934 resultados para automation control
In this work, we proposes a control strategy that allows the remote manipulator follow the local manipulator through the state convergence even if it has a delay in the communication channel. The bilateral control of the teleoperator system considers the case were the human operator applies a constant force on the local manipulator and when the interaction of the remote manipulator with the environment is considered passive. The stability analysis was performed using Lyapunov- Krasovskii functional, it showed for the case with constant delay, that using a proposed control algorithm by state convergence resulted in asymptotically stable, local and remote the nonlinear teleoperation system.
This paper presents an adaptation of the Cross-Entropy (CE) method to optimize fuzzy logic controllers. The CE is a recently developed optimization method based on a general Monte-Carlo approach to combinatorial and continuous multi-extremal optimization and importance sampling. This work shows the application of this optimization method to optimize the inputs gains, the location and size of the different membership functions' sets of each variable, as well as the weight of each rule from the rule's base of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The control system approach presented in this work was designed to command the orientation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to modify its trajectory for avoiding collisions. An onboard looking forward camera was used to sense the environment of the UAV. The information extracted by the image processing algorithm is the only input of the fuzzy control approach to avoid the collision with a predefined object. Real tests with a quadrotor have been done to corroborate the improved behavior of the optimized controllers at different stages of the optimization process.
En este proyecto, se pretende obtener la solución óptima para el control del hogar digital accesible. Para ello, comenzaremos explicando el funcionamiento básico de un sistema dómotico, enumeraremos los diversos dispositivos que se utilizan en este tipo de automatizaciones, y comentaremos las diferentes posibilidades con respecto a la arquitectura del sistema. Para elegir la opción más adecuada, se realizará un pequeño estudio a acerca de cada una de las tecnologías existentes, protocolos cerrados, y abiertos, así como tecnologías inalámbricas o de bus. Se realizará un estudio con mayor profundidad del estándar KNX, ya que será una de las tecnologías elegidas finalmente para la realización del proyecto. Una vez elegido el estándar, hemos de centrarnos en las necesidades del recinto, para así poder empezar a definir cada uno de los elementos que incluiremos en nuestra instalación, sensores, actuadores, elementos de intercomunicación, procesadores y dispositivos de control. El siguiente paso consistiría en la programación de la vivienda, para ello hemos de tener previamente estructurados y definidos tanto el número de circuitos eléctricos, como la función que estos desempeñan dentro del recinto inteligente, es decir, accionamiento, regulación etc, para así poder asignar cada circuito a la salida correspondiente de su propio actuador. La vivienda se programará a través de ETS, software asociado a la marca KNX. Mediante este protocolo controlaremos, iluminación, motores, climatización y seguridad. Debido a los recursos limitados que ofrece KNX con respecto a la programación lógica de eventos y secuencias de acciones, y la necesidad de visualizar la interfaz gráfica de la vivienda se ha integrado un procesador. Considerando el deseo de integrar el control de un televisor en la vivienda, futuras ampliaciones y otros aspectos, el procesador integrado será de Crestron Electronics, marca correspondiente a un protocolo cerrado de automatización de sistemas, que cuenta con grandes avances en el control multimedia. Por tanto, la segunda parte de la programación se realizará mediante otros dos softwares diferentes, pertenecientes a la marca, Simple Windows se encargará de la programación lógica del sistema, mientras que Vision Tools creará la visualización. Por último, obtendremos las conclusiones necesarias, adjuntaremos un diagrama de conexionado, presupuesto de la instalación, planos y un pequeño manual de usuario. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to optimize the environment control of the Accesible Digital Home unit located in ETSIST - UPM, through different essays, valuing the domestic possibilities and the current interfaces. The tests will be carried out comparing different protocols and the possibilities of optimization that they offer to a Digital Home. Aspects such as: ease the communications with other systems, reliability, costs, long term maintenance of the installation, etc. After conducting trials protocol or most appropriate technology for the automation of the enclosure shall be elected. One Chosen the standard, we have to focus on the needs of the enclosure, so, to begin defining each of the elements included in our installation, sensors, actuators, elements intercom, processors and control devices. The next step is the programing of housing, for that we have previously structured and defined both the number of electrical circuits, as the role they play in the intelligent enclosure, that is, switching, dimming etc., in order to assign each circuit to the corresponding output of its own actuator. The house will be scheduled through ETS, software associated with the brand KNX. Through this protocol we will control, lighting, motors, air conditioning and security. Due to the limited resources available in KNX with respect logic programming of events and sequences of actions, and the need to display the graphical interface housing has been integrated processor belonging to the closed protocol or Crestron electronics brand. Finally, when we get the necessary conclusions, enclose a diagram of wiring, installation budget, planes and a small manual.
The free hardware platforms have become very important in engineering education in recent years. Among these platforms, Arduino highlights, characterized by its versatility, popularity and low price. This paper describes the implementation of four laboratory experiments for Automatic Control and Robotics courses at the University of Alicante, which have been developed based on Arduino and other existing equipment. Results were evaluated taking into account the views of students, concluding that the proposed experiments have been attractive to them, and they have acquired the knowledge about hardware configuration and programming that was intended.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di descrivere e implementare via software un modello di rover autonomo per uso in ambito agricolo. La scelta di questo argomento deriva dal fatto che al laboratorio CASY dell’Università di Bologna è stato commissionato un robot che possa aiutare piccoli imprenditori agricoli a essere competitivi con i più grandi. Le funzionalità che il robot avrà, una volta ultimato, andranno dal tagliare l’erba allo spruzzare fertilizzante sugli alberi da frutto. Questa tesi si interessa del progetto del sistema di navigazione. Inizialmente viene introdotto il modello cinematico e in particolare la configurazione differential drive in cui il rover rientra. Successivamente viene elaborato un sistema di controllo basato sulla linearizzazione statica del feedback. Una volta completati il modello e il sistema di controllo si procede con la generazione di traiettoria: vengono analizzati e confrontati alcuni algoritmi per l’inseguimento di una traiettoria definita tramite waypoint. Infine è presentato un algoritmo per la navigazione all’interno di un campo di filari di alberi da frutto. Le uniche informazioni esterne disponibili in questo contesto sono le rilevazioni di sensori di distanza frontali e laterali, in quanto un GPS sarebbe troppo impreciso per gli scopi. Questa tesi costituisce la base per ulteriori sviluppi del progetto. In particolare la realizzazione di un programma di supervisione che stabilisca la modalità di moto da attuare e programmi specifici per le varie funzionalità agricole del rover.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.
This report summarizes the current state of the art in cooperative vehicle-highway automation systems in Europe and Asia based on a series of meetings, demonstrations, and site visits, combined with the results of literature review. This review covers systems that provide drivers with a range of automation capabilities, from driver assistance to fully automated driving, with an emphasis on cooperative systems that involve active exchanges of information between the vehicles and the roadside and among separate vehicles. The trends in development and deployment of these systems are examined by country, and the similarities and differences relative to the U.S. situation are noted, leading toward recommendations for future U.S. action. The Literature Review on Recent International Activity in Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation Systems is published separately as FHWA-HRT-13-025.
This literature review supports the report, Recent International Activity in Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation Systems. It reviews the published literature in English dating from 2007 or later about non-U.S.-based work on cooperative vehicle-highway automation systems. This review covers work performed in Europe and Japan, with application to transit buses, heavy trucks, and passenger cars. In addition to fully automated driving of the vehicles (without human intervention), it also covers partial automation systems, which automate subsets of the total driving process. Recent International Activity in Cooperative Vehicle Highway Automation Systems is published separately as FHWA-HRT-12-033.
Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix
2d prize.
Item 231-B-1
v.1.Summary and recommendations.--v.2.Automatic ship control and communications systems.--v.3.Appendices to 262 R 0012.--v.3.Appendices to 262 R 0012.--v.4.automatic control of engineering functions.--v.5.Appendices to 262 R 0014.--v.6.Powerplants and auxiliaries for automated ships.--v.7.Economic aspects of automation.--v.8.Legal implications of automation.