911 resultados para computational mechanics


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A haplotype is an m-long binary vector. The XOR-genotype of two haplotypes is the m-vector of their coordinate-wise XOR. We study the following problem: Given a set of XOR-genotypes, reconstruct their haplotypes so that the set of resulting haplotypes can be mapped onto a perfect phylogeny (PP) tree. The question is motivated by studying population evolution in human genetics, and is a variant of the perfect phylogeny haplotyping problem that has received intensive attention recently. Unlike the latter problem, in which the input is "full" genotypes, here we assume less informative input, and so may be more economical to obtain experimentally. Building on ideas of Gusfield, we show how to solve the problem in polynomial time, by a reduction to the graph realization problem. The actual haplotypes are not uniquely determined by that tree they map onto, and the tree itself may or may not be unique. We show that tree uniqueness implies uniquely determined haplotypes, up to inherent degrees of freedom, and give a sufficient condition for the uniqueness. To actually determine the haplotypes given the tree, additional information is necessary. We show that two or three full genotypes suffice to reconstruct all the haplotypes, and present a linear algorithm for identifying those genotypes.


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We derive a Hamiltonian formulation for the three-dimensional formalism of predictive relativistic mechanics. This Hamiltonian structure is used to derive a set of dynamical equations describing the interaction among systems in perturbation theory.


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We explicitly construct a closed system of differential equations describing the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions among bodies to first order in the coupling constants, retaining terms up to order c-2. The Breit and Barker and O'Connell Hamiltonians are recovered by means of a coordinate transformation. The method used throws light on the meaning of these coordinates.


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We compute up to and including all the c-2 terms in the dynamical equations for extended bodies interacting through electromagnetic, gravitational, or short-range fields. We show that these equations can be reduced to those of point particles with intrinsic angular momentum assuming spherical symmetry.


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In this article we present a phenomenological model which simulates very well the mag¿ netic relaxation behavior experimentally observed in small magnetic grains and single domain particles. In this model, the occurrence of quantum tunneling of magnetization below a certain temperature is taken into account. Experimental results for different materials are presented to illustrate the most important behavior deduced from our model


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In this paper we consider a general action principle for mechanics written by means of the elements of a Lie algebra. We study the physical reasons why we have to choose precisely a Lie algebra to write the action principle. By means of such an action principle we work out the equations of motion and a technique to evaluate perturbations in a general mechanics that is equivalent to a general interaction picture. Classical or quantum mechanics come out as particular cases when we make realizations of the Lie algebra by derivations into the algebra of products of functions or operators, respectively. Later on we develop in particular the applications of the action principle to classical and quantum mechanics, seeing that in this last case it agrees with Schwinger's action principle. The main contribution of this paper is to introduce a perturbation theory and an interaction picture of classical mechanics on the same footing as in quantum mechanics.


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(1R)-Normetanephrine is the natural stereoisomeric substrate for sulfotransferase 1A3 (SULT1A3)-catalyzed sulfonation. Nothing appears known on the enantioselectivity of the reaction despite its potential significance in the metabolism of adrenergic amines and in clinical biochemistry. We confronted the kinetic parameters of the sulfoconjugation of synthetic (1R)-normetanephrine and (1S)-normetanephrine by recombinant human SULT1A3 to a docking model of each normetanephrine enantiomer with SULT1A3 and the 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate cofactor on the basis of molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the stability of the complexes. The K(M) , V(max) , and k(cat) values for the sulfonation of (1R)-normetanephrine, (1S)-normetanephrine, and racemic normetanephrine were similar. In silico models were consistent with these findings as they showed that the binding modes of the two enantiomers were almost identical. In conclusion, SULT1A3 is not substrate-enantioselective toward normetanephrine, an unexpected finding explainable by a mutual adaptability between the ligands and SULT1A3 through an "induced-fit model" in the catalytic pocket. Chirality, 00:000-000, 2012.© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A method is proposed for the estimation of absolute binding free energy of interaction between proteins and ligands. Conformational sampling of the protein-ligand complex is performed by molecular dynamics (MD) in vacuo and the solvent effect is calculated a posteriori by solving the Poisson or the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for selected frames of the trajectory. The binding free energy is written as a linear combination of the buried surface upon complexation, SASbur, the electrostatic interaction energy between the ligand and the protein, Eelec, and the difference of the solvation free energies of the complex and the isolated ligand and protein, deltaGsolv. The method uses the buried surface upon complexation to account for the non-polar contribution to the binding free energy because it is less sensitive to the details of the structure than the van der Waals interaction energy. The parameters of the method are developed for a training set of 16 HIV-1 protease-inhibitor complexes of known 3D structure. A correlation coefficient of 0.91 was obtained with an unsigned mean error of 0.8 kcal/mol. When applied to a set of 25 HIV-1 protease-inhibitor complexes of unknown 3D structures, the method provides a satisfactory correlation between the calculated binding free energy and the experimental pIC5o without reparametrization.


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Selectome (http://selectome.unil.ch/) is a database of positive selection, based on a branch-site likelihood test. This model estimates the number of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) and synonymous substitutions (dS) to evaluate the variation in selective pressure (dN/dS ratio) over branches and over sites. Since the original release of Selectome, we have benchmarked and implemented a thorough quality control procedure on multiple sequence alignments, aiming to provide minimum false-positive results. We have also improved the computational efficiency of the branch-site test implementation, allowing larger data sets and more frequent updates. Release 6 of Selectome includes all gene trees from Ensembl for Primates and Glires, as well as a large set of vertebrate gene trees. A total of 6810 gene trees have some evidence of positive selection. Finally, the web interface has been improved to be more responsive and to facilitate searches and browsing.


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Our docking program, Fitted, implemented in our computational platform, Forecaster, has been modified to carry out automated virtual screening of covalent inhibitors. With this modified version of the program, virtual screening and further docking-based optimization of a selected hit led to the identification of potential covalent reversible inhibitors of prolyl oligopeptidase activity. After visual inspection, a virtual hit molecule together with four analogues were selected for synthesis and made in one-five chemical steps. Biological evaluations on recombinant POP and FAPα enzymes, cell extracts, and living cells demonstrated high potency and selectivity for POP over FAPα and DPPIV. Three compounds even exhibited high nanomolar inhibitory activities in intact living human cells and acceptable metabolic stability. This small set of molecules also demonstrated that covalent binding and/or geometrical constraints to the ligand/protein complex may lead to an increase in bioactivity.


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The main objective of this work was to compare two methods to estimate the deposition of pesticide applied by aerial spraying. Hundred and fifty pieces of water sensitive paper were distributed over an area of 50 m length by 75 m width for sampling droplets sprayed by an aircraft calibrated to apply a spray volume of 32 L/ha. The samples were analysed by visual microscopic method using NG 2 Porton graticule and by an image analyser computer program. The results reached by visual microscopic method were the following: volume median diameter, 398±62 mum; number median diameter, 159±22 mum; droplet density, 22.5±7.0 droplets/cm² and estimated deposited volume, 22.2±9.4 L/ha. The respective ones reached with the computer program were: 402±58 mum, 161±32 mum, 21.9±7.5 droplets/cm² and 21.9±9.2 L/ha. Graphs of the spatial distribution of droplet density and deposited spray volume on the area were produced by the computer program.


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Computational anatomy with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is well established as a noninvasive biomarker of Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, there is less certainty about its dependency on the staging of AD. We use classical group analyses and automated machine learning classification of standard structural MRI scans to investigate AD diagnostic accuracy from the preclinical phase to clinical dementia. Longitudinal data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative were stratified into 4 groups according to the clinical status-(1) AD patients; (2) mild cognitive impairment (MCI) converters; (3) MCI nonconverters; and (4) healthy controls-and submitted to a support vector machine. The obtained classifier was significantly above the chance level (62%) for detecting AD already 4 years before conversion from MCI. Voxel-based univariate tests confirmed the plausibility of our findings detecting a distributed network of hippocampal-temporoparietal atrophy in AD patients. We also identified a subgroup of control subjects with brain structure and cognitive changes highly similar to those observed in AD. Our results indicate that computational anatomy can detect AD substantially earlier than suggested by current models. The demonstrated differential spatial pattern of atrophy between correctly and incorrectly classified AD patients challenges the assumption of a uniform pathophysiological process underlying clinically identified AD.


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We evaluate the performance of different optimization techniques developed in the context of optical flow computation with different variational models. In particular, based on truncated Newton methods (TN) that have been an effective approach for large-scale unconstrained optimization, we de- velop the use of efficient multilevel schemes for computing the optical flow. More precisely, we evaluate the performance of a standard unidirectional mul- tilevel algorithm - called multiresolution optimization (MR/OPT), to a bidrec- tional multilevel algorithm - called full multigrid optimization (FMG/OPT). The FMG/OPT algorithm treats the coarse grid correction as an optimiza- tion search direction and eventually scales it using a line search. Experimental results on different image sequences using four models of optical flow com- putation show that the FMG/OPT algorithm outperforms both the TN and MR/OPT algorithms in terms of the computational work and the quality of the optical flow estimation.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are key receptors for extracellular protons. These neuronal nonvoltage-gated Na(+) channels are involved in learning, the expression of fear, neurodegeneration after ischemia, and pain sensation. We have applied a systematic approach to identify potential pH sensors in ASIC1a and to elucidate the mechanisms by which pH variations govern ASIC gating. We first calculated the pK(a) value of all extracellular His, Glu, and Asp residues using a Poisson-Boltzmann continuum approach, based on the ASIC three-dimensional structure, to identify candidate pH-sensing residues. The role of these residues was then assessed by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification, combined with functional analysis. The localization of putative pH-sensing residues suggests that pH changes control ASIC gating by protonation/deprotonation of many residues per subunit in different channel domains. Analysis of the function of residues in the palm domain close to the central vertical axis of the channel allowed for prediction of conformational changes of this region during gating. Our study provides a basis for the intrinsic ASIC pH dependence and describes an approach that can also be applied to the investigation of the mechanisms of the pH dependence of other proteins.


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A haplotype is an m-long binary vector. The XOR-genotype of two haplotypes is the m-vector of their coordinate-wise XOR. We study the following problem: Given a set of XOR-genotypes, reconstruct their haplotypes so that the set of resulting haplotypes can be mapped onto a perfect phylogeny (PP) tree. The question is motivated by studying population evolution in human genetics and is a variant of the PP haplotyping problem that has received intensive attention recently. Unlike the latter problem, in which the input is '' full '' genotypes, here, we assume less informative input and so may be more economical to obtain experimentally. Building on ideas of Gusfield, we show how to solve the problem in polynomial time by a reduction to the graph realization problem. The actual haplotypes are not uniquely determined by the tree they map onto and the tree itself may or may not be unique. We show that tree uniqueness implies uniquely determined haplotypes, up to inherent degrees of freedom, and give a sufficient condition for the uniqueness. To actually determine the haplotypes given the tree, additional information is necessary. We show that two or three full genotypes suffice to reconstruct all the haplotypes and present a linear algorithm for identifying those genotypes.