931 resultados para electric network design
This paper reports on the design and development of a dividing/phasing network for a compact switched-beam array antenna for Land-vehicle mobile satellite communications, The device is formed by a switched radial divider/combiner and 1-bit phase shifters and generates a sufficient number of beams for the proper satellite tracking.
Using benthic habitat data from the Florida Keys (USA), we demonstrate how siting algorithms can help identify potential networks of marine reserves that comprehensively represent target habitat types. We applied a flexible optimization tool-simulated annealing-to represent a fixed proportion of different marine habitat types within a geographic area. We investigated the relative influence of spatial information, planning-unit size, detail of habitat classification, and magnitude of the overall conservation goal on the resulting network scenarios. With this method, we were able to identify many adequate reserve systems that met the conservation goals, e.g., representing at least 20% of each conservation target (i.e., habitat type) while fulfilling the overall aim of minimizing the system area and perimeter. One of the most useful types of information provided by this siting algorithm comes from an irreplaceability analysis, which is a count of the number of, times unique planning units were included in reserve system scenarios. This analysis indicated that many different combinations of sites produced networks that met the conservation goals. While individual 1-km(2) areas were fairly interchangeable, the irreplaceability analysis highlighted larger areas within the planning region that were chosen consistently to meet the goals incorporated into the algorithm. Additionally, we found that reserve systems designed with a high degree of spatial clustering tended to have considerably less perimeter and larger overall areas in reserve-a configuration that may be preferable particularly for sociopolitical reasons. This exercise illustrates the value of using the simulated annealing algorithm to help site marine reserves: the approach makes efficient use of;available resources, can be used interactively by conservation decision makers, and offers biologically suitable alternative networks from which an effective system of marine reserves can be crafted.
Prior theoretical studies indicate that the negative spatial derivative of the electric field induced by magnetic stimulation may he one of the main factors contributing to depolarization of the nerve fiber. This paper studies this parameter for peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) induced by time.-varying gradient fields during MRI scans. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic human, full-body model. Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient sets in MRI systems and various input signals have been explored. The spatial distributions of the induced electric field and their gradients are calculated and attempts are made to correlate these areas with reported experimental stimulation data. The induced electrical field pattern is similar for both the planar coils and cylindrical coils. This study provides some insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced field gradients for PNS in MRI, which may be used to further evaluate the sites where magnetic stimulation is likely to occur and to optimize gradient coil design.
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, nonuniform static magnetic fields outside the central imaging region, in which the movement of the body may be able to induce electric currents in tissues which could be possibly harmful. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced electric fields and currents in the patient when moving into the MRI scanner and also for head motion at various positions in the magnet. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic, full-body, male model. 3D field profiles from an actively shielded 4T magnet system are used and the body model projected through the field profile with a range of velocities. The simulation shows that it possible to induce electric fields/currents near the level of physiological significance under some circumstances and provides insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced fields. The results are extrapolated to very high field strengths and tabulated data shows the expected induced currents and fields with both movement velocity and field strength. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
This paper is concerned with evaluating the performance of loss networks. Accurate determination of loss network performance can assist in the design and dimen- sioning of telecommunications networks. However, exact determination can be difficult and generally cannot be done in reasonable time. For these reasons there is much interest in developing fast and accurate approximations. We develop a reduced load approximation that improves on the famous Erlang fixed point approximation (EFPA) in a variety of circumstances. We illustrate our results with reference to a range of networks for which the EFPA may be expected to perform badly.
This paper presents experimental results of the communication performance evaluation of a prototype ZigBee-based patient monitoring system commissioned in an in-patient floor of a Portuguese hospital (HPG – Hospital Privado de Guimar~aes). Besides, it revisits relevant problems that affect the performance of nonbeacon-enabled ZigBee networks. Initially, the presence of hidden-nodes and the impact of sensor node mobility are discussed. It was observed, for instance, that the message delivery ratio in a star network consisting of six wireless electrocardiogram sensor devices may decrease from 100% when no hidden-nodes are present to 83.96% when half of the sensor devices are unable to detect the transmissions made by the other half. An additional aspect which affects the communication reliability is a deadlock condition that can occur if routers are unable to process incoming packets during the backoff part of the CSMA-CA mechanism. A simple approach to increase the message delivery ratio in this case is proposed and its effectiveness is verified. The discussion and results presented in this paper aim to contribute to the design of efficient networks,and are valid to other scenarios and environments rather than hospitals.
Associado à escassez dos combustíveis fósseis e ao desejado controlo de emissões nocivas para a atmosfera, assistimos no mundo ao desenvolvimento do um novo paradigma — a mobilidade eléctrica. Apesar das variações de maior ou menor arbítrio político dos governos, do excelente ou débil desenvolvimento tecnológico, relacionados com os veículos eléctricos, estamos perante um caminho, no que diz respeito à mobilidade eléctrica, que já não deve ser encarado como uma moda mas como uma orientação para o futuro da mobilidade. Portugal tendo dado mostras que pretende estar na dianteira deste desafio, necessita equacionar e compreender em que condições existirá uma infra-estrutura nacional capaz de fazer o veículo eléctrico vingar. Assim, neste trabalho, analisa-se o impacto da mobilidade eléctrica em algumas dessas infra-estruturas, nomeadamente nos edifícios multi-habitacionais e redes de distribuição em baixa tensão. São criados neste âmbito, quatro perfis de carregamento dos EVs nomeadamente: nas horas de chegada a casa; nas horas de vazio com início programado pelo condutor; nas horas de vazio controlado por operador de rede (“Smart Grid”); e um cenário que contempla a utilização do V2G. Com a obrigação legal de nos novos edifícios serem instaladas tomadas para veículos eléctricos, é estudado, com os cenários anteriores a possibilidade de continuar a conceber as instalações eléctricas, sem alterar algumas das disposições legais, ao abrigo dos regulamentos existentes. É também estudado, com os cenários criados e com a previsão da venda de veículos eléctricos até 2020, o impacto deste novo consumo no diagrama de carga do Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. Mostra-se assim que a introdução de sistemas inteligentes de distribuição de energia [Smartgrid e vehicle to grid” (V2G)] deverá ser encarada como a solução que por excelência contribuirá para um aproveitamento das infra-estruturas existentes e simultaneamente um uso acessível para os veículos eléctricos.
This paper presents an artificial neural network approach for short-term wind power forecasting in Portugal. The increased integration of wind power into the electric grid, as nowadays occurs in Portugal, poses new challenges due to its intermittency and volatility. Hence, good forecasting tools play a key role in tackling these challenges. The accuracy of the wind power forecasting attained with the proposed approach is evaluated against persistence and ARIMA approaches, reporting the numerical results from a real-world case study.
A major determinant of the level of effective natural gas supply is the ease to feed customers, minimizing system total costs. The aim of this work is the study of the right number of Gas Supply Units – GSUs - and their optimal location in a gas network. This paper suggests a GSU location heuristic, based on Lagrangean relaxation techniques. The heuristic is tested on the Iberian natural gas network, a system modelized with 65 demand nodes, linked by physical and virtual pipelines. Lagrangean heuristic results along with the allocation of loads to gas sources are presented, using a 2015 forecast gas demand scenario.
Electric vehicles introduction will affect cities environment and urban mobility policies. Network system operators will have to consider the electric vehicles in planning and operation activities due to electric vehicles’ dependency on the electricity grid. The present paper presents test cases using an Electric Vehicle Scenario Simulator (EVeSSi) being developed by the authors. The test cases include two scenarios considering a 33 bus network with up to 2000 electric vehicles in the urban area. The scenarios consider a penetration of 10% of electric vehicles (200 of 2000), 30% (600) and 100% (2000). The first scenario will evaluate network impacts and the second scenario will evaluate CO2 emissions and fuel consumption.
The smart grid concept appears as a suitable solution to guarantee the power system operation in the new electricity paradigm with electricity markets and integration of large amounts of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Virtual Power Player (VPP) will have a significant importance in the management of a smart grid. In the context of this new paradigm, Electric Vehicles (EVs) rise as a good available resource to be used as a DER by a VPP. This paper presents the application of the Simulated Annealing (SA) technique to solve the Energy Resource Management (ERM) of a VPP. It is also presented a new heuristic approach to intelligently handle the charge and discharge of the EVs. This heuristic process is incorporated in the SA technique, in order to improve the results of the ERM. The case study shows the results of the ERM for a 33-bus distribution network with three different EVs penetration levels, i. e., with 1000, 2000 and 3000 EVs. The results of the proposed adaptation of the SA technique are compared with a previous SA version and a deterministic technique.
In this paper we present a Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) based model, and hybrid solving method for the Scheduling of Maintenance Activities in the Power Transmission Network. The model distinguishes from others not only because of its completeness but also by the way it models and solves the Electric Constraints. Specifically we present a efficient filtering algorithm for the Electrical Constraints. Furthermore, the solving method improves the pure CLP methods efficiency by integrating a type of Local Search technique with CLP. To test the approach we compare the method results with another method using a 24 bus network, which considerers 42 tasks and 24 maintenance periods.
This paper presents a simulator for electric vehicles in the context of smart grids and distribution networks. It aims to support network operator´s planning and operations but can be used by other entities for related studies. The paper describes the parameters supported by the current version of the Electric Vehicle Scenario Simulator (EVeSSi) tool and its current algorithm. EVeSSi enables the definition of electric vehicles scenarios on distribution networks using a built-in movement engine. The scenarios created with EVeSSi can be used by external tools (e.g., power flow) for specific analysis, for instance grid impacts. Two scenarios are briefly presented for illustration of the simulator capabilities.
Urban Computing (UrC) provides users with the situation-proper information by considering context of users, devices, and social and physical environment in urban life. With social network services, UrC makes it possible for people with common interests to organize a virtual-society through exchange of context information among them. In these cases, people and personal devices are vulnerable to fake and misleading context information which is transferred from unauthorized and unauthenticated servers by attackers. So called smart devices which run automatically on some context events are more vulnerable if they are not prepared for attacks. In this paper, we illustrate some UrC service scenarios, and show important context information, possible threats, protection method, and secure context management for people.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores