421 resultados para fallout shelters


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One of the main sources of anthropogenic radionuclides in the ocean is the global fallout resulting from the nuclear tests that had been conducted by the United States, the former Soviet Union, and other countries between 1945 and 1990 mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. The most extensive fallout was observed in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in 1963 immediately after the nuclear tests of 1961-1962 conducted by the United States and the Soviet Union. In 2006-2009, under the auspices of an agreement between the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Center of Antarctic and Marine Research of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of India, cooperative geological and geochemical investigations were organized in several regions of the Indian Ocean. During these expeditions, the spatial distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides was investigated in the water of the Indian Ocean. The main results of these investigations are reported in this paper.


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A geochemical investigation was carried out on two sediment cores collected at 2 and 5 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal vent site. Bulk sediment compositions indicate that these cores record clear enrichments in Fe, Cu, Mn, V, P and As from hydrothermal plume fallout (Cave et al., 2002, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00823-2). Sequential dissolution of the bulk sediments has been used to discriminate between a leach (biogenic and oxy-hydroxide) component and a residual phase (detrital and sulphide/sulphate fractions). Major element data (Al, Fe, Ti, Mn, Mg, Ca, Si and index%) reveal that the hydrothermal input, as recorded in the leach phase, is much stronger than apparent from bulk sediment analyses alone. REE patterns for the leach phase record contributions from both biogenic carbonate (mimicking seawater REE patterns) and hydrothermal oxy-hydroxides, with the latter exhibiting positive Eu anomalies (hydrothermal derived) and negative Ce anomalies (seawater derived). Based on major element and REE data, the residue contains contributions from aeolian dust input, local MORB material and a hydrothermal component. Ternary REE mixing calculations indicate that most of the REE within the residual fraction (~80%) is derived from hydrothermal material, while detrital contributions to the REE budget, as deep-sea clay and volcanic debris, are <20%. By combining bulk and REE data for the various end-member components of the residue, we calculate that the chemical composition of the residue hydrothermal end-member is high in Ca (6-15%) and with a Nd/Sr ratio of 0.004. These characteristics indicate the presence of low-solubility hydrothermal sulphate (rather than sulphide) material within the residue component of Rainbow hydrothermal sediments.


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During an expedition aboard R/V Pavel Gordienko (September, 2002) investigations in the Sea of Japan areas, where radioactive wastes were disposed by the former Soviet Union, were carried out in order to assess present level of radioactive contamination of marine environment. Concentration of I37Cs, radioecologically one of the most important radionuclides, in near-bottom sea water and bottom sediments were measured to be low, 2.8-17.2 Bq/m**3 and 3.2-27.2 Bq/kg dry weight, respectively, that did not differ significantly from levels elsewhere in the northwest Pacific Ocean arising from global fallout. Results of measurements were compared with results of the Joint Japanese- Korean -Russian expedition to the Sea of Japan in 1994.


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Geochemical compositions and Sr and Nd isotopes were measured in two cores collected ~2 and 5 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal vent site on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Overall, the cores record enrichments in Fe and other metals from hydrothermal fallout, but sequential dissolution of the sediments allows discrimination between a leach phase (easily leachable) and a residue phase (refractory). The oxy-anion and transition metal distribution combined with rare earth element (REE) patterns suggest that (1) the leach fraction is a mixture of biogenic carbonate and hydrothermal Fe-Mn oxy-hydroxide with no significant contribution from detrital material and (2) >99.5% of the REE content of the leach fraction is of seawater origin. In addition, the leach fraction has an average 87Sr/86Sr ratio indistinguishable from modern seawater at 0.70916. Although we lack the epsilon-Nd value of present-day deep water at the Rainbow vent site, we believe that the REE budget of the leach fraction is predominantly of seawater origin. We suggest therefore that the leach fraction provides a record of local seawater epsilon-Nd values. Nd isotope data from these cores span the period of 4-14 ka (14C ages) and yield epsilon-Nd values for North East Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW) that are higher (-9.3 to -11.1) than those observed in the nearby Madeira Abyssal Plain from the same depth (-12.4 ± 0.9). This observation suggests that either the Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW) and Lower Deep Water contributions to the formation of NEADW are higher along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge than in the surrounding basins or that the relative proportion of ISOW was higher during this period than is observed today. This study indicates that hydrothermal sediments have the potential to provide a higher-resolution record of deep water epsilon-Nd values, and hence deepwater circulation patterns in the oceans, than is possible from other types of sediments.


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The nature of Re-platinum-group element (PGE; Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru) transport in the marine environment was investigated by means of marine sediments at and across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) at two hemipelagic sites in Europe and two pelagic sites in the North and South Pacific. A traverse across the KTB in the South Pacific pelagic clay core found elevated levels of Re, Pt, Ir, Os, and Ru, each of which is approximately symmetrically distributed over a distance of ~1.8 m across the KTB. The Re-PGE abundance patterns are fractionated from chondritic relative abundances: Ru, Pt, Pd, and Re contents are slightly subchondritic relative to Ir, and Os is depleted by ~95% relative to chondritic Ir proportions. A similar depletion in Os (~90%) was found in a sample of the pelagic KTB in the North Pacific, but it is enriched in Ru, Pt, Pd, and Re relative to Ir. The two hemipelagic KTB clays have near-chondritic abundance patterns. The ~1.8-m-wide Re-PGE peak in the pelagic South Pacific section cannot be reconciled with the fallout of a single impactor, indicating that postdepositional redistribution has occurred. The elemental profiles appear to fit diffusion profiles, although bioturbation could have also played a role. If diffusion had occurred over ~65 Ma, the effective diffusivities are ~10**?13 cm**2/s, much smaller than that of soluble cations in pore waters (~10**?6 cm**2/s). The coupling of Re and the PGEs during redistribution indicates that postdepositional processes did not significantly fractionate their relative abundances. If redistribution was caused by diffusion, then the effective diffusivities are the same. Fractionation of Os from Ir during the KTB interval must therefore have occurred during aqueous transport in the marine environment. Distinctly subchondritic Os/Ir ratios throughout the Cenozoic in the South Pacific core further suggest that fractionation of Os from Ir in the marine environment is a general process throughout geologic time because most of the inputs of Os and Ir into the ocean have Os/Ir ratios >/=1. Mass balance calculations show that Os and Re burial fluxes in pelagic sediments account for only a small fraction of the riverine Os (<10%) and Re (<0.1%) inputs into the oceans. In contrast, burial of Ir in pelagic sediments is similar to the riverine Ir input, indicating that pelagic sediments are a much larger repository for Ir than for Os and Re. If all of the missing Os and Re is assumed to reside in anoxic sediments in oceanic margins, the calculated burial fluxes in anoxic sediments are similar to observed burial fluxes. However, putting all of the missing Os and Re into estuarine sediments would require high concentrations to balance the riverine input and would also fail to explain the depletion of Os at pelagic KTB sites, where at most ~25% of the K-T impactor's Os could have passed through estuaries. If Os is preferentially sequestered in anoxic marine environments, it follows that the Os/Ir ratio of pelagic sediments should be sensitive to changes in the rates of anoxic sediment deposition. There is thus a clear fractionation of Os and Re from Ir in precipitation out of sea water in pelagic sections. Accordingly, it is inferred here that Re and Os are removed from sea water in anoxic marine depositional regimes.


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Strontium-90 activity concentrations in surface soils and areal deposition densities have been studied at a site contaminated by an accidental release to atmosphere from the underground nuclear explosion 'Kraton-3' conducted near the Polar Circle (65.9°N, 112.3°E) within the territory of the former USSR in 1978. In 2001-2002, the ground surface contamination at 14 plots studied ranged from 20 to 15000 kBq/m**2, which significantly exceeds the value of 0.44 kBq/m**2 deduced for three background plots. The zone with substantial radiostrontium contamination extends, at least, 2.5 km in a north-easterly direction from the borehole. The average 137Cs/90Sr ratio in the ground contamination originated from the 'Kraton-3' fallout was estimated to be 0.55, which is significantly different from the ratio of 2.05 evaluated for background plots contaminated mostly from global fallout. Although vertical migration of 90Sr in all undisturbed soil profiles studied is more rapid than that for 137Cs, the depth of percolation of both radionuclides into the ground is mostly limited to the top 10-20 cm, which may be explained, primarily, by permafrost conditions. The horizontal migration rate of radiostrontium in the aqueous phase exceeds the radiocaesium migration rate by many times. This phenomenon seems to be a reason for the significant enrichment of the soil surface layers by radiostrontium at some sites, with variations occurring in accordance with small-scale irregularities of landscape.


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Early Pliocene to Pleistocene volcaniclastic sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 from Sites 834 to 839 in the Lau Basin show a wide range of chemical and mineralogical compositions extending the spectrum previously known from the Lau Basin, Lau Ridge and Tofua Arc. The following major types of volcaniclastics have been distinguished: (1) primary fallout ashes originating from eruptions on land, (2) epiclastic deposits that resulted from subaerial and submarine eruptions, (3) subaqueous fallout and pyroclastic flow deposits resulting from explosive submarine eruptions, and (4) hyaloclastites resulting from mechanical fragmentation and spalling of chilled margins of submarine pillow tubes and sheet-lava flows. Vitric shards are mostly basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic and broadly follow two major trends in terms of K2O enrichment: a low-K series (LKS) with about 1 wt% K2O at 70 wt% SiO2, and a very low-K series (VLKS) with only about 0.5 wt% K2O at 70 wt% SiO2. Sites 834 and 835 on "old" backarc basin crust, >4.2 and 3.4 m.y. old, comprise LKS rhyolites >3.3 m.y. old. Calc-alkaline basaltic turbidites originating from the Lau Ridge flowed in at 3.3 Ma. In the period from 3.3 to 2.4 Ma basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic, fine-grained LKS and VLKS volcaniclastics were deposited by turbidity currents and subaerial fallout. Three thin, discrete fallout layers (2.4-3.2 m.y. old) with high-K calc-alkaline compositions probably erupted in New Zealand. Volcaniclastics from Site 836, all <0.6 m.y. old, make up 24% of the sediments and comprise local basaltic andesitic to andesitic hyaloclastites with low Ba/Zr ratios of 0.9 to 1.4 and polymict andesitic sediments with Ba/Zr ratios of up to 5.5, containing clasts altered to lower greenschist facies. In Sites 837-839, drilled on young crust (1.8-2.1 m.y. old), volcaniclastics make up 45%-64% of the total sediment. Glass compositions are often bimodal with a mafic and a rhyolitic population. Large-volume rhyolitic, silt- to lapilli-sized volcaniclastics are interpreted as pyroclastic flows from explosive eruptions on a seamount 25-50 km away from the sites. Ba/Zr ratios are 2 to 4, partially overlapping with some Lau Basin basement lavas that show an "arc" signature, and they can reach values >5 in thin volcaniclastic layers <0.6 m.y. old.


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Understanding species distribution patterns and the corresponding environmental determinants is a crucial step in the development of effective strategies for the conservation and management of plant communities and ecosystems. Therefore, a central prerequisite is the biogeographical and macroecological analysis of factors and processes that determine contemporary, potential, as well as future geographic distribution of species. This thesis has been conducted in the framework of the BIOMAPS-BIOTA project at the Nees Institute of Biodiversity of Plants, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The study investigated patterns of plants species richness and phytogeographic regions under contemporary environmental conditions and forecasted future climate change in the area of West Africa covering five countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo. Firstly, geographic patterns of vascular plant species richness have been depicted at a relatively fine spatial resolution based on the potential distribution of 3,393 species. Species richness is closely related to the steep climatic gradient existing in the region with a high concentration of species in the most humid areas in the south and decreases towards the northern drier areas. The investigation of the effectiveness of the existing network of protected areas shows an overall good coverage of species in the study area. However, the proportion of covered species is considerably lower at national extent for some countries, thus calling for more protected areas in order to cover adequately a maximum number of plants species in these countries. Secondly, based on the potential distribution range of vascular plant species, seven phytogeographic regions have been delineated that broadly reflect the vegetation zones as defined by White (1983). However notable differences to the delineation of White (1983) occur at the margins of some regions. Corresponding to a general southward shifted of all regions. And expansion of the Sahel vegetation zone is observed in the north, while the rainforest zone is decreased in the very south.This is alarming since the rainforest shelters a high number of species and a high proportion of range-restricted or endemic species, despite their relatively small extent compared to the other regions. Finally, the evaluation of the potential impact of climate change on plant species richness in the study area, results in a severe loss of future suitable habitat for up to 50% of species per grid cell, particularly in the rainforest region. Moreover, the analysis of the possible shift of phytogeographic regions shows in general a strong deterioration of the West African rainforest. In contrast the drier areas are expanding continuously, although a slight gain in species number can be observed in some particular regions. The overall lesson to retain from the results of this study is that the West African rainforest should be fixed as a high priority area for the conservation of biodiversity of plants, since it is subject to severe contemporary and projected future threats.


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Ocean drilling has revealed that, although a minor mineral phase, native Cu ubiquitously occurs in the oceanic crust. Cu isotope systematics for native Cu from a set of occurrences from volcanic basement and sediment cover of the oceanic crust drilled at several sites in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans constrains the sources of Cu and processes that produced Cu**0. We propose that both hydrothermally-released Cu and seawater were the sources of Cu at these sites. Phase stability diagrams suggest that Cu**0 precipitation is favored only under strictly anoxic, but not sulfidic conditions at circum-neutral pH even at low temperature. In the basaltic basement, dissolution of primary igneous and potentially hydrothermal Cu-sulfides leads to Cu**0 precipitation along veins. The restricted Cu-isotope variations (delta 65Cu = 0.02-0.19 per mil) similar to host volcanic rocks suggest that Cu**0 precipitation occurred under conditions where Cu+-species were dominant, precluding Cu redox fractionation. In contrast, the Cu-isotope variations observed in the Cu**0 from sedimentary layers yield larger Cu-isotope fractionation (delta 65Cu = 0.41-0.95 per mil) suggesting that Cu**0 precipitation involved redox processes during the diagenesis, with potentially seawater as the primary Cu source. We interpret that native Cu precipitation in the basaltic basement is a result of low temperature (20°-65 °C) hydrothermal processes under anoxic, but not H2S-rich conditions. Consistent with positive delta 65Cu signatures, the sediment cover receives major Cu contribution from hydrogenous (i.e., seawater) sources, although hydrothermal contribution from plume fallout cannot be entirely discarded. In this case, disseminated hydrogenous and/or hydrothermal Cu might be diagenetically remobilized and reprecipitated as Cu**0 in reducing microenvironment.


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Sediment cores were recovered from the New Ireland Basin, east of Papua New Guinea, in order to investigate the late Quaternary eruptive history of the Tabar-Lihir-Tanga-Feni (TLTF) volcanic chain. Foraminifera d18O profiles were matched to the low-latitude oxygen isotope record to date the cores, which extend back to the early part of d18O Stage 9 (333 ka). Sedimentation rates decrease from >10 cm/1000 yr in cores near New Ireland to ~2 cm/1000 yr further offshore. The cores contain 36 discrete ash beds, mostly 1-8 cm thick and interpreted as either fallout or distal turbidite deposits. Most beds have compositionally homogeneous glass shard populations, indicating that they represent single volcanic events. Shards from all ash beds have the subduction-related pattern of strong enrichment in the large-ion lithophile elements relative to MORB, but three distinct compositional groups are apparent: Group A beds are shoshonitic and characterised by >1300 ppm Sr, high Ce/Yb and high Nb/Yb relative to MORB, Group B beds form a high-K series with MORB-like Nb/Yb but high Ce/Yb and well-developed negative Eu anomalies, whereas Group C beds are transitional between the low-K and medium-K series and characterised by flat chondrite-normalised REE patterns with low Nb/Yb relative to MORB. A comparison with published data from the TLTF chain, the New Britain volcanic arc and backarc including Rabaul, and Bagana on Bougainville demonstrates that only Group A beds share the distinctive phenocryst assemblage and shoshonitic geochemistry of the TLTF lavas. The crystal- and lithic-rich character of the Group A beds point to a nearby source, and their high Sr, Ce/Yb and Nb/Yb match those of Tanga and Feni lavas. A youthful stratocone on the eastern side of Babase Island in the Feni group is the most probable source. Group A beds younger than 20 ka are more fractionated than the older Group A beds, and record the progressive development of a shallow level magma chamber beneath the cone. In contrast, Group B beds represent glass-rich fallout from voluminous eruptions at Rabaul, whereas Group C beds represent distal glass-rich fallout from elsewhere along the volcanic front of the New Britain arc.


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Of the Southeast Asian countries most badly affected by the 1997 financial crisis, Malaysia and Thailand remain the most unsettled by its political fallout. Their present political situations are not akin to 'politics as usual'. Instead, they capture the unpredicted outcomes of post-crisis struggles to reorganize structures of economic and political power. Comparing the situations in Malaysia and Thailand, this paper focuses on their differing state and civil society engagements with neoliberalism. It is suggested that the post-crisis contestations, sometimes tied to pre-crisis conflicts in political economy, left something of a stalemate: neither neoliberalism nor the social movements satisfactorily fulfilled their agendas in either country.


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A sustainable manufacturing process must rely on an also sustainable raw materials and energy supply. This paper is intended to show the results of the studies developed on sustainable business models for the minerals industry as a fundamental previous part of a sustainable manufacturing process. As it has happened in other economic activities, the mining and minerals industry has come under tremendous pressure to improve its social, developmental, and environmental performance. Mining, refining, and the use and disposal of minerals have in some instances led to significant local environmental and social damage. Nowadays, like in other parts of the corporate world, companies are more routinely expected to perform to ever higher standards of behavior, going well beyond achieving the best rate of return for shareholders. They are also increasingly being asked to be more transparent and subject to third-party audit or review, especially in environmental aspects. In terms of environment, there are three inter-related areas where innovation and new business models can make the biggest difference: carbon, water and biodiversity. The focus in these three areas is for two reasons. First, the industrial and energetic minerals industry has significant footprints in each of these areas. Second, these three areas are where the potential environmental impacts go beyond local stakeholders and communities, and can even have global impacts, like in the case of carbon. So prioritizing efforts in these areas will ultimately be a strategic differentiator as the industry businesses continues to grow. Over the next forty years, world?s population is predicted to rise from 6.300 million to 9.500 million people. This will mean a huge demand of natural resources. Indeed, consumption rates are such that current demand for raw materials will probably soon exceed the planet?s capacity. As awareness of the actual situation grows, the public is demanding goods and services that are even more environmentally sustainable. This means that massive efforts are required to reduce the amount of materials we use, including freshwater, minerals and oil, biodiversity, and marine resources. It?s clear that business as usual is no longer possible. Today, companies face not only the economic fallout of the financial crisis; they face the substantial challenge of transitioning to a low-carbon economy that is constrained by dwindling natural resources easily accessible. Innovative business models offer pioneering companies an early start toward the future. They can signal to consumers how to make sustainable choices and provide reward for both the consumer and the shareholder. Climate change and carbon remain major risk discontinuities that we need to better understand and deal with. In the absence of a global carbon solution, the principal objective of any individual country should be to reduce its global carbon emissions by encouraging conservation. The mineral industry internal response is to continue to focus on reducing the energy intensity of our existing operations through energy efficiency and the progressive introduction of new technology. Planning of the new projects must ensure that their energy footprint is minimal from the start. These actions will increase the long term resilience of the business to uncertain energy and carbon markets. This focus, combined with a strong demand for skills in this strategic area for the future requires an appropriate change in initial and continuing training of engineers and technicians and their awareness of the issue of eco-design. It will also need the development of measurement tools for consistent comparisons between companies and the assessments integration of the carbon footprint of mining equipments and services in a comprehensive impact study on the sustainable development of the Economy.