307 resultados para Zoo
Includes bibliographies.
"Parts of the book have been published as separate articles in the American Museum journal, Harper's magazine, and Asia."--Pref.
Seven captive male African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) weighing 25-32 kg each, were anesthetized by i.m. injection via hand syringe with a combination of 1.5 mg/kg ketamine, 40 mu g/kg medetomidine, and 0.05 mg/kg atropine. Following endotracheal intubation, each animal was connected to a bain closed-circuit system that delivered 1.5% isoflurane and 2 L/min oxygen. Atipamezole (0.1 mg/kg i.v.; 0.1 mg/kg i.m.) was given at the end of each procedure (60 min following injection of medetomidine/ketamine/atropine). Time to sternal recumbency was 5-8 min. Times to standing after atipamezole administration were 8-20 min. This anesthetic regimen was repeated on three separate occasions (September 2000, February 2002, and October 2002) on all males to perform electroejaculation procedures. Each procedure was < 80 min from injection to standing. Dogs showed excellent muscle relaxation during the procedures. Arterial blood samples were collected at 10-min intervals for blood gases in one procedure (September 2000). Separate venous samples were taken from each dog during each procedure for hematology and biochemistry. These values were within the normal range for this species. Arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate (HR) were monitored continuously in addition to other anesthesia monitoring procedures (body temperature, respiratory rate [RR], capillary refill time, blink response, pupil position, deep pain perception reflex). All dogs maintained relatively stable SpO2 profiles during monitoring, with a mean (+/- SD) SpO2 of 92% +/- 5.4%. All other physiological variables (HR, RR, body temperature, blood pressure) were within normal limits. Following each procedure, normal behavior was noted in all dogs. All the dogs were reunited into the pack at completion of their anesthetic procedures. An injectable medetomidine-ketamine-atropine combination with maintenance by gaseous isoflurane and oxygen provides an inexpensive, reliable anesthetic for captive African wild dogs.
The continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey is the largest multi-decadal plankton monitoring programme in the world. It was initiated in 1931 and by the end of 2004 had counted 207,619 samples and identified 437 phyto- and zoo-plankton taxa throughout the North Atlantic. CPR data are used extensively by the research community and in recent years have been used increasingly to underpin marine management. Here, we take a critical look at how best to use CPR data. We first describe the CPR itself, CPR sampling, and plankton counting procedures. We discuss the spatial and temporal biases in the Survey, summarise environmental data that have not previously been available, and describe the new data access policy. We supply information essential to using CPR data, including descriptions of each CPR taxonomic entity., the idiosyncrasies associated with counting many of the taxa, the logic behind taxonomic changes in the Survey, the semi-quantitative nature of CPR sampling, and recommendations on choosing the spatial and temporal scale of study. This forms the basis for a broader discussion on how to use CPR data for deriving ecologically meaningful indices based on size, functional groups and biomass that can be used to support research and management. This contribution should be useful for plankton ecologists, modellers and policy makers that actively use CPR data. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
One aim of providing enrichment to captive animals is to promote the expression of behavioural patterns similar to their wild conspecifics. We evaluated the effectiveness of four types of simple feeding enrichment, using surveillance cameras to record the behaviour of 11 captive squirrel monkeys housed in a single enclosure at Alma Park Zoo in Brisbane, Australia. The enrichment involved differences in presentation (whole/chopped) and distribution (localised/scattered) of fruit and vegetables that were part of the normal diet of these animals. Distinguishing between individual squirrel monkeys was not possible from the videos, so Instantaneous Scan Sampling was used to record the numbers of animals performing particular behaviours every 15 minutes over the 24 hour period as well as every 5 minutes for the hour following provision of enrichment. This provided an estimation of the percentage of time spent by the group in various activities. As a result of the enrichment, the activity budget of the group more closely approximated that of wild squirrel monkeys. However on a number of occasions where the enrichment required the squirrel monkeys to work to obtain their food (whole fruit and vegetables), a number of individuals became aggressive towards the zookeepers. This result highlights the variation in responses of individual animals towards enrichment and indicates that in enclosures with large numbers of animals, the response of each individual should be evaluated in addition to the overall benefit of the enrichment for the group. Furthermore, this variation also suggests that it may be beneficial to provide the animals with choices of enrichment as opposed to providing single forms of enrichment that may only be effective for a proportion of the animals in the enclosure, and may even result in undesirable responses from some individuals.
In a series of studies, I investigated the developmental changes in children’s inductive reasoning strategy, methodological manipulations affecting the trajectory, and driving mechanisms behind the development of category induction. I systematically controlled the nature of the stimuli used, and employed a triad paradigm in which perceptual cues were directly pitted against category membership, to explore under which circumstances children used perceptual or category induction. My induction tasks were designed for children aged 3-9 years old using biologically plausible novel items. In Study 1, I tested 264 children. Using a wide age range allowed me to systematically investigate the developmental trajectory of induction. I also created two degrees of perceptual distractor – high and low – and explored whether the degree of perceptual similarity between target and test items altered children’s strategy preference. A further 52 children were tested in Study 2, to examine whether children showing a perceptual-bias were in fact basing their choice on maturation categories. A gradual transition was observed from perceptual to category induction. However, this transition could not be due to the inability to inhibit high perceptual distractors as children of all ages were equally distracted. Children were also not basing their strategy choices on maturation categories. In Study 3, I investigated category structure (featural vs. relational category rules) and domain (natural vs. artefact) on inductive preference. I tested 403 children. Each child was assigned to either the featural or relational condition, and completed both a natural kind and an artefact task. A further 98 children were tested in Study 4, on the effect of using stimuli labels during the tasks. I observed the same gradual transition from perceptual to category induction preference in Studies 3 and 4. This pattern was stable across domains, but children developed a category-bias one year later for relational categories, arguably due to the greater demands on executive function (EF) posed by these stimuli. Children who received labels during the task made significantly more category choices than those who did not receive labels, possibly due to priming effects. Having investigated influences affecting the developmental trajectory, I continued by exploring the driving mechanism behind the development of category induction. In Study 5, I tested 60 children on a battery of EF tasks as well as my induction task. None of the EF tasks were able to predict inductive variance, therefore EF development is unlikely to be the driving factor behind the transition. Finally in Study 6, I divided 252 children into either a comparison group or an intervention group. The intervention group took part in an interactive educational session at Twycross Zoo about animal adaptations. Both groups took part in four induction tasks, two before and two a week after the zoo visits. There was a significant increase in the number of category choices made in the intervention condition after the zoo visit, a result not observed in the comparison condition. This highlights the role of knowledge in supporting the transition from perceptual to category induction. I suggest that EF development may support induction development, but the driving mechanism behind the transition is an accumulation of knowledge, and an appreciation for the importance of category membership.
Animal celebrity is a human creation informing us about our socially constructed natural world. It is relational, expressive of cultural proclivities, political power plays and the quotidian everyday, as well as serious philosophical reflections on the meaning of being human. This article attempts to outline some key contours in the genealogy of animal celebrity, showing how popular culture, including fairground attractions, public relations, Hollywood movies, documentary films, zoo attractions, commercial sport and mediatised moral panics - particularly those accompanying scientific developments such as cloning - help to order, categorise and license aspects of human understanding and feelings. The nature of [animal] charisma and celebrity are explored with assistance from Jumbo the Elephant, Guy the Gorilla, Paul the clairvoyant octopus, Uggie the film star, Nénette the orang-utan and Dolly the sheep. It argues that the issue of what it is to be human lies beneath the celebritised surface or, as Donna Haraway noted, the issue 'of having to face oneself'. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62M10
The aim was to establish normative nasalance values for Irish English-speaking adults. Thirty men and 30 women with normal resonance read aloud 16 sentences from the Irish nasality assessment protocol, the Zoo passage, and the Rainbow passage. The speech samples were recorded using the Nasometer II 6400. Results of a mixed between–within subjects ANOVA indicated no significant gender effect on nasalance scores. The speakers showed significantly higher nasalance scores for high-pressure consonant sentences than low-pressure consonant sentences, and for the Rainbow passage than total test sentences. There was no significant difference between high-pressure consonant sentences and the Zoo passage. Compared to previous studies, the Irish young adults had lower nasalance scores than Irish children and than young adults with North American dialects.
El presente artículo se propone comparar dos novelas cuyo común denominador es el compromiso antitotalitario con motivo de la quema de libros considerada como el culmen de la barbarie anticultural, a saber Los libros arden mal (2006) de Manuel Rivas y Fahrenheit 451 (1953) de Ray Bradbury. Partiendo de las reflexiones de Fernando Rodríguez de la Flor en torno al biblioclasmo (2004), el paralelo se centra en los siguientes aspectos: la descripción zoo- y antropomorfizada de los libros en llamas; el biblioclasmo como expresión del totalitarismo, denotando asimismo una relación ambivalente y dialéctica entre cultura y barbarie; los movimientos subversivos dedicados a mantener el culto al libro y la tradición filosófico-literaria; la intertextualidad y el papel destacado de la Biblia en cuanto Libro de los libros. En conclusión se podrá constatar que, a pesar de numerosos puntos en común, en particular su compromiso antitotalitario, ambos autores se distinguen en concreto por su orientación política y el enfoque de su crítica cultural.
The German philosopher Hans Blumenberg [1920-1996] was interested in feminist issues during the last two decades of his life as shown their dedication and effort in compiling selected cuts in the media related to the topic of women and their development of multiple short essays inspired by the latter and countless curious anecdotes. Hans Blumenberg and feminism seeks to inform the reader about the existence of a blumenberguian thought line of research totally unexplored so far. It can only be revealed through the study of the philosopher ‘Nachlaβ’ found in the Deutsches literaturarchiv Marbach (Stuttgart) which I personally had a chance to dig through the award of a research grant from the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Dienst Austage).
Coral diseases are a major factor in the decline of coral reefs worldwide, and a large proportion of studies focusing on disease causation use aquaria to control variables that affect disease occurrence and development. Public aquaria can therefore provide an invaluable resource to study the factors contributing to health and disease. In November 2010 the corals within the main display tank at the Horniman Museum and Gardens, London, UK, underwent a severe stress event due to reduced water quality, which resulted in death of a large number of coral colonies. Three separate colonies of two species of reef coral, Seritopora hystrix and Montipora capricornis showing signs of stress and acute tissue loss were removed from the display tank and placed in a research tank with improved water quality. Both coral species showed a significant difference in 16S rRNA gene bacterial diversity between healthy and stressed states (S. hystrix; ANOSIM, R=0.44, p=0.02 and M. capricornis; ANOSIM, R=0.33, p=0.01), and between the stressed state and the recovering corals. After four months the bacterial communities had returned to a similar state to that seen in healthy corals of the same species. The bacterial communities associated with the two coral species were distinct, despite them
being reared under identical environmental conditions. Despite the environmental perturbation being identical different visual signs were seen in each species and distinctly different bacterial communities associated with the stressed state occurred within them. Recovery of the visually healthy state was associated with a return of the bacterial community, within two months, to the pre-disturbance state. These observations suggest that coral-associated microbial communities are remarkably resilient and return to a very similar stable state following disturbance.
Jatropha-based biofuels have undergone a rapid boom-and-bust cycle in southern Africa. Despite strong initial support by governments, donors, and the private sector, there is a lack of empirical studies that compare the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of Jatropha’s two dominant modes of production: large plantations and smallholder-based projects. We apply a rapid ecosystem services assessment approach to understand the impact of two Jatropha projects that are still operational despite widespread project collapse across southern Africa: a smallholder-based project (BERL, Malawi) and a large plantation (Niqel, Mozambique). Our study focuses on changes in provisioning ecosystem services such as biofuel feedstock, food, and woodland products that can have important effects on human well-being locally. Qualitative information is provided for other regulating and cultural ecosystem services. Although at this stage no impact is tremendously positive or negative, both projects show some signs of viability and local poverty alleviation potential. However, their long-term sustainability is not guaranteed given low yields, uncertain markets, and some prevailing management practices.
Gomishan Wetland is situated in the extreme southern part of the eastern coast of Caspian Sea. It is connected to the Caspian Sea, so its hydrological features are directly generated from the sea. The whole wetland area (which also consists of the northern part of the wetland that is situated in Turkmenistan republic) is calculated with the aid of the Satellite Images for the years of 1977, 1987 and 1998 respectively 5070, 16320 and 29520 hectares. To have better ideas about food chains in the aquatic ecosystem, five permanent stations was appointed in different parts of the wetland. During one year field study, at the beginning of each month, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water and the sediment was surveyed and different specimens were gathered, fixed and took to the laboratories for the relevant analyses. The factors measured in water samples were mainly consist of turbidity, pH, EC, DO, BOD, PO4, NO3, alkalinity, Cl and hardness . The factors measured from sediment samples were the percentage of Sand, Very Fine Sand, Silt, Clay, K, P, N, and Organic Carbon. Biological examinations of the water has been consist of planktonic sample collections, determination, counting and analysis of both phyto and zoo planktons of the wetland. For example the zooplanktons of the Gomishan Wetland are determined in 15 groups, belonging to 5 phyla. The seasonal changes are recognized considerable. The least density of the zooplanktons is occurred in February. The density of most of the groups is seen from the beginning of the summer until the mid autumn. The annual mean density for any 15-zooplankton groups and also the minimum and maximum density with %95 confidences, for each of them, is calculated for the environment of all of the stations and also for the whole wetland. The spatial distribution of the individuals within the population of each of the groups is introduced, according to regular or contagious or random distribution. Diversity indices are calculated for the zooplanktons living in the environment of the stations. Comparison of the wetland, with the southeastern Caspian Sea, from the point of view of zooplankton density and diversity is also obtained. Benthos invertebrates in each station from sediment samples were also extracted. The specimens were colored by Rose Bengal solvent and then were determinate and counted, in separate groups of macro and meio benthos. Among the macro benthos, the highest density was seen in the species of Fyrgula caspia. After that, more density was seen respectively in Apra ovata, Cerastoderma sp., Balanus sp., Nerds divesicolarr, lifytilaster lineatus and Dreissena sp. Among the meio benthos, the most density was seen in Foraminifera and then respectively in Ostracoda, Nernatoda and Bivalve larvae. The indices of diversity and distribution are also calculated. As the birds in this lagoon are of prime importance, all mid winter waterfowl censuses available from recent 13 years are gathered and analysis. Also a whole year (12 times, each at the beginning of one month) waterfowl census was undertaken, throughout the wetland. According to this study, the Eastern Ecosystem of the wetland, is supporting the most population (%75) of the waterfowls, the Middle Open Water Ecosystem and the Western Reed bed Ecosystem, are supporting respectively %14 and %11 of the population. Four of the species are found in the global threatened red list, and the wintering population of the 20 species of the site, in some years, are observed more than %I of the global populations. The Waterfowl Species Diversity and Similarity Indices are given also.