947 resultados para chois modal
A simple fiber sensor capable of simultaneous measurement of liquid level and refractive index (RI) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The sensing head is an all-fiber modal interferometer manufactured by splicing an uncoated single-mode fiber with two short sections of multimode fiber. The interference pattern experiences blue shift along with an increase of axial strain and surrounding RI. Owing to the participation of multiple cladding modes with different sensitivities, the height and RI of the liquid could be simultaneously measured by monitoring two dips of the transmission spectrum. Experimental results show that the liquid level and RI sensitivities of the two dips are 245.7 pm/mm, -38 nm/RI unit (RIU), and 223.7 pm/mm, -62 nm/RIU, respectively. The approach has distinctive advantages of easy fabrication, low cost, and high sensitivity for liquid level detection with the capability of distinguishing the RI variation simultaneously. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Two new types of phenolic resin-derived synthetic carbons with bi-modal and tri-modal pore-size distributions were used as supports for Pd catalysts. The catalysts were tested in chemoselective hydrogenation and hydrodehalogenation reactions in a compact multichannel flow reactor. Bi-modal and tri-modal micro-mesoporous structures of the synthetic carbons were characterised by N2 adsorption. HR-TEM, PXRD and XPS analyses were performed for characterising the synthesised catalysts. N2 adsorption revealed that tri-modal synthetic carbon possesses a well-developed hierarchical mesoporous structure (with 6.5 nm and 42 nm pores), contributing to a larger mesopore volume than the bi-modal carbon (1.57 cm3 g-1versus 1.23 cm3 g-1). It was found that the tri-modal carbon promotes a better size distribution of Pd nanoparticles than the bi-modal carbon due to presence of hierarchical mesopore limitting the growth of Pd nanoparticles. For all the model reactions investigated, the Pd catalyst based on tri-modal synthetic carbon (Pd/triC) show high activity as well as high stability and reproducibility. The trend in reactivities of different functional groups over the Pd/triC catalyst follows a general order alkyne ≫ nitro > bromo ≫ aldehyde.
The authors would like to thank their supporters. New Zealand Earthquake Commission (EQC) Research Foundation provided financial support for experimental work (Grant No. UNI/578). New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) provided access to the bridge. Piotr Omenzetter’s work within the LRF Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research. Ge-Wei Chen’s doctoral study is supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC) (Grant No. 2011637065).
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Peer reviewed
Advancements in retinal imaging technologies have drastically improved the quality of eye care in the past couple decades. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are two examples of critical imaging modalities for the diagnosis of retinal pathologies. However current-generation SLO and OCT systems have limitations in diagnostic capability due to the following factors: the use of bulky tabletop systems, monochromatic imaging, and resolution degradation due to ocular aberrations and diffraction.
Bulky tabletop SLO and OCT systems are incapable of imaging patients that are supine, under anesthesia, or otherwise unable to maintain the required posture and fixation. Monochromatic SLO and OCT imaging prevents the identification of various color-specific diagnostic markers visible with color fundus photography like those of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Resolution degradation due to ocular aberrations and diffraction has prevented the imaging of photoreceptors close to the fovea without the use of adaptive optics (AO), which require bulky and expensive components that limit the potential for widespread clinical use.
In this dissertation, techniques for extending the diagnostic capability of SLO and OCT systems are developed. These techniques include design strategies for miniaturizing and combining SLO and OCT to permit multi-modal, lightweight handheld probes to extend high quality retinal imaging to pediatric eye care. In addition, a method for extending true color retinal imaging to SLO to enable high-contrast, depth-resolved, high-fidelity color fundus imaging is demonstrated using a supercontinuum light source. Finally, the development and combination of SLO with a super-resolution confocal microscopy technique known as optical photon reassignment (OPRA) is demonstrated to enable high-resolution imaging of retinal photoreceptors without the use of adaptive optics.
Impactive contact between a vibrating string and a barrier is a strongly nonlinear phenomenon that presents several challenges in the design of numerical models for simulation and sound synthesis of musical string instruments. These are addressed here by applying Hamiltonian methods to incorporate distributed contact forces into a modal framework for discrete-time simulation of the dynamics of a stiff, damped string. The resulting algorithms have spectral accuracy, are unconditionally stable, and require solving a multivariate nonlinear equation that is guaranteed to have a unique solution. Exemplifying results are presented and discussed in terms of accuracy, convergence, and spurious high-frequency oscillations.
This study is a corpus-based comparison between student essays written in the subject areas of English linguistics and literature at undergraduate level. They are 200 Bachelor degree theses submitted at a variety of university departments (such as English, Language and Literature, Humanities, Social and Intercultural Studies) in Sweden. The comparison concerns frequencies of core modal verbs and how often they occur together with the I, we and it subject pronouns and in the structures this/the [essay, study, project, thesis] when students attempt to communicate their personal claims. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the essays show few similarities in the ways that core modal verbs appear in both disciplines. The results indicate mainly distinct differences, especially in relation to clusters and variation of performative verbs. Specific patterns in the ways that students use core modal verbs as hedges have also been identified.
The work presented in this thesis is concerned with the dynamical behavior of a CBandola's acoustical box at low resonances -- Two models consisting of two and three coupled oscillators are proposed in order to analyse the response at the first two and three resonances, respectively -- These models describe the first resonances in a bandola as a combination of the lowest modes of vibration of enclosed air, top and back plates -- Physically, the coupling between these elements is caused by the fluid-structure interaction that gives rise to coupled modes of vibration for the assembled resonance box -- In this sense, the coupling in the models is expressed in terms of the ratio of effective areas and masses of the elements which is an useful parameter to control the coupling -- Numerical models are developed for the analysis of modal coupling which is performed using the Finite Element Method -- First, it is analysed the modal behavior of separate elements: enclosed air, top plate and back plate -- This step is important to identify participating modes in the coupling -- Then, a numerical model of the resonance box is used to compute the coupled modes -- The computation of normal modes of vibration was executed in the frequency range of 0-800Hz -- Although the introduced models of coupled oscillators only predict maximum the first three resonances, they also allow to study qualitatively the coupling between the rest of the computed modes in the range -- Considering that dynamic response of a structure can be described in terms of the modal parameters, this work represents, in a good approach, the basic behavior of a CBandola, although experimental measurements are suggested as further work to verify the obtained results and get more information about some characteristics of the coupled modes, for instance, the phase of vibration of the air mode and the radiation e ciency
Second order matrix equations arise in the description of real dynamical systems. Traditional modal control approaches utilise the eigenvectors of the undamped system to diagonalise the system matrices. A regrettable consequence of this approach is the discarding of residual o-diagonal terms in the modal damping matrix. This has particular importance for systems containing skew-symmetry in the damping matrix which is entirely discarded in the modal damping matrix. In this paper a method to utilise modal control using the decoupled second order matrix equations involving nonclassical damping is proposed. An example of modal control sucessfully applied to a rotating system is presented in which the system damping matrix contains skew-symmetric components.
Second order matrix equations arise in the description of real dynamical systems. Traditional modal control approaches utilise the eigenvectors of the undamped system to diagonalise the system matrices. A regrettable consequence of this approach is the discarding of residual off-diagonal terms in the modal damping matrix. This has particular importance for systems containing skew-symmetry in the damping matrix which is entirely discarded in the modal damping matrix. In this paper a method to utilise modal control using the decoupled second order matrix equations involving non-classical damping is proposed. An example of modal control successfully applied to a rotating system is presented in which the system damping matrix contains skew-symmetric components.
Es frecuente que las estructuras, una vez realizadas, muestren diferencias, respecto de su concepción original que, en ocasiones, pueden hacer necesaria una intervención posterior con el objetivo de corregir su comportamiento estructural. En otras ocasiones estas actuaciones se hacen necesarias como consecuencias de deterioros sufridos durante la vida útil de la estructura (daño estructural) o como consecuencia de cambios en el propio uso de la estructura. En cualquier caso, tanto en las situaciones descritas, como en muchas otras, la estructura ha de someterse a un proceso de monitorización que nos permita obtener información experimental de ciertos parámetros estructurales con los que afinar los modelos numéricos que de ellas se realizan. Esta jornada se ha estructurado en cuatro conferencias en las que investigadores de las universidades de Sevilla y Córdoba nos darán una visión divulgativa del problema, nos acercarán a alguna de sus técnicas y nos mostrarán algún caso práctico de gran interés. En la segunda conferencia, el profesor de la Universidad de Córdoba Dr. D. Rafael Castro Triguero, Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y con una amplia experiencia en monitorización de estructuras, mostrará las bases de alguna de estas técnicas y cómo, de la información obtenida, pueden inferirse parámetros estructurales para mejorar los modelos y/o detectar daños estructurales.
Es frecuente que las estructuras, una vez realizadas, muestren diferencias, respecto de su concepción original que, en ocasiones, pueden hacer necesaria una intervención posterior con el objetivo de corregir su comportamiento estructural. En otras ocasiones estas actuaciones se hacen necesarias como consecuencias de deterioros sufridos durante la vida útil de la estructura (daño estructural) o como consecuencia de cambios en el propio uso de la estructura. En cualquier caso, tanto en las situaciones descritas, como en muchas otras, la estructura ha de someterse a un proceso de monitorización que nos permita obtener información experimental de ciertos parámetros estructurales con los que afinar los modelos numéricos que de ellas se realizan. Esta jornada se ha estructurado en cuatro conferencias en las que investigadores de las universidades de Sevilla y Córdoba nos darán una visión divulgativa del problema, nos acercarán a alguna de sus técnicas y nos mostrarán algún caso práctico de gran interés. En la tercera conferencia, el profesor de la Universidad de Sevilla Dr. D. Víctor Jesús Compán Cardiel, Arquitecto, mostró cómo la técnica de monitorización conocida pos sus siglas en inglés OMA puede ser aplicada a estructuras antiguas, que forman parte del patrimonio, para aprender de estas estructuras y, llegado el caso, detectar daño en las mismas y poder tomar las medidas necesarias para mejorar su capacidad portante y, con ello, incrementar el tiempo por el que podremos disfrutar de estos singulares edificios.
This work describes preliminary results of a two-modality imaging system aimed at the early detection of breast cancer. The first technique is based on compounding conventional echographic images taken at regular angular intervals around the imaged breast. The other modality obtains tomographic images of propagation velocity using the same circular geometry. For this study, a low-cost prototype has been built. It is based on a pair of opposed 128-element, 3.2 MHz array transducers that are mechanically moved around tissue mimicking phantoms. Compounded images around 360 degrees provide improved resolution, clutter reduction, artifact suppression and reinforce the visualization of internal structures. However, refraction at the skin interface must be corrected for an accurate image compounding process. This is achieved by estimation of the interface geometry followed by computing the internal ray paths. On the other hand, sound velocity tomographic images from time of flight projections have been also obtained. Two reconstruction methods, Filtered Back Projection (FBP) and 2D Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization (2D OSEM), were used as a first attempt towards tomographic reconstruction. These methods yield useable images in short computational times that can be considered as initial estimates in subsequent more complex methods of ultrasound image reconstruction. These images may be effective to differentiate malignant and benign masses and are very promising for breast cancer screening. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.