995 resultados para fetal infection


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The present study consisted of two experiments that evaluated experimental infections of Haemaphysalis leporispalustris ticks by a Brazilian strain of Rickettsia rickettsii, and their effect on tick biology. In experiment I, ticks were exposed to R. rickettsii during the larval, nymphal or adult stages by feeding on rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) needle-inoculated with R. rickettsii, and thereafter reared on uninfected rabbits for the entire next tick generation. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, all subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected by PCR (infection rates varying from 1.3 to 41.7%), and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected rabbits, as demonstrated by rabbit seroconversion, guinea pig inoculation with rabbit blood, and PCR on rabbit blood. In Experiment II, ticks were exposed to R. rickettsii during the larval stage by feeding on rabbits co-infested with R. rickettsii-infected adult ticks, and thereafter reared on uninfected rabbits until the next generation of larvae. Again, all subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected by PCR (infection rates varying from 3.0 to 40.0%), and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected rabbits. Thus, it was demonstrated that larvae, nymphs, and adults of H. leporispalustris were able to acquire and maintain the R. rickettsii infection by transstadial and transovarial transmissions within the tick population, with active transmission of the bacterium to susceptible rabbits by all parasitic stages. Analyses of biological parameters of uninfected and R. rickettsii-infected tick lineages were performed in order to evaluate possible deleterious effects of R. rickettsii to the infected tick lineages. Surprisingly, all but one of the four R. rickettsii-experimental groups of the present study showed overall better biological performance than their sibling uninfected control ticks. Results of the present study showed that H. leporispalustris could support infection by a high virulent strain of R. rickettsii for at least two generations, in which infected tick lineages tended to have better performance than uninfected ticks. Our results support a possible role of H. leporispalustris in the enzootic maintenance of R. rickettsii in Latin America, as previously suggested by earlier works.


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Introduction. Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are considered amplifying hosts of Rickettsia sp. These rodents are usually parasitized by the tick vector, Amblyomma cajennense, the main vector of rickettsioses in humans and animals in South America. Capybaras can be used as sentinels in detection of circulation of rickettsiae. Objective. Antibodies to rickettsiae of spotted fever group were detected in capybaras in a rural area of Cordoba Province, northern Colombia. Materials and methods. Sera were analyzed from 36 capybaras in a rural area of Monteria (village of San Jeronimo) in Cordoba. For the detection of IgG antibodies, indirect immunofluorescence was performed. The antigens were derived from R. rickettsia strain Taiacu isolated in Brazil. Capybara sera were diluted 1:64 for IFA analysis. Ticks were collected from each capybara (also known as chiguiro) and identified to species. Results. The seroprevalence of spotted fever group Rickettsia was 22% (8 capybaras). Four sera had a titer of 1:64, 3 had a titer of 1:128 and one serum had a titer of 1:512. All ticks removed from the capybaras (n=933) were taxonomically identified as Amblyomma cajennense. Conclusion. Colombia has areas endemic for rickettsioses, as indicated by confirmed annual outbreaks. The current study reports the first evidence of natural rickettsial infection of the spotted fever group in capybaras from Colombia. The findings suggest that capybaras can be used as sentinels for the circulation of rickettsiae and can identify endemic areas for the transmission of rickettsial diseases.


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This study evaluated the infection caused by Rickettsia and Ehrlichia agents among dogs in southern Brazil. A total of 389 dogs were tested by the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) for Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia parkeri, Rickettsia amblyommii, Rickettsia rhipicephali, Rickettsia bellii, and Ehrlichia canis. Overall, 42.4% (165/389) of the dogs were seroreactive to at least one Rickettsia species, but only 11 canine sera reacted with another Rickettsia species without reacting with R. parkeri. A total of 100 (25.7%) canine sera showed titers to R. parkeri at least 4-fold higher than those to any of the other rickettsial antigens, allowing us to consider that these dogs were infected by R. parkeri. Dogs that had direct contact with pasture or forest areas were > 2 times more likely to be seroreactive to Rickettsia than dogs with no such direct contact. Only 19 (4.8%) of the 389 dogs were seroreactive to E. canis.


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The present research evaluated the presence of Rickettsia spp. on ectoparasites of horses and dogs (using PCR techniques), and their sera (using immunofluorescence assay) in El Valle de Anton town in Panama. A total of 20 horses and 20 dogs were sampled, finding four species of ectoparasites on dogs (the ticks Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma oblongoguttatum, and the flea Ctenocephalides felis), and two tick species on horses (Amblyomma cajennense and Dermacentor nitens). DNA of Rickettsia amblyommii was found in pools of A. cajennense, D. nitens, and R. sanguineus, while Rickettsia fells was detected in C. felis pools. Overall, 70% (14/20) and 65% (13/20) of the horses and dogs, respectively, were seroreactive (titer >= 64) to spotted fever group rickettsiae. Sera from six dogs and five horses reacted to R. amblyommii antigens with titers at least four-fold higher than those for the other antigens tested (Rickettsia bellii, Rickettsia parked, Rickettsia rhipicephali, R. felis, and R. rickettsii). These serological results, coupled with our molecular findings, suggest that these dogs and horses were infected by Rickettsia amblyommii. More studies need to be realized afford to identify the Rickettsia species responsible for other serological and molecular positive results, and their ecological importance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neospora caninum is widely distributed in the world and this parasite is one of the major causes of abortion in cattle. Dogs and coyotes are definitive hosts of N. caninum and several species of domestic and wild animals are intermediate hosts. Dogs can become infected by the ingestion of tissues containing cysts and then excrete oocysts. It is not yet known whether sporulated oocysts are able to induce a patent infection in dogs, i.e. a shedding of N. caninum oocysts in feces. The objective of this study was to experimentally examine the infection of dogs by sporulated oocysts. The oocysts used in the experiment were obtained by feeding dogs with brain of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) positive for anti-N. caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT >= 200). Oocysts shed by these dogs were confirmed to be N. caninum by molecular methods and by bioassay in gerbils, and sporulated N. caninum oocysts were used for the oral infection of four dogs. The dogs were 8 weeks old and negative for antibodies to N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Dogs 1 and 4 received an inoculum of 10,000 sporulated oocysts each; dog 2 an inoculum of 5000 sporulated oocysts and dog 3 received 1000 sporulated oocysts of N. caninum. The total feces excreted by these dogs were collected and examined daily for a period of 30 days. No oocysts were found in their feces. The dogs were monitored monthly for a 6-month period to observe a possible seroconversion and when this occurred the animals were eliminated from the experiment. Dogs 1 and 4 seroconverted 1 month after the infection with titer, in the IFAT, of 1600 and 800, respectively; the other two dogs presented no seroconvertion during the 6-month period. Dogs 1 and 2 were euthanized 180 days after infection and were examined for the detection of N. caninum in tissues (brain, muscle, lymph node, liver, lung, heart and bone marrow) by immunohistochemistry and PCR with negative results in both techniques. Bioassay in gerbils with brain of these dogs was also performed and again the results were negative. In conclusion, dogs infected with sporulated oocysts of N. caninum were not able to shed oocysts in feces. However, a higher dose of infection stimulated the production of antibodies against N. caninum in the dogs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to detect antibodies against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in free-range and caged chickens Gallus domesticus. Initially, the humoral immune response of two chickens immunized with P. brasiliensis was evaluated. Both animals showed the production of antibodies to gp43, the major P. brasiliensis antigen. The seroepidemiological survey was conducted in chickens from the Pantanal region in Mato Grosso do Sul State (free-range n = 40) and from northern region of Parana State (free-range n = 100, caged n = 43). The serum samples were analyzed by indirect ELISA using gp43 as antigen. The positivity observed in free-range chickens from Mato Grosso do Sul (55%) was significantly higher (P = 0.0001) than in free-range chickens from Parana State (16%). In contrast to the free-range chickens, no positivity was observed in the caged chickens (P = 0.003). This is the first report showing serological evidence of P. brasiliensis infection in chickens. The results suggest that free-range chickens are more frequently infected by P. brasiliensis, probably due to the constant contact with soil than caged chickens and could be useful as epidemiological markers of paracoccidioidomycosis.


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Spotted fever is a disease caused by bacteria from the genus Rickettsia of the spotted fever group (SFG). Rickettsia rickettsii is likely the main agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF). With the objective of gathering information on the circulation of SFG rickettsiae in Londrina, Parana state, ticks from dogs and horses and also blood from dogs, horses and humans were collected in a neighbourhood of the city which presented potential for circulation of rickettsiae between hosts and vectors. Amblyomma cajennense, Dermacentor nitens, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks were subjected to Polymerase Chain Reaction targeting a fragment of the Rickettsia gltA gene. This specific gene encodes the enzyme citrate synthase of Rickettsia spp., and results on all ticks were negative. Human and animal sera were tested by Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay in which R. rickettsii and R. parkeri were used as antigens. Sera from 4.7% human, 2.7% canine and 38.5% equine were positive for R. rickettsii. For R. parkeri, 0.9% human, 2.7% canine and 11.5% equine samples were positive. All samples reactive to R. parkeri also reacted to R. rickettsii. An epidemiological questionnaire was applied, but there were no statistically significant results. Comparison of our serological results with previous studies in Brazil, among BSF endemic and non-endemic areas, indicates that there is no established rickettsial infection in the study area, a statement corroborated with our molecular analysis. Nonetheless, as humans of the present study are highly exposed to tick infestations, health education within the population is needed to obtain efficient tick control. Zoonoses and Public Health 416 (C) 2011 Blackwell Verlag GmbH . Zoonoses Public Health. 58 (2011) 416-423


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Although antibodies to Bartonella henselae have been described in all neotropical felid species, DNA has been detected in only one species, Leopard us wiedii. The aim of this study was to determine whether DNA of Bartonella spp. could be detected in blood of other captive neotropical felids and evaluate risk factors and hematological findings associated with infection. Blood samples were collected from 57 small felids, including 1 Leopard us geoffroyi, 17 L wiedii, 22 Leopardus tigrinus, 14 Leopardus pardalis, and 3 Puma yagouaroundi; 10 blood samples from Panthera onca were retrieved from blood banks. Complete blood counts were performed on blood samples from small felids, while all samples were evaluated by PCR. DNA extraction was confirmed by amplification of the cat GAPDH gene. Bartonella spp. were assessed by amplifying a fragment of their 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region; PCR products were purified and sequenced. For the small neotropical felids, risk factors [origin (wild-caught or zoo-born), gender, felid species, and flea exposure) were evaluated using exact multiple logistic regression. Hematological findings (anemia, polycythemia/hyperproteinemia, leukocytosis and leukopenia) were tested for association with infection using Fisher`s exact test. The 635 bp product amplified from 10 samples (10/67 = 14.92%) was identified as B. henselae by sequencing. Small neotropical felid males were more likely to be positive than females (95% CI = 0.00-0.451, p = 0.0028), however other analyzed variables were not considered risk factors (p > 0.05). Hematological abnormalities were not associated with infection (p > 0.05). This is the first report documenting B. henselae detection by PCR in several species of neotropical felids. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnitude of the basic reproduction ratio R(0) of an epidemic can be estimated in several ways, namely, from the final size of the epidemic, from the average age at first infection, or from the initial growth phase of the outbreak. In this paper, we discuss this last method for estimating R(0) for vector-borne infections. Implicit in these models is the assumption that there is an exponential phase of the outbreaks, which implies that in all cases R(0) > 1. We demonstrate that an outbreak is possible, even in cases where R(0) is less than one, provided that the vector-to-human component of R(0) is greater than one and that a certain number of infected vectors are introduced into the affected population. This theory is applied to two real epidemiological dengue situations in the southeastern part of Brazil, one where R(0) is less than one, and other one where R(0) is greater than one. In both cases, the model mirrors the real situations with reasonable accuracy.


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Recently we conducted the molecular characterization of Rangelia vitalii, a protozoan with high pathogenicity for young dogs in southern Brazil. To date, the descriptions of the disease have been restricted to natural infection cases. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the parasitemia, biological cycles and clinical-pathological findings in dogs experimentally infected with R. vitalii in the acute phase of disease, and also aimed to test a therapeutic protocol based on the diminazene aceturate. For this study, we used 12 young dogs (females), separated into two groups. Group A was composed of healthy dogs, not-infected (n = 5), and Group B consisted of animals infected with R. vitalii (n = 7). After infection, the animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite 5 days post-infection (PI). Parasitemia increased progressively in these animals and had the highest peak of circulating parasites between 9 and 11 days PI. Subsequently, the parasitemia reduced and the protozoan was seen inside the leukocytes in days 17, 19 and 21 PI. The most prominent clinical signs observed at the 20 day PI of experiment were lethargy, fever and anorexia. We observed a decrease of hematocrit of infected animals compared with not-infected dogs, featuring a moderate anemia. Pathological evaluation of one dog in Group B at day 21 PI revealed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and hemorrhages at necropsy. Histological examination showed only follicular hyperplasia in the spleen and lymph nodes, and the etiologic agent in the vascular endothelium. At 21 days PI, it was performed the treatment of dogs in Group B (n = 6) with a single dose of diminazene aceturate, which showed a curative efficacy of 100% in cleaning R. vitalii from blood of infected dogs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Seroprevalence data from a representative population were used to estimate the annual incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR). Retrospective anti-toxoplasma IgG serological analysis was conducted to determine age-dependent seroprevalence, force of infection, average age of acquisition of infection and curve of decay of maternally derived antibodies. Seroprevalence was used to calculate the number of new infections. Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women was estimated by total number of deliveries in a given year as a proxy for the number of pregnancies per year. Toxoplasma seroprevalence was 64.9% in women of childbearing age. Average age of acquisition of toxoplasmosis was 10.74 years. The estimated annual incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis varied from 9.5 to 10.6/1000 births in the studied period. The toxoplasmosis seroprevalence model allowed a good incidence estimation of congenital disease in SPMR compared to other published data, indicating that this mathematical approach is useful in calculating the potential demand of congenital disease due to Toxoplasma gondii in a given community.


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The experiment was conducted to investigate the dynamics of infection by gastrointestinal nematodes during the periparturition period in cows. One hundred and six beef cows were divided into two groups: G I was formed by 42 cows of one and two parturitions, and G2 by 76 cows of three or more parturitions. From the 120 days pre partum until the 90 days post partum, feces were collected for faecal egg counts (EPG) while blood was collected to determine the packed cell volume and hemoglobin levels of each animal, with monthly intervals. In the same intervals the body condition scores (BCS) were evaluated. The mean values standard deviation of the EPG for Cl were equal to 19.4 +/- 42.9, and for G2 31.1 +/- 68.0. No significant differences were observed between Cl and G2 in relation to EPC; and hematological parameters, which remained within normal patterns for both groups. The two groups had higher counts of EPG in the post partum period than in the pre partum period, with averages of 32.5 +/- 55.5 and 51.5 +/- 84.8 for groups Cl and G2, respectively. A significant difference (p < 0.05) in the parameters was observed when comparing the pre and post partum within each group studied resulting in declining values of blood and body score and an increase in EPG in the post partum. The results suggest that the cows may be more susceptible to infection by nematodes from giving birth up to 90 days post partum. However, adult cows, when well-managed, are not an important factor in the epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes, even in the post partum period.


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Toxoplasma gondii isolates from Brazil are biologically and genetically different from European and North America isolates. Recently, four genotypes were considered the common clonal lineages in Brazil and were designated as types BrI, BrII, BrIII, and BrIV. The pathogenicity of two major Brazilian lineages was investigated after oral inoculation of queens in the middle third of their pregnancies with T. gondii cysts. Twelve pregnant queens without T. gondii antibodies were distributed in group A (infected with a type BrI isolate); group 2 (infected with type BrIII isolate), and group 3 (non-infected control). Infection with type BrI isolate caused toxoplasmosis manifestations and abortion from one litter. Toxoplasmosis manifestations besides premature stillbirth of one litter were observed in queens infected with type BrIII isolate. Indirect fluorescence antibody test showed T. gondii antibodies in all eight infected queens at 30 days after inoculation. In two 10-day-old kittens of the same litter (group 1), titers of 16 and 64 were detected. At the same time, titers of 16, 32, and 32 were detected in three kittens from the same litter (group 2). Experimental infection with tissue cysts from a type BrI and type BrIII isolates of T. gondii developed similar reproductive disturbance in primary infected pregnant queens.


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Ten male Holstein calves (74.3 +/- 3.2 kg LW) were used for a trial with trickle infection with Cooperia punctata to evaluate phosphorus (P) kinetics. Five calves were inoculated with 10,000 L(3) stage larvae per week during 35 days, while the other group of five calves was kept as a control. On the 29th day each calf was intravenously injected with 29.6 MBq of a (32)p solution. Blood samples were taken at 24 h periods for 7 days, after which all calves were slaughtered and worms burdens. Faeces, urine and tissue samples were taken for analysis using isotopic dilution and modeling techniques. The number of eggs per gram of faeces (EPG)was 1920 +/- 168 on 28th day and the total number of worms burdens was 11,131 +/- 1500. Infected calves showed lower feed intake and live weight gain, as well as lower P intake, absorption and retention than control calves. The P flows between body compartments were lower for blood to gastrointestinal tract (TGI), TGI to blood, blood to soft tissues, bone balance and soft tissue balance in infected calves when compared to the control. The trickle infection of C punctata affected P metabolism due to the decrease in P retained and live weight due to fall in feed intake. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The rickettsial infections in 174 Amblyomma nodosum found on passeriform birds in the Atlantic forest, eastern Brazil, have recently been evaluated. Rickettsiae were successfully isolated from two ticks, using cultures of Vero cells. Both isolates were molecularly characterised, using the rickettsial genes gltA and htrA and, when possible, also ompA and ompB. Portions of the gltA and htrA genes from one of the rickettsial isolates were found be closely match the corresponding GenBank sequences for Rickettsia bellii, with 99.9% and 100% homology, respectively. This isolate was named R. bellii strain Pontal. Portions of the gltA, htrA and ompB genes from the second isolate most closely matched the corresponding sequences of R. parkeri, whereas a portion of the ompA gene from this isolate was closest to the relevant sequence of Rickettsia sp. strain COOPERI (which has been considered to be a strain of R. parkeri in Brazil). The second isolate was named R. parkeri strain NOD. Further investigation of the 172 ticks from which isolates were not recovered revealed R. parkeri strain NOD in 40 and R. bellii strain Pontal in nine, giving overall infection prevalences of 23.6% (41/174) and 5.7% (10/174), respectively. This appears to be the first report of R. bellii and R. parkeri in A. nodosum.