903 resultados para analytical decomposition
This review presents the evolution of steroid analytical techniques, including gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS), immunoassay (IA) and targeted liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and it evaluates the potential of extended steroid profiles by a metabolomics-based approach, namely steroidomics. Steroids regulate essential biological functions including growth and reproduction, and perturbations of the steroid homeostasis can generate serious physiological issues; therefore, specific and sensitive methods have been developed to measure steroid concentrations. GC-MS measuring several steroids simultaneously was considered the first historical standard method for analysis. Steroids were then quantified by immunoassay, allowing a higher throughput; however, major drawbacks included the measurement of a single compound instead of a panel and cross-reactivity reactions. Targeted LC-MS methods with selected reaction monitoring (SRM) were then introduced for quantifying a small steroid subset without the problems of cross-reactivity. The next step was the integration of metabolomic approaches in the context of steroid analyses. As metabolomics tends to identify and quantify all the metabolites (i.e., the metabolome) in a specific system, appropriate strategies were proposed for discovering new biomarkers. Steroidomics, defined as the untargeted analysis of the steroid content in a sample, was implemented in several fields, including doping analysis, clinical studies, in vivo or in vitro toxicology assays, and more. This review discusses the current analytical methods for assessing steroid changes and compares them to steroidomics. Steroids, their pathways, their implications in diseases and the biological matrices in which they are analysed will first be described. Then, the different analytical strategies will be presented with a focus on their ability to obtain relevant information on the steroid pattern. The future technical requirements for improving steroid analysis will also be presented.
The bridged sulphate complex [Pd2 (C²,dmba) (µ-SO4) (SO2)2] has been obtained by reacting a saturated solution of SO2 in methanol and the cyclometallated compound [Pd(C²,N-dmba)(µ-N3)] 2; (dmba = N,N-dimethylbenzylamine), at room temperature for 24 h. Reaction product was characterized by elemental analysis, NMR comprising 13C{¹H} and ¹H nuclei and I.R. spectrum's measurements. Thermal behavior has been investigated and residual products identified by X-ray powder diffraction.
When the compounds are heated in an inert atmosphere it can be verified the consecutive partial sublimation, fusion, partial volatilization and partial thermal decomposition of the anhydrous complexes. When in an oxidating atmosphere the above process is only verified to Cu(II) chelates. Anhydrous copper(II) complexes present a monoclinic structure in the b form and the volatilized compound in a a form. Zinc(II) and cadmium(II) hydrated complexes are isomorphous and they present different cell dimensions from those reported previously.
This work presents a comparison between three analytical methods developed for the simultaneous determination of eight quinolones regulated by the European Union (marbofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, danofloxacin, enrofloxacin, difloxacin, sarafloxacin, oxolinic acid and flumequine) in pig muscle, using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FD), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The procedures involve an extraction of the quinolones from the tissues, a step for clean-up and preconcentration of the analytes by solid-phase extraction and a subsequent liquid chromatographic analysis. The limits of detection of the methods ranged from 0.1 to 2.1 ng g−1 using LC-FD, from 0.3 to 1.8 using LC-MS and from 0.2 to 0.3 using LC-MS/MS, while inter- and intra-day variability was under 15 % in all cases. Most of those data are notably lower than the maximum residue limits established by the European Union for quinolones in pig tissues. The methods have been applied for the determination of quinolones in six different commercial pig muscle samples purchased in different supermarkets located in the city of Granada (south-east Spain).
An analytical approximation, depending on five parameters, for the atomic screening function is proposed. The corresponding electrostatic potential takes a simple analytical form (superposition of three Yukawa potentials) well suited to most practical applications. Parameters in the screening function, determined by an analytical fitting procedure to Dirac-Hartree-Fock-Slater (DHFS) self-consistent data, are given for Z=1¿92. The reliability of this analytical approach is demonstrated by showing that (a) Born cross sections for elastic scattering of fast charged particles by the present analytical field and by the DHFS field practically coincide and (b) one-electron binding energies computed from the independent-particle model with our analytical field (corrected for exchange and electrostatic self-interaction) agree closely with the DHFS energy eigenvalues.
In this review article, we give a general introduction on the mechanisms involved in organic chemiluminescence, where three basic models for excited state formation are presented. The chemiluminescence properties of 1,2-dioxetanes - four membered ring peroxides - are briefly outlined in the second part. In the main part, the mechanisms involved in the decomposition of 1,2-dioxetanes and analogous peroxides are discussed: (i) the unimolecular decomposition of 1,2-dioxetanes; (ii) the electron transfer catalyzed decomposition of peroxides by an intermolecular CIEEL (Chemically Initiated Electron Exchange Luminescence) mechanism; (iii) 1,2-dioxetane decomposition catalyzed by an intramolecular electron transfer mechanism (intramolecular CIEEL). Special emphasis is given to the latter subject, where recent examples with potential analytical applications are presented.
The goal of the thesis is to make a supplier evaluation using analytical hierarchy process. Before the supplier evaluation is performed there will be introduced the principles of purchasing which gives a viewpoint to the supplier evaluation and management. The thesis will also give an overview on quality, performance and forecasts which are very important to the supplier evaluation and future improvements. The chapter which describes analytical hierarchy process will show the reader what exactly is analytical hierarchy process and how can it be utilized in supplier evaluation. In the later stages, thesis will provide information about the case company EADS Secure Networks Oy, the processes applied there towards purchasing and how the analytical hierarchy process is applied in practise. In the end of the thesis there will be an overview about each supplier’s strong and weak points as well as some comments and ideas about developing also EADS Secure Networks procedures to a direction which would benefit the whole customer–supplier–chain.
The Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) is a two-year Joint Master Degree. The course is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Programme, providing a number of attractive scholarships for European and non-European students. EMQAL prepares professionals for analytical laboratories, focusing on laboratory management and quality systems, along with complementing their technical knowledge. The EMQAL aims at training students in the most relevant issues concerning quality systems and management in analytical laboratories, and to become an expert in: Quality management, Analytical methods and Data Analysis. EMQAL promotes mobility. The students will attend one academic year of lectures in one of the European universities of the EMQAL consortium, and a 12 months master thesis at other European university, with the possibility to spend three-months in one of the non-EU partners. The language of instruction and examination is English. Further information is available at www.emqal.org.
There is an increasing interest in the use of breath analysis for monitoring human physiology and exposure to toxic substances or environmental pollutants. This review focuses on the current status of the sampling procedures, collection devices and sample-enrichment methodologies used for exhaled breath-vapor analysis. We discuss the different parameters affecting each of the above steps, taking into account the requirements for breath analysis in exposure assessments and the need to analyze target compounds at sub-ppbv levels. Finally, we summarize the practical applications of exposure analysis in the past two decades
The basic principles of UV irradiation as sample pre-treatment step and its potential for inorganic analysis are illustrated and discussed through significant examples from the literature. Not only does this overview cover the classical applications of this technique in the decomposition of organic matter in electroanalysis, but it also presents recent trends, including the increasing interest in employing UV irradiation in flow analytical systems, successful attempts to enhance its effectiveness and the coupling with chromatographic and spectroscopic methodologies. Furthermore, a number of relevant cases of UV-driven derivatization reactions involving photo-sensitive inorganic species are presented, showing some convenient options to perform fast and reliable determination of inorganic and organic analytes.
We present an analytical procedure to perform the local noise analysis of a semiconductor junction when both the drift and diffusive parts of the current are important. The method takes into account space-inhomogeneous and hot-carriers conditions in the framework of the drift-diffusion model, and it can be effectively applied to the local noise analysis of different devices: n+nn+ diodes, Schottky barrier diodes, field-effect transistors, etc., operating under strongly inhomogeneous distributions of the electric field and charge concentration
We present an analytical procedure to perform the local noise analysis of a semiconductor junction when both the drift and diffusive parts of the current are important. The method takes into account space-inhomogeneous and hot-carriers conditions in the framework of the drift-diffusion model, and it can be effectively applied to the local noise analysis of different devices: n+nn+ diodes, Schottky barrier diodes, field-effect transistors, etc., operating under strongly inhomogeneous distributions of the electric field and charge concentration
A theoretical model for the noise properties of n+nn+ diodes in the drift-diffusion framework is presented. In contrast with previous approaches, our model incorporates both the drift and diffusive parts of the current under inhomogeneous and hot-carrier conditions. Closed analytical expressions describing the transport and noise characteristics of submicrometer n+nn+ diodes, in which the diode base (n part) and the contacts (n+ parts) are coupled in a self-consistent way, are obtained
Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic employed in the treatment of infections caused by certain methicillin-resistant staphylococci. It is indicated also for patients allergic to penicillin or when there is no response to penicillins or cephalosporins. The adequate vancomycin concentration levels in blood serum lies between 5 and 10 mg/L. Higher values are toxic, causing mainly nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Various analytical methods are described in the literature: spectrophotometric, immunologic, biologic and chromatographic methods. This paper reviews the main analytical methods for vancomycin determination in biological fluids and in pharmaceutical preparations.