746 resultados para clinicians
BACKGROUND: Stents are an alternative treatment to carotid endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis, but previous trials have not established equivalent safety and efficacy. We compared the safety of carotid artery stenting with that of carotid endarterectomy. METHODS: The International Carotid Stenting Study (ICSS) is a multicentre, international, randomised controlled trial with blinded adjudication of outcomes. Patients with recently symptomatic carotid artery stenosis were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive carotid artery stenting or carotid endarterectomy. Randomisation was by telephone call or fax to a central computerised service and was stratified by centre with minimisation for sex, age, contralateral occlusion, and side of the randomised artery. Patients and investigators were not masked to treatment assignment. Patients were followed up by independent clinicians not directly involved in delivering the randomised treatment. The primary outcome measure of the trial is the 3-year rate of fatal or disabling stroke in any territory, which has not been analysed yet. The main outcome measure for the interim safety analysis was the 120-day rate of stroke, death, or procedural myocardial infarction. Analysis was by intention to treat (ITT). This study is registered, number ISRCTN25337470. FINDINGS: The trial enrolled 1713 patients (stenting group, n=855; endarterectomy group, n=858). Two patients in the stenting group and one in the endarterectomy group withdrew immediately after randomisation, and were not included in the ITT analysis. Between randomisation and 120 days, there were 34 (Kaplan-Meier estimate 4.0%) events of disabling stroke or death in the stenting group compared with 27 (3.2%) events in the endarterectomy group (hazard ratio [HR] 1.28, 95% CI 0.77-2.11). The incidence of stroke, death, or procedural myocardial infarction was 8.5% in the stenting group compared with 5.2% in the endarterectomy group (72 vs 44 events; HR 1.69, 1.16-2.45, p=0.006). Risks of any stroke (65 vs 35 events; HR 1.92, 1.27-2.89) and all-cause death (19 vs seven events; HR 2.76, 1.16-6.56) were higher in the stenting group than in the endarterectomy group. Three procedural myocardial infarctions were recorded in the stenting group, all of which were fatal, compared with four, all non-fatal, in the endarterectomy group. There was one event of cranial nerve palsy in the stenting group compared with 45 in the endarterectomy group. There were also fewer haematomas of any severity in the stenting group than in the endarterectomy group (31 vs 50 events; p=0.0197). INTERPRETATION: Completion of long-term follow-up is needed to establish the efficacy of carotid artery stenting compared with endarterectomy. In the meantime, carotid endarterectomy should remain the treatment of choice for patients suitable for surgery. FUNDING: Medical Research Council, the Stroke Association, Sanofi-Synthélabo, European Union.
The cost of inappropriateness of coagulation testing [I costi dell'inappropriatezza in coagulazione]
Background. Laboratory utilization has steadily increased with a corresponding increase in overall costs; several authors have attempted to measure the impact of inappropriateness on clinical outcomes but data are insufficient. The aim of the study is to assess the cost of inappropriateness of test-ordering behaviour for second-level coagulation tests (hemorrhagic diathesisand thrombophilia). Methods. We reviewed all second-level coagulation testrequests received by our department during a six months period. Clinicians must fill out a specific order form for these kind of tests, containing all informations deemed necessary for the laboratory specialist to evaluatethe appropriateness of the request. We identified all inappropriate requests and counted the numbers and types of all coagulation tests that were not performed during the period. An analysis of the laboratory activity costs was done in order to calculate the global costof each test in our department and to estimate the savings achieved. Results. On a total of 1664 second-level coagulationtest requests, we estimated 150 as completely inappropriate. We found an overall of 295 inappropriate testswhich were not performed. This resulted in an economic saving of 20.000 euro in 6 months. Conclusions. The analysis of cost of our intervention shows the urgent need for a definite and sustained reduction in inappropriate requests of second-level coagulation tests. Even though we estimated only the economic aspect of inappropriate testing, this is also associated with the overuse of diagnostic tests which entailsthe risk of generating erroneous results with potentialnegative consequences on patients' health.
The World Health Organization fracture risk assessment tool, FRAX(®), is an advance in clinical care that can assist in clinical decision-making. However, with increasing clinical utilization, numerous questions have arisen regarding how to best estimate fracture risk in an individual patient. Recognizing the need to assist clinicians in optimal use of FRAX(®), the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) in conjunction with the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) assembled an international panel of experts that ultimately developed joint Official Positions of the ISCD and IOF advising clinicians regarding FRAX(®) usage. As part of the process, the charge of the FRAX(®) Clinical Task Force was to review and synthesize data surrounding a number of recognized clinical risk factors including rheumatoid arthritis, smoking, alcohol, prior fracture, falls, bone turnover markers and glucocorticoid use. This synthesis was presented to the expert panel and constitutes the data on which the subsequent Official Positions are predicated. A summary of the Clinical Task Force composition and charge is presented here.
BACKGROUND: Acute lower respiratory tract diseases are an important cause of mortality in children in resource-limited settings. In the absence of pulse oximetry, clinicians rely on clinical signs to detect hypoxaemia. OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic value of clinical signs of hypoxaemia in children aged 2 months to 5 years with acute lower respiratory tract disease. METHODS: Seventy children with a history of cough and signs of respiratory distress were enrolled. Three experienced physicians recorded clinical signs and oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry. Hypoxaemia was defined as oxygen saturation <90%. Clinical predictors of hypoxaemia were evaluated using adjusted diagnostic odds ratios (aDOR). RESULTS: There was a 43% prevalence of hypoxaemia. An initial visual impression of poor general status [aDOR 20·0, 95% CI 3·8-106], severe chest-indrawing (aDOR 9·8, 95% CI 1·5-65), audible grunting (aDOR 6·9, 95% CI 1·4-25) and cyanosis (aDOR 26·5, 95% CI 1·1-677) were significant predictors of hypoxaemia. CONCLUSION: In children under 5 years of age, several simple clinical signs are reliable predictors of hypoxaemia. These should be included in diagnostic guidelines.
BACKGROUND: In many countries, primary care physicians determine whether or not older drivers are fit to drive. Little, however, is known regarding the effects of cognitive decline on driving performance and the means to detect it. This study explores to what extent the trail making test (TMT) can provide indications to clinicians about their older patients' on-road driving performance in the context of cognitive decline. METHODS: This translational study was nested within a cohort study and an exploratory psychophysics study. The target population of interest was constituted of older drivers in the absence of important cognitive or physical disorders. We therefore recruited and tested 404 home-dwelling drivers, aged 70 years or more and in possession of valid drivers' licenses, who volunteered to participate in a driving refresher course. Forty-five drivers also agreed to undergo further testing at our lab. On-road driving performance was evaluated by instructors during a 45 minute validated open-road circuit. Drivers were classified as either being excellent, good, moderate, or poor depending on their score on a standardized evaluation of on-road driving performance. RESULTS: The area under the receiver operator curve for detecting poorly performing drivers was 0.668 (CI95% 0.558 to 0.778) for the TMT-A, and 0.662 (CI95% 0.542 to 0.783) for the TMT-B. TMT was related to contrast sensitivity, motion direction, orientation discrimination, working memory, verbal fluency, and literacy. Older patients with a TMT-A ≥ 54 seconds or a TMT-B ≥ 150 seconds have a threefold (CI95% 1.3 to 7.0) increased risk of performing poorly during the on-road evaluation. TMT had a sensitivity of 63.6%, a specificity of 64.9%, a positive predictive value of 9.5%, and a negative predictive value of 96.9%. CONCLUSION: In screening settings, the TMT would have clinicians uselessly consider driving cessation in nine drivers out of ten. Given the important negative impact this could have on older drivers, this study confirms the TMT not to be specific enough for clinicians to justify driving cessation without complementary investigations on driving behaviors.
During these last decades, the notion of primary intersubjectivity has gained acceptance among developmentalists and clinicians. But a new challenge is put out to our models by recent findings on the triangular competence of the very young infant, or her capacity to simultaneously communicate with two partners at a time. This discovery raises the question of a collective form of intersubjectivity. Findings on the triangular competence of the 3- to 4-month-old interactions with father and mother in different contexts of the Lausanne trilogue play situation are reviewed and illustrated, with a view to examine whether it is based on a dyadic or triangular program and whether conditions for a threesome form of primary intersubjectivity are fulfilled. The discussion focuses on the revisions of the theory of intersubjectivity, of developmental theory, and of clinical practice these findings call for, pointing toward a three -person psychology too.
In a recent issue of Critical Care, den Hartog and colleagues show an association between spontaneous hypothermia, defined by an admission body temperature < 35°C, and poor outcome in patients with coma after cardiac arrest (CA) treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH). Given that TH alters neurological prognostication, studies aiming to identify early markers of injury severity and outcome are welcome, since they may contribute overall to optimize the management of comatose CA patients. This study provides an important message to clinicians involved in post-resuscitation care and raises important questions that need to be taken into account in future studies.
Splenic arterial interventions are increasingly performed to treat various clinical conditions, including abdominal trauma, hypersplenism, splenic arterial aneurysm, portal hypertension, and splenic neoplasm. When clinically appropriate, these procedures may provide an alternative to open surgery. They may help to salvage splenic function in patients with posttraumatic injuries or hypersplenism and to improve hematologic parameters in those who otherwise would be unable to undergo high-dose chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. Splenic arterial interventions also may be performed to exclude splenic artery aneurysms from the parent vessel lumen and prevent aneurysm rupture; to reduce portal pressure and prevent sequelae in patients with portal hypertension; to treat splenic artery steal syndrome and improve liver perfusion in liver transplant recipients; and to administer targeted treatment to areas of neoplastic disease in the splenic parenchyma. As the use of splenic arterial interventions increases in interventional radiology practice, clinicians must be familiar with the splenic vascular anatomy, the indications and contraindications for performing interventional procedures, the technical considerations involved, and the potential use of other interventional procedures, such as radiofrequency ablation, in combination with splenic arterial interventions. Familiarity with the complications that can result from these interventional procedures, including abscess formation and pancreatitis, also is important.
INTRODUCTION: For decades, clinicians dealing with immunocompromised and critically ill patients have perceived a link between Candida colonization and subsequent infection. However, the pathophysiological progression from colonization to infection was clearly established only through the formal description of the colonization index (CI) in critically ill patients. Unfortunately, the literature reflects intense confusion about the pathophysiology of invasive candidiasis and specific associated risk factors. METHODS: We review the contribution of the CI in the field of Candida infection and its development in the 20 years following its original description in 1994. The development of the CI enabled an improved understanding of the pathogenesis of invasive candidiasis and the use of targeted empirical antifungal therapy in subgroups of patients at increased risk for infection. RESULTS: The recognition of specific characteristics among underlying conditions, such as neutropenia, solid organ transplantation, and surgical and nonsurgical critical illness, has enabled the description of distinct epidemiological patterns in the development of invasive candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its limited bedside practicality and before confirmation of potentially more accurate predictors, such as specific biomarkers, the CI remains an important way to characterize the dynamics of colonization, which increases early in patients who develop invasive candidiasis.
The goal of this paper is to provide clinicians and researchers, who may not be experts in psychometrics, with a guide for the selection and adaptation of an instrument for clinical research. Issues related to the concept to be measured, the targeted clientele, the selection criteria for the instrument (algorithm), the strategies for translation and adaptation, as well as potential bias related to the administration of an instrument are reviewed and discussed.
Cancer omics data are exponentially created and associated with clinical variables, and important findings can be extracted based on bioinformatics approaches which can then be experimentally validated. Many of these findings are related to a specific class of non-coding RNA molecules called microRNAs (miRNAs) (post-transcriptional regulators of mRNA expression). The related research field is quite heterogeneous and bioinformaticians, clinicians, statisticians and biologists, as well as data miners and engineers collaborate to cure stored data and on new impulses coming from the output of the latest Next Generation Sequencing technologies. Here we review the main research findings on miRNA of the first 10 years in colon cancer research with an emphasis on possible uses in clinical practice. This review intends to provide a road map in the jungle of publications of miRNA in colorectal cancer, focusing on data availability and new ways to generate biologically relevant information out of these huge amounts of data.
BACKGROUND: A relative inability to capture a sufficiently large patient population in any one geographic location has traditionally limited research into rare diseases. METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinicians interested in the rare disease lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) have worked with the LAM Treatment Alliance, the MIT Media Lab, and Clozure Associates to cooperate in the design of a state-of-the-art data coordination platform that can be used for clinical trials and other research focused on the global LAM patient population. This platform is a component of a set of web-based resources, including a patient self-report data portal, aimed at accelerating research in rare diseases in a rigorous fashion. CONCLUSIONS: Collaboration between clinicians, researchers, advocacy groups, and patients can create essential community resource infrastructure to accelerate rare disease research. The International LAM Registry is an example of such an effort. 82.
In this study, we assessed whether the white-coat effect (difference between office and daytime blood pressure (BP)) is associated with nondipping (absence of BP decrease at night). Data were available in 371 individuals of African descent from 74 families selected from a population-based hypertension register in the Seychelles Islands and in 295 Caucasian individuals randomly selected from a population-based study in Switzerland. We used standard multiple linear regression in the Swiss data and generalized estimating equations to account for familial correlations in the Seychelles data. The prevalence of systolic and diastolic nondipping (<10% nocturnal BP decrease) and white-coat hypertension (WCH) was respectively 51, 46, and 4% in blacks and 33, 37, and 7% in whites. When white coat effect and nocturnal dipping were taken as continuous variables (mm Hg), systolic (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) dipping were associated inversely and independently with white-coat effect (P < 0.05) in both populations. Analogously, the difference between office and daytime heart rate was inversely associated with the difference between daytime and night-time heart rate in the two populations. These results did not change after adjustment for potential confounders. The white-coat effect is associated with BP nondipping. The similar associations between office-daytime values and daytime-night-time values for both BP and heart rate suggest that the sympathetic nervous system might play a role. Our findings also further stress the interest, for clinicians, of assessing the presence of a white-coat effect as a means to further identify patients at increased cardiovascular risk and guide treatment accordingly.
As a consequence of growing global migration, physicians in French speaking Switzerland often face communicational difficulties with allophone patients. This paper first discusses advantages and shortcomings of various ways of dealing with this kind of situations. The indication of using professional interpreters will be addressed, as well as some specific therapeutic, linguistic and relational features of triadic consultations involving a physician, a patient and an interpreter. Finally, useful practical information and advices are provided to clinicians in order to help them optimize their consultations with allophone patients.
Merkel Cell Carcinoma (CCM) is an aggressive cutaneous tumor of the elderly, which has become the second cause of mortality linked to skin cancer. This has led clinicians and scientists to devote more time to the study of this rare tumor, announcing to a revolution in our understanding, diagnosis and therapy of this cancer. We present here these recent advances, which illustrate the exponential growth of knowledge in the medical field, drawing comparisons with more frequent cancers such as melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.