950 resultados para dose-response curve


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Mental practice is an internal reproduction of a motor act (whose intention is to promote learning and improving motor skills). Some studies have shown that other cognitive strategies also increase the strength and muscular resistance in healthy people by the enhancement of the performance during dynamic tasks. Mental training sessions may be primordial to improving muscle strength in different subjects. The aim of this study was to systematically review and meta-analiyze studies that assessed whether mental practice is effective in improving muscular strength. We conducted an electronic-computed search in Pub-Med/Medline and ISI Web of Knowledge, Scielo and manual searchs, searching papers written in English between 1991 and 2014. There were 44 studies in Pub-Med/Medline, 631 in ISI Web of Knowledge, 11 in Scielo and 3 in manual searchs databases. After exclusion of studies for duplicate, unrelated to the topic by title and summary, different samples and methodologies, a meta-analysis of 4 studies was carried out to identify the dose-response relationship. We did not find evidence that mental practice is effective in increasing strength in healthy individuals. There is no evidence that mental practice alone can be effective to induce strength gains or to optimize the training effects.


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Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorders observed currently. It is a normal adaptive response to stress that allows coping with adverse situations. Nevertheless, when anxiety becomes excessive or disproportional in relation to the situation that evokes it or when there is not any special object directed at it, such as an irrational dread of routine stimuli, it becomes a disabling disorder and is considered to be pathological. The traditional treatment used is medication and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, however, last years the practice of physical exercise, specifically aerobic exercise, has been investigated as a new non-pharmacological therapy for anxiety disorders. Thus, the aim of this article was to provide information on research results and key chains related to the therapeutic effects of aerobic exercise compared with other types of interventions to treat anxiety, which may become a useful clinical application in a near future. Researches have shown the effectiveness of alternative treatments, such as physical exercise, minimizing high financial costs and minimizing side effects. The sample analyzed, 66.8% was composed of women and 80% with severity of symptoms anxiety as moderate to severe. The data analyzed in this review allows us to claim that alternative therapies like exercise are effective in controlling and reducing symptoms, as 91% of anxiety disorders surveys have shown effective results in treating. However, there is still disagreement regarding the effect of exercise compared to the use of antidepressant symptoms and cognitive function in anxiety, this suggests that there is no consensus on the correct intensity of aerobic exercise as to achieve the best dose-response, with intensities high to moderate or moderate to mild.


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Exercise promotes several health benefits, such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory improvements. It is believed that the practice of exercise in individuals with psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia, can cause significant changes. Schizophrenic patients have problematic lifestyle habits compared with general population; this may cause a high mortality rate, mainly caused by cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate changes in physical and mental health, cognitive and brain functioning due to the practice of exercise in patients with schizophrenia. Although still little is known about the benefits of exercise on mental health, cognitive and brain functioning of schizophrenic patients, exercise training has been shown to be a beneficial intervention in the control and reduction of disease severity. Type of training, form of execution, duration and intensity need to be better studied as the effects on physical and mental health, cognition and brain activity depend exclusively of interconnected factors, such as the combination of exercise and medication. However, one should understand that exercise is not only an effective nondrug alternative, but also acts as a supporting linking up interventions to promote improvements in process performance optimization. In general, the positive effects on mental health, cognition and brain activity as a result of an exercise program are quite evident. Few studies have been published correlating effects of exercise in patients with schizophrenia, but there is increasing evidence that positive and negative symptoms can be improved. Therefore, it is important that further studies be undertaken to expand the knowledge of physical exercise on mental health in people with schizophrenia, as well as its dose-response and the most effective type of exercise.


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Depression is a common and disabling disease that affects over 100 million people worldwide and can have a significant impact on physical and mental health, reducing their quality of life. Thus, the aim of this article was to provide information on research results and key chains related to the therapeutic effects of chronic aerobic exercise compared with other types of interventions to treat depression, which may become a useful clinical application in a near future. Researches have shown the effectiveness of alternative treatments, such as physical exercise, minimizing high financial costs and minimizing side effects. In this review, the data analyzed allows us to claim that alternative therapies, such as exercise, are effective on controlling and reducing symptoms. 69.3% of the studies that investigated the antidepressant effects of exercise on depressive were significant, and the other 30.7% of the studies improved only in general physiological aspects, such as increased oxygen uptake, increased use of blood glucose and decreased body fat percentage, with no improvement on symptoms of depression. From the sample analyzed, 71.4% was composed of women, and regarding the severity of symptoms, 85% had mild to moderate depression and only 15% had moderate to severe depression. However, there is still disagreement regarding the effect of exercise compared to the use of antidepressants in symptomatology and cognitive function in depression, this suggests that there is no consensus on the correct intensity of aerobic exercise as to achieve the best dose-response, with intensities high to moderate or moderate to mild.


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In this study the authors evaluated the efficacy of prophylaxis with liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) in the incidence of fungal infections (FI) during the first 3 months after liver transplant (LT). The study was retrospective and accessed a 4-year period from 2008 to 2011. All patients who died in the first 48 hours after LT were excluded. Patients were divided by the risk groups for FI: Group 1, high-risk (at least 1 of the following conditions: urgent LT; serum creatinine >2 mg/dL; early acute kidney injury [AKI] after LT; retransplantation; surgical exploration early post-LT; transfused cellular blood components [>40 U]); and Group 2, low-risk patients. Group 1 patients were further separated into those who received antifungal prophylaxis with L-AmB and those who did not. Prophylaxis with L-AmB consisted of intravenous administration of L-AmB, 100 mg daily for 14 days. Four hundred ninety-two patients underwent LT; 31 died in the first 48 hours after LT. From the remaining 461 patients, 104 presented with high-risk factors for FI (Group 1); of these, 66 patients received antifungal prophylaxis and 38 did not. In this group 8 FI were observed, 5 in patients without antifungal prophylaxis (P = .011). Three more FI were identified in Group 2. By logistic regression analysis, the categorical variable high-risk group was independently related to the occurrence of invasive FI (P = .006). We conclude that prophylaxis with L-AmB after LT was effective in reducing the incidence of FI. No influence on mortality was detected.


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RESUMO:Em 1994 a acrilamida (AA) foi classificada pela IARC como um provável cancerígeno para o homem. Para além da utilização de AA em numerosas aplicações industriais, a AA está também presente numa grande variedade de alimentos ricos em amido e processados a temperaturas elevadas. Esta exposição através da ingestão de produtos alimentares despoletou elevadas preocupações ao nível do risco para a saúde pública e poderá implicar um risco adicional para o aparecimento de cancro. A glicidamida (GA), o metabolito epóxido formado a partir da oxidação da AA provavelmente através do citocromo P450 2E1, é considerada por vários estudos, o principal responsável pela carcinogenicidade da AA. Actualmente existe uma escassez de resultados relativamente aos mecanismos de genotoxicidade da AA e GA em células de mamífero. Por este motivo, o objectivo deste estudo centra-se na avaliação das consequências genéticas da exposição à AA e GA, recorrendo-se para tal ao uso de células de mamífero como modelo. Tendo como base este objectivo avaliou-se a citotoxicidade da AA e GA, através do ensaio do MTT, e realizaram-se dois testes citogenéticos, o teste das aberrações cromossómicas (CAs) e o teste da troca de cromátides irmãs (SCEs), de modo a avaliar as lesões de DNA induzidas por estes compostos em células de hamster Chinês V79. Os resultados globalmente mostraram que a GA é mais citotóxica e clastogénica do que a AA. No âmbito deste trabalho, foi também efectuada a quantificação de aductos específicos de DNA, nomeadamente N7-(2-carbamoil-2-hidroxietil)guanina (N7-GA-Gua) e N3-(2-carbamoil-2-hidroxietil)adenina (N3-GA-Ade). Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que os níveis de N7-GA-Gua e a concentração de GA apresentam uma relação linear dose-resposta. Foi também identificada uma óptima correlação entre os níveis de N7-GA-Gua e a frequência de troca de cromátides irmãs. Adicionalmente, e de forma a compreender os mecanismos de toxicidade da AA, estudaram-se os mecanismos dependentes da modulação do glutationo reduzido (GSH), nomeadamente da butionina sulfoximina (BSO), um inibidor da síntese de GSH, do GSH-monoetil estér (GSH-EE), um composto permeável nas células e que é intra-celularmente hidrolisado a GSH e ainda do GSH adicionado exogenamente ao meio de cultura, em células V79. Os resultados obtidos reforçaram o papel da modulação do GSH nos efeitos de citotoxicidade e clastogenicidade da AA. Para além dos estudos efetuados com células V79, procedeu-se também à determinação da frequência de SCEs, à quantificação de aductos específicos de DNA, bem como ao ensaio do cometa alcalino em amostras de dadores saudáveis expostos à AA e GA. Tanto os resultados obtidos através do ensaio das SCE, como pela quantificação de aductos específicos de DNA, ambos efectuados em linfócitos estimulados, originaram resultados comparáveis aos obtidos anteriormente para as células V79, reforçando a ideia de que a GA é bastante mais genotóxica do que a AA. Por outro lado, os resultados obtidos pelo ensaio do cometa para exposição à AA e GA mostraram que apenas esta última aumenta o nível das lesões de DNA. Outro objectivo deste trabalho, foi a identificação de possíveis associações existentes entre as lesões de DNA, quantificadas através do ensaio das SCEs e do cometa, e biomarcadores de susceptibilidade, tendo em conta os polimorfismos genéticos individuais envolvidos na destoxificação e nas vias de reparação do DNA (BER, NER, HRR e NHEJ) em linfócitos expostos à GA. Tal permitiu identificar associações entre os níveis de lesão de DNA determinados através do ensaio das SCEs, e os polimorfismos genéticos estudados, apontando para uma possível associação entre o GSTP1 (Ile105Val) e GSTA2 (Glu210Ala) e a frequência de SCEs. Por outro lado, os resultados obtidos através do ensaio do cometa sugerem uma associação entre as lesões de DNA e polimorfismos da via BER (MUTYH Gln335His e XRCC1 Gln39Arg) e da via NER (XPC Ala499val e Lys939Gln), considerando os genes isoladamente ou combinados. Estes estudos contribuem para um melhor entendimento da genotoxicidade e carcinogenicidade da AA e GA em células de mamífero, bem como da variabilidade da susceptibilidade individual na destoxificação e reparação de lesões de DNA provocadas pela exposição a estes xenobióticos alimentares. ----------- ABSTRACT:Acrylamide (AA) has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by IARC. Besides being used in numerous industrial applications, AA is also present in a variety of starchy cooked foods. This AA exposure scenario raised concerns about risk in human health and suggests that the oral consumption of AA is an additional risk factor for cancer. A considerable number of findings strongly suggest that the reactive metabolite glycidamide (GA), an epoxide generated presumably by cytochrome P450 2E1, plays a central role in AA carcinogenesis. Until now there are a scarcity of results concerning the mechanisms of genotoxicity of AA and GA in mammalian cells. In view of that, the study described in this thesis aims to unveil the genetic consequences of AA and GA exposure using mammalian cells as a model system. With this aim we evaluated the cytotoxicity of AA and GA using the MTT assay and subsequently performed two cytogenetic end-points: chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs), in order to evaluate DNA damage induced by these compounds in V79 Chinese hamster cell line. The results showed that GA was more cytotoxic and clastogenic than AA. Within the scope of this thesis the quantification of specific DNA adducts were also performed, namely N7-(2-carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)guanine (N7-GA-Gua) and N3-(2-carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)adenine (N3-GA-Ade). Interestingly, the GA concentration and the levels of N7-GA-Gua presented a linear dose-response relationship. Further, a very good correlation between the levels of N7-GA-Gua and the extent of SCEs were observed. In order to understand the mechanisms of AA-induced toxicity, the modulation of reduced glutathione (GSH)-dependent mechanisms were studied, namely the evaluation of the effect of buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), an effective inhibitor of GSH synthesis, of GSH-monoethyl ester (GSH-EE), a cell permeable compound that is intracellularly hydrolysed to GSH and also of GSH endogenously added to culture medium,z in V79 cell line. The overall results reinforced the role of GSH in the modulation of the cytotoxic and clastogenic effects induced by AA.Complementary to the studies performed in V79 cells, SCEs, specific DNA-adducts and alkaline comet assay in lymphocytes from healthy donors exposed to AA and GA were also evaluated. Both, the frequency of SCE and the quantification of specific GA DNA adducts, produced comparable results with those obtained in V79 cell line, reinforcing the idea that GA is far more genotoxic than AA. Further, the DNA damaging potential of AA and GA in whole blood leukocytes evaluated by the alkaline comet assay, showed that GA, but not AA, increases DNA damage. Additionally, this study aimed to identify associations between DNA damage and biomarkers of susceptibility, concerning individual genetic polymorphisms involved in detoxification and DNA repair pathways (BER, NER, HRR and NHEJ) on the GA-induced genotoxicity assessed by the SCE assay and by the alkaline comet assay. The extent of DNA damage determined by the levels of SCEs induced by GA seems to be modulated by GSTP1 (Ile105Val) and GSTA2 (Glu210Ala) genotypes. Moreover, the results obtained from the comet assay suggested associations between DNA damage and polymorphisms of BER (MUTYH Gln335His and XRCC1 Gln399Arg) and NER (XPC Ala499Val and Lys939Gln) genes, either alone or in combination. The overall results from this study contribute to a better understanding of the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of AA and GA in mammalian cells, as well as the knowledge about the variability in individual susceptibility involved in detoxification and repair of DNA damage due to these dietary xenobiotics.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente


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Economic development, including resource extraction, can cause toxic exposures that interact with endemic infectious diseases. Mercury is an immunotoxic metal used in the amalgamation of gold, resulting in both occupational exposures and environmental pollution. A cross-sectional medical survey was conducted in 1997 on 135 garimpeiros in Para, Brazil, because of their risks of both mercury exposure and malaria transmission. Mean levels of blood and urine mercury were well above non-exposed background levels. Twenty-six subjects had malaria parasitemia: Health symptoms consistent with mercury exposure were reported, but neither symptoms nor signs correlated with mercury levels in blood or urine. We did not find a dose response relationship between mercury exposure and likelihood of prevalent malaria infection, but there was a possible reduction in acquisition of immunity that may be associated with conditions in gold mining, including mercury exposure.


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AbstractINTRODUCTION:Despite chemical and physical vector control strategies, persistent infestations of Triatoma sordida have been reported in a large part of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and the cause for this is little investigated. We aimed to characterize the deltamethrin toxicological profile in peridomestic T. sordidapopulations from Triângulo Mineiro area of Minas Gerais.METHODS:Susceptibility to deltamethrin was assessed in seventeen peridomestic T. sordida populations. Serial dilutions of deltamethrin in acetone (0.2µL) were topically applied on the first instar nymphs (F1; five days old; fasting weight, 1.2 ± 0.2mg). Dose response results were analyzed using Probit software, and the lethal doses, slope and resistance ratios were determined. Qualitative tests were also performed.RESULTS:The deltamethrin susceptibility profile of T. sordida populations revealed resistance ratios ranging from 0.84 to 2.8. The percentage mortality in response to a diagnostic dose was 100.0% in all populations.CONCLUSIONS:From our results, the lack of resistance to insecticides but persistent T. sordida infestations in the Triângulo Mineiro area may be because of: 1) environmental degradation facilitating dispersion of T. sordida , allowing colonization in artificial ecotopes; 2) operational failures; and 3) complexity of the peridomicile in the study area.These variables are being investigated.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:The mosquito Aedes aegypti has evolved resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. The present study evaluated Ae. aegypti from Goiânia for the resistant phenotype and for mutations associated with resistance.METHODS:Insecticide dose-response bioassays were conducted on mosquitoes descended from field-collected eggs, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to genotype 90 individuals at sites implicated in pyrethroid resistance.RESULTS:All mosquito populations displayed high levels of resistance to deltamethrin, as well as high frequencies of the 1016Ile kdr and 1534Cys kdrmutations.CONCLUSIONS:Aedes aegypti populations in the Goiânia area are highly resistant to deltamethrin, presumably due to high frequencies of kdr(knockdown-resistance) mutations.


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In the Brazilian Amazon, large areas of abandoned lands may revert to secondary forest. In the process, pioneer tree species have an important role to restore productivity in old fields and improve environmental conditions. To determine potential photosynthesis (Apot), stomatal conductance (g), transpiration (E), and leaf micronutrient concentrations in Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban a study was carried out in the Brazilian Amazon (01o 51' S; 60o 04' W). Photosynthetic parameters were measured at increasing [CO2], saturating light intensity (1 mmol (photons) m-2 s-1), and ambient temperature. The rate of electron-transport (J), Apot,and water-use efficiency (WUE) increased consistently at increasing internal CO2 concentration (Ci). Conversely, increasing [CO2] decreased gs, E, and photorespiration (Pr). At the CO2-saturated region of the CO2 response curve (1.1 mmol (CO2) mol-1(air), J was 120 μmol (e-) m-2s-1 and Apot reached up to 24 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Likewise, at saturating C1 g and E were 30 and 1.4 mmol (H2O) m-2s-1, respectively, and P 2 r about 1.5 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Foliar nutrients were 185, 134, 50, and 10 μmol (element) m-2 (leaf area) for Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu, respectively. It was concluded that [CO ] probably limits light saturated photosynthesis in this site. Furthermore, from a nutritional point of view, the low Fe to Cu ratio (15:1) may reflect nutritional imbalance in O. pyramidale at this site.


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Rational manipulation of mRNA folding free energy allows rheostat control of pneumolysin production by Streptococcus pneumoniae


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Isoprene emission from plants accounts for about one third of annual global volatile organic compound emissions. The largest source of isoprene for the global atmosphere is the Amazon Basin. This study aimed to identify and quantify the isoprene emission and photosynthesis at different levels of light intensity and leaf temperature, in three phenological phases (young mature leaf, old mature leaf and senescent leaf) of Eschweilera coriacea (Matamatá verdadeira), the species with the widest distribution in the central Amazon. In situ photosynthesis and isoprene emission measurements showed that young mature leaf had the highest rates at all light intensities and leaf temperatures. Additionally, it was observed that isoprene emission capacity (Es) changed considerably over different leaf ages. This suggests that aging leads to a reduction of both leaf photosynthetic activity and isoprene production and emission. The algorithm of Guenther et al. (1999) provided good fits to the data when incident light was varied, however differences among E S of all leaf ages influenced on quantic yield predicted by model. When leaf temperature was varied, algorithm prediction was not satisfactory for temperature higher than ~40 °C; this could be because our data did not show isoprene temperature optimum up to 45 °C. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of the isoprene functional role in protecting plants from high temperatures and highlight the need to include leaf phenology effects in isoprene emission models.


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This paper dis cusses the fitting of a Cobb-Doug las response curve Yi = αXβi, with additive error, Yi = αXβi + e i, instead of the usual multiplicative error Yi = αXβi (1 + e i). The estimation of the parameters A and B is discussed. An example is given with use of both types of error.