950 resultados para feeds


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Frequency-domain scheduling and rate adaptation have helped next generation orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based wireless cellular systems such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) achieve significantly higher spectral efficiencies. To overcome the severe uplink feedback bandwidth constraints, LTE uses several techniques to reduce the feedback required by a frequency-domain scheduler about the channel state information of all subcarriers of all users. In this paper, we analyze the throughput achieved by the User Selected Subband feedback scheme of LTE. In it, a user feeds back only the indices of the best M subbands and a single 4-bit estimate of the average rate achievable over all selected M subbands. In addition, we compare the performance with the subband-level feedback scheme of LTE, and highlight the role of the scheduler by comparing the performances of the unfair greedy scheduler and the proportional fair (PF) scheduler. Our analysis sheds several insights into the working of the feedback reduction techniques used in LTE.


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This paper presents the design of a start up power circuit for a control power supply (CPS) which feeds power to the sub-systems of High Power Converters (HPC). The sub-systems such as gate drive card, annunciation card, protection and delay card etc; needs to be provided power for the operation of a HPC. The control power supply (CPS) is designed to operate over a wide range of input voltage from 90Vac to 270Vac. The CPS output supplies power at a desired voltage of Vout =24V to the auxiliary sub-systems of the HPC. During the starting, the power supply to the control circuitry of CPS in turn, is obtained using a separate start-up power supply. This paper discusses the various design issues of the start-up power circuit to ensure that start-up and shut down of the CPS occurs reliably. The CPS also maintains the power factor close to unity and low total harmonic distortion in input current. The paper also provides design details of gate drive circuits employed for the CPS as well as the design of on-board power supply for the CPS. Index terms: control power supply, start-up power supply, DSFC, pre-regulator


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Systematic monitoring of subsurface hydrogeochemistry has been carried out for a period of one year in a humid tropical region along the Nethravati-Gurupur River. The major ion and stable isotope (delta O-18 and delta H-2) compositions are used to understand the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater and its interaction with surface water. In the study, it is observed that intense weathering of source rocks is the major source of chemical elements to the surface and subsurface waters. In addition, agricultural activities and atmospheric contributions also control the major ion chemistry of water in the study area. There is a clear seasonality in the groundwater chemistry, which is related to the recharge and discharge of the hydrological system. On a temporal scale, there is a decrease in major cation concentrations during the monsoon which is a result of dilution of sources from the weathering of rock minerals, and an increase in anion concentrations which is contributed by the atmosphere, accompanied by an increase in water level during the monsoon. The stable isotope composition indicates that groundwater in the basin is of meteoric origin and recharged directly from the local precipitation during the monsoonal season. Soon after the monsoon, groundwater and surface water mix in the subsurface region. The groundwater feeds the surface water during the lean river flow season.


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Contemporary cellular standards, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced, employ orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) and use frequency-domain scheduling and rate adaptation. In conjunction with feedback reduction schemes, high downlink spectral efficiencies are achieved while limiting the uplink feedback overhead. One such important scheme that has been adopted by these standards is best-m feedback, in which every user feeds back its m largest subchannel (SC) power gains and their corresponding indices. We analyze the single cell average throughput of an OFDM system with uniformly correlated SC gains that employs best-m feedback and discrete rate adaptation. Our model incorporates three schedulers that cover a wide range of the throughput versus fairness tradeoff and feedback delay. We show that, for small m, correlation significantly reduces average throughput with best-m feedback. This result is pertinent as even in typical dispersive channels, correlation is high. We observe that the schedulers exhibit varied sensitivities to correlation and feedback delay. The analysis also leads to insightful expressions for the average throughput in the asymptotic regime of a large number of users.


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All computers process information electronically. A processing method based on magnetism is reported here, in which networks of interacting submicrometer magnetic dots are used to perform logic operations and propagate information at room temperature. The logic states are signaled by the magnetization direction of the single-domain magnetic dots; the dots couple to their nearest neighbors through magnetostatic interactions. Magnetic solitons carry information through the networks, and an applied oscillating magnetic field feeds energy into the system and serves as a clock. These networks offer a several thousandfold increase in integration density and a hundredfold reduction in power dissipation over current microelectronic technology.


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Resumen: En este artículo, el autor expone la ética de san Clemente de Alejandría recurriendo principalmente a El Pedagogo y al Protréptico. Da especial importancia a conceptos como salvación, libre albedrío, consejo, imitación, entre otros. Después, el autor realiza una crítica buscando retomar algunas tesis que pueden mantener cierta vigencia para el planteamiento de una ética hodierna, buscando que esta última sea filosófica. Pero es importante tener presente que la ética por naturaleza recurre a la tradición, de la cual se alimenta para elaborar su reflexión filosófica. En otras palabras, la ética no parte desde el vacío, sino en el seno de una tradición, uno de cuyos representantes y constructores, en el contexto del mundo occidental, es Clemente de Alejandría.


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*Table of Contents* Sustainable Aquaculture Fertilization, soil and water quality management in small-scale ponds part II:Soil and water quality management S. Adhikari Fisheries and aquaculture activities in Nepal Tek Gurung Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: A knowledge-base for rural aquaculture Farmers as Scientists: Commercialization of giant freshwater prawn culture in India M.C. Nandeesha Aquaculture in reservoir fed canal based irrigation systems of India – a boon for fish production K.M. Rajesh, Mridula R. Mendon, K. N. Prabhudeva and P. Arun Padiyar Research and Farming Techniques Production and grow-out of the Black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera Idris Lane Breeding of carps using a low-cost, small-scale hatchery in Assam, India: A farmer proven technology S.K. Das Genes and Fish: Hybridisation – more trouble than its worth? Graham Mair Breeding and culture of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra in Vietnam R. Pitt and N. D. Q. Duy The potential use of palm kernel meal in aquaculture feeds Wing-Keong Ng Using a Simple GIS model to assess development patterns of small-scale rural aquaculture in the wider environment Simon R. Bush Aquaculture fundamentals: Getting the most out of your feed Simon Wilkinson Marine finfish section Status of marine finfish aquaculture in Myanmar U Khin Kolay Regional training course on grouper hatchery production Aquatic Animal Health Advice on aquatic animal health care: Problems in Penaeus monodon culture in low salinity areas Pornlerd Chanratchakool


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Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: Myanmar revisited. Harvesting, traditional preservation and marketing of fishes of Chalan Beel, Bangladesh, by Galib, S.M. and Samad, M.A. Role of community in production and supply of larger, quality fingerlings, by Radheyshyam, De, H.K. and Saha, G.S. Can rice-fish farming provide food security in Bangladesh? by Ahmed, N. and Luong-Van, J. Nutritional and food security for rural poor through multi-commodity production from a lake of eastern Uttar Pradesh, by Singh, S.K. Emerging boost in Sri Lankan reservoir fish production: a case of adoption of past research findings, by Amarasinghe, U.S., Weerakoon, D.E.M., Athukorala, D.A. Farming the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium malcolmsonii, by Radheyshyam Breeding and seed production of butter catfish, Ompok pabda (Siluridae) at Kalyani Centre of CIFA, India, by Chakrabarti, P.P., Chakrabarty, N.M. and Mondal, S.C. Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Magazine Use of fish in animal feeds: a fresh perspective National strategies for aquatic animal health management, by Mohan, C.V. NACA Newsletter.


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This an implementation manual for institutions wanting to implement XCRI-CAP for PG courses and send feeds to Prospects


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The German shrimp fisheries land different types of pro-duce. Besides cooked shrimp for human consumption small (undersized), raw shrimp (industrial shrimp) are landed regionally in the second half of each year for animal feedstuff purposes. They are dried in special plants and form sellable secession from sieving processes aboard shrimping vessels. Grading the cooked shrimp ashore gives the non-marketable fraction of too small shrimp, which is not meant for shelling. That fraction is produced all year alongside landings of shrimp and is used for feed-stuff as well. Both extra fractions are listed in the official statistics since 2000 for the first time. That year industrial shrimp made up 6 % of the total landings while the non-marketable, small cooked shrimp summed up to 7 %, respectively. Though being essential for specialised animal feeds they are commercially of very little value, making up to hardly 2 ‰ of the total turnover of the German shrimp fisheries.


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The worldwide aquaculture production amounts to about one third of the world fishery catch. While the world fishery catch in the last years is stagnating and an increase is not to be expected, the aquaculture rose by about 10 % annually. This rate of growth is also predicted for the next years. Fish meal and oil forms a key position for the further development of aquaculture, specially for carnivorous fish species, of which the salmonids will gain an increasing economic importance, not only on the European, but also on the Japanese and American markets. Without an adequate supply of fish meal and oil for the production of these fish species, the expected product quality cannot be realized under economic conditions. Fish meal and oil are commonly produced from small pelagic fish species, which, at present and in the near future, have no importance for direct human consumption. Since December2000 the use of fish meal and oil in Germany is only allowed for use in aquaculture and petfood. However, conclusive arguments for a ban on the utilization for other animal feeds do not exist so far. The European Union continues to allows feeding of other animals – except ruminants – with fish meal under certain control measures.


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Many locally available fish feeds have been tried in fish culture. These include guinea corn, soya bean, groundnut cake and rice bran. Cotton seed cake has been successfully used as a fishpond organic fertilizer at Ado-Ekiti Government fish farm. Three fishponds stocked respectively with common carps, Heterotis, Tilapia spp., Clarias lazera and Heterobranchus were fed with cotton seed cake. Carps, Tilapia and Heterotis increased rapidly in weight and length while the catifishes did not grow


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The paper introduces the tilapias as important culture fish; their classification, breeding habits and general ecology are discussed. The versatility and plasticity of their reproduction and growth are major advantages as well as draw backs in their use as culture species. The culture of tilapias in ponds, cages, pens and raceways are described and a comparison of extensive and intensive cultivation is made. The major factors in commercial cultivation of tilapias such as feeds, hatchery/fry production and disease control are discussed. Recommendation is made for the consideration of tilapia as the equivalent of the common carp in tropical African fish culture in either monoculture or in polyculture with other fish species


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Duckweed is the smallest of all flowering plants and the plant double its mass in less than 2 days under ideal environmental conditions. Dry matter of duckweed contains between 35-45% crude protein. Moreover, the introduction of the plant to feed mill industries as a source of protein and binder supplement for pelleted fish feeds makes it of economic value. Duckweed has great potential if cultivation is encouraged in Nigeria, as this will also provide a good employment opportunity for larger percentage of youth in the riparian communities. The thrust of this paper was to explore the possibility of introducing duckweed farming to the rural populace for alternative sources of income most especially, the fisher folks and other interested farmers


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The urge to develop a standard practical diet for farmed fish in Nigeria has been on the increase since the last decade. Since ages diets has ever represent the largest single cost item of most fish farm operations. This is the reason why careful selection of feed ingredients for use in aqafeed plays a vital role in the resultant nutritional and economic success of farmed fish. In an attempt to meet the objectives of culturing fish two main sources of fish feed have been identified for meeting the nutritional requirements of fish. These include 'on-farm feeds' and 'commercial feeds'. However, 'on-farm feed' takes the lion share out of the total annual national aquafeed product which amounts to about 70% of the estimated total of 3,570 tones of fish feed produced in year 2000. This paper takes a look at the important of non-conventional feed resource in 'on-farm feed', the place of vitamins in 'on-farm feed', the need to develop and encourage on-farm feed production and feeding strategies if aquaculture will grow further to meet the projected million metric tones production within this decade