350 resultados para absorptiometry


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[EN] BACKGROUND: To determine whether androgen receptor (AR) CAG (polyglutamine) and GGN (polyglycine) polymorphisms influence bone mineral density (BMD), osteocalcin and free serum testosterone concentration in young men. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Whole body, lumbar spine and femoral bone mineral content (BMC) and BMD, Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), AR repeat polymorphisms (PCR), osteocalcin and free testosterone (ELISA) were determined in 282 healthy men (28.6+/-7.6 years). Individuals were grouped as CAG short (CAG(S)) if harboring repeat lengths of < or = 21 or CAG long (CAG(L)) if CAG > 21, and GGN was considered short (GGN(S)) or long (GGN(L)) if GGN < or = 23 or > 23. There was an inverse association between logarithm of CAG and GGN length and Ward's Triangle BMC (r = -0.15 and -0.15, P<0.05, age and height adjusted). No associations between CAG or GGN repeat length and regional BMC or BMD were observed after adjusting for age. Whole body and regional BMC and BMD values were similar in men harboring CAG(S), CAG(L), GGN(S) or GGN(L) AR repeat polymorphisms. Men harboring the combination CAG(L)+GGN(L) had 6.3 and 4.4% higher lumbar spine BMC and BMD than men with the haplotype CAG(S)+GGN(S) (both P<0.05). Femoral neck BMD was 4.8% higher in the CAG(S)+GGN(S) compared with the CAG(L)+GGN(S) men (P<0.05). CAG(S), CAG(L), GGN(S), GGN(L) men had similar osteocalcin concentration as well as the four CAG-GGN haplotypes studied. CONCLUSION: AR polymorphisms have an influence on BMC and BMD in healthy adult humans, which cannot be explained through effects in osteoblastic activity.


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[EN] BACKGROUND: To determine if there is an association between physical activity assessed by the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: One hundred and eighty-two young males (age range: 20-55 years) completed the short form of the IPAQ to assess physical activity. Body composition (dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry), muscular fitness (static and dynamic muscle force and power, vertical jump height, running speed [30 m sprint], anaerobic capacity [300 m running test]) and cardiorespiratory fitness (estimated VO(2)max: 20 m shuttle run test) were also determined in all subjects. Activity-related energy expenditure of moderate and vigorous intensity (EEPA(moderate) and EEPA(vigorous), respectively) was inversely associated with indices of adiposity (r = -0.21 to -0.37, P<0.05). Cardiorespiratory fitness (VO(2)max) was positively associated with LogEEPA(moderate) (r = 0.26, P<0.05) and LogEEPA(vigorous) (r = 0.27). However, no association between VO(2)max with LogEEPA(moderate), LogEPPA(vigorous) and LogEEPA(total) was observed after adjusting for the percentage of body fat. Multiple stepwise regression analysis to predict VO(2)max from LogEEPA(walking), LogEEPA(moderate), LogEEPA(vigorous), LogEEPA(total), age and percentage of body fat (%fat) showed that the %fat alone explained 62% of the variance in VO(2)max and that the age added another 10%, while the other variables did not add predictive value to the model [VO(2)max = 129.6-(25.1x Log %fat) - (34.0x Log age); SEE: 4.3 ml.kg(-1). min(-1); R(2) = 0.72 (P<0.05)]. No positive association between muscular fitness-related variables and physical activity was observed, even after adjusting for body fat or body fat and age. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Adiposity and age are the strongest predictors of VO(2)max in healthy men. The energy expended in moderate and vigorous physical activities is inversely associated with adiposity. Muscular fitness does not appear to be associated with physical activity as assessed by the IPAQ.


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A Swiss-specific FRAX model was developed. Patient profiles at increased probability of fracture beyond currently accepted reimbursement thresholds for bone mineral density (BMD) measurement by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and osteoporosis treatment were identified.


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The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis (idRTA) in men with recurrent calcium nephrolithiasis and its potential impact on bone mineral density. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 150 consecutive, male idiopathic recurrent calcium stone formers (RCSFs), which had originally been referred to the tertiary care stone center of the University Hospital of Berne for further metabolic evaluation. All RCSFs had been maintained on a free-choice diet while collecting two 24-h urine samples and delivered second morning urine samples after 12 h fasting. Among 12 RCSFs with a fasting urine pH >5.8, a modified 3-day ammonium chloride loading test identified idRTA in 10 patients (urine pH >5.32, idRTA group). We matched to each idRTA subject 5 control subjects from the 150 RCSFs, primary by BMI and then by age, i.e., 50 patients, without any acidification defect (non-RTA group) for comparative biochemistry and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) analyses. The prevalence of primary idRTA among RCSFs was 6.7% (10/150). Patients with idRTA had significantly higher 2-h fasting and 24-h urine pH (2-h urine pH: 6.6 ± 0.4 vs. 5.2 ± 0.1, p = 0.001; 24-h urine pH: 6.1 ± 0.2 vs. 5.3 ± 0.3, p = 0.001), 24-h urinary calcium excretion (7.70 ± 1.75 vs. 5.69 ± 1.73 mmol/d, p = 0.02), but significantly lower 24-h urinary urea excretion (323 ± 53 vs. 399 ± 114 mmol/d, p = 0.01), urinary citrate levels (2.32 ± 0.82 vs. 3.01 ± 0.72 mmol/d, p = 0.04) and renal phosphate threshold normalized for the glomerular filtration rate (TmPO(4)/GFR: 0.66 ± 0.17 vs. 0.82 ± 0.21, p = 0.03) compared to non-RTA patients. No significant difference in bone mineral density (BMD) was found between idRTA and non-RTA patients for the lumbar spine (LS BMD (g/cm(2)): 1.046 ± 0.245 SD vs. 1.005 ± 0.119 SD, p = 0.42) or femoral neck (FN BMD (g/cm(2)): 0.830 ± 0.135 SD vs. 0.852 ± 0.127 SD). Thus, idRTA occurs in 1 in 15 male RCSFs and should be sought in all recurrent calcium nephrolithiasis patients. Bone mineral density, however, does not appear to be significantly affected by idRTA.


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Denosumab is an approved therapy for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high or increased risk for fracture. In the FREEDOM study, denosumab reduced fracture risk and increased bone mineral density (BMD). We report the spine and hip dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) BMD responses from the overall study of 7808 women and from a substudy of 441 participants in which more extensive spine and hip assessments as well as additional skeletal sites were evaluated. Significant BMD improvements were observed as early as 1mo at the lumbar spine, total hip, and trochanter (all p<0.005 vs placebo and baseline). BMD increased progressively at the lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck, trochanter, 1/3 radius, and total body from baseline to months 12, 24, and 36 (all p<0.005 vs placebo and baseline). BMD gains above the least significant change of more than 3% at 36 months were observed in 90% of denosumab-treated subjects at the lumbar spine and 74% at the total hip, and gains more than 6% occurred in 77% and 38%, respectively. In conclusion, denosumab treatment resulted in significant, early, and continued BMD increases at both trabecular and cortical sites throughout the skeleton over 36mo with important gains observed in most subjects.


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Bone research is limited by the methods available for detecting changes in bone metabolism. While dual X-ray absorptiometry is rather insensitive, biochemical markers are subject to significant intra-individual variation. In the study presented here, we evaluated the isotopic labeling of bone using 41Ca, a long-lived radiotracer, as an alternative approach. After successful labeling of the skeleton, changes in the systematics of urinary 41Ca excretion are expected to directly reflect changes in bone Ca metabolism. A minute amount of 41Ca (100 nCi) was administered orally to 22 postmenopausal women. Kinetics of tracer excretion were assessed by monitoring changes in urinary 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios up to 700 days post-dosing using accelerator mass spectrometry and resonance ionization mass spectrometry. Isotopic labeling of the skeleton was evaluated by two different approaches: (i) urinary 41Ca data were fitted to an established function consisting of an exponential term and a power law term for each individual; (ii) 41Ca data were analyzed by population pharmacokinetic (NONMEM) analysis to identify a compartmental model that describes urinary 41Ca tracer kinetics. A linear three-compartment model with a central compartment and two sequential peripheral compartments was found to best fit the 41Ca data. Fits based on the use of the combined exponential/power law function describing urinary tracer excretion showed substantially higher deviations between predicted and measured values than fits based on the compartmental modeling approach. By establishing the urinary 41Ca excretion pattern using data points up to day 500 and extrapolating these curves up to day 700, it was found that the calculated 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios in urine were significantly lower than the observed 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios for both techniques. Compartmental analysis can overcome this limitation. By identifying relative changes in transfer rates between compartments in response to an intervention, inaccuracies in the underlying model cancel out. Changes in tracer distribution between compartments were modeled based on identified kinetic parameters. While changes in bone formation and resorption can, in principle, be assessed by monitoring urinary 41Ca excretion over the first few weeks post-dosing, assessment of an intervention effect is more reliable approximately 150 days post-dosing when excreted tracer originates mainly from bone.


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The number of elderly people is growing in western populations, but only few maximal performance data exist for people >75 years, in particular for European octogenarians. This study was performed to characterize maximal performance of 55 independently living subjects (32 women, 81.1 +/- 3.4 years; 23 men, 81.7 +/- 2.9 years) with a focus on sex differences. Maximal performance was determined in a ramp test to exhaustion on a bicycle ergometer with ergospirometry, electrocardiogram and blood lactate measurements. Maximal isometric extension strength of the legs (MEL) was measured on a force platform in a seated position. Body composition was quantified by X-ray absorptiometry. In >25% of the subjects, serious cardiac abnormalities were detected during the ramp test with men more frequently being affected than women. Maximal oxygen consumption and power output were 18.2 +/- 3.2 versus 25.9 +/- 5.9 ml min(-1) kg(-1) and 66 +/- 12 versus 138 +/- 40 W for women versus men, with a significant sex difference for both parameters. Men outperformed women for MEL with 19.0 +/- 3.8 versus 13.6 +/- 3.3 N kg(-1). Concomitantly, we found a higher proportion of whole body fat in women (32.1 +/- 6.2%) compared to men (20.5 +/- 4.4%). Our study extends previously available maximal performance data for endurance and strength to independently living European octogenarians. As all sex-related differences were still apparent after normalization to lean body mass, it is concluded that it is essential to differentiate between female and male subjects when considering maximal performance parameters in the oldest segment of our population.


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OBJECTIVE: Define links between psychosocial parameters and metabolic variables in obese females before and after a low-calorie diet. METHOD: Nine female obese patients (age 36.1 +/- 7.1 years, body mass index [BMI] > 30 kg/m2) were investigated before and after a 6-week low-calorie diet accompanied by behavior therapy. Blood lipids, insulin sensitivity (Bergman protocol), fat distribution (by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [DEXA]), as well as psychological parameters such as depression, anger, anxiety, symptom load, and well-being, were assessed before and after the dieting period. RESULTS: The females lost 9.6 +/- 2.8 kg (p < .0001) of body weight, their BMI was reduced by 3.5 +/- 0.3 kg/m2 (p < .0001), and insulin sensitivity increased from 3.0 +/- 1.8 to 4.3 +/- 1.5 mg/kg (p = .05). Their abdominal fat content decreased from 22.3 +/- 5.5 to 18.9 +/- 4.5 kg (p < .0001). In parallel, psychological parameters such as irritability (p < .05) and cognitive control (p < .0001) increased, whereas feelings of hunger (p < .05), externality (p < .05), interpersonal sensitivity (p < .01), paranoid ideation (p < .05), psychoticism (p < .01), and global severity index (p < .01) decreased. Prospectively, differences in body fat (percent) were correlated to nervousness (p < .05). Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) differences were significantly correlated to sociability (p < .05) and inversely to emotional instability (p < .05), whereas emotional instability was inversely correlated to differences in insulin sensitivity (p < .01). DISCUSSION: Weight reduction may lead to better somatic risk factor control. Women with more nervousness and better sociability at the beginning of a diet period may lose more weight than others.


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Aim of the study was to investigate the possible mechanisms leading to stunted growth and osteoporosis in experimental arthritis. Fourty-two female rats of 7-8 weeks of age were randomly assigned to three groups of 14 animals each: (a) controls; (b) adjuvant-inoculated (AA); and (c) adjuvant-inoculated rats receiving 10 mg cyclosporin A (CsA) orally for 30 days. Biological parameters studied were: hindpaw swelling; vertebral length progression expressed as Delta increments between days 1 and 30 as a parameter of skeletal growth, and estimation of total skeletal mineral content by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (n=10 each group) on day 30. Endocrine parameters measured were pulsatile release of growth hormone (rGH) on day 30 following jugular cannulation and measurement of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in pooled plasma from rGH profiles. Results can be summarized as follows: Untreated AA rats exhibited local signs of inflammation in comparison with controls (hindpaw diameter 8.1-8.9 mm vs. 5.3-5.6 mm in controls). Treatment with CsA normalized this parameter (4.9-5.6 mm). Vertebral growth was significantly retarded in AA rats in comparison with controls (214+/-32 vs. 473+/-33 microm; p<0.001). Administration of CsA normalized vertebral size increment with a clear tendency to overgrowth (523+/-43 microm, n.s.). There was also a marked reduction in total skeletal mineral content in diseased (AA) rats as compared to controls (5.8+/-0.1 vs. 7.5+/-0.1g [OH-apatite]; p<0.001), and a moderate but significant increment above controls in the group receiving CsA (8.0+/-0.1 vs. 7.5+/-0.1g [OH-appatite]; p<0.04). Integrated rGH profiles exhibited a significant fall in arthritic rats and were completely restored to normal under CsA treatment. A trend toward higher rGH values was observed in the latter group (2908+/-554 in AA vs. 8317+/-1492 ng/ml/240 min in controls; p<0.001, and 10940+/-222 ng/ml/240 min, n.s. in the CsA group). There was a good correlation between skeletal growth and rGH pulsatility (r=0.81; p<0.001). IGF-1 followed a similar pattern (630+/-44 in AA vs. 752+/-30 ng/ml in controls; p<0.04, and 769+/-59 ng/ml in the CsA group, n.s. vs. controls). Thus, a clear tendency to skeletal overgrowth following treatment was observed in agreement with the hormonal data. It can therefore be concluded that, in experimental arthritis, attenuated GH-spiking and reduced circulating IGF-1 appear to be causally related to growth retardation, probably mimicking signs and symptoms observed in juvenile arthritis. Therapy with CsA is followed by normalization of hormonal and biological parameters accompanied by a catch up phenomenon in skeletal growth which is also observed clinically in juvenile arthritis. Generalized osteopenia is a prominent feature seemingly connected with the growth abnormalities as they parallel each other during the evolution of the disease and respond equally to therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Renal calcium stones and hypercalciuria are associated with a reduced bone mineral density (BMD). Therefore, the effect of changes in calcium homeostasis is of interest for both stones and bones. We hypothesized that the response of calciuria, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1.25 vitamin D to changes in dietary calcium might be related to BMD. METHODS: A single-centre prospective interventional study of 94 hyper- and non-hypercalciuric calcium stone formers consecutively retrieved from our stone clinic. The patients were investigated on a free-choice diet, a low-calcium diet, while fasting and after an oral calcium load. Patient groups were defined according to lumbar BMD (z-score) obtained by dual X-ray absorptiometry (group 1: z-score <-0.5, n = 30; group 2: z-score -0.5-0.5, n = 36; group 3: z-score >0.5, n = 28). The effect of the dietary interventions on calciuria, 1.25 vitamin D and PTH in relation to BMD was measured. RESULTS: An inverse relationship between BMD and calciuria was observed on all four calcium intakes (P = 0.009). On a free-choice diet, 1.25 vitamin D and PTH levels were identical in the three patient groups. However, the relative responses of 1.25 vitamin D and PTH to the low-calcium diet were opposite in the three groups with the highest increase of 1.25 vitamin D in group 1 and the lowest in group 3, whereas PTH increase was most pronounced in group 3 and least in group 1. CONCLUSION: Calcium stone formers with a low lumbar BMD exhibit a blunted response of PTH release and an apparently overshooting production of 1.25 vitamin D following a low-calcium diet.


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A nationwide survey was conducted in Switzerland to assess the quality level of osteoporosis management in patients aged 50 years or older presenting with a fragility fracture to the emergency ward of the participating hospitals. Eight centres recruited 4966 consecutive patients who presented with one or more fractures between 2004 and 2006. Of these, 3667 (2797 women, 73.8 years old and 870 men, 73.0 years old in average) were considered as having a fragility fracture and included in the survey. Included patients presented with a fracture of the upper limbs (30.7%), lower limbs (26.4%), axial skeleton (19.5%) or another localisation, including malleolar fractures (23.4%). Thirty-two percent reported one or more previous fractures during adulthood. Of the 2941 (80.2%) hospitalised women and men, only half returned home after discharge. During diagnostic workup, dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurement was performed in 31.4% of the patients only. Of those 46.0% had a T-score < or =-2.5 SD and 81.1% < or =-1.0 SD. Osteoporosis treatment rate increased from 26.3% before fracture to 46.9% after fracture in women and from 13.0% to 30.3% in men. However, only 24.0% of the women and 13.8% of the men were finally adequately treated with a bone active substance, generally an oral bisphosphonate, with or without calcium / vitamin D supplements. A positive history of previous fracture vs none increased the likelihood of getting treatment with a bone active substance (36.6 vs 17.9%, ? 18.7%, 95% CI 15.1 to 22.3, and 22.6 vs 9.9%, ? 12.7%, CI 7.3 to 18.5, in women and men, respectively). In Switzerland, osteoporosis remains underdiagnosed and undertreated in patients aged 50 years and older presenting with a fragility fracture.


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In a randomly selected cohort of Swiss community-dwelling elderly women prospectively followed up for 2.8 +/- 0.6 years, clinical fractures were assessed twice yearly. Bone mineral density (BMD) measured at tibial diaphysis (T-DIA) and tibial epiphysis (T-EPI) using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was shown to be a valid alternative to lumbar spine or hip BMD in predicting fractures.


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BACKGROUND: Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) is common in adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The role of proximal renal tubular dysfunction (PRTD) and alterations in bone metabolism in HIV-related low BMD are incompletely understood. METHODS: We quantified BMD (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), blood and urinary markers of bone metabolism and renal function, and risk factors for low BMD (hip or spine T score, -1 or less) in an ambulatory care setting. We determined factors associated with low BMD and calculated 10-year fracture risks using the World Health Organization FRAX equation. RESULTS: We studied 153 adults (98% men; median age, 48 years; median body mass index, 24.5; 67 [44%] were receiving tenofovir, 81 [53%] were receiving a boosted protease inhibitor [PI]). Sixty-five participants (42%) had low BMD, and 11 (7%) had PRTD. PI therapy was associated with low BMD in multivariable analysis (odds ratio, 2.69; 95% confidence interval, 1.09-6.63). Tenofovir use was associated with increased osteoblast and osteoclast activity (P< or = .002). The mean estimated 10-year risks were 1.2% for hip fracture and 5.4% for any major osteoporotic fracture. CONCLUSIONS: In this mostly male population, low BMD was significantly associated with PI therapy. Tenofovir recipients showed evidence of increased bone turnover. Measurement of BMD and estimation of fracture risk may be warranted in treated HIV-infected adults.


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To assess bone mineral density (BMD) at different skeletal sites in women with hypothalamic or ovarian amenorrhea and the effect of estrogen-gestagen substitution on BMD we compared BMD of 21 amenorrheic patients with hypothalamic or ovarian amenorrhea with that of a control population of 123 healthy women. All amenorrheic patients were recruited from the outpatient clinic of the Division of Gynecological Endocrinology at the University of Berne, a public University Hospital. One hundred and twenty-three healthy, regularly menstruating women recruited in the Berne area served as a control group. BMD was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). At each site where it was measured, mean BMD was lower in the amenorrheic group than in the control group. Compared with the control group, average BMD in the amenorrheic group was 85% at lumbar spine (p < 0.0001), 92% at femoral neck (p < 0.02), 90% at Ward's triangle (p < 0.03), 92% at tibial diaphysis (p < 0.0001) and 92% at tibial epiphysis (p < 0.03). Fifteen amenorrheic women received estrogen-gestagen replacement therapy (0.03 mg ethinylestradiol and 0.15 mg desogestrel daily for 21 days per month), bone densitometry being repeated within 12-24 months. An annual increase in BMD of 0.2% to 2.9% was noted at all measured sites, the level of significance being reached at the lumbar spine (p < 0.0012) and Ward's triangle (p < 0.033). In conclusion BMD is lower in amenorrheic young women than in a population of normally menstruating, age-matched women in both mainly trabecular (lumbar spine, Ward's triangle, tibial epiphysis) and mainly cortical bone (femoral neck, tibial diaphysis).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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This study evaluated the effects of 8 weeks of eccentric endurance training (EET) in male subjects (age range 42-66 years) with coronary artery disease (CAD). EET was compared to concentric endurance training (CET) carried out at the same metabolic exercise intensity, three times per week for half an hour. CET ( n=6) was done on a conventional cycle ergometer and EET ( n=6) on a custom-built motor-driven ergometer. During the first 5 weeks of the training program the metabolic load was progressively increased to 60% of peak oxygen uptake in both groups. At this metabolic load, mechanical work rate achieved was 97 (8) W [mean (SE)] for CET and 338 (34) W for EET, respectively. Leg muscle mass was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, quadriceps strength with an isokinetic dynamometer and muscle fibre composition of the vastus lateralis muscle with morphometry. The leg muscle mass increased significantly in both groups by some 3%. Strength parameters of knee extensors improved in EET only. Significant changes of +11 (4.9)%, +15 (3.2)% and +9 (2.5)% were reached for peak isometric torque and peak concentric torques at 60 degrees s(-1) and 120 degrees s(-1), respectively. Fibre size increased significantly by 19% in CET only. In conclusion, the present investigation showed that EET is feasible in middle-aged CAD patients and has functional advantages over CET by increasing muscle strength. Muscle mass increased similarly in both groups whereas muscle structural composition was differently affected by the respective training protocols. Potential limitations of this study are the cautiously chosen conditioning protocol and the restricted number of subjects.