928 resultados para contour enhancement


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As part of an overall desire to maintain and improve the migratory salmonid population in the River Wyre, a project was commissioned to investigate remedial action which may improve and enhance spawning success and lead to an eventual improvement in the status of adult stocks. The report, titled "River Wyre Salmon and Sea Trout Spawning Habitat Restoration/Creation Project", concluded that usable spawning gravels appeared to be in short supply in the River Wyre catchment and may be the limiting factor influencing the returning adult stock, as juvenile nursery habitat was not found to be limiting. This report looks at gravel enhancement schemes to improve River Wyre salmon and sea trout spawning habitat restoration. It examines methods for gravel enhancement schemes: mechanical cleaning and construction of gravel addition structures. Includes sites figures of sites identified for enhancement.


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Severe overfishing of sea cucumbers has occurred in most countries of the tropical Indo-Pacific. The release of juveniles is being examined at the ICLARM Coastal Aquaculture Centre in the Solomon islands as a means of restoring and enhancing tropical sea cucumber stocks. Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) are the tropical species that show the best potential for stock enhancement. Sandfish are of high value, widely distributed and relatively easy to culture in simple systemss at a low cost. This paper summarizes information about the culture of H. scabra and compares it to that of the temperate species Stichopus japonicus.


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There is a pressing need to enhance fish production in Africa through improved farm management and the use of improved fish breeds and/or alien species in aquaculture while at the same time conserve the aquatic genetic diversity. This paper presents the outcome of the Expert Consultation on Biosafety and Environmental Impact of Genetic Enhancement and Introduction of Improved Tilapia Strains/Alien Species in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya on 20-23 February 2002. The main topics discussed were status of aquaculture in Africa and the role of genetic enhancement; potential benefits and risks involved in introduction of genetically improved strains and/or alien species with specific reference to tilapias; existing policies and legislation for the conservation of biodiversity, their strengths and weaknesses; capacity for undertaking genetic enhancement research and implementation of policies for the conservation of aquatic biodiversity.


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China's marine aquaculture landings provide only 18% of its combined freshwater and amrine capture and culture landings, at a per-capita consumption of only 3.2 kg/yr out of a total of 18.1 kg/yr. We described development and some of the results of long-term mariculture and stocking/enhancement projects that have been underway for up to 20 years in the Hangzhou Bay area. Penaeus orientalis (also referred to as P. chinensis) stocking provided up to 400 t/yr, at a total cost-benefit ratio of up to 8 Yuan of landed shrimp per Yuan invested in shrimp stocking. Over 40 t of Penaeus orientalis were produced commercially in 1993, with proceeds being used to fund mariculture and fisheries research. Large scale edible jellyfish restocking is also underway, while semicommercial culture of abalone, Haliotis diversicolor, has been successful. Technical problems limitig mariculture have been solved successfully for some species.


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This paper outlines developments over about 20 years in the construction of and ecological research on artificial reefs, fish aggregation devices (FAD's), and other artificial habitats designed to enhance fish populations and fisheries in the Australian region (including New Zealand and Papua New Guinea). Work was initially carried out on multicomponent reefs using a variety of waste materials, as well as some specially constructed concrete and steel structures. Later studies concentrated on single-component reefs, again mainly using waste materials. Although no definitive conclusions were reached on the relative effectiveness of the different materials used, waste motor vehicle tires and derelict ships were generally judged to be the best all-around materials for single-component reef construction in sheltered estuarine and offshore marine environments, respectively, in this region. FAD's comprising polyvinylchloride pipe sparbuoys (or in some areas polyurethane foam floats) attached to railroad car wheel anchors by polyethylene rope and chain, and supporting attractor drapes of synthetic mesh webbing, also provedtobegenerallysuccessfulin thisarea. Overall conclusions for the Australian region include the predominant use of waste materials in artificial reef construction, which has been primarily aimed at recreational fisheries enhancement; the successful use of FAD's for both recreational and commercial fisheries enhancement; the need for further and better planned research into and monitoring of the effectiveness of both of these enhancement methods; and the need for future research into the effectiveness of unfished "artificial habitat reserves" in enhancing fisheries production from surrounding fished areas.