1000 resultados para chlorite smectite


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The <63-µm fractions of serpentinite muds from two seamounts on the Mariana and Izu-Bonin forearcs were analyzed for mineral composition by X-ray diffraction and for chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence. The silt fraction of the muds consists predominantly of chrysotile, brucite, and ample amorphous constituents. Chlorite and smectite are less abundant components. Of special interest is the occurrence of iowaite, a brucite-like, Cl-bearing mineral with a layered structure. Iowaite was not found in the samples from the summit site of one of the seamounts drilled; however, it is scattered throughout the strata, composing the flanks of both seamounts investigated. No systematic change of the iowaite abundance with depth was observed. The distribution of iowaite is confined to the surface of the flanks of the seamount. Based on the distribution on the mineral and its chemical composition, we suggest that the iowaite formed by oxidation of some of the ferrous iron in brucite contained in the serpentine mud as it contacted abyssal seawater during protrusion onto the seafloor. The resulting positive charge imparted to the brucite was compensated by the uptake of seawater chloride. Consequently, the formation of iowaite is restricted to the seafloor where oxygen and chloride are available for these reactions. The availability of oxygen is considered the limiting factor. We conclude that iowaite formation cannot be a major cause for the low chlorinity of pore fluids inside the seamounts.


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Mineralogical and major-element compositions of 72 samples of volcanic ash, recovered from Site 808 at Nankai Trough during Leg 131, were analyzed in relation to the early diagenetic alteration. Alteration products are first observed at the following depths: smectite, 200 mbsf; clinoptilolite, 646 mbsf; and analcite, 810 mbsf. Glass decomposition dominates over authigenic mineral formation between 200 and 550 mbsf in the sediment column, whereas mineral formation becomes dominant below 550 mbsf. Based on the X-ray diffraction patterns, a broad and asymmetric peak of 15A suggests a presence of illite/smectite (I/S) mixed-layered minerals in a sample from 646 mbsf. I/S mixed-layered mineral formation, however, rarely occurs even at the bottom of the sediment column (1290 mbsf) at 120° C. This is possibly because zeolite (especially clinoptilolite) formed in the ash interferes with illite formation in the smectite. The formation of alteration minerals affects the major-element chemistry of the ash and the interstitial waters. H4SiO4 concentrations in interstitial waters increase during glass decomposition and decrease with smectite and clinoptilolite formation. K is removed from interstitial water into smectite and/or clinoptilolite. Mg is fixed into smectite (and/or chlorite).


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Different source areas, oceanography and climate regimes influenced the clay mineral assemblages and grain size distribution of two sediment cores from the North and South Aegean Sea during the last glacial and the Holocene. In the North Aegean Sea, clay mineral composition is mainly controlled by sea level evolution, melting of southeastern European glaciers, and establishment of the connection between the Black Sea and Aegean Sea. The long-term development of clay mineral assemblages in the South Aegean Sea reflects changes in the Nile discharge and African dust input. At this site, the establishment of pluvial conditions in the Nile catchment during the early to middle Holocene resulted in a substantial rise in smectite/illite ratios. In the late Holocene, stepwise aridification of the southern borderlands caused an increase in windblown sediment material and a decrease in Nile suspended material. The clay mineral records exhibit periodic millennial-scale fluctuations. In the North Aegean Sea, the changes are centred at a period of 1.3-1.8 ka and can be attributed to short-term climate and weathering changes in the northern borderlands. The changes in the South Aegean Sea are centred at periods of 3.2-4.3, 1.9-2.4 and 1.3-1.7 ka reflecting short-term changes in wind strength and Northeast African hydrology.


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The present-day clay mineral distribution in the southeastern Levantine Sea and its borderlands reveals a complex pattern of different sources and distribution paths. Smectite dominates the suspended load of the Nile River and of rivers in the Near East. Illite sources are dust-bearing winds from the Sahara and southwestern Europe. Kaolinite is prevalent in rivers of the Sinai, in Egyptian wadis, and in Saharan dust. A high-resolution sediment core from the southeastern Levantine Sea spanning the last 27 ka shows that all these sources contributed during the late Quaternary and that the Nile River played a very important role in the supply of clay. Nile influence was reduced during the glacial period but was higher during the African Humid Period. In contrast to the sharp beginning and end of the African Humid Period recorded in West African records (15 and 5.5 ka), our data show a more transitional pattern and slightly lower Nile River discharge rates not starting until 4 ka. The similarity of the smectite concentrations with fluctuations in sea-surface temperatures of the tropical western Indian Ocean indicates a close relationship between the Indian Ocean climate system and the discharge of the Nile River.


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Nearly continuous cores of Quaternary fine-grained sediments with distinct dark-light colored cycles were recovered from Sites 794, 795, and 797 in the basinal parts of the Japan Sea during Leg 127. A comparison of gray value (darkness) profiles supplemented by visual inspection of core photographs between sites indicated that most of the dark and light layers were correlatable between sites, and that two of the dark layers lie close to adjacent marker ash layers. These observations indicate that deposition of dark and light layers resulted from basin-wide synchronous events. In order to understand the origin of these dark-light cycles, petrographical, mineralogical, compositional, and paleontological studies were carried out on closely spaced samples from the upper Quaternary sediments recovered from Site 797. Age model was constructed based on comparison between variation in diatom abundance and the standard oxygen isotope curve of Imbrie et al. (1984), the latter was interpolated between the five age controlled levels established at Site 797. The two curves show similar patterns which enabled us to "tune" the sediment ages to the oxygen isotope stages. We have to use variation in diatom abundance as a substitute for oxygen isotope curve since oxygen isotopic data are not available at the studied sites. Bottom water oxygenation conditions were estimated based on two criteria: (1) the degree of lamina preservation and (2) the ratio of Corg to Stot. The surface water productivity was deduced from the Corg and biogenic silica content. Results suggest that the bottom water oxygenation level and the surface water productivity varied significantly in response to the glacial-interglacial cycles. Glacio-eustatic sea-level changes and subsequent changes in water circulation in the Japan Sea appear to have been responsible for these variations and consequent changes in sediment composition throughout the Quaternary.


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Grain-size, mineral and chemical compositions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from waters of the Severnaya (North) Dvina River mouth area during the spring flood in May 2004 is studied. Data published on composition of riverine SPM in the White Sea basin are very poor. The spring flood period when more than half of annual runoff is supplied from the river to the sea in during short time is understood more poorly. The paper considers comparison results of the grain size compositions of SPM and bottom sediments. Data of laser and hydraulic techniques of grain size analysis are compared. Short-period variations of SPM concentration and composition representing two diurnal peaks of the tide level are studied. It is found that SPM is mainly transferred during the spring flood as mineral aggregates up to 40 µm diameter. Sandy-silty fraction of riverine SPM settles in delta branches and channels, and bulk of clay-size material is supplied to the sea. Mineral and chemical compositions of SPM from the North Dvina River are determined by supply of material from the drainage basin. This material is subjected to intense mechanic separation during transfer to the sea. Key regularities of formation of mineral composition of SPM during the flood time are revealed. Effect of SPM grain size composition on distribution of minerals and chemical elements in study in the dynamic system of the river mouth area are characterized.


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High-resolution climatic records of the late Holocene along the north-west African continental margin are scarce. Here we combine sediment grain size, elemental distribution and mineral assemblage data to trace dust and riverine sources at a shallow-marine sediment depocentre in the vicinity of the Senegal River mouth. The aim is to understand how these terrigenous components reflect climate variability during the late Holocene. Major element contents were measured and mineral identification was performed on three sub-fractions of our sediment core: (i) fluvial material <2 µm, (ii) aeolian material of 18-63 µm and (iii) a sub-fraction of dual-origin material of 2-18 µm. Results show that more than 80% of the total Al and Fe terrigenous bulk content is present in the fluviogenic fraction. In contrast, Ti, K and Si cannot be considered as proxies for one specific source off Senegal. The Al/Ca ratio, recording the continental river runoff, reveals two dry periods from 3010 to 2750 cal a BP and from 1900 to 1000 cal a BP, and two main humid periods from 2750 to 1900 cal a BP and from 1000 to 700 cal a BP. The match between (i) intervals of low river runoff inferred by low Al/Ca values, (ii) reduced river discharge inferred by integrated palynological data from offshore Senegal and (iii) periods of enhanced dune reactivation in Mali confirms this interpretation.


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Basalts from Hole 504B, Leg 83, exhibit remarkable uniformity in major and trace element composition throughout the 1075.5 m of basement drilled. The majority of the basalts, Group D', have unusual compositions relative to normal (Type I) mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). These basalts have relatively high mg values (0.60-0.70) and CaO abundances (11.7-13.7%; Ca/Al = 0.78-0.89), but exhibit a marked depletion in compatible trace elements (Cr and Ni); moderately incompatible trace elements (Zr, Y, Ti, etc.); and highly incompatible trace elements (Nb, LREE, etc.). Petrographic and compositional data indicate that most of these basalts are evolved, having fractionated significant amounts of plagioclase, olivine, and clinopyroxene. Melting experiments on similar basalt compositions from the upper portion of Hole 504B (Leg 70; Autio and Rhodes, 1983) indicate that the basalts are co-saturated with olivine and plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the 1-atm. liquidus. Two rarely occurring groups, M' and T, are compositionally distinct from Group D' basalts. Group T is strongly depleted in all magmaphile elements except the highly incompatible ones (Nb, La, etc.), while Group M' has moderate concentrations of both moderately and highly incompatible trace elements and is similar to Type I MORB. Groups M' and T cannot be related to Group D' nor to each other by crystal fractionation, crystal accumulation, or magma mixing. The large differences in magmaphile element ratios (Zr/Nb, La/Yb) among these three chemical groups may be accounted for by complex melting models and/or local heterogeneity of the mantle beneath the Costa Rica Ridge. Xenocrysts and xenoliths of plagioclase and clinopyroxene similar in texture and mineral composition to crystals in coarse-grained basalts from the lower portion of the hole are common in Hole 504B basalts. These suggest that addition of solid components either from conduit or magma chamber walls has occurred and may be a common source of disequilibrium crystals in these basalts. However, mixing of plagioclase-laden depleted melts (similar to the Costa Rica Ridge Zone basalts) with normal MORB magmas could provide an alternate source for some refractory plagioclase crystals found out of equilibrium in many phyric MORB. The uniformity of major element compositions in Hole 504B basalts affords an ideal situation for investigating the effects of alteration on some major and trace elements in oceanic basalts. Alteration observed in whole-rock samples records primarily two events - a high-temperature and a low-temperature phase. High-temperature phases include: chlorite, talc, albite, actinolite, sphene, quartz, and pyrite. The low-temperature phases include smectite (saponite), epistilbite or laumontite, and minor calcite. Laumontite may actually straddle the gap between the low- and high-temperature mineral assemblages. Alteration is restricted primarily to partial replacement of primary phases. Metamorphic grade, in general, increases from the top to the bottom of Hole 504B (Legs 69, 70, and 83) as seen in the change from a smectiteto- chlorite-dominated secondary mineral assemblage. However, a systematic progression for the interval recovered during Leg 83 is not apparent. Rather, the extent of alteration appears to be a function of the initial texture and fracture density. Variations in whole-rock major and trace element concentrations cannot be attributed convincingly to any differences in alteration observed. Compositional characteristics of the secondary minerals indicated that extensive remobilization of elements has not occurred; local redistribution is suggested in most cases. Thus, the major and trace element signature of these basalts remains effectively the same as the original composition prior to alteration.