693 resultados para emotions - psychological anthropology
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate a model of routine pre-IVF counselling focusing on the narrative capacities of couples. The acceptability of counselling, the effects on emotional factors and the participants' assessments were considered. METHODS: The study included 141 consecutive childless couples preparing for their first IVF. Randomization was carried out through sealed envelopes attributing participants to counselled and non-counselled groups and was accepted by 100 couples. Another 12 couples refused randomization because they wanted counselling and 29 because they did not. Questionnaires including the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory and assessments of help were mailed to couples before IVF and counselling, and after the IVF outcome. RESULTS: Counselling was accepted by 79% (112/141) of couples. There was no significant effect of counselling on anxiety and depression scores which were within normal ranges at both times. Counselling provided help for 86% (75/87) of initially non-demanding subjects and 96% (25/26) of those initially requesting a session. Help was noted in areas of psychological assistance, technical explanations and discussing relationships. CONCLUSIONS: This model of routine counselling centred on the narrative provides an acceptable form of psychological assistance for pre-IVF couples.
Extensive population-based genome-wide association studies have identified an association between the FTO gene and BMI; however, the mechanism of action is still unknown. To determine whether FTO may influence weight regulation through psychological and behavioral factors, seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the FTO gene were genotyped in 1,085 individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN) and 677 healthy weight controls from the international Price Foundation Genetic Studies of Eating Disorders. Each SNP was tested in association with eating disorder phenotypes and measures that have previously been associated with eating behavior pathology: trait anxiety, harm-avoidance, novelty seeking, impulsivity, obsessionality, compulsivity, and concern over mistakes. After appropriate correction for multiple comparisons, no significant associations between individual FTO gene SNPs and eating disorder phenotypes or related eating behavior pathology were identified in cases or controls. Thus, this study found no evidence that FTO gene variants associated with weight regulation in the general population are associated with eating disorder phenotypes in AN participants or matched controls. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
El objetivo del artículo es presentar las bases teóricas y conceptuales de una disciplina a medio camino entre la psicología, la geografía y la antropología: la “psicogeografía cultural del desarrollo humano” (PCDH). Entendiendo por PCDH el estudio del desarrollo psicológico humano dentro de ciertas “geografías vitales y psicológicas” como un río, montaña o valle; una institución social como la escuela o la familia; ciertos artefactos como una bandera, un libro o un mapa; ideologías como el nacionalismo o liberalismo; relaciones sociales entre, por ejemplo, padre e hijo y ciertas actividades realizadas
Congrès de la Société Française de Pédiatrie et de l'Association des Pédiatres de Langue Française (APLF)
Quality of life has been extensively discussed in acute and chronic illnesses. However a dynamic model grounded in the experience of patients in the course of transplantation has not been to our knowledge developed. In a qualitative longitudinal study, patients awaiting solid organ transplantation participated in semi-structured interviews: Exploring topics pre-selected on previous research literature review. Creative interview was privileged, open to themes patients would like to discuss at the different steps of the transplantation process. A qualitative thematic and reflexive analysis was performed, and a model of the dimensions constitutive of quality of life from the perspective of the patients was elaborated. Quality of life is not a stable construct in a long lasting illness-course, but evolves with illness constraints, treatments and outcomes. Dimensions constitutive of quality of life are defined, each of them containing different sub-categories depending on the organ related illness co-morbidities and the stage of illness-course.
BACKGROUND: Over the years, somatic care has become increasingly specialized. Furthermore, a rising number of patients requiring somatic care also present with a psychiatric comorbidity. As a consequence, the time and resources needed to care for these patients can interfere with the course of somatic treatment and influence the patient-caregiver relationship. In the light of these observations, the Liaison Psychiatry Unit at the University Hospital in Lausanne (CHUV) has educated its nursing staff in order to strengthen its action within the general care hospital. What has been developed is a reflexive approach through supervision of somatic staff, in order to improve the efficiency of liaison psychiatry interventions with the caregivers in charge of patients. The kind of supervision we have developed is the result of a real partnership with somatic staff. Besides, in order to better understand the complexity of interactions between the two systems involved, the patient's and the caregivers', we use several theoretical references in an integrative manner. PSYCHOANALYTICAL REFERENCE: The psychoanalytical model allows us to better understand the dynamics between the supervisor and the supervised group in order to contain and give meaning to the affects arising in the supervision space. "Containing function" and "transitional phenomena" refer to the experience in which emotions can find a space where they can be taken in and processed in a secure and supportive manner. These concepts, along with that of the "psychic envelope", were initially developed to explain the psychological development of the baby in its early interactions with its mother or its surrogate. In the field of supervision, they allow us to be aware of these complex phenomena and the diverse qualities to which a supervisor needs to resort, such as attention, support and incentive, in order to offer a secure environment. SYSTEMIC REFERENCE: A new perspective of the patient's complexity is revealed by the group's dynamics. The supervisor's attention is mainly focused on the work of affects. However, these are often buried under a defensive shell, serving as a temporary protection, which prevents the caregiver from recognizing his or her own emotions, thereby enhancing the difficulties in the relationship with the patient. Whenever the work of putting emotions into words fail, we use "sculpting", a technique derived from the systemic model. Through the use of this type of analogical language, affects can emerge without constraint or feelings of danger. Through "playing" in that "transitional space", new exchanges appear between group members and allow new behaviors to be conceived. In practice, we ask the supervisee who is presenting a complex situation, to design a spatial representation of his or her understanding of the situation, through the display of characters significant to the situation: the patient, somatic staff members, relatives of the patient, etc. In silence, the supervisee shapes the characters into postures and arranges them in the room. Each sculpted character is identified, named, and positioned, with his or her gaze being set in a specific direction. Finally the sculptor shapes him or herself in his or her own role. When the sculpture is complete and after a few moments of fixation, we ask participants to express themselves about their experience. By means of this physical representation, participants to the sculpture discover perceptions and feelings that were unknown up to then. Hence from this analogical representation a reflection and hypotheses of understanding can arise and be developed within the group. CONCLUSION: Through the use of the concepts of "containing function" and "transitional space" we position ourselves in the scope of the encounter and the dialog. Through the use of the systemic technique of "sculpting" we promote the process of understanding, rather than that of explaining, which would place us in the position of experts. The experience of these encounters has shown us that what we need to focus on is indeed what happens in this transitional space in terms of dynamics and process. The encounter and the sharing of competencies both allow a new understanding of the situation at hand, which has, of course, to be verified in the reality of the patient-caregiver relationship. It is often a source of adjustment for interpersonal skills to recover its containing function in order to enable caregiver to better respond to the patient's needs.
BACKGROUND: Informal caregivers of palliative patients took part in existential behavioral therapy (EBT), a group intervention comprising mindfulness exercises to reduce psychological distress and improve quality of life. OBJECTIVES: This study examined what the participants perceived as helpful to cope with their loss during the first year of bereavement, particularly with regard to the EBT intervention. DESIGN: Sixteen problem-centered, semi-structured interviews were evaluated with content analysis. RESULTS: Two main categories were found: social support and self-regulation. Social support includes sense of belonging as well as emotional, cognitive, and practical help experienced from others. Mindfulness and acceptance, a clear focus on the positive, and orientation toward the future were helpful strategies of self-regulation; these were also part of the EBT intervention. Mindfulness was understood as permitting emotions and acceptance of one's inner processes, even if they were not pleasant, and was found to be helpful to stop ruminative thinking. CONCLUSIONS: The categories considered as being helpful parallel core elements of EBT and recent grief theories. The intervention was found to be supportive and met the needs of the participants. The interviewees appreciated the continuity of EBT support from palliative care into bereavement.
A Catalunya, un nombre significatiu d’infants i adolescents es troba sota la guarda i tutela del sistema de protecció i d’altres són atesos pel sistema de justícia juvenil. En molts casos, aquests joves han viscut experiències de maltractaments i abusos per part de les principals figures cuidadores, però també d’altres formes de violència en contextos diversos que poden incloure: el carrer, l’escola, el grup d’iguals, les noves tecnologies o els propis centres on poden residir provisionalment. Aquesta multiplicitat d’experiències de violència els converteix amb el que es coneix com a polivíctimes. Però entre l'experiència de victimització en la infància i el desenvolupament de problemes psicològics podem trobar la resiliència, la capacitat de l’ésser humà per superar o recuperar-se amb èxit de circumstàncies adverses. I aquí és on els professionals poden intervenir amb èxit. Els objectius principals d’aquest estudi són conèixer la prevalença d’experiències de victimització en aquests joves, identificar els casos de polivictimització, analitzar les característiques sociodemogràfiques, victimològiques i el nivell de desajust psicològic que presenten. Alhora, identificar perfils de resiliència i analitzar el seu efecte en el nivell de malestar psicològic del jove víctima. Els resultats ens indiquen que són els recursos personals, relatius a la confiança en un mateix, la fe en un futur millor, la capacitat d’identificació i connexió amb les pròpies emocions o les habilitats socials, els que permeten al jove fer front a les dificultats amb èxit. Aquests recursos personals són els que marcaran la diferència en la posterior reintegració social i correcte desenvolupament del jove i, per tant, els professionals els han de conèixer, enfortir i desenvolupar.
The potential consequences of early and late puberty on the psychological and behavioural development of the adolescent are not well known. This paper presents focused analyses from the Swiss SMASH study, a self-administered questionnaire survey conducted among a representative sample of 7488 adolescents from 16 to 20 years old. Data from participants reporting early or late timing of puberty were compared with those reporting average timing of maturation. Early maturing girls reported a higher rate of dissatisfaction with body image (OR=1.32) and functional symptoms (OR=1.52) and reported engaging in sexual activity more often (OR=1.93). Early maturing boys reported engaging in exploratory behaviours (sexual intercourse, legal and illegal substance use) at a significantly higher rate (OR varying between 1.4 and 1.99). Both early and late maturing boys reported higher rates of dysfunctional eating patterns (OR=1.59 and 1.38, respectively), victimisation (OR=1.61 and 1.37, respectively) and depressive symptoms (OR=2.11 and 1.53, respectively). Clinicians should take into account the pubertal stage of their patients and provide them, as well as their parents, with appropriate counselling in the field of mental health and health behaviour.