442 resultados para agile


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Planning and sustainable management of water resources require actions that focuses on life quality, recovery and preservation of natural resources. As such, a municipality must have tools which empower the government with the right to exercise such actions, for example, the Master Plan and Sector Plans. To develop municipal plans which will guide the development of the city and provide information for establishment of public policies, it is of the utmost importance that they are designed based on primary and safe data. In view of these considerations, this study aimed at formulating environmental indicators by using a Geographic Information System – GIS. The environmental diagnosis based on the gvGIS was used as database, which made the process to be agile and accurate. The watershed of Lençóis River – SP was the study area. It has a good database from the Environmental Diagnosis of the watershed of Lençóis River, which was created through funds from the State Funds for Water Resources – FEHIDRO. The borrower was the Service of Water Supply and Sewage of Lençóis Paulista – SAAELP. Based on the diagnosis, the indicators were formulated concerning land use and occupation as well as water resources. The results were considered satisfactory and showed that the methodology used in this study is of great importance to evaluate water resources, as it provides a reliable basis for the decision-making process seeking environmental compliance and sustainable development. By using environmental indicators, the sustainability of an area as a whole can be analyzed, and the parts as well, i.e., it is possible to identify which sector is experiencing significant problems and take actions to solve them.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The current competitive market requires companies to adapt so that they can meet the needs of customers in an agile manner and aimed at the lowest possible cost in their manufacture, be it a product or service. The Toyota Production System is aimed at higher profits through lean manufacturing practices with reduced spending, smaller lots and inventories, generated by market demand. The variety of products makes the setup of the equipment a critical point and it should be reduced as much as possible so it does not affect productivity. The rapid exchange of tools allows with few actions and a modification that time does not exceed one digit on your total time. In this study, a case study showed that only with standardization and use of cheap improvements made it possible to reduce setup time in bottle labeling machine by 98 minutes for a final time of approximately 10 minutes with little investment, demonstrating the feasibility the displayed and a monthly gain tool in bottles at approximately 120,000, generating a performance gain and budget of approximately R$ 94,000.00 per month


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The current competitive market requires companies to adapt so that they can meet the needs of customers in an agile manner and aimed at the lowest possible cost in their manufacture, be it a product or service. The Toyota Production System is aimed at higher profits through lean manufacturing practices with reduced spending, smaller lots and inventories, generated by market demand. The variety of products makes the setup of the equipment a critical point and it should be reduced as much as possible so it does not affect productivity. The rapid exchange of tools allows with few actions and a modification that time does not exceed one digit on your total time. In this study, a case study showed that only with standardization and use of cheap improvements made it possible to reduce setup time in bottle labeling machine by 98 minutes for a final time of approximately 10 minutes with little investment, demonstrating the feasibility the displayed and a monthly gain tool in bottles at approximately 120,000, generating a performance gain and budget of approximately R$ 94,000.00 per month


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While fewer in number than the dominant rotation-powered radio pulsar population, peculiar classes of isolated neutron stars (INSs) which include magnetars, the ROSAT-discovered "Magnificent Seven" (M7), rotating radio transients (RRATs), and central compact objects in supernova remnants (CCOs) - represent a key element in understanding the neutron star phenomenology. We report the results of an observational campaign to study the properties of the source 2XMM J104608.7-594306, a newly discovered thermally emitting INS. The evolutionary state of the neutron star is investigated by means of deep dedicated observations obtained with the XMM-Newton Observatory, the ESO Very Large Telescope, as well as publicly available gamma-ray data from the Fermi Space Telescope and the AGILE Mission. The observations confirm previous expectations and reveal a unique type of object. The source, which is likely within the Carina Nebula (N-H = 2.6x10(21) cm(-2)), has a spectrum that is both thermal and soft, with kT(infinity) = 135 eV. Non-thermal (magnetospheric) emission is not detected down to 1% (3 sigma, 0.1-12 keV) of the source luminosity. Significant deviations (absorption features) from a simple blackbody model are identified in the spectrum of the source around energies 0.6 keV and 1.35 keV. While the former deviation is likely related to a local oxygen overabundance in the Carina Nebula, the latter can only be accounted for by an additional spectral component, which is modelled as a Gaussian line in absorption with EW = 91 eV and sigma = 0.14 keV (1 sigma). Furthermore, the optical counterpart is fainter than m(V) = 27 (2 sigma) and no gamma-ray emission is significantly detected by either the Fermi or AGILE missions. Very interestingly, while these characteristics are remarkably similar to those of the M7 or the only RRAT so far detected in X-rays, which all have spin periods of a few seconds, we found intriguing evidence of very rapid rotation, P = 18.6ms, at the 4 sigma confidence level. We interpret these new results in the light of the observed properties of the currently known neutron star population, in particular those of standard rotation-powered pulsars, recycled objects, and CCOs. We find that none of these scenarios can satisfactorily explain the collective properties of 2XMM J104608.7-594306, although it may be related to the still poorly known class of Galactic anti-magnetars. Future XMM-Newton data, granted for the next cycle of observations (AO11), will help us to improve our current observational interpretation of the source, enabling us to significantly constrain the rate of pulsar spin down.


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[ES]Trabajo en el cual, se expone el desarrollo de una aplicación web, utilizando para la implementación de la misma, una metodología de desarrollo ágil denominada PUD (Proceso unificado de Desarrollo) y la cual se implementa utilizando un gestor de contenidos denominado Drupal. Como fin el Portal web responde a que los miembros de las organizaciones puedan aportar peticiones y poder votar o firmar las mismas a nivel de organización. De la misma forma permite la gestión de una organización por parte de un rol específico, y la creación y eliminación de usuarios, así mismo como asignar una victoria a una propuesta determinada.El mismo cuenta con integración de usuarios, estos pudiendo modificar su perfil y crear propuestas pudiendo así asociarlas a una organización en concreto. Por otro lado se ilustra la aplicación de ingeniería del software en proyecto web utilizando para ello en este caso como mejor opción un gestor de contenidos. Aprovechándose para ello el uso de modulo los cuales son ofrecidos por una gran comunidad. Cabe destacar que se tienen en cuenta problemas de seguridad y así mismo se exponen soluciones para solventar los mismos, se hacen pruebas para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de la aplicación. También cabe destacar el poder dejar abierta la posibilidad de utilizar servicios REST a nuestro portal, con la intención de implementar una aplicación para dispositivos móviles y que los mismos tengan acceso a ella o el que otro aplicación de manera externa puede obtener datos de nuestra aplicación, de esta forma se permite el poder ampliar la aplicación y poder ofrecer posibles futuras funcionalidades.


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[ES] El presente trabajo describe el desarrollo de una aplicación para el registro de las horas de docencia impartidas por el profesorado en la universidad. Con esto se persigue tener la información digitalizada para agilizar las gestiones que se tengan que realizar con ella. Por el lado del profesorado, se enviarán notificaciones vía correo electrónico para confirmar la docencia firmada, a modo de registro personal para que el profesor sepa la docencia que ha impartido y, en caso de sustitución, que también el profesor sustituido tenga constancia de la sustitución. El desarrollo se hará apoyándose en métodos ágiles, utilizando el desarrollo guiado por pruebas los módulos del modelo y persistencia.


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Constraints are widely present in the flight control problems: actuators saturations or flight envelope limitations are only some examples of that. The ability of Model Predictive Control (MPC) of dealing with the constraints joined with the increased computational power of modern calculators makes this approach attractive also for fast dynamics systems such as agile air vehicles. This PhD thesis presents the results, achieved at the Aerospace Engineering Department of the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratories (NLR), concerning the development of a model predictive control system for small scale rotorcraft UAS. Several different predictive architectures have been evaluated and tested by means of simulation, as a result of this analysis the most promising one has been used to implement three different control systems: a Stability and Control Augmentation System, a trajectory tracking and a path following system. The systems have been compared with a corresponding baseline controller and showed several advantages in terms of performance, stability and robustness.


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Abbiamo analizzato compiutamente la conformazione attuale della città di Bologna, individuandone gli elementi caratterizzanti, i punti di forza e le criticità, per riuscire a riconnetterla sia al tessuto del centro storico sia a quello rurale. Il tipo di metodo scelto riprende in parte quello utilizzato nell’analisi delle mappe storiche, lavorando attorno a tre temi fondamentali: spazi aperti, tessuto urbano e viabilità. La consapevolezza profonda della realtà e delle dinamiche presenti ci ha portato ad individuare la soluzione che riteniamo essere più funzionale per la riconnessione delle differenti zone, utilizzando la fascia come filtro tra campagna e città. L’obiettivo individuato è quello di sfruttare la linea ferroviaria in disuso convertendola in una linea di tram-treno, una infrastruttura elettrica e a basso impatto ambientale che funzioni in modo agile e puntuale contribuendo in maniera significativa alla mobilità da e verso il centro storico di Bologna, con fermate nei principali fatti urbani come il complesso fieristico, la nuova sede comunale, il centro di ricerca, il polo universitario, i centri sportivi e commerciali. Parte della stessa linea ferroviaria, in particolare il tratto ovest, verrà riqualificato creando un parco lineare sulla sede della linea stessa, come realizzato a Parigi per la “promenade plantée” o a New York con la “highline”, restituendo ai bolognesi un percorso cittadino che valorizzi la natura, la riflessione ed il benessere. Un collegamento tra diverse aree urbane caratterizzato da un flusso più lento esclusivo dei pedoni e dei ciclisti, che trova una sua continuità naturalistica ad ovest andando a collegarsi al parco fluviale del canale Reno, proseguendo invece ad est parallelamente alla linea di tram-treno, creando una continuità di percorsi ciclo-pedonali che si integrano agli esistenti raggiungendo le zone centrali della città. L’intento è quello di incanalare il flusso non carrabile proveniente dalle aree rurali e dalla tangenziale, anche attraverso parcheggi scambiatori, in un percorso privilegiato, funzionale e naturalistico che permetta di raggiungere il centro storico e anche la zona collinare risalendo lungo il parco fluviale, dando ai fruitori la possibilità di osservare Bologna con più tranquillità e da un punto di vista nuovo.


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In the last few years, a new generation of Business Intelligence (BI) tools called BI 2.0 has emerged to meet the new and ambitious requirements of business users. BI 2.0 not only introduces brand new topics, but in some cases it re-examines past challenges according to new perspectives depending on the market changes and needs. In this context, the term pervasive BI has gained increasing interest as an innovative and forward-looking perspective. This thesis investigates three different aspects of pervasive BI: personalization, timeliness, and integration. Personalization refers to the capacity of BI tools to customize the query result according to the user who takes advantage of it, facilitating the fruition of BI information by different type of users (e.g., front-line employees, suppliers, customers, or business partners). In this direction, the thesis proposes a model for On-Line Analytical Process (OLAP) query personalization to reduce the query result to the most relevant information for the specific user. Timeliness refers to the timely provision of business information for decision-making. In this direction, this thesis defines a new Data Warehuose (DW) methodology, Four-Wheel-Drive (4WD), that combines traditional development approaches with agile methods; the aim is to accelerate the project development and reduce the software costs, so as to decrease the number of DW project failures and favour the BI tool penetration even in small and medium companies. Integration refers to the ability of BI tools to allow users to access information anywhere it can be found, by using the device they prefer. To this end, this thesis proposes Business Intelligence Network (BIN), a peer-to-peer data warehousing architecture, where a user can formulate an OLAP query on its own system and retrieve relevant information from both its local system and the DWs of the net, preserving its autonomy and independency.


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Con le "Imagini degli dei degli antichi", pubblicate a Venezia nel 1556 e poi in più edizioni arricchite e illustrate, l’impegnato gentiluomo estense Vincenzo Cartari realizza il primo, fortunatissimo manuale mitografico italiano in lingua volgare, diffuso e tradotto in tutta l’Europa moderna. Cartari rimodula, secondo accenti divulgativi ma fedeli, fonti latine tradizionali: come le ricche "Genealogie deorum gentilium" di Giovanni Boccaccio, l’appena precedente "De deis gentium varia et multiplex historia" di Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, i curiosi "Fasti" ovidiani, da lui stesso commentati e tradotti. Soprattutto, però, introduce il patrimonio millenario di favole ed esegesi classiche, di aperture egiziane, mediorientali, sassoni, a una chiave di lettura inedita, agile e vitalissima: l’ecfrasi. Le divinità e i loro cortei di creature minori, aneddoti leggendari e attributi identificativi si susseguono secondo un taglio iconico e selettivo. Sfilano, in trionfi intrisi di raffinato petrarchismo neoplatonico e di emblematica picta poesis rinascimentale, soltanto gli aspetti figurabili e distintivi dei personaggi mitici: perché siano «raccontate interamente» tutte le cose attinenti alle figure antiche, «con le imagini quasi di tutti i dei, e le ragioni perché fossero così dipinti». Così, le "Imagini" incontrano il favore di lettori colti e cortigiani eleganti, di pittori e ceramisti, di poeti e artigiani. Allestiscono una sorta di «manuale d’uso» pronto all’inchiostro del poeta o al pennello dell’artista, una suggestiva raccolta di «libretti figurativi» ripresi tanto dalla maniera di Paolo Veronese o di Giorgio Vasari, quanto dal classicismo dei Carracci e di Nicolas Poussin. Si rivelano, infine, summa erudita capace di attirare appunti e revisioni: l’antiquario padovano Lorenzo Pignoria, nel 1615 e di nuovo nel 1626, vi aggiunge appendici archeologiche e comparatistiche, interessate al remoto regno dei faraoni quanto agli esotici idoli orientali e dei Nuovi Mondi.


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Studio dello sviluppo dei modelli di processo di sviluppo software con particolare approfondimento del modello agile Scrum e relativo studio effettuato alla Microsoft sull'uso di Scrum.