966 resultados para brain evoked potentials
PURPOSE: To investigate the occurrence of hearing loss in individuals with HIV/AIDS and their characterization regarding type and degree. RESEARCH STRATEGY: It was conducted a systematic review of the literature found on the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, ADOLEC, IBECS, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs and SciELO. SELECTION CRITERIA: The search strategy was directed by a specific question: "Is hearing loss part of the framework of HIV/AIDS manifestations?", and the selection criteria of the studies involved coherence with the proposed theme, evidence levels 1, 2 or 3, and language (Portuguese, English and Spanish). DATA ANALYSIS: We found 698 studies. After an analysis of the title and abstract, 91 were selected for full reading. Out of these, 38 met the proposed criteria and were included on the review. RESULTS: The studies reported presence of conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss, of variable degrees and audiometric configurations, in addition to tinnitus and vestibular disorders. The etiology can be attributed to opportunistic infections, ototoxic drugs or to the action of virus itself. The auditory evoked potentials have been used as markers of neurological alterations, even in patients with normal hearing. CONCLUSION: HIV/AIDS patients may present hearing loss. Thus, programs for prevention and treatment of AIDS must involve actions aimed at auditory health.
Das Glaukom ist eine der führenden Erblindungsursachen weltweit. Trotzdem ist die Pathogenese, die zur Degeneration der retinalen Ganglienzellen führt, bisher nicht verstanden. In den letzten Jahren ergaben sich verschiedene Hinweise auf die Beteiligung einer immunologischen Komponente. Thema dieser Arbeit waren elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen, im Sinne von visuell evozierten Potentialen, am Tiermodell des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms und die Etablierung dieses Modells. Das Modell basiert auf einer Immunisierung von Lewisratten mit Pertussistoxin, inkompletten Freunds Adjuvant und potentiellen Antigenen, die zu einer Immunreaktion und einem Verlust von retinalen Ganglienzellen führen sollen. Zur Etablierung des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modells wurde eine fünfwöchige Studie mit vier Gruppen durchgeführt. Als Antigene wurden Glia fibrilläres saures Protein (n= 10) und Myelin basisches Protein (n=10) verwendet, die beide in Studien zu Serum- und Kammerwasseranalysen bei Glaukompatienten eine Abweichung zur Kontrollgruppe gezeigt hatten. Außerdem wurde eine Gruppe mit selbst hergestelltem Sehnerv-Homogenat (n=12) immunisiert. Eine Gruppe erhielt keine Immunisierung und diente als Kontrolle (n=10). Zur Überprüfung der Effekte des Modells dienten verschiedene Untersuchungsmethoden, wie die Augeninnendruckmessung und die Untersuchung der Fundi. Des Weiteren wurden transiente und stationäre visuell evozierte Potentiale abgeleitet und die Latenzen, Amplituden und die Marker S (Steigung) und TR (Temporale Antworten) verglichen. Außerdem erfolgte nach Tötung der Tiere die Entnahme der Gehirne und Augen. Die Gehirne wurden nach Paraffineinbettung geschnitten, mit Luxol Fast Blue und Kresylviolett gefärbt und hinsichtlich etwaiger Entmarkungsherde oder anderer Pathologien unter dem Mikroskop bewertet. Der Verlauf des intraokulären Drucks zeigte sowohl zwischen den Gruppen als auch zwischen den verschiedenen Zeitpunkten keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Er bewegte sich im physiologischen Bereich mit durchschnittlich circa 12 mmHg. Die Funduskopien lieferten zu keinem Zeitpunkt krankhafte Veränderungen. Auch die visuell evozierten Potentiale lieferten zwischen den Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede, sondern belegten normale visuelle Funktion bei allen Tieren. Die Auswertung der histologischen Untersuchung der Hirnschnitte zeigte keine Entmarkungsherde. Die erzielten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, dass der retinale Ganglienzellverlust beim Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modell ohne eine Augeninnendruckerhöhung stattfindet. Die Fundusuntersuchung und die visuell evozierten Potentiale, wie in diesem Versuchsaufbau durchgeführt, scheinen nicht sensibel genug zu sein, diese Verluste nachzuweisen. In weiteren Arbeiten sollten andere Methoden zum Nachweis der retinalen Ganglienzellverluste erprobt werden. Neben elektrophysiologischen Methoden bieten sich für das weitere Vorgehen besonders immunhistologische Methoden an. Außerdem sollten die Mechanismen erforscht werden durch die es nach der Immunisierung zur Apoptose von retinalen Ganglienzellen kommt und welche Antikörper dazuführen können. Des Weiteren ist von Interesse, ob und wie eine zelluläre Komponente an der Pathogenese des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms beteiligt ist.
Although non-organic hearing losses are relatively rare, it is important to identify suspicious findings early to be able to administer specific tests, such as objective measurements and specific counseling. In this retrospective study, we searched for findings that were specific ti or typical for non-organic hearing losses. Patient records from a 6 year period (2003-2008) from the University ENT Department of Bern, Switzerland, were reviewed. In this period, 40 subjects were diagnosed with a non-organic hearing loss (22 children, ages 7-16, mean 10.6 years; 18 adults, ages 19-57, mean 39.7 years; 25 females and 15 males). Pure tone audiograms in children and adults showed predominantly sensorineural and frequency-independent hearing losses, mostly in the range of 40-60 dB. In all cases, objective measurements (otoacoustic emissions and/or auditory-evoked potentials) indicated normal or substantially better hearing thresholds than those found in pure tone audiometry. In nine subjects (22.5%; 2 children, 7 adults), hearing aids had been fitted before the first presentation at our center. Six children (27%) had a history of middle ear problems with a transient hearing loss and 11 (50%) knew a person with a hearing loss. Two new and hitherto unreported findings emerged from the analysis: it was observed that a small air-bone gap of 5-20 dB was typical for non-organic hearing losses and that speech audiometry might show considerably poorer results than expected from pure tone audiometry.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) affects various components and segments of the peripheral nervous system differently, and thus there can be phenotypic heterogeneity. We report a 47-year-old woman with chronic sensory disturbances and proximal weakness limited to the legs. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies were normal. Somatosensory evoked potentials and imaging indicated a demyelinating process involving the lumbosacral roots. The patient responded favorably to IVIg. Although she did not fulfill the diagnostic criteria for CIDP we believe this patient represents a restricted regional CIDP variant.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) in patients with relapsing-remitting (RR-MS), secondary progressive (SP-MS), and primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PP-MS). METHODS: Clinical and neurophysiological follow up was undertaken in 24 RR-MS, eight SP-MS, and nine PP-MS patients receiving Solu-Medrol 500 mg/d over five days for exacerbations involving the motor system. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were used to measure central motor conduction time (CMCT) and the triple stimulation technique (TST) was applied to assess conduction deficits. The TST allows accurate quantification of the number of conducting central motor neurones, expressed by the TST amplitude ratio. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in TST amplitude ratio in RR-MS (p<0.001) and SP-MS patients (p<0.02) at day 5, paralleling an increase in muscle force. TST amplitude ratio and muscle force remained stable at two months. In PP-MS, TST amplitude ratio and muscle force did not change. CMCT did not change significantly in any of the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: In RR-MS and SP-MS, IVMP is followed by a prompt increase in conducting central motor neurones paralleled by improvement in muscle force, which most probably reflects partial resolution of central conduction block. The lack of similar clinical and neurophysiological changes in PP-MS corroborates previous clinical reports on limited IVMP efficacy in this patient group and points to pathophysiological differences underlying exacerbations in PP-MS.
The aim of this study is to develop a new simple method for analyzing one-dimensional transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) mapping studies in humans. Motor evoked potentials (MEP) were recorded from the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle during stimulation at nine different positions on the scalp along a line passing through the APB hot spot and the vertex. Non-linear curve fitting according to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was performed on the averaged amplitude values obtained at all points to find the best-fitting symmetrical and asymmetrical peak functions. Several peak functions could be fitted to the experimental data. Across all subjects, a symmetric, bell-shaped curve, the complementary error function (erfc) gave the best results. This function is characterized by three parameters giving its amplitude, position, and width. None of the mathematical functions tested with less or more than three parameters fitted better. The amplitude and position parameters of the erfc were highly correlated with the amplitude at the hot spot and with the location of the center of gravity of the TMS curve. In conclusion, non-linear curve fitting is an accurate method for the mathematical characterization of one-dimensional TMS curves. This is the first method that provides information on amplitude, position and width simultaneously.
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this nationwide survey carried out in department of cardiac anesthesia in Germany was to identify current practice with regard to neuromonitoring und neuroprotection. METHODOLOGY: The data are based on a questionnaire sent out to all departments of cardiac anesthesia in Germany between October 2007 und January 2008. The anonymized questionnaire contained 26 questions about the practice of preoperative evaluation of cerebral vessels, intra-operative use of neuromonitoring, the nature und application of cerebral protective measures, perfusion management during cardiopulmonary bypass, postoperative evaluation of neurological status, and training in the field of cerebral monitoring. RESULTS: Of the 80 mailed questionnaires 55% were returned and 90% of department evaluated cerebral vessels preoperatively with duplex ultrasound. The methods used for intra-operative neuromonitoring are electroencephalography (EEG, 60%) for type A dissections (38.1%), for elective surgery on the thoracic and thoraco-abdominal aorta (34.1% and 31.6%, respectively) and in carotid surgery (43.2%) near infrared spectroscopy (40%), evoked potentials (30%) and transcranial Doppler sonography (17.5%), with some centers using combined methods. In most departments the central nervous system is not subjected to monitoring during bypass surgery, heart valve surgery, or minimally invasive surgery. Cerebral protective measures used comprise patient cooling on cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB 100%), extracorporeal cooling of the head (65%) and the administration of corticosteroids (58%), barbiturates (50%) and antiepileptic drugs (10%). Neuroprotective anesthesia consists of administering inhalation anesthetics (32.5%; sevoflurane 76.5%) and intravenous anesthesia (20%; propofol and barbiturates each accounting for 46.2%). Of the departments 72.5% cool patients as a standard procedure for surgery involving cardiovascular arrest and 37.5% during all surgery using CPB. In 84.6% of department CPB flow equals calculated cardiac output (CO) under normothermia, while the desired mean arterial pressure (MAP) varies between 60 and 70 mmHg (43.9%) and between 50 and 60 mmHg (41.5%), respectively. At body temperatures less than 18 degrees C CPB flow is reduced below the calculated CO (70%) while 27% of departments use normothermic flow rates. The preferred MAP under hypothermia is between 50 and 60 mmHg (59%). The results of intra-operative neuromonitoring are documented on the anesthesia record (77%). In 42.5% of the departments postoperative neurological function is estimated by the anesthesiologist. Continuing education sessions pertaining to neuromonitoring are organized on a regular basis in 32.5% of the departments and in 37.5% individual physicians are responsible for their own neuromonitoring education. CONCLUSION: The present survey data indicate that neuromonitoring and neuroprotective therapy during CPB is not standardized in cardiac anesthesiology departments in Germany. The systemic use of available methods to implement multimodal neuromonitoring would be desirable.
Planar electrodes are increasingly used in therapeutic neural stimulation techniques such as functional electrical stimulation, epidural spinal cord stimulation (ESCS), and cortical stimulation. Recently, optimized electrode geometries have been shown to increase the efficiency of neural stimulation by increasing the variation of current density on the electrode surface. In the present work, a new family of modified fractal electrode geometries is developed to enhance the efficiency of neural stimulation. It is shown that a promising approach in increasing the neural activation function is to increase the "edginess" of the electrode surface, a concept that is explained and quantified by fractal mathematics. Rigorous finite element simulations were performed to compute electric potential produced by proposed modified fractal geometries. The activation of 256 model axons positioned around the electrodes was then quantified, showing that modified fractal geometries required a 22% less input power while maintaining the same level of neural activation. Preliminary in vivo experiments investigating muscle evoked potentials due to median nerve stimulation showed encouraging results, supporting the feasibility of increasing neural stimulation efficiency using modified fractal geometries.
Object Resection of lesions close to the primary motor cortex (M1) and the corticospinal tract (CST) is generally regarded as high-risk surgery due to reported rates of postoperative severe deficits of up to 50%. The authors' objective was to determine the feasibility and safety of low-threshold motor mapping and its efficacy for increasing the extent of lesion resection in the proximity of M1 and the CST in children and adolescents. Methods The authors analyzed 8 consecutive pediatric patients in whom they performed 9 resections for lesions within or close (≤ 10 mm) to M1 and/or the CST. Monopolar high-frequency motor mapping with train-of-five stimuli (pulse duration 500 μsec, interstimulus interval 4.0 msec, frequency 250 Hz) was used. The motor threshold was defined as the minimal stimulation intensity that elicited motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from target muscles (amplitude > 30 μV). Resection was performed toward M1 and the CST at sites negative to 1- to 3-mA high-frequency train-of-five stimulation. Results The M1 was identified through high-frequency train-of-five via application of varying low intensities. The lowest motor thresholds after final resection ranged from 1 to 9 mA in 8 cases and up to 18 mA in 1 case, indicating proximity to motor neurons. Intraoperative electroencephalography documented an absence of seizures during all surgeries. Two transient neurological deficits were observed, but there were no permanent deficits. Postoperative imaging revealed complete resection in 8 patients and a very small remnant (< 0.175 cm(3)) in 1 patient. Conclusions High-frequency train-of-five with a minimal threshold of 1-3 mA is a feasible and safe procedure for resections in the proximity of the CST. Thus, low-threshold motor mapping might help to expand the area for safe resection in pediatric patients with lesions located within the precentral gyrus and close to the CST, and may be regarded as a functional navigational tool. The additional use of continuous MEP monitoring serves as a safety feedback for the functional integrity of the CST, especially because the true excitability threshold in children is unknown.
The electrophysiological properties of acute and chronic methylphenidate (MPD) on neurons of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and caudate nucleus (CN) have not been studied in awake, freely behaving animals. The present study was designed to investigate the dose-response effects of MPD on sensory evoked potentials recorded from the PFC and CN in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes, as well as their behavioral (locomotor) activities. On experimental day 1, locomotor behavior of rats was recorded for 2 h post-saline injection, and sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10 mg/kg, i.p., MPD administration. Animals were injected for the next five days with daily 2.5 mg/kg MPD to elicit behavioral sensitization. Locomotor recording was resumed on experimental days 2 and 6 after the MPD maintenance dose followed by 3 days of washout. On experimental day 10, rats were connected again to the electrophysiological recording system and rechallenged with saline and the identical MPD doses as on experimental day 1. On experimental day 11, rat's locomotor recording was resumed before and after 2.5 mg/kg MPD administration. Behavioral results showed that repeated administration of MPD induced behavioral sensitization. Challenge doses (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) of MPD on experimental day 1 elicited dose-response attenuation in the response amplitude of the average sensory evoked field potential components recorded from the PFC and CN. Chronic MPD administration resulted in attenuation of the PFC's baseline recorded on experimental day 10, while the same treatment did not modulate the baseline recorded from the CN. Treatment of MPD on experimental day 10 resulted in further decrease of the average sensory evoked response compared to that obtained on experimental day 1. This observation of further decrease in the electrophysiological responses after chronic administration of MPD suggests that the sensory evoked responses on experimental day 10 represent neurophysiological sensitization. Moreover, two different response patterns were obtained from PFC and CN following chronic methylphenidate administration. In PFC, the baseline and effect of methylphenidate expressed electrophysiological sensitization on experimental day 10, while recording from CN did not exhibit any electrophysiological sensitization.
Familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM1) is an autosomal dominant subtype of migraine with aura that is associated with hemiparesis. As with other types of migraine, it affects women more frequently than men. FHM1 is caused by mutations in the CACNA1A gene, which encodes the alpha1A subunit of Cav2.1 channels; the R192Q mutation in CACNA1A causes a mild form of FHM1, whereas the S218L mutation causes a severe, often lethal phenotype. Spreading depression (SD), a slowly propagating neuronal and glial cell depolarization that leads to depression of neuronal activity, is the most likely cause of migraine aura. Here, we have shown that transgenic mice expressing R192Q or S218L FHM1 mutations have increased SD frequency and propagation speed; enhanced corticostriatal propagation; and, similar to the human FHM1 phenotype, more severe and prolonged post-SD neurological deficits. The susceptibility to SD and neurological deficits is affected by allele dosage and is higher in S218L than R192Q mutants. Further, female S218L and R192Q mutant mice were more susceptible to SD and neurological deficits than males. This sex difference was abrogated by ovariectomy and senescence and was partially restored by estrogen replacement, implicating ovarian hormones in the observed sex differences in humans with FHM1. These findings demonstrate that genetic and hormonal factors modulate susceptibility to SD and neurological deficits in FHM1 mutant mice, providing a potential mechanism for the phenotypic diversity of human migraine and aura.
Ocular dominance (OD) plasticity is a robust paradigm for examining the functional consequences of synaptic plasticity. Previous experimental and theoretical results have shown that OD plasticity can be accounted for by known synaptic plasticity mechanisms, using the assumption that deprivation by lid suture eliminates spatial structure in the deprived channel. Here we show that in the mouse, recovery from monocular lid suture can be obtained by subsequent binocular lid suture but not by dark rearing. This poses a significant challenge to previous theoretical results. We therefore performed simulations with a natural input environment appropriate for mouse visual cortex. In contrast to previous work, we assume that lid suture causes degradation but not elimination of spatial structure, whereas dark rearing produces elimination of spatial structure. We present experimental evidence that supports this assumption, measuring responses through sutured lids in the mouse. The change in assumptions about the input environment is sufficient to account for new experimental observations, while still accounting for previous experimental results.
Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a lysosomal sphingolipid storage disorder caused by the deficiency of arylsulfatase A. The disease is characterized by progressive demyelination, causing various neurologic symptoms. Since no naturally occurring animal model of the disease is available, we have generated arylsulfatase A-deficient mice. Deficient animals store the sphingolipid cerebroside-3-sulfate in various neuronal and nonneuronal tissues. The storage pattern is comparable to that of affected humans, but gross defects of white matter were not observed up to the age of 2 years. A reduction of axonal cross-sectional area and an astrogliosis were observed in 1-year-old mice; activation of microglia started at 1 year and was generalized at 2 years. Purkinje cell dendrites show an altered morphology. In the acoustic ganglion numbers of neurons and myelinated fibers are severely decreased, which is accompanied by a loss of brainstem auditory-evoked potentials. Neurologic examination reveals significant impairment of neuromotor coordination.
During early development, interactions between the two eyes are critical in the formation of eye-specific domains within the lateral geniculate nucleus and the visual cortex. When monocular enucleation is done early in prenatal life, it induces remarkable anatomical and functional reorganizations of the visual pathways. Behavioral data have shown a loss in sensitivity to low-spatial-frequency gratings in cats. To correlate the behavioral observations with a possible change in the analysis of contrast at the level of primary visual areas we recorded visual evoked potentials at the 17/18 border in two cats enucleated prenatally (gestational age at enucleation, 39-42 days), three neonatal, two control animals, and one animal with a surgical removal of Y-ganglion fibers. Our results show a strong attenuation in the amplitude of response at all contrast values for gratings of low spatial frequency in prenatally enucleated cats, whereas neonatally enucleated and control animals present responses of comparable amplitude. We conclude that the behavioral results reflect the reduced sensitivity for low frequencies of visual cortical neurons. In addition, we define a critical period for the development of the contrast-sensitivity function that seems to be limited to the prenatal gestation period. We suggest that the prenatal interruption of binocular interactions leads to a functional elimination of the Y-ganglion system.
Introdução: O implante coclear (IC) amplamente aceito como forma de intervenção e (re) habilitação nas perdas auditivas severas e profundas nas diversas faixas etárias. Contudo observa-se no usuário do IC unilateral queixas como localização e compreensão sonora em meio ao ruído, gerado pelo padrão anormal de estimulação sensorial. A fim de fornecer os benefícios da audição binaural, é preconizado a estimulação bilateral, seja por meio do IC bilateral ou com a adaptação de um aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) contralateralmente ao IC. Esta última condição é referida como estimulação bimodal, quando temos, concomitantemente dois modos de estimulação: Elétrica (IC) e acústica (AASI). Não há dados suficientes na literatura voltados à população infantil que esclareça ou demonstre o desenvolvimento do córtex auditivo na audição bimodal. Ressalta-se que não foram encontrados estudos em crianças. Objetivo: Caracterizar o PEAC complexo P1, N1 P2 em usuários da estimulação bimodal e verificar se há correlação com testes de percepção de fala. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo de séries de casos, com a realização do PEAC em cinco crianças usuárias da estimulação bimodal, a partir da metodologia proposta por Ventura (2008) utilizando o sistema Smart EP USB Jr da Intelligent Hearing Systems. Foi utilizado o som de fala /da/, apresentado em campo livre. O exame será realizado em três situações: Somente IC, IC e AASI e somente AASI. A análise dos dados dos potenciais corticais foi realizada após a marcação da presença ou ausência dos componentes do complexo P1-N1-P2 por dois juízes com experiência em potenciais evocados. Resultados: Foi obtida a captação do PEAC em todas as crianças em todas as situações de teste, além do que foi possível observar a correlação destes com os testes de percepção auditiva da fala. Foi possível verificar que o registro dos PEAC é um procedimento viável para a avaliação da criança com estimulação bimodal, porém, ainda não há dados suficientes quanto a utilização deste para a avaliação e indicação do IC bilateral.