800 resultados para arbre de duplication


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Arising from either retrotransposition or genomic duplication of functional genes, pseudogenes are “genomic fossils” valuable for exploring the dynamics and evolution of genes and genomes. Pseudogene identification is an important problem in computational genomics, and is also critical for obtaining an accurate picture of a genome’s structure and function. However, no consensus computational scheme for defining and detecting pseudogenes has been developed thus far. As part of the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, we have compared several distinct pseudogene annotation strategies and found that different approaches and parameters often resulted in rather distinct sets of pseudogenes. We subsequently developed a consensus approach for annotating pseudogenes (derived from protein coding genes) in the ENCODE regions, resulting in 201 pseudogenes, two-thirds of which originated from retrotransposition. A survey of orthologs for these pseudogenes in 28 vertebrate genomes showed that a significant fraction (∼80%) of the processed pseudogenes are primate-specific sequences, highlighting the increasing retrotransposition activity in primates. Analysis of sequence conservation and variation also demonstrated that most pseudogenes evolve neutrally, and processed pseudogenes appear to have lost their coding potential immediately or soon after their emergence. In order to explore the functional implication of pseudogene prevalence, we have extensively examined the transcriptional activity of the ENCODE pseudogenes. We performed systematic series of pseudogene-specific RACE analyses. These, together with complementary evidence derived from tiling microarrays and high throughput sequencing, demonstrated that at least a fifth of the 201 pseudogenes are transcribed in one or more cell lines or tissues.


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INTRODUCTION : L'affection, et son contraire l'aversion, se manifestent à chaque instant de l'existence. Que ce soit au travers de notre relation avec les membres de notre entourage, les perceptions sonores, visuelles, olfactives qui nous saisissent à tout instant, il est constamment demandé à notre personnalité d'apprécier, de choisir, de rejeter en fonction de nos penchants, sans que ce choix soit nécessairement explicable ou justifiable par des arguments que chacun pourrait comprendre. L'affection, en tant qu'émanation de la personnalité, est-elle juridiquement protégée ? La question semble saugrenue mais il suffit de penser à la protection de la relation avec ses proches que la jurisprudence a bâtie sur la base de l'article 28 CC pour se rendre compte que l'affection est à l'évidence protégée en tant que composante de la personnalité. Mais où s'arrête-t-elle ? S'il est acquis qu'elle protège une relation entre deux êtres, peut-elle porter sur un objet ayant appartenu à un proche, par exemple une montre héritée d'un parent décédé ? Une réaction instinctive nous incite à répondre par l'affirmative; nous entendons cependant démontrer que cette protection trouve aussi des fondements juridiques, et qu'elle a des conséquences légales; ainsi en va-t-il si la montre est endommagée par un tiers : doit-on alors se limiter au remboursement de la valeur vénale, en compensant uniquement le dommage matériel, ou le titulaire du droit à l'affection peut-il réclamer, en sus de la valeur vénale, le dédommagement du tort moral ? Et si la montre est en main d'un tiers, comment aménager le rapport de deux personnes légitimées à invoquer un lien sur un objet, l'une en vertu de son droit de propriété, l'autre en vertu de son sentiment affectif ? La protection ne s'arrête certainement pas aux objets qui rappellent le souvenir d'un être proche. D'autres objets, tels un arbre planté à sa naissance, un objet qui matérialise un événement personnel important, sont aussi susceptibles d'être l'objet d'un lien affectif. Bien qu'ils n'aient pas, en raison de l'absence de lien préalable avec un être physique, de substrat duquel tirer la justification juridique de la protection, nous démontrerons que ce lien affectif est également protégé. Et, enfin, peut-on, à notre époque, parler d'affection sans évoquer les animaux ? Quelles sont les règles applicables au statut de l'animal depuis que le législateur a décidé qu'il n'est plus une chose ? Voilà une troisième catégorie de valeurs d'affection qui nous occupera et dont nous étudierons le régime particulier de protection depuis la récente modification du Code civil suisse. L'étude de la protection des valeurs d'affection a ceci de particulier qu'elle était au début du siècle souvent citée dans le catalogue des droits de la personnalité, notamment lorsque les auteurs commentaient ce nouvel article 28 CC que l'on disait si novateur. Cet ouvrage entend déterminer ce qu'il reste aujourd'hui de cette doctrine si prompte à voir dans l'article 28 CC ce qu'il n'est peut-être plus vraiment actuellement, c'est-à-dire un puissant vecteur du développement des conceptions juridiques et de l'évolution de la protection de la personnalité. L'on entend souvent que la tendance sociale est à l'individualisme, à la précarisation des rapports humains et à l'anonymisation de la société. Le renouveau du débat sur la protection des valeurs d'affection, notamment par la modification législative touchant le statut de l'animal, est la manifestation du besoin social de protéger les liens affectifs portant sur un objet, que ce soit une alliance, un arbre planté à sa naissance, ou un animal de compagnie. Après l'analyse des sources de la protection des valeurs d'affection, nous examinerons quelles peuvent être les conséquences légales de cette protection s'agissant de la réparation du tort moral, et au niveau de la résolution de conflits de droit qui peuvent surgir entre le titulaire du droit à la valeur d'affection et le tiers propriétaire. Il s'agira également de déterminer si la récente modification législative sur le statut de l'animal apporte des solutions nouvelles à ces questions.


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Resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretroviral agents results from target gene mutation within the pol gene, which encodes the viral protease, reverse transcriptase (RT), and integrase. We speculated that mutations in genes other that the drug target could lead to drug resistance. For this purpose, the p1-p6(gag)-p6(pol) region of HIV-1, placed immediately upstream of pol, was analyzed. This region has the potential to alter Pol through frameshift regulation (p1), through improved packaging of viral enzymes (p6(Gag)), or by changes in activation of the viral protease (p6(Pol)). Duplication of the proline-rich p6(Gag) PTAP motif, necessary for late viral cycle activities, was identified in plasma virus from 47 of 222 (21.2%) patients treated with nucleoside analog RT inhibitor (NRTI) antiretroviral therapy but was identified very rarely from drug-naïve individuals. Molecular clones carrying a 3-amino-acid duplication, APPAPP (transframe duplication SPTSPT in p6(Pol)), displayed a delay in protein maturation; however, they packaged a 34% excess of RT and exhibited a marked competitive growth advantage in the presence of NRTIs. This phenotype is reminiscent of the inoculum effect described in bacteriology, where a larger input, or a greater infectivity of an organism with a wild-type antimicrobial target, leads to escape from drug pressure and a higher MIC in vitro. Though the mechanism by which the PTAP region participates in viral maturation is not known, duplication of this proline-rich motif could improve assembly and packaging at membrane locations, resulting in the observed phenotype of increased infectivity and drug resistance.


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Cf. notice du ms. par Leroquais, Sacramentaires, II, 180-183 n° 366. Les incipit des proses ont été relevés dans la table des incipit. F. 1-6v Calendrier de Paris : 3 janv., en rouge, «Genovefe virg. IX lc.» (1); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii sociorumque ejus. Oportune virg. semid.» (2v); 28 mai, en rouge, «Germani ep. Parisiensis semid. Carauni mart. memoria» (3); 25juin, en violet, «Translatio s. Eligii ep.» (3v); en violet, «In prima dominica hujus mensis [augusti] fit d. de cruce» [réception à Notre-Dame d'un fragment de la vraie Croix] (4v); 9 oct., en rouge, «Dyonisii sociorumque ejus duplex» (5v); 28 oct., «Germani ep. Translatio s. Genovefe virg. mart. memoria» (5v); 3 nov. «Marcelli ep. Parisiensis dupl.»; 13 nov., «Gendulphi ep. et conf. [Parisiensis] dupl.»; 26 nov., en violet, «Genovefe virg. de miraculo [ardentium] IX lc.» (6); 4 déc., «Susceptio capillorum b. Marie et capitis b. Dyonisii in ecclesia Parisiensi» (6v). Le calendrier ne contient pas la fête de s. Louis au 25 août (établie en 1298) ni au 17 mai la translation du chef de s. Louis à la Sainte-Chapelle (en 1306); — Ajout du XIVe s. au 30 avr., «Eutropii mart. et conf.» [culte établi à Paris en 1296] (2v); cf. Leroquais, Bréviaires, I, CXII-CXIII, Tableau chronologique des fêtes parisiennes. — Au début de chaque mois, vers sur les jours égyptiaques (éd. Hennig, Traditio, XI (1955), 84 III), sauf celui de janvier (1) qui correspond au premier vers de la série éd. par Riese (Anthol. lat., I2 (1906), 680a); — À la fin de février, vers sur l'année bissextile : «Byssextum sexte martis tenuere kalende...»; cf. ms. Latin 3162, f. 102 (1v); — À la fin de mars, vers sur la date de Pâques : «Post martis nonas ubi sit nova luna requiras...» (2); — Notations astrologiques et de comput, passim. F. 7-353v Temporal, avec parties chantées notées. Incomplet du début par la perte du premier f., il commence dans la prose du premier dimanche de l'Avent : «... [eterna indefici]ens mundi vita...» (7). À remarquer : «dominica IIIa [in Adventu] more ecclesie Parisiensis» (24v); — Cérémonie des Cendres avec rubriques liturgiques (62v-66v); — Dimanche des Rameaux, «congregatis processionibus conventualibus in ecclesia B. Marie, capiceriis portantibus capsam et tribus clericis in albis paratis tres textus, exitur de ecclesia nichil cantando et sic eundum est ad ecclesiam Sancte Genovefe de Monte...» (147); cf. Leroquais, 181; — Dans l'évangile des Rameaux, le Christ est désigné par la lettre L, le narrateur par la lettre C et les autres par la lettre S (153-158); dans les autres évangiles de la Passion (162-186 passim), ces lettres suscrites ont été effacées et remplacées à la mine de plomb de façon sporadique, le Christ étant alors désigné par une croix; — «Oremus pro papa nostro N...» (186v); «... pro christianissimo rege nostro N...» (187); — Parmi les litanies, «s.Stephane... s. Dyonisi...» (191v)..., « s. Lucane... s. Justine... s. Gendulphe... s. Germane...» (199)..., « s. Genovefa...» (201v). — «Incipit ordo misse. Sacerdos primo induat se rocheto dicens : Actiones nostras...» (203v-206); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 181; — Préfaces notées : «Incipiunt prefationes...» (206-210); — Canon de la messe (210-213); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 182; — «In die Re[sur]rectionis» (214); — «In die sancto [Pentecostes]» (262v); — [De sancta Trinitate] (280v); — «Dominica XXVa» (348v); — «In dedicatione ecclesie» (350-353v). La fête du Saint-Sacrement ne figure pas. F. 354-496v Sanctoral, avec parties chantées notées. À noter parmi les saints parisiens : 3 janv., «S. Genovefe virg.» (373v); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii, Rustici et Eleuterii» (398v); — 28 mai, «S. Germani ep. Parisiensis» (407v); — 10 juin, «S. Landerici Parisiensis ep.» (410); — 26 juill., «In translatione s. Marcelli» (432); — 11août, «De receptione s. corone...» (443v); —, 4 oct., «Auree virg. [abb. Parisiis]» (480); 9 oct., «In die [s. Dyonisii]», avec octave (481v); — 28oct., «In translatione s. Genovefe» (487); — 3nov., «S. Marcelli Parisiensis ep.», avec octave (489v); — 26 nov., «S. Genovefe de miraculo ardentium» (495); — «De s. Gendulpho. Prosa» (495). F. 497-541 Commun des saints, avec pièces chantées notées. F. 541-559 Messes votives, sans parties notées à l'exception de la messe des morts (551v-556). Aux ff. 546v-547, en marge de la messe «pro amico», deux additions d'une écriture cursive de la fin du XIVe s. précisent : «ducem nostrum et duxissem ejusque prolem». — Prières diverses (556-559). F. 559-563 Rituel de mariage. «Incipit ordo ad sponsam benedicendam. Cum venerint ante valvas ecclesie sponsus et sponsa, accinctus sacerdos alba et stola... auxilium et argentum super scutum positum benedicat dicens : Manda Deus... Tunc aspergatur aqua benedicta et thurificetur et sponsus et sponsa; quo facto sacerdos dicat : Bones genz nos avons faiz les bans III foiz de ces II genz et encore les faison nous, que se il i a nul ne nule qui sache enpeschement par quoi l'un ne puisse avoir l'autre par loi de mariage, si le die. Et re[spon]dent assistentes : Nous ni savons se bien non. Quo audito, accipiat sacerdos manum dexteram sponse et ponat in dextera manu sponsi et dicat... nominandos eos : Vos Marie et vos Jeham vous prometez, fianciez et jurez l'un à l'autre à garder la foi et la loiauté du mariage... Tunc sacerdos tradat anulum sponso et sponsus autem per manum sacerdotis primo in police sponse... dicens... : Marie de cest annel t'espous et de mon cors t'ennor et de douaire qui est devisiez entre mes amis et les tiens. In nomine... Secundo in indice dicens... Tercio in medio dicens : Et Spiritus sancti. Amen... Postea sacerdos extensa manu super illos dicat orationes... Tunc sacerdos centus [sic] sponsum per manum dexteram et sponsam et introducat eos in ecclesiam...» (559-559bis); — Messe de mariage, comportant deux préfaces notées : «Deinde celebratur missa...» (559bis-562v); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 183. — «Missa celebrata, recedant sponsus et sponsa et, ipsis stantibus ante hostium domus illorum presentibus pane et vinum [sic], faciat sacerdos benedictionem super panem dicens : Benedic Domine creaturam... Tunc sponsus mordet in pane, postea sponsa. Item benedictio super vinum... Tunc sponsus bibat, postea sponsa. Quo facto introducit eos sacerdos per manum in domum... Item in sero benedictio thalami... Tunc turificet thalamum, postea sponsum et sponsam sedentes vel jacentes in lecto suo benedicat dicens : Benedic Domine adulescentulos...» (562v-563) (éd. avec variantes par E. Martène, De antiquis Ecclesiae ritibus, II, 374-376, d'après le ms. Latin 859A); même ordo dans le ms. NAL 2649, f. 333-336. F. 563-565v Exorcisme de l'eau et du sel (563-564v). — «Pro Terra sancta» (564v-565). — «Pro rege nostro» (565). — «Benedictio pere et baculi peregrinorum» (565-565v). — «Benedictio crucis... Benedictio novorum fructuum... Benedictio panis» (565v).


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We performed whole genome sequencing in 16 unrelated patients with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (ARRP), a disease characterized by progressive retinal degeneration and caused by mutations in over 50 genes, in search of pathogenic DNA variants. Eight patients were from North America, whereas eight were Japanese, a population for which ARRP seems to have different genetic drivers. Using a specific workflow, we assessed both the coding and noncoding regions of the human genome, including the evaluation of highly polymorphic SNPs, structural and copy number variations, as well as 69 control genomes sequenced by the same procedures. We detected homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in 7 genes associated with ARRP (USH2A, RDH12, CNGB1, EYS, PDE6B, DFNB31, and CERKL) in eight patients, three Japanese and five Americans. Fourteen of the 16 mutant alleles identified were previously unknown. Among these, there was a 2.3-kb deletion in USH2A and an inverted duplication of ∼446 kb in EYS, which would have likely escaped conventional screening techniques or exome sequencing. Moreover, in another Japanese patient, we identified a homozygous frameshift (p.L206fs), absent in more than 2,500 chromosomes from ethnically matched controls, in the ciliary gene NEK2, encoding a serine/threonine-protein kinase. Inactivation of this gene in zebrafish induced retinal photoreceptor defects that were rescued by human NEK2 mRNA. In addition to identifying a previously undescribed ARRP gene, our study highlights the importance of rare structural DNA variations in Mendelian diseases and advocates the need for screening approaches that transcend the analysis of the coding sequences of the human genome.


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Secreted proteases constitute potential virulence factors of dermatophytes. A total of seven genes encoding putative serine proteases of the subtilisin family (SUB) were isolated in Trichophyton rubrum. Based on sequence data and intron-exon structure, a phylogenetic analysis of subtilisins from T. rubrum and other fungi revealed a presumed ancestral lineage comprising T. rubrum SUB2 and Aspergillus SUBs. All other SUBs (SUB1, SUB3-7) are dermatophyte-specific and have apparently emerged more recently, through successive gene duplication events. We showed that two subtilisins, Sub3 and Sub4, were detected in culture supernatants of T. rubrum grown in a medium containing soy protein as a sole nitrogen source. Both recombinant enzymes produced in Pichia pastoris are highly active on keratin azure suggesting that these proteases play an important role in invasion of keratinised tissues by the fungus. The set of deduced amino acid sequences of T. rubrum SUB ORFs allowed the identification of orthologous Subs secreted by other dermatophyte species using proteolysis and mass spectrometry.


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The position of a gene in the genome may have important consequences for its function. Therefore, when a new duplicate gene arises, its location may be critical in determining its fate. Our recent work in humans, mouse, and Drosophila provided a test by studying the patterns of duplication in sex chromosome evolution. We revealed a bias in the generation and recruitment of new gene copies involving the X chromosome that has been shaped largely by selection for male germline functions. The gene movement patterns we observed reflect an ongoing process as some of the new genes are very young while others were present before the divergence of humans and mouse. This suggests a continuing redistribution of male-related genes to achieve a more efficient allocation of male functions. This notion should be further tested in organisms employing other sex determination systems or in organisms differing in germline sex chromosome inactivation. It is likely that the selective forces that were detected in these studies are also acting on other types of duplicate genes. As a result, future work elucidating sex chromosome differentiation by other mutational mechanisms will shed light on this important process.


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Gene duplications can have a major role in adaptation, and gene families underlying chemosensation are particularly interesting due to their essential role in chemical recognition of mates, predators and food resources. Social insects add yet another dimension to the study of chemosensory genomics, as the key components of their social life rely on chemical communication. Still, chemosensory gene families are little studied in social insects. Here we annotated chemosensory protein (CSP) genes from seven ant genomes and studied their evolution. The number of functional CSP genes ranges from 11 to 21 depending on species, and the estimated rates of gene birth and death indicate high turnover of genes. Ant CSP genes include seven conservative orthologous groups present in all the ants, and a group of genes that has expanded independently in different ant lineages. Interestingly, the expanded group of genes has a differing mode of evolution from the orthologous groups. The expanded group shows rapid evolution as indicated by a high dN/dS (nonsynonymous to synonymous changes) ratio, several sites under positive selection and many pseudogenes, whereas the genes in the seven orthologous groups evolve slowly under purifying selection and include only one pseudogene. These results show that adaptive changes have played a role in ant CSP evolution. The expanded group of ant-specific genes is phylogenetically close to a conservative orthologous group CSP7, which includes genes known to be involved in ant nestmate recognition, raising an interesting possibility that the expanded CSPs function in ant chemical communication.


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Ants have evolved very complex societies and are key ecosystem members. Some ants, such as the fire ant Solenopsis invicta, are also major pests. Here, we present a draft genome of S. invicta, assembled from Roche 454 and Illumina sequencing reads obtained from a focal haploid male and his brothers. We used comparative genomic methods to obtain insight into the unique features of the S. invicta genome. For example, we found that this genome harbors four adjacent copies of vitellogenin. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that an ancestral vitellogenin gene first underwent a duplication that was followed by possibly independent duplications of each of the daughter vitellogenins. The vitellogenin genes have undergone subfunctionalization with queen- and worker-specific expression, possibly reflecting differential selection acting on the queen and worker castes. Additionally, we identified more than 400 putative olfactory receptors of which at least 297 are intact. This represents the largest repertoire reported so far in insects. S. invicta also harbors an expansion of a specific family of lipid-processing genes, two putative orthologs to the transformer/feminizer sex differentiation gene, a functional DNA methylation system, and a single putative telomerase ortholog. EST data indicate that this S. invicta telomerase ortholog has at least four spliceforms that differ in their use of two sets of mutually exclusive exons. Some of these and other unique aspects of the fire ant genome are likely linked to the complex social behavior of this species.


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Purpose: Posterior microphthalmos (MCOP)/nanophthalmos (NNO) is a developmental anomaly characterized by extreme hyperopia due to short axial length. The population of the Faroe Islands shows a high prevalence of an autosomal recessive form (arMCOP). The gene mutated in arMCOP is not yet known.Methods: Genetic mapping by linkage analysis using microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphisms, mutation analysis by PCR and sequencing, molecular modellingResults: Having refined the position of the disease locus (MCOP6) in an interval of 250 kb in chromosome 2q37.1 in Faroese families, we detected 3 mutations in a novel gene, LOC646960: Patients of 10 different Faroese families were either homozygous (n=22) for c.926G>C (p.Trp309Ser) or compound heterozygous (n=6) for c.926G>C and c.526C>G (p.Arg176Gly), whereas a homozygous 1 bp duplication (c.1066dupC) was identified in patients with arNNO from a Tunisian family. In two unrelated patients with MCOP, no LOC646960 mutation was found. LOC646960 is expressed in the human adult retina and RPE. The expression of the mouse homologue in the eye can be first detected at E17 and is highest in adults. The predicted protein is a 603 amino acid long secreted trypsin-like serine peptidase. c.1066dupC should result in a functional null allele. Molecular modelling of the p.Trp309Ser mutant suggests that both affinity and reactivity of the enzyme towards in vivo substrates are substantially reduced.Conclusions: Postnatal growth of the eye is important for proper development of the refractive components (emmetropization), and is mainly due to elongation of the posterior segment from 10-11 mm at birth to 15-16 mm at the age of 13 years. Optical defocus leads to changes in axial length by moving the retina towards the image plane. arMCOP may theoretically be explained, in line with the expression pattern of LOC646960, by a postnatal growth retardation of the posterior segment.


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It is generally accepted that the extent of phenotypic change between human and great apes is dissonant with the rate of molecular change. Between these two groups, proteins are virtually identical, cytogenetically there are few rearrangements that distinguish ape-human chromosomes, and rates of single-base-pair change and retrotransposon activity have slowed particularly within hominid lineages when compared to rodents or monkeys. Studies of gene family evolution indicate that gene loss and gain are enriched within the primate lineage. Here, we perform a systematic analysis of duplication content of four primate genomes (macaque, orang-utan, chimpanzee and human) in an effort to understand the pattern and rates of genomic duplication during hominid evolution. We find that the ancestral branch leading to human and African great apes shows the most significant increase in duplication activity both in terms of base pairs and in terms of events. This duplication acceleration within the ancestral species is significant when compared to lineage-specific rate estimates even after accounting for copy-number polymorphism and homoplasy. We discover striking examples of recurrent and independent gene-containing duplications within the gorilla and chimpanzee that are absent in the human lineage. Our results suggest that the evolutionary properties of copy-number mutation differ significantly from other forms of genetic mutation and, in contrast to the hominid slowdown of single-base-pair mutations, there has been a genomic burst of duplication activity at this period during human evolution.


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Prior to their Alpine overprinting, most of the pre-Mesozoic basement areas in Alpine orogenic structures shared a complex evolution, starting with Neoproterozoic sediments that are thought to have received detrital input from both West and East Gondwanan cratonic sources. A subsequent Neoproterozoic-Cambrian active margin setting at the Gondwana margin was followed by a Cambrian-Ordovician rifting period, including an Ordovician cordillera-like active margin setting. During the Late Ordovician and Silurian periods, the future Alpine domains recorded crustal extension along the Gondwana margin, announcing the future opening of the Paleotethys oceanic domain. Most areas then underwent Variscan orogenic events, including continental subduction and collisions with Avalonian-type basement areas along Laurussia and the juxtaposition and the duplication of terrane assemblages during strike slip, accompanied by contemporaneous crustal shortening and the subduction of Paleotethys under Laurussia. Thereafter, the final Pangea assemblage underwent Triassic and Jurassic extension, followed by Tertiary shortening, and leading to the buildup of the Alpine mountain chain. Recent plate-tectonic reconstructions place the Alpine domains in their supposed initial Cambrian-Ordovician positions in the eastern part of the Gondwana margin, where a stronger interference with the Chinese blocks is proposed, at least from the Ordovician onward. For the Visean time of the Variscan continental collision, the distinction of the former tectonic lower-plate situation is traceable but becomes blurred through the subsequent oblique subduction of Paleotethys under Laurussia accompanied by large-scale strike slip. Since the Pennsylvanian, this global collisional scenario has been replaced by subsequent and ongoing shortening and strike slip under rising geothermal conditions, and all of this occurred before all these puzzle elements underwent the complex Alpine reorganization.


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Background: Kabuki syndrome (KS) is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome characterized by specific facial features, mild to moderate mental retardation, postnatal growth delay, skeletal abnormalities, and unusual dermatoglyphic patterns with prominent fingertip pads. A 3.5 Mb duplication at 8p23.1-p22 was once reported as a specific alteration in KS but has not been confirmed in other patients. The molecular basis of KS remains unknown. Methods: We have studied 16 Spanish patients with a clinical diagnosis of KS or KS-like to search for genomic imbalances using genome-wide array technologies. All putative rearrangements were confirmed by FISH, microsatellite markers and/or MLPA assays, which also determined whether the imbalance was de novo or inherited. Results: No duplication at 8p23.1-p22 was observed in our patients. We detected complex rearrangements involving 2q in two patients with Kabuki-like features: 1) a de novo inverted duplication of 11 Mb with a 4.5 Mb terminal deletion, and 2) a de novo 7.2 Mb-terminal deletion in a patient with an additional de novo 0.5 Mb interstitial deletion in 16p. Additional copy number variations (CNV), either inherited or reported in normal controls, were identified and interpreted as polymorphic variants. No specific CNV was significantly increased in the KS group. Conclusion: Our results further confirmed that genomic duplications of 8p23 region are not a common cause of KS and failed to detect other recurrent rearrangement causing this disorder. The detection of two patients with 2q37 deletions suggests that there is a phenotypic overlap between the two conditions, and screening this region in the Kabuki-like patients should be considered.