972 resultados para blood volume expansion


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L’objectif de cette maîtrise est de développer une matrice alimentaire sans gluten par l’incorporation des protéines de canola (PC) dans une farine de riz blanc afin d’offrir aux personnes intolérantes au gluten un produit de bonne qualité d’un point de vue organoleptique (volume massique, structure alvéolaire et couleur) et de valeur nutritionnelle. La matrice sélectionnée est du pain à base de farine de riz blanc. Cinq formulations ont été testées dans la première partie de ce travail : témoin-1 (blé tendre), témoin-2 (100% riz), pain de riz +3% PC, pain de riz + 6% PC, pain de riz + 9% PC. Les produits obtenus ont été caractérisés à toutes les étapes de fabrication en utilisant différentes techniques : poussée volumique, variation thermique au cours des étuvages et de la cuisson, pH (acidité), perte d’eau, volume massique, analyse colorimétrique, dosage des protéines et analyse du profil de la texture. Dans la deuxième partie, deux variables indépendantes ont été additionnées; soit shortening (1, 2, 3%) et gomme de xanthane (0.5, 1, 1.5%), dans le but d’améliorer le volume massique de la meilleure formulation obtenue dans l’étape précédente. Ensuite, des essais de correction ont été attribués aux produits obtenus par l’introduction du bicarbonate de sodium (0.5, 1, 1.5%) et d’huile de canola à la place du shortening (1, 2, 3%). Les tests de panification ont donné différents volumes massiques et structures alvéolaires qui étaient jugés de qualité inférieure à celle du témoin-1 (2.518 mL/g), mais largement supérieure à celle du témoin-2 (1.417 mL/g). Le meilleur volume massique obtenu est de 1.777 mL/g, correspondant à celui du pain obtenu par la combinaison 6%PC+0.5%GH+B 1.5%+ H3%. Finalement, les résultats de ce projet ont montré l’impact positif de l’incorporation des protéines de canola dans un pain sans gluten à base de farine de riz blanc. Ce travail constitue une contribution à la possibilité de substituer le gluten par d’autres protéines ayant de bonnes propriétés techno-fonctionnelles, en particulier la capacité à donner du volume au produit final.


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During pregnancy, the maternal cardiovascular system undergoes major adaptation. One of these changes is a 40-50 % increase in circulating blood volume which requires a systemic remodelling of the vasculature in order to regulate maternal blood pressure and maximise blood supply to the developing placenta and fetus. These changes are broadly conserved between humans and rats making them an appropriate pre-clinical model in which to study the underlying mechanisms of pregnancy-dependent cardiovascular remodelling. Whilst women are normally protected against cardiovascular disease; pregnancy marks a period of time where women are susceptible to cardiovascular complications. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the United Kingdom; in particular hypertensive conditions are among the most common complications of pregnancy. One of the main underlying pathologies of these pregnancy complications is thought to be a failure of the maternal cardiovascular system to adapt. The remodelling of the uterine arteries, which directly supply the maternal-fetal interface, is paramount to a healthy pregnancy. Failure of the uterine arteries to remodel sufficiently can result in a number of obstetric complications such as preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction and spontaneous pregnancy loss. At present, it is poorly understood whether this deficient vascular response is due to a predisposition from existing maternal cardiovascular risk factors, the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy or a combination of both. Previous work in our group employed the stroke prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) as a model to investigate pregnancy-dependent remodelling of the uterine arteries. The SHRSP develops hypertension from 6 weeks of age and can be contrasted with the control strain, the Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat. The phenotype of the SHRSP is therefore reflective of the clinical situation of maternal chronic hypertension during pregnancy. We showed that the SHRSP exhibited a deficient uterine artery remodelling response with respect to both structure and function accompanied by a reduction in litter size relative to the WKY at gestational day (GD) 18. A previous intervention study using nifedipine in the SHRSP achieved successful blood pressure reduction from 6 weeks of age and throughout pregnancy; however uterine artery remodelling and litter size at GD18 was not improved. We concluded that the abnormal uterine artery remodelling present in the SHRSP was independent of chronic hypertension. From these findings, we hypothesised that the SHRSP could be a novel model of spontaneously deficient uterine artery remodelling in response to pregnancy which was underpinned by other as yet unidentified cardiovascular risk factors. In Chapter 1 of this thesis, I have characterised the maternal, placental and fetal phenotype in pregnant (GD18) SHRSP and WKY. The pregnant SHRSP exhibit features of left ventricular hypertrophy in response to pregnancy and altered expression of maternal plasma biomarkers which have been previously associated with hypertension in human pregnancy. I developed a protocol for accurate dissection of the rat uteroplacental unit using qPCR probes specific for each layer. This allowed me to make an accurate and specific statement about gene expression in the SHRSP GD18 placenta; where oxidative stress related gene markers were increased in the vascular compartments. The majority of SHRSP placenta presented at GD18 with a blackened ring which encircled the tissue. Further investigation of the placenta using western blot for caspase 3 cleavage determined that this was likely due to increased cell death in the SHRSP placenta. The SHRSP also presented with a loss of one particular placental cell type at GD18: the glycogen cells. These cells could have been the target of cell death in the SHRSP placenta or were utilised early in pregnancy as a source of energy due to the deficient uterine artery blood supply. Blastocyst implantation was not altered but resorption rate was increased between SHRSP and WKY; indicating that the reduction in litter size in the SHRSP was primarily due to late (>GD14) pregnancy loss. Fetal growth was not restricted in SHRSP which led to the conclusion that SHRSP sacrifice part of their litter to deliver a smaller number of healthier pups. Activation of the immune system is a common pathway that has been implicated in the development of both hypertension and adverse pregnancy outcome. In Chapter 2, I proposed that this may be a mechanism of interest in SHRSP pregnancy and measured the pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNFα, as a marker of inflammation in pregnant SHRSP and WKY and in the placentas from these animals. TNFα was up-regulated in maternal plasma and urine from the GD18 SHRSP. In addition, TNFα release was increased from the GD18 SHRSP placenta as was the expression of the pro-inflammatory TNFα receptor 1 (Tnfr1). In order to investigate whether this excess TNFα was detrimental to SHRSP pregnancy, a vehicle-controlled intervention study using etanercept (a monoclonal antibody which works as a TNFα antagonist) was carried out. Etanercept treatment at GD0, 6, 12 and 18 resulted in an improvement in pregnancy outcome in the SHRSP with an increased litter size and reduced resorption rate. Furthermore, there was an improved uterine artery function in GD18 SHRSP treated with etanercept which was associated with an improved uterine artery blood flow over the course of gestation. In Chapter 3, I sought to identify the source of this detrimental excess of TNFα by designing a panel for maternal leukocytes in the blood and placenta at GD18. A population of CD3- CD161+ cells, which are defined as rat natural killer (NK) cells, were increased in number in the SHRSP. Intracellular flow cytometry also identified this cell type as a source of excess TNFα in blood and placenta from pregnant SHRSP. I then went on to evaluate the effects of etanercept treatment on these CD3- CD161+ cells and showed that etanercept reduced the expression of CD161 and the cytotoxic molecule, granzyme B, in the NK cells. Thus, etanercept limits the cytotoxicity and potential damaging effect of these NK cells in the SHRSP placenta. Analysing the urinary peptidome has clinical potential to identify novel pathways involved with disease and/or to develop biomarker panels to aid and stratify diagnosis. In Chapter 4, I utilised the SHRSP as a pre-clinical model to identify novel urinary peptides associated with hypertensive pregnancy. Firstly, a characterisation study was carried out in the kidney of the WKY and SHRSP. Urine samples from WKY and SHRSP taken at pre-pregnancy, mid-pregnancy (GD12) and late pregnancy (GD18) were used in the peptidomic screen. In order to capture peptides which were markers of hypertensive pregnancy from the urinary peptidomic data, I focussed on those that were only changed in a strain dependent manner at GD12 and 18 and not pre-pregnancy. Peptide fragments from the uromodulin protein were identified from this analysis to be increased in pregnant SHRSP relative to pregnant WKY. This increase in uromodulin was validated at the SHRSP kidney level using qPCR. Uromodulin has previously been identified to be a candidate molecule involved in systemic arterial hypertension but not in hypertensive pregnancy thus is a promising target for further study. In summary, we have characterised the SHRSP as the first model of maternal chronic hypertension during pregnancy and identified that inflammation mediated by TNFα and NK cells plays a key role in the pathology. The evidence presented in this thesis establishes the SHRSP as a pre-clinical model for pregnancy research and can be continued into clinical studies in pregnant women with chronic hypertension which remains an area of unmet research need.


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Introducción: El monitoreo hemodinámico es una herramienta para diagnosticar el choque cardiogénico y monitorear la respuesta al tratamiento; puede ser invasivo, mínimamente invasivo o no invasivo. Se realiza rutinariamente con catéter de arteria pulmonar (CAP) o catéter de Swan Ganz; nuevas técnicas de monitoreo hemodinámico mínimamente invasivo tienen menor tasa de complicaciones. Actualmente se desconoce cuál técnica de monitoreo cuenta con mayor seguridad en el paciente con choque cardiogénico. Objetivo: Evaluar la seguridad del monitoreo hemodinámico invasivo comparado con el mínimamente invasivo en pacientes con choque cardiogénico en cuidado intensivo adultos. Diseño: Revisión sistemática de la literatura. Búsqueda en Pubmed, EMBASE, OVID - Cochrane Library, Lilacs, Scielo, registros de ensayos clínicos, actas de conferencias, repositorios, búsqueda de literatura gris en Google Scholar, Teseo y Open Grey hasta agosto de 2016, publicados en inglés y español. Resultados: Se identificó un único estudio con 331 pacientes críticamente enfermos que comparó el monitoreo hemodinámico con CAP versus PiCCO que concluyó que después de la corrección de los factores de confusión, la elección del tipo de monitoreo no influyó en los resultados clínicos más importantes en términos de complicaciones y mortalidad. Dado que se incluyeron otros diagnósticos, no es posible extrapolar los resultados sólo a choque cardiogénico. Conclusión: En la literatura disponible no hay evidencia de que el monitoreo hemodinámico invasivo comparado con el mínimamente invasivo, en pacientes adultos críticamente enfermos con choque cardiogénico, tenga diferencias en cuanto a complicaciones y mortalidad.


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Introduction The maternal vasculature undergoes significant adaptations during pregnancy to meet the increased metabolic demands of the developing fetus. These adaptations include increased cardiac output and blood volume, as well as reduced systemic vascular resistance. In Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) there is an impaired cardiovascular adaptation to pregnancy with effects extending beyond pregnancy. In the present study we aimed to characterize long-term cardiovascular status of women who suffered from HDP. Methods Fifty-eight women who attended at least one post-partum visit and a follow-up visit after at least 5 years from delivery were enrolled in the study. Exclusion criteria included multiple pregnancy, fetal genetic or congenital abnormalities, maternal history of organ transplantation, or chronic renal failure (eGFR≤45ml/min/1.73m2). In the follow-up visit participants underwent a complete cardiovascular assessment including echocardiography and multiparametric vascular function assessment. Results and Discussion Two major cardiovascular events, one stroke and one myocardial infarction, occurred both in women with index-pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia (PE). While not statistically significant, women with HDP-non-PE and PE displayed a trend towards an increased risk of developing composite cardiovascular outcome, and women with PE tended to experience it sooner. Nearly half of the women with a history of HDP, whether PE or HDP-non-PE, developed chronic hypertension. Some women also developed hyperuricemia, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and type 2 diabetes at follow- up, most of them had a previous history of PE. Structural and functional cardiac changes were observed in a few cases, especially among women with PE, and vascular dysfunction was more common in women with a history of HDP compared to those with normotensive pregnancies. Results of the present study adds on literature on long-term cardiovascular impact of HDP and further emphasize the importance of a timely follow-up of women who suffered from HDP and particularly PE.


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Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV), as well as that of the CAGE questionnaire, in workplace screening for alcohol abuse/dependence. Methods: A total of 183 male employees were submitted to structured interviews (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV 2.0 and CAGE questionnaire). Blood samples were collected. Diagnostic accuracy and odds ratio were determined for the CAGE, GGT and MCV. Results: The CAGE questionnaire presented the best sensitivity for alcohol dependence (91%; specificity, 87.8%) and for alcohol abuse (87.5%, specificity, 80.9%), which increased when the questionnaire was used in combination with GGT (sensitivity, 100% and 87.5%, respectively; specificity, 68% and 61.5, respectively). CAGE positive results and/or alterations in GGT were less likely to occur among employees not presenting alcohol abuse/ dependence than among those presenting such abuse (OR for CAGE = 13, p < 0.05; OR for CAGE-GGT = 11, p < 0.05) or dependence (OR for CAGE = 76, p < 0.0 1; OR for GGT = 5, p < 0.0 1). Employees not presenting alcohol abuse/dependence were also several times more likely to present negative CAGE or GGT results. Conclusions: The use short, simple questionnaires, combined with that of low-cost biochemical markers, such as GGT, can serve as an initial screening for alcohol-related problems, especially for employees in hazardous occupations. The data provided can serve to corroborate clinical findings. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Black-blood fast spin-echo imaging is a powerful technique for the evaluation of cardiac anatomy. To avoid fold-over artifacts, using a sufficiently large field of view in phase-encoding direction is mandatory. The related oversampling affects scanning time and respiratory chest motion artifacts are commonly observed. The excitation of a volume that exclusively includes the heart without its surrounding structures may help to improve scan efficiency and minimize motion artifacts. Therefore, and by building on previously reported inner-volume approach, the combination of a black-blood fast spin-echo sequence with a two-dimensionally selective radiofrequency pulse is proposed for selective "local excitation" small field of view imaging of the heart. This local excitation technique has been developed, implemented, and tested in phantoms and in vivo. With this method, small field of view imaging of a user-specified region in the human thorax is feasible, scanning becomes more time efficient, motion artifacts can be minimized, and additional flexibility in the choice of imaging parameters can be exploited.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of first morning urinary volume (collected on three different non-consecutive days), fasting blood glucose (determined on the first and third days of urine collection), and glycosylated hemoglobin (determined on the first and third days of urine collection) on the albumin concentration in first morning urine samples collected on three different days. We found 3.6% asymptomatic bacteriuria in the urine samples; therefore, every urine sample must be tested to exclude infection. One hundred and fifty urine samples were provided by 50 IDDM patients aged 21.9 ± 7 (12-38) years with a disease duration of 6.8 ± 5.8 (0.4-31) years attending the Diabetes Clinic at the State University Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. There were no differences in albumin concentration (6.1 vs 5.8 vs 6.2 µg/ml; P = NS) or urinary volume (222.5 vs 210 vs 200 ml) between the three samples. In addition, there were no differences in fasting blood glucose (181.9 ± 93.6 vs 194.6 ± 104.7 mg%; P = NS) or glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1)(8.4 ± 1.3 vs 8.8 ± 1.5%; P = NS) between the first and third blood samples. Six patients (group 1) had a mean urinary albumin concentration of more than 20 µg/ml for the three urine samples. This group was compared with the 44 patients (group 2) with a mean urinary albumin concentration for the three urine samples of less than 20 µg/ml. No difference was found between groups 1 and 2 in relation to fasting blood glucose (207.1 ± 71.7 vs 187.6 ± 84.6 mg/dl), HbA1 (8.1 ± 0.9 vs 8.6 ± 1.1%) or urinary volume [202 (48.3-435) vs 246 (77.3-683.3) ml]. Stepwise multiple regression analysis with albumin concentration of first morning urine samples as the dependent variable, and urinary volume, fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin as independent variables, showed that only 12% (P = 0.01) of the albumin concentration could be accounted for by the independent effect of morning urine volume on the first day of urine collection. No urine samples showed a change in the cutoff level of 20 µg/ml of albumin concentration as the result of volume. Fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin did not influence the urinary albumin concentration. Considerable variability in urinary albumin concentration was found in the three morning urine samples with a mean intraindividual coefficient variation of 56%. In conclusion, in the present study, urinary volume had a minimal, though not constant, effect on first morning urinary albumin concentration. Day-to-day metabolic and clinical control of IDDM patients, except probably for ketoacidosis, should not contraindicate microalbuminuria screening in first morning urine samples


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Male Holtzman rats weighting 200-250 g were anesthetized with zoletil 50 mg/Kg (tiletamine chloridrate 125.0 mg and zolazepan chloridrate 125.0 mg) into quadriceps muscle and stainless steel cannulas were implanted into their supraoptic nucleus (SON). We investigated the effects of the injection into the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of FK 409, a nitric oxide donor, and N(W-)nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (NOS), on the salivary secretion, arterial blood pressure, sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine, which was injected into SON. The drugs were injected in 0.5 mul volume over 30-60 s. Controls was injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. FK 409 and L-NAME were injected at doses of 20 mug/0.5 mul and 40 mug/0.5 mul. respectively. The amount of saliva secretion was studied over a five-minute period after injection of pilocarpine into SON. Injection of pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 mug/mul) into SON produced a dose-dependent increase in salivary secretion. L-NAME was injected into SON prior to the injection of pilocarpine into SON, producing an increase in salivary secretion due to the effect of pilocarpine. FK 409 injected into SON attenuating the increase in salivary secretion induced by pilocarpine. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) increase after injections of pilocarpine into the SON. L-NAME injected into the SON prior to injection of pilocarpine into SON increased the MAP. FK 409 injected into the SON prior to pilocarpine attenuated the effect of pilocarpine on MAP. Pilocarpine (0.5 mumol/0.5 mul) injected into the SON induced an increase in sodium and urinary excretion. L-NAME injected prior to pilocarpine into the SON increased the urinary sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. FK 409 injected prior to pilocarpine into the SON decreased the sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. All these roles of pilocarpine depend on the release of nitric oxide into the SON. In summary the present results show: a) SON is involved in pilocarpine-induced salivation; b) that mechanism involves increase in MAP, sodium excretion and urinary volume. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ability of rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) red blood cells to volume regulate in vitro has been investigated. Blood was drawn through a catheter inserted in the dorsal aorta and equilibrated to gas mixtures of different composition. Cells shrunken osmotically by increasing the extracellular osmolarity from approximate to 291 mosm l(-1) (n = 3) to approximate to 632 mosm l(-1) (calculated) only partially regulated their volume back towards the original volume either at pH 7.51 +/- 0.05 (mean +/- S.D., n = 5) or pH 7.20 +/- 0.06 (mean +/- S.D., n = 3), There was no improvement of the regulatory volume increase at low haemoglobin oxygen saturation. The limited volume restoration was inhibited by separate additions of amiloride (10(-4) M) or DIDS (10(-4) M) suggesting involvement of the Na+/H+ and Cl-/HCO3- exchangers. Cells that were swollen osmotically by an approximate to 30% dilution of the extracellular medium also exhibited a limited ability to recover their volume. Therefore, these cells show little ability to volume regulate when exposed to in vitro conditions that shrink or swell the cell. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Red blood cells (RBCs) from most vertebrates restore volume upon hypertonic shrinkage and the mechanisms underlying this regulatory volume increase (RVI) have been studied extensively in these cells. Despite the phylogenetically interesting position of reptiles, very little is known about their red cell function. The present study demonstrates that oxygenated RBCs in all major groups of reptiles exhibit no or a very reduced RVI upon -25% calculated hyperosmotic shrinkage. Thus, RBCs from the snakes Crotalus durissus and Python regius, the turtle Trachemys scripta and the alligator Alligator mississippiensis showed no statistically significant RVI within 120 min after shrinkage, while the lizard Tupinambis merianae showed 22% volume recovery after 120 min. Amiloride (10(-4) M) and bumetanide (10(-5) M) had no effect on the RVI in T merianae, indicating no involvement of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) or the Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) co-transporter (NKCC) or insentive transporters. Deoxygenation of RBCs from A. mississippiensis and T merianae did not significantly affect RVI upon shrinkage. Deoxygenation per se of red blood cells from T merianae elicited a slow volume increase, but the mechanism was not characterized. It seems, therefore, that the RVI response based on NHE activation was lost among the early sauropsids that gave rise to modern reptiles and birds, while it was retained in mammals. An RVI response has then reappeared in birds, but based on activation of the NKCC. Alternatively, the absence of the RVI response may represent the most ancient condition, and could have evolved several times within vertebrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Accumulating evidence suggests an association between body volume overload and inflammation in chronic kidney diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of dialysate sodium concentration reduction on extracellular water volume, blood pressure (BP), and inflammatory state in hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this prospective controlled study, adult patients on HD for at least 90 days and those with C-reactive protein (CRP) levels ≥ 0.7 mg/dL were randomly allocated into two groups: group A, which included 29 patients treated with reduction of dialysate sodium concentration from 138 to 135 mEq/L; and group B, which included 23 HD patients not receiving dialysate sodium reduction (controls). Of these, 20 patients in group A and 18 in group B completed the protocol study. Inflammatory, biochemical, hematological, and nutritional markers were assessed at baseline and after 8 and 16 weeks. Baseline characteristics were not significantly different between the two groups. Group A showed a significant reduction in serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6 over the study period, while the BP and extracellular water (ECW) did not change. In Group B, there were no changes in serum concentrations of inflammatory markers, BP, and ECW. Dialysate sodium reduction is associated with attenuation of the inflammatory state, without changes in the BP and ECW, suggesting inhibition of a salt-induced inflammatory response. Copyright © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a source of hematopoietic stem cells that initially was used exclusively for the hematopoietic reconstitution of pediatric patients. It is now suggested for use for adults as well, a fact that increases the pressure to obtain units with high cellularity. Therefore, the optimization of UCB processing is a priority.


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BACKGROUND: The postoperative assessment of volume status is not straightforward because of concomitant changes in intravascular volume and vascular tone. Hypovolemia and blood flow redistribution may compromise the perfusion of the intraabdominal organs. We investigated the effects of a volume challenge in different intra- and extraabdominal vascular beds. METHODS: Twelve pigs were studied 6 h after major intraabdominal surgery under general anesthesia when clinically normovolemic. Volume challenges consisted of 200 mL rapidly infused 6% hydroxyethyl starch. Systemic (continuous thermodilution) and regional (ultrasound Doppler) flows in carotid, renal, celiac trunk, hepatic, and superior mesenteric arteries and the portal vein were continuously measured. The acute and sustained effects of the challenge were compared with baseline. RESULTS: Volume challenge produced a sustained increase of 22% +/- 15% in cardiac output (P < 0.001). Blood flow increased by 10% +/- 9% in the renal artery, by 22% +/- 15% in the carotid artery, by 26% +/- 15% in the superior mesenteric artery, and by 31% +/- 20% in the portal vein (all P < 0.001). Blood flow increases in the celiac trunk (8% +/- 13%) and the hepatic artery (7% +/- 19%) were not significant. Increases in regional blood flow occurred early and were sustained. Mean arterial and central venous blood pressures increased early and decreased later (all P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A volume challenge in clinically euvolemic postoperative animals was associated with a sustained increase in blood flow to all vascular beds, although the increase in the celiac trunk and the hepatic artery was very modest and did not reach statistical significance. Whether improved postoperative organ perfusion is accompanied by a lower complication rate should be evaluated in further studies.


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Human hematopoiesis originates in a population of stem cells with transplantable lympho-myeloid reconstituting potential, but a method for quantitating such cells has not been available. We now describe a simple assay that meets this need. It is based on the ability of sublethally irradiated immunodeficient nonobese diabetic–scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mice to be engrafted by intravenously injected human hematopoietic cells and uses limiting dilution analysis to measure the frequency of human cells that produce both CD34−CD19+ (B-lymphoid) and CD34+ (myeloid) colony-forming cell progeny in the marrow of such recipients 6 to 8 weeks post-transplant. Human cord blood (CB) contains ≈5 of these competitive repopulating units (CRU) per ml that have a similar distribution between the CD38− and CD38+ subsets of CD34+ CB cells as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) (4:1 vs. 2:1). Incubation of purified CD34+CD38− human CB cells in serum-free medium containing flt-3 ligand, Steel factor, interleukin 3, interleukin 6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for 5–8 days resulted in a 100-fold expansion of colony-forming cells, a 4-fold expansion of LTC-IC, and a 2-fold (but significant, P < 0.02) increase in CRU. The culture-derived CRU, like the original CB CRU, generated pluripotent, erythroid, granulopoietic, megakaryopoietic, and pre-B cell progeny upon transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. These findings demonstrate an equivalent phenotypic heterogeneity amongst human CB cells detectable as CRU and LTC-IC. In addition, their similarly modest response to stimulation by a combination of cytokines that extensively amplify LTC-IC from normal adult marrow underscores the importance of ontogeny-dependent changes in human hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and self-renewal.