893 resultados para difference-in-differences


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The growth response, feed conversion ratio and cost benefits of hybrid catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis x Clarias gariepinus fed five maggot meal based diets were evaluated for 56 days in outdoor concrete tanks. Twenty-five fingerlings of the hybrid fish were stocked in ten outdoor concrete tanks of dimension 1.2mx0.13mx0.18m and code MM sub(1)-MM sub(5) in relation to their diet name. Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric maggot meal based diets namely MM sub(1)-0% maggot meal, MM sub(2)-25% maggot meal, MM sub(3)-50% maggot meal, MM sub(4-)75% maggot meal and MM sub(5-) 100% maggot meal were used for the experiment. The higher the proportion of maggot in the meal, the higher the ether extract and crude fiber. No significance difference P>0.05 exists between ash content of the experimental diets. Diet MM sub(2) had the best growth performance and highest MGR with a significant difference P<0.05 with other diets fed fish. No significance differences P>0.05 exists between the growth parameters for diets MM sub(1), MM sub(3), and MM sub(4). A positive correlation (r=1.0) exists (P<0.05, 0.25) between the growth parameters for the different experimental diets. Highest correlation r super(2)=0.9981 exists P<0.05 between MGR within the treatments. However, there no significant (P>0.05) difference in expenditure but there is between the profit indices and incidence of cost between the trials. MM sub(2) has the best yield cost and net profit. Without any reservation, inclusion of maggot based meal diet is recommended as feed of hybrid catfish to 75% inclusion for growth and profit incidence


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The temperature dependences of the reduction potentials (Eo') of wildtype human myoglobin (Mb) and three site-directed mutants have been measured by using thin-layer spectroelectrochemistry. Residue Val68, which is in van der Waals contact with the heme in Mb, has been replaced by Glu, Asp, and Asn. At pH 7.0, reduction of the heme iron (III) in the former two proteins is accompanied by uptake of a proton by the protein. The changes in Eo', and the standard entropy (ΔSo') and enthalpy (ΔHo') of reduction in the mutant proteins were determined relative to values for wild-type; the change in Eo' at 25°C was about -200 millivolts for the Glu and Asp mutants, and about -80 millivolts for the Asn mutant. Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) in the Glu and Asp mutants is accompanied by uptake of a proton. These studies demonstrate that Mb can tolerate substitution of a buried hydrophobic group by potentially charged and polar residues, and that such amino acid replacements can lead to substantial changes in the redox thermodynamics of the protein.

Through analysis of the temperature dependence and shapes of NMR dispersion signals, it is determined that a water molecule is bound to the sixth coordination site of the ferric heme in the Val68Asp and in the Val68Asn recombinant proteins while the carboxyl group of the sidechain of Glu68 occupies this position in Val68Glu. The relative rhombic distortions in the ESR spectra of these mutant proteins combined with H217O and spin interconversion experiments performed on them confirm the conclusions of the NMRD study.

The rates of intramolecular electron transfer (ET) of (NH3)5Ru-His48 (Val68Asp, His81GIn, Cys110AIa)Mb and (NH3)5Ru-His48 (Val68GIu,His81GIn,Cys110Ala)Mb were measured to be .85(3)s-1 and .30(2)s-1, respectively. This data supports the hypothesis that entropy of 111 reduction and reorganization energy of ET are inversely related. The rates of forward and reverse ET for (NH3)5 Ru-His48 (Val68GIu, His81 GIn, Cys110AIa)ZnMb -7.2(5)•104s-1and 1.4(2)•105s-1, respectively- demonstrate that the placement of a highly polar residue nearby does not significantly change the reorganization energy of the photoactive Zn porphyrin.

The distal histidine imidazoles of (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb and (NH3)5Ru-His48 SWMb were cyanated with BrCN. The intramolecular ET rates of these BrCN-modified Mb derivatives are 5.5(6)s-1 and 3.2(5)s-1, respectively. These respective rates are 20 and 10 times faster than those of their noncyanated counterparts after the differences in ET rate from driving force are scaled according to the Marcus equation. This increase in ET rate of the cyanated Mb derivatives is attributed to lower reorganization energy since the cyanated Mb heme is pentacoordinate in both oxidation states; whereas, the native Mb heme loses a water molecule upon reduction so that it changes from six to five coordinate. The reorganization energy from Fe-OH2 dissociation is estimated to be .2eV. This conclusion is used to reconcile data from previous experiments in our lab. ET in photoactive porphyrin-substituted myoglobins proceed faster than predicted by Marcus Theory when it is assumed that the only difference in ET parameters between photoactive porphyrins and native heme systems is driving force. However, the data can be consistently fit to Marcus Theory if one corrects for the smaller reorganization in the photoactive porphyrin systems since they do not undergo a coordination change upon ET.

Finally, the intramolecular ET rate of (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb was measured to be 3.0(4)s-1. This rate is within experimental error of that for (NH3)4pyrRu-His48 SWMb even though the former has 80mV more driving force. One likely possibility for this observation is that the tetraamminepyridineruthenium group undergoes less reorganization upon ET than the tetraammineisonicotinamideruthenium group. Moreover, analysis of the (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb experimental system gives a likely explanation of why ET was not observed previously in (NH3)4isnRu-Cytochrome C.


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Life history aspects of larval and, mainly, juvenile spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) were studied in Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida. Collections were made in 1994−97, although the majority of juveniles were collected in 1995. The main objective was to obtain life history data to eventually develop a spatially explicit model and provide baseline data to understand how Everglades restoration plans (i.e. increased freshwater flows) could influence spotted seatrout vital rates. Growth of larvae and juveniles (<80 mm SL) was best described by the equation loge standard length = –1.31 + 1.2162 (loge age). Growth in length of juveniles (12–80 mm SL) was best described by the equation standard length = –7.50 + 0.8417 (age). Growth in wet weight of juveniles (15–69 mm SL) was best described by the equation loge wet-weight = –4.44 + 0.0748 (age). There were no significant differences in juvenile growth in length of spotted seatrout in 1995 between three geographical subdivisions of Florida Bay: central, western, and waters adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico. We found a significant difference in wet-weight for one of six cohorts categorized by month of hatchdate in 1995, and a significant difference in length for another cohort. Juveniles (i.e. survivors) used to calculate weekly hatchdate distributions during 1995 had estimated spawning times that were cyclical and protracted, and there was no correlation between spawning and moon phase. Temperature influenced otolith increment widths during certain growth periods in 1995. There was no evidence of a relationship between otolith growth rate and temperature for the first 21 increments. For increments 22–60, otolith growth rates decreased with increasing age and the extent of the decrease depended strongly in a quadratic fashion on the temperature to which the fish was exposed. For temperatures at the lower and higher range, increment growth rates were highest. We suggest that this quadratic relationship might be influenced by an environmental factor other than temperature. There was insufficient information to obtain reliable inferences on the relationship of increment growth rate to salinity.


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We measured growth and movements of individually marked free-ranging juvenile white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) in tidal creek subsystems of the Duplin River, Sapelo Island, Georgia. Over a period of two years, 15,974 juvenile shrimp (40−80 mm TL) were marked internally with uniquely coded microwire tags and released in the shallow upper reaches of four salt marsh tidal creeks. Subsequent samples were taken every 3−6 days from channel segments arranged at 200-m intervals along transects extending from the upper to lower reach of each tidal creek. These collections included 201,384 juvenile shrimp, of which 184 were marked recaptures. Recaptured shrimp were at large an average of 3−4 weeks (range: 2−99 days) and were recovered a mean distance of <0.4 km from where they were initially marked. Mean residence times in the creek subsystems ranged from 15.2 to 25.5 days and were estimated from exponential decay functions describing the proportions of marked individuals recaptured with increasing days at large. Residence time was not significantly correlated with creek length (Pearson=−0.316, P=0.684 ), but there was suggestive evidence of positive associations with either intertidal (Pearson r=0.867, P=0.133) or subtidal (Pearson r=0.946, P=0.054) drainage area. Daily mean specific growth rates averaged 0.009 to 0.013 among creeks; mean absolute growth rates ranged from 0.56−0.84 mm/d, and were lower than those previously reported for juvenile penaeids in estuaries of the southeastern United States. Mean individual growth rates were not significantly different between years (t-test, P>0.30) but varied significantly during the season, tending to be greater in July than November. Growth rates were size-dependent, and temporal changes in size distributions rather than temporal variation in physical environmental factors may have accounted for seasonal differences in growth. Growth rates differed between creeks in 1999 (t-test, P<0.015), but not in 1998 (t-test, P>0.5). We suggest that spatial variation in landscape structure associated with access to intertidal resources may have accounted for this apparent interannual difference in growth response.


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Spatial variation in demographic parameters of the red throat emperor (Lethrinus miniatus) was examined among 12 coral reefs in three geographic regions (Townsville, Mackay, and Storm Cay) spanning over 3° of latitude of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Estimates of demographic parameters were based on age estimates from counts of annuli in whole otoliths because there was no significant difference in age estimates between whole and sectioned otoliths. There were significant regional differences in age structures, rates of somatic and otolith growth, and total mortality. The Townsville region was characterized by the greatest proportion of older fish, the smallest maximum size, and the lowest rates of otolith growth and total mortality. In contrast the Mackay region was characterized by the highest proportion of younger fish, the largest maximum size, and the highest rates of otolith growth and total mortality. Demographic parameters for the Storm Cay region were intermediate between the other two regions. Historic differences in fishing pressure and regional differences in productivity are two alternative hypotheses given to explain the regional patterns in demographic parameters. All demographic parameters were similar among the four reefs within each region. Thus, subpopulations with relatively homogeneous demographic parameters occurred on scales of reef clusters. Previous studies, by contrast, have found substantial between-reef variation in demographic parameters within regions. Thus spatial variation in demographic parameters for L. miniatus may differ from what is assumed typical for a coral-reef fish metapopulation.


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The difference in cognitive skills between humans and nonhuman primates is one of the major characters that define our own species. It was previously hypothesized that this divergence might be attributable to genetic differences at gene expression level,


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The length-weight relationship of Daysciaena albida and Gerres filamentosus were calculated separately for indeterminants, mature males and mature females. The logarithmic regression equation obtained for D. albida - males: log w = -1.5055 + 2.8618 log l; females: log w = -0.9260 + 2.4089 log l; indeterminants: log w = -l.7188 + 3.0616 log l. The regression co-efficients between males and females, males and in determinants and female and in determinants showed significant differences. In G. filamentosus the relationship can be expressed as males: log w = -1.3224 + 2.8740 log 1; females: log w = -1.2874 + 2.8381 log l; indeterminants: log w = -0.8167 + 2.2558 log l. The difference in regression co-efficients between male and female are insignificant at 5% level whereas significant differences were observed between males and indeterminants and females and indeterminants. The relative condition factor (Kn) was calculated for the above two species. In D. albida the reasons for the fluctuations of Kn values can be attributed to both spawning cycle as well as feeding intensity whereas in G. filamentosus it synchronies mainly with spawning cycle.


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The pharaoh Cuttlefish (Sepia Pharaonis) is the most abundant species in the persian gulf and oman sea. The stock patterns of this species was studied conserning biological, morphological and electrophoretical aspects. In addition to measuring the biological patterns; 21 quantitative and qualitative factors were measured or counted. There tissues namely muscle, eye and liver were also used for further polyacrylamide electrophoresis analysis (SDS-Page method). The densitograms of protein bands of each tissue were prepared by Gel-Scanner and also the amount of bands' areas were estimated. The results of LSD test showed that tentacle length (TL), Tentacle club length (TCL) and TCL were indicative factors which they showed significant difference between male TL and female specimen of Bushehr and Balouchestan regions. Regarding to length and weight frequencies data the results indicated that males are always bigger than females and also, the cuttlefishes of the gulf of oman are bigger than persian gulf's samples. There were found a significant sample correlation (95%) between different quantitative parameters and the most correlation (0.963) was found to be between TL and TCL; whereas the less correlation (0.384) was observed between GL and LA3. However the gill length factor illustrated the less correlation with the other factors. The results of Cluster analysis for both sexes showed that the cuttlefishes of both studied regions belongs to seperate stocks. The electrophoretic experiments of proteins showed that the protein bands of the sample tissue of muscle and eye from both sampling areas revealed significant differences; whereas the tissue of liver wasn't recognized as an indicative tissue for population studies. Taking into consideration the findings of the present study including: (1) difference in spawning season, (2) results of dendrograms, (3) observed Significant differences in one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for morphometric measurements, (4) differences in body length and weight, (5) ecological variations of the persian gulf and oman sea, (6) as well as the results of electrophoresis of proteins have indicatend that: "The Pharaoh cuttlefishes of Bushehr and Balouchestan waters belong to two seperate stocks. Also, it is believed that each region has propably two different populations and more studies are needed to approve this result.


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Codends of four different mesh size" were compared during exploratory bottom trawling on Lake Victoria. Small mesh sizes (19 and 38 mm) generally caught greater quantities of fish than large mesh sizes (64 and 76 mm) with haplochromis species responsible for the difference. The differences in catch rates were most pronounced where dense concentration of small haplochromis were found. This was generally in shallow water since the average size of haplochromis tends to increase with depth. Catch rates for species other than haplochromis were fairly similar for the codends tested, although there were indications of lower catches in small mesh coderlds fished through dense haplochromis concentrations. For haplochromis fished with 64 and 38 mm eodends, the estimated 50% retention lengths were 13.6 and 8.0 cm, respectively. The predicted value for the 19 mm codend was 4.5 cm.


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Stocking experiments with Eriocheir sinensis were conducted in two small, shallow lakes to study its growth pattern in 1994-1997. For the initially immature crabs, carapace width (CW) increases from 21.2 +/- 0.4 mm (mean +/- s.e.) for females and 22.3 +/- 0.5 mm for males in January, to 65.4 +/- 0.5 mm for females and 66.9 +/- 0.6 mm for males in October. There is no significant difference in CW and carapace length (CL), although there is a large difference in body weight (BW) between sexes in every month from January to August when crabs are juvenile, however, there are significant differences in CW, CL. and BW between sexes after September when the crabs become sexually mature. The growth curve from January to October fits a logistic equation and may be expressed as CW = 75.7 (1 + exp (0.914 - 0.011t))(-1) for females, and CW = 77.5 (1 + exp (0.889 - 0.011t))-1 for males, where CW is in mm, t in days. For precocious crabs (reaching maturity by the first autumn, CW does not change much from January to July, which indicates that precocious crabs stop growing. Like juveniles, the precocious crabs show no differences in CW and CL, but do show a statistically significant difference in BW between sexes.


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Natural surface coatings sampled (NSCSs) from the surface of shingles and surficial sediments (SSs) in the Songhua River, China were employed to investigate the similarities and difference in fractions of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) between NSCSs and SSs using the modified sequential extraction procedure (MSEP). The results show that the differences between NSCSs and SSs in Fe fractions were insignificant and Fe was dominantly present as residual phase (76.22% for NSCSs and 80.88% for SSs) and Fe-oxides phase (20.33% for NSCSs and 16.15% for SSs). Significant variation of Mn distribution patterns between NSCSs and SSs was observed with Mn in NSCSs mainly present in Mn-oxides phase (48.27%) and that in SSs present as residual phase (45.44%). Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd were found dominantly in residual fractions (>48%), and next in solid oxides/hydroxides for Zn, Pb and Cd and in easily oxidizable solids/compounds form for Cu, respectively. The heavy metal distribution pattern implied that Fe/Mn oxides both in NSCSs and SSs were more important sinks for binding and adsorption of Zn, Pb and Cd than organic matter (OM), and inversely, higher affinity of Cu to OM than Fe/Mn oxides in NSCSs and SSs was obtained. Meanwhile, it was found that the distributions of heavy metals in NSCSs and SSs were similar to each other and the pseudo-total concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in NSCSs were greater than those in SSs, highlighting the more importance for NSCSs than SSs in controlling behaviours of heavy metals in aquatic environments.


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The biosynthesis of glycolipids in E. fasciculatus was studied by C-14 label and chase. The fatty acids in sulphoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG) were almost 16-carbon and 18-carbon ones. In addition to the two fatty acids, monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGDG) contained 8.5 mol% and 31.0 mol% of eicosapentaenoic acid (20 : 5), respectively, and this fatty acid was usually distributed in the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. When plants were incubated with [2-C-14] acetate, differences existed in the positional distribution of the labeled fatty acids in sn-1 and sn-2 among the three glycerolipids. In SQDG C-14-labeled fatty acids were distributed uniformly in the sn-1 and sn-2 positions. In DGDG, C-14-labeled fatty acids were mainly distributed in the sn-2 position. In MGDG, the radioactivity of fatty acids in sn-1 position was far greater than that in sn-2 position after a 30 min pulse label, and the difference in radioactivity between the two positions decreased rapidly. The above results indicated that differences in the positional distribution of C-14-labeled fatty acids between sn-1 and sn-2 positions might be related to 20 : 5 and the biosynthesis of DGDG. Our results also suggested that E. fasciculatus had the same DGDG biosynthetic pathway as that in higher plants and galactosyl transferase was selective for MGDC.


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Nets in traditional Porphyra mariculture are seeded with conchospores derived from the conchocelis phase, and spend a nursery period in culture tanks or calm coastal waters until they reach several centimeters in length. Some species of Porphyra can regenerate the foliose phase directly through asexual reproduction, which suggests that the time, infrastructure, and costs associated with conchocelis culture might be avoided by seeding nets with asexual spores. Here, we present work from a short-term mariculture study using nets seeded with asexual spores (neutral spores) of a native Maine species of Porphyra. Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) Kutzing was selected for this proof of concept research because of its reproductive biology, abundance across seasons in Maine, and evidence of its promise as a mariculture crop. We studied the maturation, release, and germination of the neutral spores to develop an appropriate seeding protocol for nets, followed by development of a nursery raceway to provide an easily manipulated environment for the seeded nets. Neutral spores were produced throughout the year on the central Maine coast,however, there was a temporal variability in the number and survival of released neutral spores, depending upon thallus position in the intertidal zone. Small thalli were strictly vegetative, but most thalli reproduced by neutral spores- sexual reproduction was absent. Neutral spores germinated quickly at 10 and 15 'C, but germination was delayed at 5 degrees C. Unlike some algal zygotes and spores, neutral spores of R umbilicalis required light to germinate; however, irradiances of 25 and 100 mu mol photons M-2 S-1 were equally sufficient for germination. Rafts of seeded nets were deployed in Cobscook Bay, Maine, at two distances from salmon aquaculture pens and at a control site on a nearby, fallow aquaculture site (no salmon). There was no difference in nitrogen content of harvested thalli; however, both the density and the surface area of harvested thalli were different among the sites. The possible causes of these differences are discussed in the context of potential use of P umbilicalis in IMTA. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study the red alga, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, was cultivated with the scallop Chlamys farreri in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) system for 3 weeks at the Marine Aquaculture Laboratory of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) in Qingdao, Shandong Province, North China. The nutrient uptake rate and nutrient reduction efficiency of ammonium and phosphorus from scallop excretion were determined. The experiment included four treatments each with three replicates, and three scallop monoculture systems served as the control. Scallop density (407.9 +/- 2.84 g m(-3)) remained the same in all treatments while seaweed density differed. The seaweed density was set at four levels (treatments 1, 2, 3, 4) with thallus wet weight of 69.3 +/- 3.21, 139.1 +/- 3.80, 263.5 +/- 6.83, and 347.6 +/- 6.30 g m(-3), respectively. There were no significant differences in the initial nitrogen and phosphorus concentration between each treatment and the control group (ANOVA, p > 0.05). The results showed that at the end of the experiment, the nitrogen concentration in the control group and treatment 1 was significantly higher than in the other treatments. There was also a significant difference in phosphorus concentration between the control group and the IMTA treatments (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Growth rate, C and N content of the thallus, and mortality of scallop was different between the IMTA treatments. The nutrient uptake rate and nutrient reduction efficiency of ammonium and phosphorus changed with different cultivation density and time. The maximum reduction efficiency of ammonium and phosphorus was 83.7% and 70.4%, respectively. The maximum uptake rate of ammonium and phosphorus was 6.3 and 3.3 A mu mol g(-1) DW h(-1). A bivalve/seaweed biomass ratio from 1:0.33 to 1:0.80 (treatments 2, 3, and 4) was preferable for efficient nutrient uptake and for maintaining lower nutrient levels. Results indicate that G. lemaneiformis can efficiently absorb the ammonium and phosphorus from scallop excretion and is a suitable candidate for IMTA.


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Carbon isotopes of individual lipids in typical organisms from the Nansha sea area were measured by the GC-IRMS analytical technique. delta(13)C values of saturated fatty acids in different organisms examined are from -25.6parts per thousand to -29.7parts per thousand with the average values ranging from -26.4parts per thousand to -28.2parts per thousand and the variance range of 11.8parts per thousand, between different organisms is also observed. Unsaturated fatty acids have heavy carbon isotopic compositions and the mean differences of 2.9%.9-6.8parts per thousand compared to the same carbon number saturated fatty acids. delta(13)C values of n-alkanes range from -27.5%o to -29.7parts per thousand and their mean values, ranging from -28.6parts per thousand, to -28.9parts per thousand, are very close in different organisms. The mean difference in delta(13)C between the saturated fatty acids and n-alkanes is only 1.5parts per thousand, indicating that they have similar biosynthetic pathways. The carbon isotopic variations between the different carbon-number lipids are mostly within +/-2.0parts per thousand, reflecting that they experienced a biosynthetic process of the carbon chain elongation. At the same time, the carbon isotopic genetic relationships between the biological and sedimentary lipids are established by comparative studies of carbon isotopic compositions of individual lipids in organisms and sediments from the Nansha sea area, which provides scientific basis for carbon isotopic applied research of individual lipids.