994 resultados para crop yield forecast
Starch is the main form in which plants store carbohydrates reserves, both in terms of amounts and distribution among different plant species. Carbohydrates are direct products of photosynthetic activity, and it is well know that yield efficiency and production are directly correlated to the amount of carbohydrates synthesized and how these are distributed among vegetative and reproductive organs. Nowadays, in pear trees, due to the modernization of orchards, through the introduction of new rootstocks and the development of new training systems, the understanding and the development of new approaches regarding the distribution and storage of carbohydrates, are required. The objective of this research work was to study the behavior of carbohydrate reserves, mainly starch, in different pear tree organs and tissues: i.e., fruits, leaves, woody organs, roots and flower buds, at different physiological stages during the season. Starch in fruit is accumulated at early stages, and reached a maximum concentration during the middle phase of fruit development; after that, its degradation begins with a rise in soluble carbohydrates. Moreover, relationships between fruit starch degradation and different fruit traits, soluble sugars and organic acids were established. In woody organs and roots, an interconversion between starch and soluble carbohydrates was observed during the dormancy period that confirms its main function in supporting the growth and development of new tissues during the following spring. Factors as training systems, rootstocks, types of bearing wood, and their position on the canopy, influenced the concentrations of starch and soluble carbohydrates at different sampling dates. Also, environmental conditions and cultural practices must be considered to better explain these results. Thus, a deeper understanding of the dynamics of carbohydrates reserves within the plant could provide relevant information to improve several management practices to increase crop yield efficiency.
Besides its primary role in producing food and fiber, agriculture also has relevant effects on several other functions, such as management of renewable natural resources. Climate change (CC) may lead to new trade-offs between agricultural functions or aggravate existing ones, but suitable agricultural management may maintain or even improve the ability of agroecosystems to supply these functions. Hence, it is necessary to identify relevant drivers (e.g., cropping practices, local conditions) and their interactions, and how they affect agricultural functions in a changing climate. The goal of this study was to use a modeling framework to analyze the sensitivity of indicators of three important agricultural functions, namely crop yield (food and fiber production function), soil erosion (soil conservation function), and nutrient leaching (clean water provision function), to a wide range of agricultural practices for current and future climate conditions. In a two-step approach, cropping practices that explain high proportions of variance of the different indicators were first identified by an analysis of variance-based sensitivity analysis. Then, most suitable combinations of practices to achieve best performance with respect to each indicator were extracted, and trade-offs were analyzed. The procedure was applied to a region in western Switzerland, considering two different soil types to test the importance of local environmental constraints. Results show that the sensitivity of crop yield and soil erosion due to management is high, while nutrient leaching mostly depends on soil type. We found that the influence of most agricultural practices does not change significantly with CC; only irrigation becomes more relevant as a consequence of decreasing summer rainfall. Trade-offs were identified when focusing on best performances of each indicator separately, and these were amplified under CC. For adaptation to CC in the selected study region, conservation soil management and the use of cropped grasslands appear to be the most suitable options to avoid trade-offs.
This chapter summarises the metabolomic strategies currently in force used in plant science and describes the methods used. The metabolite profiling and fingerprinting of plant tissues through MS- and/or NMR-based approaches and the subsequent identification of biomarkers is detailed. Strategies for the microisolation and de novo identification of unknown biomarkers are also discussed. The various approaches are illustrated by a metabolomic study of the maize response to herbivory. A review of recent metabolomic studies performed on seed and crop plant tissues involving various analytical strategies is provided.
Biochar is a carbon-rich material that is similar to charcoal. It is produced when biomass is burned in the absence of oxygen, a process otherwise known as pyrolysis. Pyrolysis and the production of biochar are currently being promoted as a means to both produce domestic fuel (bio-oil) while concurrently producing a co-product that increases crop yield and sequesters carbon in the soil (biochar). While there may be many potential benefits in the application of biochar to agricultural soils, such as enhanced soil fertility and improved soil water status, there are no studies of higher-order ecological and ecosystem effects of biochar and its potential synergistic interactions (either positive or negative) on complex perennial systems. The goal of this field experiment is to determine how biochar and manure addition directly affect ecosystem structure and function in perennial systems, specifically soil nutrients, water, plants, and soil organisms.
Historically, sulfur (S) application has not been recommended on Iowa soils for corn and soybean production. Soils supply, or a combination from sources such as soil organic matter, profile sulfate, manure, and precipitation have met crop S needs. However, over the past few years, S deficiencies in alfalfa and corn have been documented. Large crop yield responses have been measured in some fields containing soils with low organic matter, side-slope landscape position, or coarse soil texture, especially in northeastern Iowa. The objective of this study was to determine S response in corn and soybean in north-central Iowa.
Durante la temporada 1999-2000 un lote de plantas de kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv Hayward) fue sometido a tres intensidades de raleo: 30, 40 y 50 frutos/m2 a los 19 días post-floración. Se evaluó la calidad de los frutos desarrollados en 3 tipos de ramificación lateral: fuerte, medio y débil. Se registró la evolución del crecimiento del fruto. Se determinó peso, contenido de sólidos solubles, firmeza de la pulpa y pH del jugo al momento de cosecha. • Las intensidades de raleo de 30, 40 y 50 frutos/m2 produjeron frutos de peso promedio 125, 121 y 113 g respectivamente. En los tres casos se superó el peso mínimo exigido para exportación. • Los laterales de tipo débil produjeron los frutos de menor peso y más blandos a cosecha. No se encontraron diferencias entre laterales en contenido de sólidos solubles y pH. • Los raleos intensos favorecieron la tasa de crecimiento del fruto pero la mayor intensidad de raleo (30 frutos/m2) comprometió el rendimiento del cultivo.
La utilización de nuevas tecnologías asociadas a la agricultura de precisión permite capturar información de múltiples variables en gran cantidad de sitios georreferenciados dentro de lotes en producción. Las covariaciones espaciales de las propiedades del suelo y el rendimiento del cultivo pueden evaluarse a través del análisis de componentes principales clásico (PCA). No obstante, como otros métodos multivariados descriptivos, el PCA no ha sido desarrollado explícitamente para datos espaciales. Nuevas versiones de análisis multivariado permiten contemplar la autocorrelación espacial entre datos de sitios vecinos. En este trabajo se aplican y comparan los resultados de dos técnicas multivariadas, el PCA y MULTISPATI-PCA. Este último incorpora la información espacial a través del cálculo del índice de Moran entre los datos de un sitio y el dato promedio de sus vecinos. Los resultados mostraron que utilizando MULTISPATI-PCA se detectaron correlaciones entre variables que no fueron detectadas con el PCA. Los mapas de variabilidad espacial construidos a partir de la primera componente de ambas técnicas fueron similares; no así los de la segunda componente debido a cambios en la estructura de co-variación identificada, al corregir la variabilidad por la autocorrelación espacial de los datos. El método MULTISPATI-PCA constituye una herramienta importante para el mapeo de la variabilidad espacial y la identificación de zonas homogéneas dentro de lotes.
All sample sites were situated at the northern tip of Napu Valley in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. After an initial mapping of the study area, we selected 15 smallholder cacao plantations as sites for bird and bat exclosure experiments in March 2010. On each study site, we established 4 treatments for these exclosure experiments (bird exclosure - closed during daytime and open during night; bat exclosure - closed overnight and opened during daytime; full exclosure of both birds and bats - always closed and unmanipulated/open control treatments - always open). In each treatment, there were 2 cacao trees (total of 8 cacao trees per study site), surrounded by nylon filament (2x2 cm mesh size) that was opened and closed according to the activity period of day and night active flying vertebrates (05:00-06:00 am and 17:00-18:00 pm) on a daily basis. The mean tree height and diameter at breast height (dbh) result from two measures of all study trees at the beginning of the exclosure experiment (June 2010) and 6 months later (February 2011).
Avian ecosystem services such as the suppression of pests are considered being of high ecological and economic importance in a range of ecosystems, especially in tropical agroforestry. But how bird predation success is related to the diversity and composition of the bird community, as well as local and landscape factors, is poorly understood. The author quantified arthropod predation in relation to the identity and diversity of insectivorous birds, using experimental exposure of artificial, caterpillar-like prey on smallholder cacao agroforestry systems, differing in local shade management and distance to primary forest. The bird community was assessed using both mist netting (targeting on active understory insectivores) and point count (higher completeness of species inventories) sampling. The study was conducted in a land use dominated area in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, adjacent to the Lore Lindu National Park. We selected 15 smallholder cacao plantations as sites for bird and bat exclosure experiments in March 2010. Until July 2011, we recorded several data in this study area, including the bird community data, cacao tree data and bird predation experiments that are presented here. We found that avian predation success can be driven by single and abundant insectivorous species, rather than by overall bird species richness. Forest proximity was important for enhancing the density of this key species, but did also promote bird species richness. The availability of local shade trees had no effects on the local bird community or avian predation success. Our findings are both of economical as well as ecological interest because the conservation of nearby forest remnants will likely benefit human needs and biodiversity conservation alike.
We investigated the local bird community in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia), with focus on insectivorous species in the agroforestry landscapes adjacent to the Lore Lindu National Park. All study sites were situated at the northern tip of Napu Valley in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. After an initial mapping of the study area, we selected 15 smallholder cacao plantations as sites for our study in March 2010. These sides were mainly used for bird and bat exclosure experiments. All sited were situated along a local gradient (shade availability on each plantation) and a landscape gradient (distance to primary forest), which were independent from each other. In September 2010 and from February until June 2011, we assessed the bird community on our 15 study sites using monthly point count and mist netting sampling. Point count (20 minutes between 07 am and 10 am and in between the net checking hours) and mist netting surveys (12 hours, between 05:30 am and 17:30 pm) were conducted simultaneously but only once per month on each study site, to avoid habituation of the local bird community to our surveys. Further, point counts were conducted at least 100 m apart from the mist netting sites, to avoid potential disturbance between the two methods. We discarded all observations beyond 50 m (including those individuals that flew over the canopy) from the statistical analysis, as well as recaptures of individuals within identical mist netting rounds.
Hail is a serious concern for agriculture on the Iberian Peninsula. Hailstorms affect crop yield and/or quality to a degree that depends on the crop species and the phenological time. In Europe, Spain is one of the countries that experience relatively high agricultural losses related to hailstorms. It is of high interest to study models that can support calculations of the probabilities of economic losses due to hail damage and of the tendency over time for such losses. Some studies developed in France and the Netherdlands show that the summer mean temperature was highly correlated with a yearly hail severity index developed from hailrelated parameters obtained for insurance purposes. Meanwhile, other studies in the USA point out that a highly significant correlation between both is not possible to find due to high climatic variability. The aim of this work is to test the correlation between average minimum temperatures and hail damage intensity over the Spanish Iberian Peninsula. With this purpose, correlation analyses on both variables were performed for the 47 Spanish provinces (as individuals and single set) and for all crops and four individual crops: grapes, wheat, barley and winter grains. Suitable crop insurance data are available from 1981 until 2007 and based on this period, temperature data were obtained. This study does not confirm the results previously obtained for France and the Netherlands that relate observed hail damage to the average minimum temperature. The reason for this difference and the nature of the cases observed are discussed.
The ecological intensification of crops is proposed as a solution to the growing demand of agricultural and forest resources, in opposition to intensive monocultures. The introduction of mixed cultures as mixtures between nitrogen fixing species and non nitrogen fixing species intended to increase crop yield as a result of an improvement of the available nitrogen and phosphorus in soil. Relationship between crops have received little attention despite the wide range of advantages that confers species diversity to these systems, such as increased productivity, resilience to disruption and ecological sustainability. Forests and forestry plantations can develop an important role in storing carbon in their tissues, especially in wood which become into durable product. A simplifying parameter to analyze the amount allocated carbon by plantation is the TBCA (total belowground carbon allocation), whereby, for short periods and mature plantations, is admitted as the subtraction between soil carbon efflux and litterfall. Soil respiration depends on a wide range of factors, such as soil temperature and soil water content, soil fertility, presence and type of vegetation, among others. The studied orchard is a mixed forestry plantation of hybrid walnuts(Juglans × intermedia Carr.) for wood and alders (Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Duby.), a nitrogen fixing specie through the actinomycete Frankia alni ((Woronin, 1866) Von Tubeuf 1895). The study area is sited at Restinclières, a green area near Montpellier (South of France). In the present work, soil respiration varied greatly throughout the year, mainly influenced by soil temperature. Soil water content did not significantly influence the response of soil respiration as it was constant during the measurement period and under no water stress conditions. Distance between nearest walnut and measurement was also a highly influential factor in soil respiration. Generally there was a decreasing trend in soil respiration when the distance to the nearest tree increased. It was also analyzed the response of soil respiration according to alder presence and fertilizer management (50 kg N·ha-1·año-1 from 1999 to 2010). None of these treatments significantly influenced soil respiration, although previous studies noticed an inhibition in rates of soil respiration under fertilized conditions and high rates of available nitrogen. However, treatments without fertilization and without alder presence obtained higher respiration rates in those cases with significant differences. The lack of significant differences between treatments may be due to the high coefficient of variation experienced by soil respiration measurements. Finally an asynchronous fluctuation was observed between soil respiration and litterfall during senescence period. This is possibly due to the slowdown in the emission of exudates by roots during senescence period, which are largely related to microbial activity.
The challenge to properly feed a world population of 9.2 billion by 2050, that must be achieved on essentially currently cropped area, requires that food production be increased by 70%. This large increase can only be achieved by combinations of greater crop yields and more intensive cropping adapted to local conditions and availability of inputs. Farming systems are dynamic and continuously adapt to changing ecological, environmental and social conditions, while achieving greater production and resource-use efficiency by application of science and technology. This article argues that the solution to feed and green the world in 2050 is to support this evolution more strongly by providing farmers with necessary information, inputs, and recognition. There is no revolutionary alternative. Proposals to transform agriculture to low-input and organic systems would, because of low productiv- ity, exacerbate the challenge if applied in small part, and ensure failure if applied more widely. The challenge is, however, great. Irrigation, necessary to increase cropping intensity in many areas cannot be extended much more widely than at present, and it is uncertain if the current rate of crop yield increase can be maintained. Society needs greater recognition of the food-supply problem and must increase funding and support for agricultural research while it attends to issues of food waste and over consumption that can make valuable reductions to food demand from agriculture
The heterotrimeric G-protein complex provides signal amplification and target specificity. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) G?-subunit of this complex (AGB1) interacts with and modulates the activity of target cytoplasmic proteins. This specificity resides in the structure of the interface between AGB1 and its targets. Important surface residues of AGB1, which were deduced from a comparative evolutionary approach, were mutated to dissect AGB1-dependent physiological functions. Analysis of the capacity of these mutants to complement well-established phenotypes of G?-null mutants revealed AGB1 residues critical for specific AGB1-mediated biological processes, including growth architecture, pathogen resistance, stomata-mediated leaf-air gas exchange, and possibly photosynthesis. These findings provide promising new avenues to direct the finely tuned engineering of crop yield and traits.
Climate variability and changes in the frequency of extremes events have a direct impact on crop yield and damages. Climate anomalies projections at monthly and yearly timescale allows us for adapting a cropping system (crops, varieties and management) to take advantage of favorable conditions or reduce the effect of adverse conditions. The objective of this work is to develop indices to evaluate the effect of climatic variability in summer cropping systems of Iberian Peninsula, in an attempt of relating yield variability to climate variability, extending the work of Rodríguez-Puebla (2004).