999 resultados para fator de multiplicação


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Os fatores de crescimento são substâncias moduladoras do processo de cicatrização. O fator de crescimento de fibroblastos básico (FCFß) liberado pelas plaquetas, macrófagos e pelos próprios fibroblastos, estimulam a proliferação celular, a produção de colágeno e de outros elementos da matriz celular, favorecendo o processo da cicatrização, mesmo em situações adversas, como diabetes e uso de corticosteróides. O presente estudo objetivou determinar a influência do FCFb no processo de cicatrização de anastomoses esofageanas em modelo de experimentação animal, avaliando-se a resistência à pressão,formação de tecido de granulação e deposição de colágeno. Método: Foram estudados dois grupos A e B,ambos com 10 ratos de linhagem Wistar, separados de forma aleatória, todos submetidos à secção e anastomose do esôfago por via abdominal. Nos animais do grupo A, foi feita aplicação tópica na linha de sutura de 10ng de FCFb. No grupo B (controle) foi aplicado igual volume de solução salina. Os animais foram sacrificados no 7º dia, o esôfago ressecado para teste de resistência da anastomose, estudo qualitativo do aporte de células inflamatórias, da angiogênese e quantificação do colágeno na zona da anastomose, através de sistema digital. Resultados: A densidade média dos parâmetros histológicos do grupo A foi 9095,51±1284,5, maior que no grupo B, que teve densidade 7162,4±1273,19 (p=0,013). A resistência da anastomose do grupo A teve a média 210±18,88 mmHg, significativamente maior que no grupo B, que atingiu o valor 157±29,55 mmHg (p=0,0024). Conclusão: Este estudo concluiu que o FCFß atuou melhorando a cicatrização e aumentando significativamente a resistência de anastomoses do esôfago realizadas em ratos


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Objetivo: Trabalho realizado em ratos com o objetivo de estudar o efeito do Fator de Crescimento de Fibroblastos básico (FCFb) na cicatrização da aponeurose abdominal. Métodos: Foram usados 20 ratos Wistar separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos iguais. Os animais foram anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico na dose de 20 mg/Kg por via intraperitoneal e submetidos a laparotomia mediana de 4 cm, cuja camada aponeurótica foi suturada com mononylon 5-0. No grupo I foi aplicada a dose de 5mg de FCFb sobre a sutura da aponeurose. No grupo II (controle) foi aplicada solução salina 0,9% sobre a linha se sutura. Após observação por 7 dias os animais foram mortos com superdose de anestésico. A camada aponeurótica com 1,5 cm de largura foi submetida a teste de resistência à tensão empregando a Máquina de Ensaios EMIC MF500. Biópsias das zonas de sutura foram processadas e coradas com HE e o tricômico de Masson. Os achados histopatológicos foram quantificados através de sistema digital (Image pro-plus) de captura e processamento de imagens. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste T com significância 0,05. Resultados: Nos animais do grupo I (experimental) a zona de sutura da camada aponeurótica suportou a carga de 1.103±103,39gf. A quantificação dos dados histopatológicos desse grupo atingiu a densidade média 226±29,32. No grupo II (controle) a carga suportada pela zona de sutura foi de 791,1±92,77 gf. Quando foram comparadas as médias das resistências à tensão dos dois grupos, observou-se uma diferença significante (p<0,01). O exame histopatológico das lâminas desse grupo relevou densidade média 114,1±17,01, correspondendo a uma diferença significante quando comparadas as médias dos dois grupos (p<0,01). Conclusão: Os dados permitem concluir que o FCFb contribuiu para aumentar a resistência da aponeurose suturada e para melhorar os parâmetros histopatológicos da cicatrização.


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RESUMO: Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações histológicas, e o ganho de resistência em anastomoses duodenais tratadas com fator de crescimento de fibroblasto básico (FGFb). Métodos: Vinte ratos da raça Wistar foram submetidos a secção transversal do duodeno, seguida de anastomose. Os animais foram divididos em 4 grupos de 5 animais cada: A1 e A2 (experimentais), nos quais foi aplicado FCFb sobre a anastomose logo após seu término; e B1 e B2 (controles), nos quais foi administrada solução salina sobre a zona de anastomose. Os roedores foram mortos com superdose de anestésico, sendo A1, B1 no 5º dia e A2, B2 no 7º dia de pós-operatório. Foi feita avaliação quanto à resistência das anastomoses à pressão e análise da densidade média dos achados histopatológicos com auxílio do sistema digitalizado Image proPlus. Resultados: No grupo A1 a pressão suportada pelas anastomoses foi de 52±14,4 mmHg e no grupo A2 140±34,8 mmHg. Em B1 a pressão atingiu 33,6±15,2 mmHg e as anastomoses do grupo B2 suportaram pressão 105±30,3. No grupo A1 a densidade média dos elementos histopatológicos foi de 93±9,3 e A2 atingiu 181,8±27,6. Nos grupos de controle B1 e B2 as densidades médias foram 67,6±16,7 e 101±12,9 respectivamente. A análise estatística revelou diferença significante entre nos dados dos grupos experimentais e controles (p<0,05).Conclusão: a aplicação tópica do FCFb foi capaz de aumentar a resistência das feridas do duodeno suturadas e observadas após 5 e 7 dias de evolução. Estimulou a neovascularização, a formação de fibroblastos e de fibras colágenas, melhorando os escores histológicos em relação ao controle.


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Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da nicotina na cicatrização da camada musculoaponeurótica da parede abdominal. Métodos: Estudo experimental em que foram usados 16 ratos da raça Wistar pesando em média 210±8g, separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 8. Nos animais do grupo A foi implantado disco de nicotina (Nicotinel Ò) na dose de 5mg/Kg de peso/dia no subcutâneo da região dorsal, trocado a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º dia antes da operação em que foi feita laparotomia mediana de 5 cm, até o 10o dia de observação. No grupo B (controle) foram usados discos de celulose com o mesmo diâmetro. Tubo de silicone multiperfurado foi implantado no subcutâneo a 1cm da lesão da parede abdominal. A camada musculoaponeurótica e a pele foram suturadas com fio de nylon 5-0. No 10º dia pós-operatório foi colhido 1ml de líquido seroso do tubo de silicone por punção percutânea para dosagem de pO2 e os animais receberam dose letal de anestésico. Foi ressecado um segmento da camada musculoaponeurótica com 2cm de largura para tensiometria, em seguida processado e corado em HE e tricrômico de Masson para análise quantitativa dos dados histopatológicos em sistema digitalizado. A análise estatística foi feita pelo ANOVA e teste Newman-Keuls, com significância 0,05. Resultados: No grupo A a pO2 do líquido tecidual atingiu o valor 17,75±3,4 mmHg e no grupo B (controle) a pO2 = 40,75±6,4 mmHg (p<0,01). A resistência à tensão apresentou o valor de 728,5±161,75gf no grupo A e 1241,6±232gf no grupo de controle (p<0,01), coincidindo com os achados da pO2. A densidade média dos elementos histopatológicos estudados foi de 105±17,1 nos animais do grupo A e 146,2±8,8 no grupo B (p<0,01). Conclusão: após avaliação da pO2 tecidual, tensiometria e histopatologia, concluiu-se que a nicotina por via subcutânea exerce efeito deletério sobre a cicatrização de lesões da parede abdominal de ratos


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Este estudo aborda a utilização da tecnologia da informação de forma competitiva em um Arranjo Produtivo Local APL. Realizou-se no APL da carcinicultura no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte e teve por objetivo buscar a compreensão de como o uso da tecnologia da informação (TI) contribui para o aumento da competitividade na atividade do APL citado. APL pode ser conceituado como uma aliança entre organizações que possuem um projeto coletivo, para elevar a sua competitividade e participação no mercado. Para atingir este objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva, através da utilização de múltiplos casos selecionados dentre as empresas que compõem o APL da carcinicultura no RN. Os dados coletados foram analisados qualitativamente. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que as empresas percebem a importância do uso da TI, mas que, na prática, a sua utilização é limitada, principalmente em se tratando de Sistemas Integrados de Gestão e Comércio Eletrônico. Outro resultado encontrado foi que as empresas, embora façam parte do APL, ainda não colaboram entre si, seja através da troca de informações, ou através de Sistemas de Informação Interorganizacional. As principais recomendações diante destes resultados é que as empresas atuem ativamente para o fortalecimento do APL. No que se refere ao uso da TI faz-se necessário que elas invistam na aquisição de sistemas integrados de gestão e sistemas de informação interorganizacional para o melhor gerenciamento das informações ao longo da cadeia


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Petroleum evaluation is analyze it using different methodologies, following international standards to know their chemical and physicochemical properties, contaminant levels, composition and especially their ability to generate derivatives. Many of these analyzes consuming a lot of time, large amount of samples , supplies and need an organized transportation logistics, schedule and professionals involved. Looking for alternatives that optimize the evaluation and enable the use of new technologies, seven samples of different centrifuged Brazilian oils previously characterized by Petrobras were analyzed by thermogravimetry in 25-900° C range using heating rates of 05, 10 and 20ºC per minute. With experimental data obtained, characterizations correlations were performed and provided: generation of true boiling point curves (TBP) simulated; comparing fractions generated with appropriate cut standard in temperature ranges; an approach to obtain Watson characterization factor; and compare micro carbon residue formed. The results showed a good chance of reproducing simulated TBP curve from thermogravimetry taking into account the composition, density and other oil properties. Proposed correlations for experimental characterization factor and carbon residue followed Petrobras characterizations, showing that thermogravimetry can be used as a tool on oil evaluation, because your quick analysis, accuracy, and requires a minimum number of samples and consumables


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The flowering is a physiological process that it is vital for plants. This physiological process has been well studied in the plant model Arabidopsis, but in sugarcane this process is not well known. The transition of the shoot apical meristem from vegetative to flowering is a critical factor for plant development. At Brazil northeastern region, the transition to flowering in sugarcane has an important effect as it may reduce up to 60% its production. This is a consequence of the sugar translocation from stalks to the shoot apical meristem which is necessary during the flowering process. Therefore, the aim of this work was to explore and analyze cDNAs previously identified using subtractive cDNA libraries. The results showed that these cDNAs showed differential expression profile in varieties of sugarcane (early x late flowering). The in silico analysis suggested that these cDNAs had homology to calmodulin, NAC transcription factor and phosphatidylinositol, a SEC14, which were described in the literature as having a role in the process of floral development. To better understand the role of the cDNA homologous to calmodulin, tobacco plants were transformed with overexpression cassettes in sense and antissense orientation. Plants overexpressing the cassette in sense orientation did not flowered, while plants overexpressing the cassette in the antissense orientation produced flowers. The data obtained in this study suggested the possible role from CAM sequence, SEC14 and NAC in the induction/floral development pathway in sugarcane, this is the first study in order to analyze these genes in the sugarcane flowering process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pathogens in seeds imply quarantine constraints for exportation. This research aimed to quantify nematodes and fungus populations in seed samples of forage grasses from the main Brazilian producing states, and to multiply the nematodes in vitro, as well to study the taxonomy of the nematodes detected. Seed samples of 237 lots of different forage grasses from São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Bahia, and Goias States were collected and shipped for analyses in the Nematology and Plant Pathology Laboratories at FCAV[long dash]UNESP [long dash] Jaboticabal( SP) by Comercio e Industria Matsuda Imp., Exp. Ltd. Nematodes were extracted from 10 g of seeds. To detect the fungus, the Blotter-test was applied. The identifications were done by using a photonic microscope and a stereomicroscope. For the study of in vitro multiplication of the nematodes, the following parthenogenetic species were selected: Aphelenchoides sexlineatus, Aphelenchus sp. and Ditylenchus montanus. Cultures of the fungi Fusarium sp. and Didymella brioniae were used as substrate to multiply the nematodes in Petri dishes. Each plate was inoculated with 10 mature females, then incubated in B.O.D. at 25 [plus or minus]1 [degree]C, in the dark. Thirty days after inoculation, the nematodes were extracted. The populations obtained in the suspensions were estimated in the microscope using Peters counting chamber, and the reproduction factor estimated. For the taxonomic study of the nematodes, morphological characters of specimens were recorded under the light and scanning electron microscopes. The results indicated a large distribution of nematodes and fungus in seeds of forage grasses in Brazil. The nematodes identified in the present study were: Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. bicaudatus, A. fragariae, A. sexlineatus, Ditylenchus myceliophagus, D. dipsaci, D. montanus, and Aphelenchus sp. In addition, species of the fungi Fusarium, Helminthosporium and Phoma were recovered.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a qualidade higiênico-sanitária da água de consumo humano em propriedades rurais por meio da contagem de indicadores microbiológicos de potabilidade. MÉTODOS: Foram colhidas 180 amostras de água utilizada para consumo humano das fontes, reservatórios e ponto de consumo em 30 propriedades rurais, situadas na região Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. Determinou-se o número mais provável de coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e o número de microrganismos mesófilos. Foi verificada a presença de medidas de proteção das fontes de abastecimento. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que 90% das amostras de água das fontes, 90% dos reservatórios e 96,7% de água de consumo humano, colhidas no período de chuvas, e 83,3%, 96,7% e 90%, daquelas colhidas respectivamente nos mesmos locais, durante a estiagem, estavam fora dos padrões microbiológicos de potabilidade para água de consumo humano. CONCLUSÕES: A água utilizada nas propriedades rurais foi considerada um importante fator de risco à saúde dos seres humanos que a utilizam. A adoção de medidas preventivas, visando à preservação das fontes de água, e o tratamento das águas já comprometidas são as ferramentas necessárias para diminuir consideravelmente o risco de ocorrência de enfermidades de veiculação hídrica.


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In Mathematics literature some records highlight the difficulties encountered in the teaching-learning process of integers. In the past, and for a long time, many mathematicians have experienced and overcome such difficulties, which become epistemological obstacles imposed on the students and teachers nowadays. The present work comprises the results of a research conducted in the city of Natal, Brazil, in the first half of 2010, at a state school and at a federal university. It involved a total of 45 students: 20 middle high, 9 high school and 16 university students. The central aim of this study was to identify, on the one hand, which approach used for the justification of the multiplication between integers is better understood by the students and, on the other hand, the elements present in the justifications which contribute to surmount the epistemological obstacles in the processes of teaching and learning of integers. To that end, we tried to detect to which extent the epistemological obstacles faced by the students in the learning of integers get closer to the difficulties experienced by mathematicians throughout human history. Given the nature of our object of study, we have based the theoretical foundation of our research on works related to the daily life of Mathematics teaching, as well as on theorists who analyze the process of knowledge building. We conceived two research tools with the purpose of apprehending the following information about our subjects: school life; the diagnosis on the knowledge of integers and their operations, particularly the multiplication of two negative integers; the understanding of four different justifications, as elaborated by mathematicians, for the rule of signs in multiplication. Regarding the types of approach used to explain the rule of signs arithmetic, geometric, algebraic and axiomatic , we have identified in the fieldwork that, when multiplying two negative numbers, the students could better understand the arithmetic approach. Our findings indicate that the approach of the rule of signs which is considered by the majority of students to be the easiest one can be used to help understand the notion of unification of the number line, an obstacle widely known nowadays in the process of teaching-learning


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The thesis investigated how social networks online that allows anonymous postings can be used by teachers and students to promote the meeting between the sexual education and the needs and expectations of young people face a crosscutting theme, remarkably a taboo. It needs teaching strategies more efficient than those traditionally defended. With this experience, found in a short course about sexuality and health, we sought to go beyond the use of social networks for social entertainment, showing they can be an field that favors the process of teaching and learning. The research was based on the convergence of the communication concepts from Paulo Frere and another from Jürgen Habermas, as well as the philosophical concepts of utopia, ideology and dialectic are interrelated not only among themselves, but also inside an education field. Methodologically in this thesis, we adopted the category of qualitative research; the method is a combination of case study with action research. The technique was the use of questionnaires, data collection was in attendance and the types of data were primary. Finally, we present, then, the idea the communication is not in the middle, but in the trusty relationship established between the interlocutors. In this way, we can think when a student has met their need to be able answer his questions about sex with their teacher through an online social network that allows anonymity and through which the student knows who responds is their teacher, but the teacher can not distinguish the identity of his students, this dialogic relationship serves to get claims of the validity that are characterized as potential communicative action


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We are observing, particurlarly in the last two decades an aggravation of social problems inherent in contemporary society, such as high rates of unereloyment and social exclusion. In this context, the social economy appears as an alternative to generate employment and income, especially for the country man through the production and distribution of developed products in a collective way where the actions of cooperation gain significant importance this study aims to determine how the collective actions affect the sustainability of cooperative socio-political and economic developments of the economy and so it was adopted a methodology of multiple case study in three organizations in the apiculture sector of Rio Grande do Norte the Beekeepers Association of São Rafael City (AAMSR); Beekeepers Association of Serra do Mel (APISMEL) and Family Agriculture Cooperative of Apodi (COOAFAP). To evaluate relationship in collaborative ventures solidarity it is constructed a matrix that identify and develop relationship in the organization and, to measure the level of sustainability of these ventures are calculated the indices of socio-political sustainability and economic sustainability. The research results shows a fully collaborative relationship in all cases based on factors such as effective communication between beekeepers involved/and also cooperated with these organization; availability of beekeepers to perform adjustments in production process; an organizational culture focused on collaboration and high level of situation described above and taking into account that the business of solidarity economy better positioned in the matrix of relationships are those that have best indices of sustainability, it is evidence the importance of collaborative relationships for the sustainability of joint ventures


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The natural gas perform a essential paper, not only in primary sectors of energy, but also in others sectors of economy. The use natural gas will have expansion in Brazil, motivated by governmental decision to increase the participation of this fuel in the Brazilian energy matrix from 4% to 12% up until 2010. in order to reach the objective related to increase the consumption of natural gas in the energy matrix and to propose solutions to attend the electric requirements of heart and refrigeration, using natural gas as primary power plant. This thesis has a main objective to analysis the perception of businessmen of hotel sector about the feasability of investment with micro-cogeneration system by natural gas in their hotel in turistic sector, in Natal/RN. It s show a case for the hotels selected analyzing the actual knowledge of businessmen about alternative of new technology in generation of owner energy. There was make a interview using a standard form researching information about this topic. In this interview has shown 4 (four) canaries for businessmen with different configurations of investment in micro-cogeneration. Two of this canaries uses the project finance like option to make fasible this projects. The resulteis showed who businessmen has insecurity to make decision to put in office alone, or with a local company, and perhaps with a national company to perform for a alternative energy system, justifying, the alone feasability and without information by local businessmen. Apart from that, they are receptive for a option to put in office in micro-cogeneration configured in the settings using project finance


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This work deals with the development of an experimental study on a power supply of high frequency that provides the toch plasmica to be implemented in PLASPETRO project, which consists of two static converters developed by using Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). The drivers used to control these keys are triggered by Digital Signal Processor (DSP) through optical fibers to reduce problems with electromagnetic interference (EMI). The first stage consists of a pre-regulator in the form of an AC to DC converter with three-phase boost power factor correction which is the main theme of this work, while the second is the source of high frequency itself. A series-resonant inverter consists of four (4) cell inverters operating in a frequency around 115 kHz each one in soft switching mode, alternating itself to supply the load (plasma torch) an alternating current with a frequency of 450 kHz. The first stage has the function of providing the series-resonant inverter a DC voltage, with the value controlled from the power supply provided by the electrical system of the utility, and correct the power factor of the system as a whole. This level of DC bus voltage at the output of the first stage will be used to control the power transferred by the inverter to the load, and it may vary from 550 VDC to a maximum of 800 VDC. To control the voltage level of DC bus driver used a proportional integral (PI) controller and to achieve the unity power factor it was used two other proportional integral currents controllers. Computational simulations were performed to assist in sizing and forecasting performance. All the control and communications needed to stage supervisory were implemented on a DSP