the reason for the Cu anomaly is corrosion of these cables. In Western Finland, where AS soils are particularly abundant and enrich the metal concentrations of stream waters, cow milk and to some extent crops, an environmental risk assessment would be motivated to elucidate if the metal dispersion affect human health. Within this context, a topic of concern is the distribution of multiple sclerosis as high MS prevalence rates are found in the main area of AS soils. Regionally, the AS soil type in the Seinäjoki area has been demonstrated to be very severe in terms of metal leaching, this area also shows one of the highest MS rates reported worldwide. On a local scale, these severe AS soil types coincide well with the corresponding MS clustering along the Kyrönjoki River in Seinäjoki. There are reasons to suspect that these spatial correlations are causal, as multiple sclerosis has been suggested to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.


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ABSTRACT The integration of fish farming in intensive system and plant production, called "aquaponics" is practiced successfully in countries like the USA, Australia and Europe. In Brazil, this integration has attracted the attention of researchers and producers. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two substrates (crushed stone number 3, CS III and flexible polyurethane foam, FPF) on the production of aquaponic lettuce, moreover, to show that the residual water from intensive tilapia production provides sufficient qualitative characteristics for competitive production of lettuce without adding commercial fertilizers. The treatment in which FPF was used provided higher concentrations of macro and micronutrients in the shoots, higher production of fresh matter of shoots (95.48 g plant-1) and a larger number of leaves (14.90) relative to CS III. These results were attributed to the lower post-transplanting stress and the higher water retention time provided by the FPF. The residual water from tilapia intensive farming can provide sufficient nutrients for the production of lettuce, making the supplementary fertilization with commercial products unnecessary. Thus, the FPF presents the most suitable conditions to be used as substrate in aquaponics system with recirculation of the residual water from the intensive tilapia farming.


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The absence o!!f a hypocalcemic effect of calcitonin (CT) in fishes has been suggested due to exceedingly high plasma levels of CT; the fish may be saturated with respect of circulating CT and therefore unable to respond to exogenously administered CT. Earlier it has been suggested that a hypocalcemic action of injected CT may be obscured by changes in the release of endogenous CT and other calcium regulating hormones. In this study we have used artificial freshwater, calcium-deficient freshwater and calcium-rich freshwater and injected the fish with CT. The aim behind selecting these media were (i) in calcium-deficient medium there would be reduced circulating levels of CT, (ii) in calcium-rich medium there would be diminished secretion of prolactin (this hormone is hypercalcemic in fish), and (iii) by keeping the fish in calcium-rich medium we can test the antihypercalcemic action of CT. Moreover, the present study would reveal the changes in the ultimobranchial gland (UBG) after keeping the fish in all the above three media and/or injecting the fish with CT. Freshwater catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, were administered intraperitoneally daily with vehicle or 0.5 U/100g body wt of salmon calcitonin (CT) and kept in artificial freshwater, calcium-rich freshwater and calcium-deficient freshwater for 10 days. Blood samples were collected on 1, 3, 5, and 10 days following the treatment and analyzed for serum calcium levels. The ultimobranchial gland (UBG) was also fixed for histological studies on these intervals. In artificial freshwater there was no change in the serum calcium levels of calcitonin-injected fish. The ultimobranchial gland of calcitonin-injected fish exhibited a progressive decrease in the nuclear volume from day 5 onwards. On day 10 vacuolization in the gland was also noticed. In vehicle-injected fish (control) kept in calcium-rich freshwater hypercalcemia has been noticed which persists till the end of the experiment. In calcitonin-treated fish maintained in calcium-rich freshwater there is no change in serum calcium level as compared to vehicle-injected fish. In vehicle-injected fish the UBG depicts decreased staining response and increased nuclear volume at day 5. On day 10 the nuclear volume is further increased and few degenerating cells have been noticed. Calcitonin fails to induce any histological change in the UBG as compared to control. In vehicle-injected fish kept in calcium-deficient freshwater the serum calcium levels decrease from day 1 to day 3. The levels exhibit hypercalcemia on day 10. CT treatment to the fish kept in calcium-deficient freshwater evokes a decrease in the calcium levels on day 1 and day 3. A significant hypercalcemia has been noticed on day 5 and day 10. In vehicle-injected fish kept in calcium-deficient freshwater the UBG reveals a decreased staining response on day 10. In CT-injected fish maintained in calcium-deficient freshwater the UBG depicts an increased nuclear volume and few exhausted cells on day 10. It can be concluded that CT can provoke hypocalcemia only when the fish is kept in medium which reduces the circulating levels of this hormone. The UBG of the fish kept in different calcemic media responded in a manner to indicate that it produces hypocalcemic factor - CT.


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This study aimed to determine both the lethal and sublethal concentrations of Cypermethrin in young Silver Catfish (Brazilian "Jundiá", Rhamdia quelen) on aquatic environment during 96 hours, as well as to determine the Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin sublethal concentrations during the initial embryonic development period of Rhamdia quelen, and to verify their respective rates of fertilization, hatching and survival. Pyrethroid nowadays is a widely used insecticide, which presents a high toxicity to fish. In order to determine lethal and sublethal concentrations, 120 silver catfish were used; each one had an average weight of 59.58±4.50g and an average size of 20.33±2.34cm. Concentrations used were 0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0mg of Cypermethrin per liter of water (mg/L). Fish were exposed to the product in 30-liter fish tanks. In each fish tank there were four fishes and the product was applied three times, i.e., a total of twelve fish were exposed to the product at each application, and a total of 120 fish during the entire experiment (n=120). In order to determine the Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin sublethal concentrations during the initial embryonic development, ovulation induction was performed on female fishes using hormones, and then and egg collection was performed. The eggs were then hydrated and fertilized in Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin in different concentrations: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0mg/L of Cypermethrin and 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0mg/L of Deltamethrin, in addition to the control group (0mg/L). After fertilization, the eggs were kept in containers with the respective pesticides of Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin until hatching, when hatching rate was verified. Then the alevins, from the hatching, were kept on their respective concentrations of Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin so that the survival rate could be analyzed regarding the tested insecticides, during both 12-hour and 24-hour periods. Concerning the sublethal and lethal concentrations, Silver Catfish was sensitive to the tested concentrations of Cypermethrin, showing symptoms of poisoning, such as loss of balance, swimming alteration, dyspnea (they kept their mouths and opercula open), upright swimming and sudden spiral swimming movements. The intensity of such symptoms varied in proportion to the concentration used. The concentrations above 3.0mg/L were considered lethal to the species, since every animal exposed to concentrations between 3.0 and 20.0mg/L had died, while concentrations between 1.0 and 2.5mg/L were considered sublethal. Lethal concentration of Cypermethrin to Silver catfish, in 96 hours, was 1.71 milligram per liter of water. Concerning the sublethal concentration of Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin during the initial embryonic development, the results show that both pyrethroids had significantly decreased the analyzed parameters when comparing them with the control group. It was concluded that, even with the fish being more resistant to pyrethroids in comparison with other species, both the young animals and the ones in stage of embryonic development were susceptible to the effects of these pesticides.


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It has been shown for several DNA probes that the recently introduced Fast-FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) technique is well suited for quantitative microscopy. For highly repetitive DNA probes the hybridization (renaturation) time and the number of subsequent washing steps were reduced considerably by omitting denaturing chemical agents (e.g., formamide). The appropriate hybridization temperature and time allow a clear discrimination between major and minor binding sites by quantitative fluorescence microscopy. The well-defined physical conditions for hybridization permit automatization of the procedure, e.g., by a programmable thermal cycler. Here, we present optimized conditions for a commercially available X-specific a-satellite probe. Highly fluorescent major binding sites were obtained for 74oC hybridization temperature and 60 min hybridization time. They were clearly discriminated from some low fluorescent minor binding sites on metaphase chromosomes as well as in interphase cell nuclei. On average, a total of 3.43 ± 1.59 binding sites were measured in metaphase spreads, and 2.69 ± 1.00 in interphase nuclei. Microwave activation for denaturation and hybridization was tested to accelerate the procedure. The slides with the target material and the hybridization buffer were placed in a standard microwave oven. After denaturation for 20 s at 900 W, hybridization was performed for 4 min at 90 W. The suitability of a microwave oven for Fast-FISH was confirmed by the application to a chromosome 1-specific a-satellite probe. In this case, denaturation was performed at 630 W for 60 s and hybridization at 90 W for 5 min. In all cases, the results were analyzed quantitatively and compared to the results obtained by Fast-FISH. The major binding sites were clearly discriminated by their brightness


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Vitamin D3 (100 ng 100 g body weight-l day-l) was administered intraperitoneally (ip) to the freshwater mud eel Amphipnous cuchia kept in artificial freshwater, calcium-free freshwater, low-calcium freshwater (0.2 mmol/l CaCl2) or calcium-rich freshwater (13.4 mmol/l CaCl2) for 15 days. Analyses of serum calcium and phosphate levels were performed on days 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 after the beginning of the experiment (six eels from each group at each interval). Administration of vitamin D3 elevated the serum calcium [maximum elevation occurred at day 10 in artificial freshwater (vehicle: 10.55 ± 0.298, vitamin D: 13.90 ± 0.324), low-calcium freshwater (vehicle: 11.17 ± 0.220, vitamin D: 12.98 ± 0.297) and calcium-rich freshwater (vehicle: 11.24 ± 0.373, vitamin D: 14.24 ± 0.208) whereas it occurred at day 5 (vehicle: 8.42 ± 0.253, vitamin D: 11.07 ± 0.328) in calcium-free freshwater] and phosphate levels [maximum elevation at day 15 in artificial freshwater (vehicle: 4.39 ± 0.105, vitamin D: 5.37 ± 0.121), calcium-free freshwater (vehicle: 4.25 ± 0.193, vitamin D: 5.12 ± 0.181), low-calcium freshwater (vehicle: 3.93 ± 0.199, vitamin D: 5.28 ± 0.164) and calcium-rich freshwater (vehicle: 3.77 ± 0.125, vitamin D: 5.46 ± 0.151)] of the fish maintained in the above mentioned environmental media, but the responses were more pronounced in the fish kept in calcium-rich media


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The problem of automatic recognition of the fish from the video sequences is discussed in this Master’s Thesis. This is a very urgent issue for many organizations engaged in fish farming in Finland and Russia because the process of automation control and counting of individual species is turning point in the industry. The difficulties and the specific features of the problem have been identified in order to find a solution and propose some recommendations for the components of the automated fish recognition system. Methods such as background subtraction, Kalman filtering and Viola-Jones method were implemented during this work for detection, tracking and estimation of fish parameters. Both the results of the experiments and the choice of the appropriate methods strongly depend on the quality and the type of a video which is used as an input data. Practical experiments have demonstrated that not all methods can produce good results for real data, whereas on synthetic data they operate satisfactorily.


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The objective of this study was to determine the liver oxidative stress status of grey mullets living in heavy-metal-rich polluted Ennore estuary compared with unpolluted Kovalam estuary. Fish were collected from both estuaries during the monsoon and summer seasons from October 2004 to September 2006. Fish liver homogenate (N = 20 per group) was prepared for evaluating oxidative stress parameters. Fish living in the polluted estuary had significantly higher lipid oxidation products, conjugated dienes (0.346 ± 0.017 vs 0.141 ± 0.012 DA233/mg protein), lipid hydroperoxides (0.752 ± 0.032 vs 0.443 ± 0.03 nmol/mg protein), and lipid peroxides (3.447 ± 0.14vs 1.456 ± 0.096 nmol MDA/mg protein) than those of the unpolluted estuary during the summer. In contrast, significantly lower levels of superoxide dismutase (20.39 ± 1.14 vs 53.63 ± 1.48 units/mg protein) and catalase (116 ± 6.87vs 153 ± 8.92 units/mg protein) were detected in the liver of fish from the polluted estuary (Ennore) compared to fish from the unpolluted estuary (Kovalam) during the summer. Variations in most of the oxidative stress parameters were observed between the summer and monsoon seasons, indicating the importance of seasonal variation for estuaries and their inhabitants.


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Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) has been evaluated in breast cancer patients to identify those most likely to benefit from herceptin-targeted therapy. HER2 amplification, detected in 20-30% of invasive breast tumors, is associated with reduced survival and metastasis. The most frequently used technique for evaluating HER2 protein status as a routine procedure is immunohistochemistry (IHC). HER2 copy number alterations have also been evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in moderate immunoexpression (IHC 2+) cases. An alternative procedure to evaluate gene amplification is chromogenic in situhybridization (CISH), which has some advantages over FISH, including the correlation between HER2 status and morphological features. Other methodologies have also been used, such as silver-enhanced in situ hybridization (SISH) and quantitative real-time RT-PCR, to determine the number of HER2 gene copies and expression, respectively. Here we will present a short and comprehensive review of the current advances concerning HER2 evaluation in human breast cancer.


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Fish vaccination has been increasingly exploited as a tool to control pathogen infection. The production of immunoglobulin following vaccination might be affected by several factors such as management procedures, water temperature, and the presence of xenobiotics. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the kinetics of immunoglobulin production in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) inoculated with inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila and kept at two different water temperatures (17.4±0.4° or 21.3±0.3°C). The effect of a second antigen inoculation and exposure of fish to sublethal concentrations of the herbicides atrazine and glyphosate at 10% of the lethal concentration (LC50-96h) on specific serum antibodies were also investigated. Antibodies to A. hydrophila were detected as early as 7 days post-inoculation and increased steadily up to 35 days. The kinetics of antibody production were similar in fish kept at 17.4±0.4° and 21.3±0.3°C, and reinoculation of antigen at 21 days after priming failed to increase specific antibody levels. Intriguingly, we found that, in fish exposed to atrazine and glyphosate, the secretion of specific antibodies was higher than in non-exposed inoculated fish. These findings are important for the design of vaccines and vaccination strategies in Neotropical fish species. However, because atrazine and glyphosate are widespread contaminants of soil and water, their immune-stimulating effect could be harmful, in that fish living in herbicide-contaminated water might have increased concentrations of nonspecific antibodies that could mediate tissue injury.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid in fillets of pacu fish raised in net cages and fed diets enriched with these acids. The fish were fed for 49 days, and at the end of this period the fatty acid content in the fillets was determined by gas chromatography. Concentrations of α-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and the total omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid in the fillets increased, improving the n-6/n-3 ratio. In addition, the incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid in the fish fillets proved well established. This study showed that the use of diets enriched with conjugated linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid results in the incorporation of these acids in the of pacu fish fillets, improving their nutritional quality.