431 resultados para atípicas e irregulares


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O gênero Tometes Valenciennes, 1850 foi descrito originalmente para abrigar a espécie-tipo T. trilobatus, por apresentar dentes incisiformes bi- a tricuspidados. No entanto, o gênero foi colocado como sinonímia de Myleus Müller e Troschell, 1844 onde ficou por aproximadamente um século e meio até a sua revalidação. A revalidação do gênero e da espécie-tipo propiciou a descrição de outras duas espécies, T. lebaili e T. makue. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão taxonômica de Tometes para o escudo das Guianas onde as três espécies nominais são reconhecidas válidas e aqui re-descritas, e uma nova espécie para a bacia do rio Trombetas foi caracterizada, ampliando a diversidade e a área de distribuição do gênero. Dentre as características principais de diagnose das espécies foi observado: T. trilobatus é diagnosticado dos demais congêneres por apresentar dentes no dentário e pré-maxilar com cúspide central com cume baixo e arredondado (vs. dentes com cúspide central ou cúspide principal com cume alto e agudo). T. lebaili é diferenciado por apresentar boca oblíqua orientada dorsalmente (vs. boca terminal). T. makue possui o menor número de espinhos na serra pré-pélvica, sempre entre 0 e 9 espinhos pré-pélvicos (vs. mais de 9 espinhos pré-pélvicos). Já a espécie nova apresenta o perfil dorsal do neurocrânio com uma suave concavidade ao nível da barra epifiseal e tamanho de escamas irregulares sobre o flanco (vs. perfil dorsal do neurocrânio retilíneo e escamas de tamanho regular sobre todo o flanco). Todas as espécies de Tometes são estritamente reofílicas e ocorrem exclusivamente nas zonas encachoeiradas dos rios de escudo, biótopos complexos, frágeis e ameaçados por ações antropogênicas. As conclusões deste estudo destacam o desafio urgente quanto à compreensão das relações espécies/habitat.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Dermatosparaxis in animals is an autosomal recessive disorder of the connective-tissue clinically characterized by skin fragility and hiperextensibility. The disease in White Dorper sheep is caused by mutation (c.421G>T) in the ADAM metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 2 (ADAMTS2) gene. This study describes the dermatological, histological and the molecular findings of the dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep from a herd located in the center-west of São Paulo State. The herd consisted of one ram, four ewe and their lambs. In this herd two lambs had clinical signs consistent with dermatosparaxis. Histopathological evaluation of the affected skin of these two animals also revealed consistent findings with dermatosparaxis, characterized by dysplasia of the collagen, which were arranged in small and fragmented collagen bundles and with foci of degeneration of collagen. Prominent cutaneous appendages and severe hemorrhagic focus in dermis region associated with mild neutrophilic infiltrate in the deep dermis. PCR using DNA blood and specific primers to amplify the mutation region c.421G>T was optimized in order to perform molecular diagnosis of the disease. The direct sequencing of the PCR products proved that the two clinically affected animals had the mutation responsible for dermatosparaxis, previously described for this breed and allowed the definitive diagnosis of the disease. This is the first report of the dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep in Brazil and the methodology used to confirm the diagnosis could be used in future studies to assess the prevalence of this mutation in Brazil, allowing the adoption of measures to prevent the spread of this mutation in the Brazilian White Dorper herd.


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A síndrome das unhas frágeis caracteriza-se por fragilidade da lâmina ungueal, acometendo 27% das mulheres. Realizamos estudo transversal com pacientes dermatológicas sobre a percepção de fragilidade ungueal. Avaliamos 138 pacientes com idade mediana de 36,5 anos. Ao exame, 57% apresentavam alterações e 49% relatavam fragilidade ungueal. Os três primeiros dedos das mãos foram os mais acometidos. A onicosquizia associou-se com onicofagia (OR = 3,29), trabalhos domésticos (OR = 2,95) e contato com água (OR = 2,44). A onicorrexe teve a mais forte associação com a percepção de fragilidade ungueal (OR = 17,89). A fragilidade foi mais percebida em negras, pardas e atópicas e associou-se com humor depressivo.


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The State of Mato Grosso do Sul is in full growth of this sector, thus the concern about harvesting systems are being studied, and these systems may influence the weed community interference of weeds in the cane sugar. The integrated management tool attached to geostatistics is to avoid productivity losses due to weed interference. The objective of this work was to study the spatial variability of the seed bank of weeds depending on the system for collecting cane sugar (raw and burning). The experiment was conducted in the area of commercial cultivation of the plant ETH Bioenergy S/A Eldorado Unity. Soil samples were taken with auger layer from 0.00 to 0.40 m depth in both cropping systems. The experimental plot was composed by a mesh consisting of 50 points georeferenced with irregular distances. Soil samples were taken to the greenhouse for germination. The number of weed species was analyzed using descriptive statistics and geostatistical techniques. The seeds of B. pilosa, dicots, bitter grass, nutsedge, dayflower monocots and spatial dependence of the seed bank in the collection system with burning of cane sugar. For the system of harvest only the raw sedge species present spatial dependence of distribution in the seed bank. In the harvest green cane enable the mapping of these species through the kriging maps produced, spot applications of herbicides in integrated management of Cyperus rotundus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Historically, in Brazil, the process of urbanization and city growth was due to the intense migration of rural population to urban areas, especially in the last thirty years. This move, combined with a lack of planning, allowed the occupation of areas with potential for occurrences of erosion. The city of Aparecida, SP can be cited as an example of this process. These irregular occupations generate large material damage and human losses conditioned on mass movement of soil, resulting from the development of erosive processes. So, it is of great importance to physical characterization and identification of these areas within the same city map as a way to minimize the effects and mitigate the consequences of events. Thus, this work presents a series of graduate field campaigns, geotechnical laboratory testing and consultation with representative maps of the physical environment, as a means conclusive for delimintation of areas with potential risk for the occurrence of erosion, especially in areas undergoing urban expansion of the city Aparecida, SP. These areas were determined some geotechnical properties of soils present, evaluating the potential erodibility of them. Also presented are the descriptions of the main characteristics of these areas identified as being at risk, along with proposals to avoid or minimize the impact of problems related to erosion processes on the local population


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The urbanization process in the Brazilian cities is directly linked to its main economic activities, and causes several impacts on the natural resources. It can be seen at the city of Ilhabela, an archipelago located at the north coast of the state of São Paulo, that still has a great area of preserved Atlantic Rainforest, and where today the tourism is the main economic activity. With this in sight, this paper aimed to make a prospect of the current situation of the city, looking at the main aspects of its economic and urban development and the environmental impacts related to them. Among the aspects studied, are the irregular occupations at preservation areas on the island: the pressure on the sea ecosystems by the fishing and the boat circulation, and at the beaches by the tourists flow. Were also observed the characteristics of the city’s urban infrastructure, such as the water supply, sewer and road networks and the waste collecting. Finally, it was analyzed the way that the government acts over the preservation of the island’s natural resources, by the Municipality and the Ilhabela State Park, so that the acting of these two agents could be compared


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Microbialites (irregular agglutinated grains, laterally continuous mats and stromatolites) occur in small, nearly continuous outcrops over a ~60 m-thick carbonate interval of the Sumidouro Member, Lagamar Formation, Vazante Group, Meso-Neoproterozoic, on the Sumaré Farm, in Lagamar (MG, Southeastern Brazil). Diversified stromatolites formed under shallow, high energy conditions predominate and exhibit frequent lateral and vertical changes, including probable bioherm borders. In the lower part of the interval, coniform columnar stromatolites (Conophyton), representative of the deepest and/or calmest settings, are common. Higher up, narrow subcylindrical unbranched forms become abundant and may grade to forms with subparallel dichotomous or multiple divergent branches. The microbialites are apparently organized in shallowing upward cycles


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In the current economic scenario of constant changes, industries seek to increase their profitability decreasing inventory levels. Maintenance and maintenance management, combined with the inventory management of spare parts, has assumed a position of competitive advantage in business. Stock only what you need has become a difficult decision for managers, who are faced with the lack of models and criteria to assist this decision-making. This work proposes a method which supports decision making, on a MATLAB modeling, using criteria established by an expert and his maintenance workers team, focusing on no regular demand of spare parts. The proposed model was adequate to the needs of the company and the maintenance manager in the decision on the storage


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Disorders in gait are identified in Parkinson’s disease patients. As a result, the capacity of walking independently and the interaction with the environment can be impairment. So, the auditory cues have been utilized as a non-pharmacological treatment to improve the locomotor impairment of the PD patients. However, these effects were observed in the regular lands and it’s not known the effects of auditory cues in gait during avoidance obstacles that could be more threaten for these patients. Yet, few studies in the literature compare the Parkinson’s disease patients with the older adults during the locomotor tasks and obstacle avoidance in association with the effects of auditory cues. The aim of the study is to compare the effects of the auditory cues in the gait and during obstacle avoidance in PD patients and older adults. 30 subjects distributed in two groups (Group 1 - 15, Parkinson’s disease patients; Group 2 - 15, healthy older adults) are going to participate of this study. After the participation approval, the assessment of clinical condition will be done by a physician. So, to investigate the locomotor pattern, it will be done a kinematic analysis. The experimental task is to walk on 8 m pathway and 18 trials will be done (6 for the free gait and 12 for adaptive gait). For the adaptive gait, two different obstacle heights will be manipulated: high obstacle (HO) and low obstacle (LO). In order to verify possible differences between the groups and the experimental condition, multivariance tests will be used with a significance level of 0.05. MANOVA revealed effect of condition and task. Thus, with DA, we observed an increase in cadence and reduced single support and stride length. When the tasks were compared, it was observed that the LO task, subjects had lower velocity and stride length... 9Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Pouco se sabe a respeito da marcha de pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) em ambientes irregulares. Mais especificamente, não foram encontrados estudos que manipularam a informação visual na tarefa de ultrapassar obstáculo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o papel da visão no comportamento locomotor durante a ultrapassagem de obstáculos de diferentes alturas em indivíduos com DP idiopática, manipulando experimentalmente a disponibilidade das informações visuais. Participaram 14 idosos com DP, classificados entre os estágios 1 e 2,5 da escala de Hoehn & Yahr. Os participantes foram convidados a percorrer andando uma passarela de 8 metros, em condições sem obstáculo (SO) e com obstáculo baixo (OB) ou alto (OA). As tentativas foram apresentadas combinando condições de obstáculo (SO, OB e OA) e de visão (IVD e IVE), em 3 tentativas por condição, totalizando 18 tentativas; realizadas em 2 blocos. A manipulação de informação visual foi realizada através do uso de óculos de lentes de cristal líquido e a análise cinemática foi realizada tridimensionalmente. As variáveis dependentes selecionadas incluíram os parâmetros espaciais e temporais das fases de aproximação e ultrapassagem do obstáculo. Para o tratamento dos dados, foram empregadas duas MANOVAs. Os resultados revelaram que tanto a manipulação visual como a manipulação do terreno influenciaram no comportamento locomotor dos pacientes. Na fase de aproximação, a presença do obstáculo provocou modificações nos parâmetros locomotores, refletindo em menores valores médios de comprimento e velocidade da passada nas condições OB e OA do que na condição SO. Em relação à informação visual nesta mesma fase, a anulação do fluxo óptico provocou diminuição do comprimento e da velocidade da passada, da cadência e da porcentagem da fase de suporte simples e aumento da duração... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Taking as starting the environmental, social and economic impact of construction and demolition waste in Brazilian cities were created legal mechanisms for management and administration, seeking to minimize the impacts to the maximum, since the irregular deposition can be characterized as environmental crime. CONAMA Resolution No. 307 of 2002 establishing the mandatory implementation of an Integrated Management System Construction Waste and Demolition, guiding the classification and designation of the waste generating agents, collection agents and transporters, and the areas of culling and disposal of waste. The technical partnership between the Ministry of Cities, the Environment Ministry and the Caixa Econômica Federal, coordinated by Pinto & Gonzales (2005) Management in the work and management of construction waste, proposed a guidance manual to guide the implementation of a System Integrated Management of Construction Waste in Municipalities. The municipality of Guanambi in the state of Bahia, in full economic rise, lacks a waste management of construction and demolition, since there has areas for the disposal of waste being proposed in this paper the diagnosis of waste generation in the municipality as part of the methodology proposed by the work of Pinto & Gonzales (2005).