995 resultados para elastic scattering


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An equation governing the excess pressure has been derived, for an axially tethered and stenosed elastic tube filled with viscous liquid, by introducing the elasticity of the tube through pressure-area relation. This equation is solved numerically for large Womersley parameter and the results are presented for different types of pressure-radius relations and geometries by prescribing an outgoing wave suffering attenuation at some axial point of the tube. For a locally constricted tube it is observed that the pressure oscillates more and generates sound on the down stream side of the constriction.


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Plates with V-through edge notches subjected to pure bending and specimens with rectangular edge-through-notches subjected to combined bending and axial pull were investigated (under live-load and stress-frozen conditions) in a completely nondestructive manner using scattered-light photoelasticity. Stress-intensity factors (SIFs) were evaluated by analysing the singular stress distributions near crack-tips. Improved methods are suggested for the evaluation of SIFs. The thickness-wise variation of SIFs is also obtained in the investigation. The results obtained are compared with the available theoretical solutions.


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Results of Raman spectroscopic studies of (NH4)2ZnBr4 crystal in the spectral range from 20-250 cm-1 and over a range of temperature from 90K to 440K covering the low temperature ferroelectric and high temperature incommensurate phases are presented. The plots of the integrated areas and peak heights of the strong Raman lines versus temperature show anomalous behaviour near the two phase transitions.


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The governing differential equation of linear, elastic, thin, circular plate of uniform thickness, subjected to uniformly distributed load and resting on Winkler-Pasternak type foundation is solved using ``Chebyshev Polynomials''. Analysis is carried out using Lenczos' technique, both for simply supported and clamped plates. Numerical results thus obtained by perturbing the differential equation for plates without foundation are compared and are found to be in good agreement with the available results. The effect of foundation on central deflection of the plate is shown in the form of graphs.


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Measurements have been made of the depolarisation factors \sigma u ,\sigma v ,\sigma h, and the intensity of scattering in the horizontal transverse direction, in the case of solutions of four different samples of chlorinated rubber in carbon tetrachloride. The size, shape and molecular weight of the micelles have been deduced by the application of the light scattering theories of Gans, Vrklajan and Katalinic and Debye. The extent to which the degradation of the rubber molecule occurs on chlorination has also been assessed.


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Joints are primary sources of weakness in structures. Pin joints are very common and are used where periodic disassembly of components is needed. A circular pin in a circular hole in an infinitely large plate is an abstraction of such a pin joint. A two-dimensional plane-stress analysis of such a configuration is carried out, here, subjected to pin-bearing and/or biaxial-plate loading. The pin is assumed to be rigid compared to the plate material. For pin load the reactive stresses at the edges of the infinite plate tend to zero though their integral over the external boundary equals to the pin load. The pin-hole interface is unbonded and so beyond some load levels the plate separates from the pin and the extent of separation is a non-linear function of load level. The problem is solved by inverse technique where the extent of contact is specified and the causative loads are evaluated directly. In the situations where combined load is acting the separation-contact zone specification generally needs two parameters (angles) to be specified. The present report deals with analysing such a situation in metallic (or isotropic) plates. Numerical results are provided for parametric representation and the methodology is demonstrated.


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Sodium nitrate is isostructural with calcite and crystallizes in the space group DQd. It is one of these substances whose physical properties have been widely investigated. However, a perusal of literature shows that the agreement between the elastic constants obtained by various investigators is not good.


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A formula has been derived for the mean-square error in the phases of crystal reflections determined through the multiwavelength anomalous scattering method.The error is written in terms of a simple function of the positions in the complex plane of the 'centres' corresponding to the different wavelengths. For the case of three centres, the mean-square error is inversely proportional to the area of the triangle formed by them.


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It is now well known that in extreme quantum limit, dominated by the elastic impurity scattering and the concomitant quantum interference, the zero-temperature d.c. resistance of a strictly one-dimensional disordered system is non-additive and non-self-averaging. While these statistical fluctuations may persist in the case of a physically thin wire, they are implicitly and questionably ignored in higher dimensions. In this work, we have re-examined this question. Following an invariant imbedding formulation, we first derive a stochastic differential equation for the complex amplitude reflection coefficient and hence obtain a Fokker-Planck equation for the full probability distribution of resistance for a one-dimensional continuum with a Gaussian white-noise random potential. We then employ the Migdal-Kadanoff type bond moving procedure and derive the d-dimensional generalization of the above probability distribution, or rather the associated cumulant function –‘the free energy’. For d=3, our analysis shows that the dispersion dominates the mobilitly edge phenomena in that (i) a one-parameter B-function depending on the mean conductance only does not exist, (ii) an approximate treatment gives a diffusion-correction involving the second cumulant. It is, however, not clear whether the fluctuations can render the transition at the mobility edge ‘first-order’. We also report some analytical results for the case of the one dimensional system in the presence of a finite electric fiekl. We find a cross-over from the exponential to the power-low length dependence of resistance as the field increases from zero. Also, the distribution of resistance saturates asymptotically to a poissonian form. Most of our analytical results are supported by the recent numerical simulation work reported by some authors.


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The problem of decaying states and resonances is examined within the framework of scattering theory in a rigged Hilbert space formalism. The stationary free,''in,'' and ''out'' eigenvectors of formal scattering theory, which have a rigorous setting in rigged Hilbert space, are considered to be analytic functions of the energy eigenvalue. The value of these analytic functions at any point of regularity, real or complex, is an eigenvector with eigenvalue equal to the position of the point. The poles of the eigenvector families give origin to other eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian: the singularities of the ''out'' eigenvector family are the same as those of the continued S matrix, so that resonances are seen as eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian with eigenvalue equal to their location in the complex energy plane. Cauchy theorem then provides for expansions in terms of ''complete'' sets of eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Applying such expansions to the survival amplitude of a decaying state, one finds that resonances give discrete contributions with purely exponential time behavior; the background is of course present, but explicitly separated. The resolvent of the Hamiltonian, restricted to the nuclear space appearing in the rigged Hilbert space, can be continued across the absolutely continuous spectrum; the singularities of the continuation are the same as those of the ''out'' eigenvectors. The free, ''in'' and ''out'' eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues and those corresponding to resonances can be approximated by physical vectors in the Hilbert space, as plane waves can. The need for having some further physical information in addition to the specification of the total Hamiltonian is apparent in the proposed framework. The formalism is applied to the Lee–Friedrichs model and to the scattering of a spinless particle by a local central potential. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The contact zone and pressure distribution between two elastic plates joined by an elastic bolt and nut are estimated using finite element analysis. Smooth interfacial conditions are assumed in all the regions of contact. Eight node axisymmetric ring elements are used to model the structure. The matrix solution is obtained through frontal technique and this solution technique is shown to be very efficient for the iterative scheme adopted to determine the extent of contact. A parametric study is conducted varying the elastic properties of bolt and plate materials, bolt head diameter and thickness of the plates. The method of approach presented in this paper provides a solution with a realistic idealization of tension flange joints.