906 resultados para Work related road safety


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El modo tradicional de estimar el nivel de seguridad vial es el registro de accidentes de tráfico, sin embargo son altamente variables, aleatorios y necesitan un periodo de registro de al menos 3 años. Existen metodologías preventivas en las cuales no es necesario que ocurra un accidente para determinar el nivel de seguridad de una intersección, como lo es la técnica de los conflictos de tráfico, que introduce las mediciones alternativas de seguridad como cuantificadoras del riesgo de accidente. El objetivo general de la tesis es establecer una metodología que permita clasificar el riesgo en intersecciones interurbanas, en función del análisis de conflictos entre vehículos, realizado mediante las variables alternativas o indirectas de seguridad vial. La metodología para el análisis y evaluación temprana de la seguridad en una intersección, estará basada en dos medidas alternativas de seguridad: el tiempo hasta la colisión y el tiempo posterior a la invasión de la trayectoria. El desarrollo experimental se realizó mediante estudios de campo, para la parte exploratoria de la investigación, se seleccionaron 3 intersecciones interurbanas en forma de T donde se obtuvieron las variables que caracterizan los conflictos entre vehículos; luego mediante técnicas de análisis multivariante, se obtuvo los modelos de clasificación del riesgo cualitativo y cuantitativo. Para la homologación y el estudio final de concordancia entre el índice propuesto y el modelo de clasificación, se desarrollaron nuevos estudios de campo en 6 intersecciones interurbanas en forma de T. El índice de riesgo obtenido resulta una herramienta muy útil para realizar evaluaciones rápidas conducentes a estimar la peligrosidad de una intersección en T, debido a lo simple y económico que resulta obtener los registros de datos en campo, por medio de una rápida capacitación a operarios; la elaboración del informe de resultados debe ser por un especialista. Los índices de riesgo obtenidos muestran que las variables originales más influyentes son las mediciones de tiempo. Se pudo determinar que los valores más altos del índice de riesgo están relacionados a un mayor riesgo de que un conflicto termine en accidente. Dentro de este índice, la única variable cuyo aporte es proporcionalmente directo es la velocidad de aproximación, lo que concuerda con lo que sucede en un conflicto, pues una velocidad excesiva se manifiesta como un claro factor de riesgo ya que potencia todos los fallos humanos en la conducción. Una de las principales aportaciones de esta tesis doctoral a la ingeniería de carreteras, es la posibilidad de aplicación de la metodología por parte de administraciones de carreteras locales, las cuales muchas veces cuentan con recursos de inversión limitados para efectuar estudios preventivos, sobretodo en países en vías de desarrollo. La evaluación del riesgo de una intersección luego de una mejora en cuanto a infraestructura y/o dispositivos de control de tráfico, al igual que un análisis antes – después, pero sin realizar una comparación mediante la ocurrencia de accidentes, sino que por medio de la técnica de conflictos de tráfico, se puede convertir en una aplicación directa y económica. Además, se pudo comprobar que el análisis de componentes principales utilizado en la creación del índice de riesgo de la intersección, es una herramienta útil para resumir todo el conjunto de mediciones que son posibles de obtener con la técnica de conflictos de tráfico y que permiten el diagnóstico del riesgo de accidentalidad en una intersección. En cuanto a la metodología para la homologación de los modelos, se pudo establecer la validez y confiabilidad al conjunto de respuestas entregadas por los observadores en el registro de datos en campo, ya que los resultados de la validación establecen que la medición de concordancia de las respuestas entregadas por los modelos y lo observado, son significativas y sugieren una alta coincidencia entre ellos. ABSTRACT The traditional way of estimating road safety level is the record of occurrence of traffic accidents; however, they are highly variable, random, and require a recording period of at least three years. There are preventive methods which do not need an accident to determine the road safety level of an intersection, such as traffic conflict technique, which introduces surrogate safety measures as parameters for the evaluation of accident risks. The general objective of the thesis is to establish a methodology that will allow the classification of risk at interurban intersections as a function of the analysis of conflicts between vehicles performed by means of surrogate road safety variables. The proposal of a methodology for the analysis and early evaluation of safety at an intersection will be based on two surrogate safety measures: the time to collision and the post encroachment time. On the other hand, the experimental development has taken place by means of field studies in which the exploratory part of the investigation selected three interurban T-intersections where the application of the traffic conflict technique gave variables that characterize the conflicts between vehicles; then, using multivariate analysis techniques, the models for the classification of qualitative and quantitative risk were obtained. With the models new field studies were carried out at six interurban Tintersections with the purpose of developing the homologation and the final study of the agreement between the proposed index and the classification model. The risk index obtained is a very useful tool for making rapid evaluations to estimate the hazard of a T-intersection, as well as for getting simply and economically the field data records after a fast training of the workers and then preparing the report of results by a specialist. The risk indices obtained show that the most influential original variables are the measurements of time. It was determined that the highest risk index values are related with greater risk of a conflict resulting in an accident. Within this index, the only variable whose contribution is proportionally direct is the approach speed, in agreement with what happens in a conflict, because excessive speed appears as a clear risk factor at an intersection because it intensifies all the human driving faults. One of the main contributions of this doctoral thesis to road engineering is the possibility of applying the methodology by local road administrations, which very often have limited investment resources to carry out these kinds of preventive studies, particularly in developing countries. The evaluation of the risk at an intersection after an improvement in terms of infrastructure and/or traffic control devices, the same as a before/after analysis, without comparison of accident occurrence but by means of the traffic conflict technique, can become a direct and economical application. It is also shown that main components analysis used for producing the risk index of the intersection is a useful tool for summarizing the whole set of measurements that can be obtained with the traffic conflict technique and allow diagnosing accident risk at an intersection. As to the methodology for the homologation of the models, the validity and reliability of the set of responses delivered by the observers recording the field data could be established, because the results of the validation show that agreement between the observations and the responses delivered by the models is significant and highly coincident.


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Sight distance is of major importance for road safety either when designing new roads or analysing the alignment of existing roads. It is essential that available sight distance in roads is long enough for emergency stops or overtaking manoeuvres. Also, it is vital for engineers/researchers that the tools used for that analysis are both powerful and intuitive. Based on ArcGIS, the application to be presented not only performs an exhaustive sight distance calculation, but allows an accurate analysis of 3D alignment, using all new tools, from a Digital Elevation Model and vehicle trajectory. The software has been successfully utilised to analyse several two-lane rural roads in Spain. In addition, the software produces thematic maps representing sight distance in which supplementary information about crashes, traffic flow, speed or design consistency could be included, allowing traffic safety studies.


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Using the Bayesian approach as the model selection criteria, the main purpose in this study is to establish a practical road accident model that can provide a better interpretation and prediction performance. For this purpose we are using a structural explanatory model with autoregressive error term. The model estimation is carried out through Bayesian inference and the best model is selected based on the goodness of fit measures. To cross validate the model estimation further prediction analysis were done. As the road safety measures the number of fatal accidents in Spain, during 2000-2011 were employed. The results of the variable selection process show that the factors explaining fatal road accidents are mainly exposure, economic factors, and surveillance and legislative measures. The model selection shows that the impact of economic factors on fatal accidents during the period under study has been higher compared to surveillance and legislative measures.


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Background: sulla base delle evidenze emerse dalle rassegne sistematiche in materia (Johnstone, 1994; Cohen et al.,1998; Robson et al., 2012; Burke et al., 2006; Ricci et al., 2015) si è ipotizzato che la formazione alla salute e sicurezza sul lavoro sia maggiormente efficace quando non è presentata come obbligatoria e venga articolata su più livelli di apprendimento, attraverso metodologie adeguate per ogni livello, con docenti che abbiano caratteristiche corrispondenti allo specifico obiettivo di apprendimento e la cui durata sia parametrata all’obiettivo stesso. Obiettivo di questa ricerca è valutare se esista e quanto sia intensa la relazione causale tra la formazione alla sicurezza sul lavoro e i suoi effetti sul miglioramento delle conoscenze, degli atteggiamenti, dei comportamenti, degli esiti per la salute, del clima di sicurezza aziendale, del controllo comportamentale percepito dai lavoratori, delle condizioni operative e procedure interne, oltre l’eventuale effetto di moderazione determinato da caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti e dal gradimento della formazione. Metodo: la variabile indipendente è costituita dell’intervento formativo erogato, articolato in tre condizioni: formazione obbligatoria, formazione non obbligatoria, gruppo di controllo: sono stati posti a confronto due interventi di pari durata (16 settimane, per 10h complessive), realizzati con identiche modalità (step1 audio-visivo; step2 affiancamento su lavoro da parte del preposto; step3 discussione di auto-casi), ma differenziati rispetto all’essere presentati uno come formazione obbligatoria, l’altro come non obbligatoria. I due gruppi sono anche stati confrontati con un gruppo di controllo per il quale la formazione è prevista successivamente. I partecipanti sono stati assegnati in modo casuale al gruppo con obbligo formativo, senza obbligo formativo, di controllo. Sono stati presi come indicatori (variabili dipendenti) per valutare l’effetto della formazione: I livello – conoscenze: riconoscimento o produzione di un maggior numero di risposte corrette. II livello – atteggiamenti e credenze: maggiore propensione a mettere in atto comportamenti auto ed etero protettivi. III livello – comportamenti: comportamenti osservati più adeguati per la tutela della salute propria e altrui. IV livello – salute: maggior grado di benessere bio-psico-sociale auto-riferito. Le misure di esito consistono nella variazione tra la rilevazione iniziale e ogni rilevazione successiva, sulla base delle diverse misure registrate per ognuno dei quattro livelli dell’intervento formativo. Lo stesso confronto del tempo è stato realizzato per le misure del clima di sicurezza aziendale, del controllo comportamentale percepito dai lavoratori, delle condizioni operative e procedure interne, oltre l’eventuale effetto di moderazione determinato da caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti e dal gradimento della formazione, quest’ultimo misurato solo immediatamente al termine dell’intervento. Risultati: le condizioni di intervento non differiscono in termini di efficacia, la formazione determina infatti gli stessi risultati per i partecipanti del gruppo obbligo formativo e di quello non obbligo, con una significativa differenza post-intervento rispetto al gruppo di controllo. La formazione ha un effetto forte nel miglioramento delle conoscenze che solo parzialmente decade nel tempo, ma comunque mantenendo un livello maggiore rispetto ai valori iniziali. In relazione al miglioramento di atteggiamenti e comportamenti sicuri nel lavoro al Videoterminale, l’effetto della formazione è modesto: per gli atteggiamenti si registra solo un miglioramento verso l’applicazione delle procedure come utili realmente e non come mero adempimento, ma tale effetto decade entro quattro mesi riportando i partecipanti su valori iniziali; i comportamenti invece migliorano nel tempo, ma con deboli differenze tra partecipanti alla formazione e gruppo di controllo, tuttavia tale miglioramento non decade in seguito. Non si registrano invece effetti della formazione nella direzione attesa in termini di esiti per la salute, per il miglioramento del clima di sicurezza e come maggior controllo comportamentale percepito, non risultano nemmeno dati evidenti di moderazione degli effetti dovuti a caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti. Inoltre emerge che il gradimento per la formazione è correlato con migliori atteggiamenti (strumento audio-visivo), il miglioramento del clima di sicurezza e un maggior controllo comportamentale percepito (studio di auto-casi), ovvero gli step che hanno visto l’intervento di formatori qualificati. Infine, la formazione ha determinato migliori condizioni operative e l’adeguamento delle procedure interne. Conclusioni: la presente ricerca ci consente di affermare che la formazione erogata è stata efficace, oltre che molto gradita dai partecipanti, in particolare quando il formatore è qualificato per questa attività (step1 e 3). L’apprendimento prodotto è tanto più stabile nel tempo quanto più i contenuti sono in stretta relazione con l’esperienza lavorativa quotidiana dei partecipanti, mentre negli altri casi il decremento degli effetti è alquanto rapido, di conseguenza ribadiamo la necessità di erogare la formazione con continuità nel tempo. E’ risultato comunque modesto l’effetto della formazione per migliorare gli atteggiamenti e i comportamenti nel lavoro al VDT, ma, al di là di alcuni limiti metodologici, sono obiettivi ambiziosi che richiedono più tempo di quanto abbiamo potuto disporre in questa occasione e il cui conseguimento risente molto delle prassi reali adottate nel contesto lavorativo dopo il termine della formazione. Le evidenze finora prodotte non hanno poi chiarito in modo definitivo se attraverso la formazione si possano determinare effetti significativi nel miglioramento di esiti per la salute, anche eventualmente attraverso interventi di supporto individuale. Inoltre l’assenza di differenze significative negli effetti tra i partecipanti assegnati alla condizione di obbligo e quelli di non obbligo, eccezion fatta in direzione opposta alle attese per la misura del danno da lavoro, suggeriscono che nell’erogare la formazione, occorre sottolineare in misura molto rilevante l’importanza dell’intervento che viene realizzato, anche qualora esistesse una prescrizione normativa cogente. Infine, la ricerca ci ha fornito anche indicazioni metodologiche e misure valide che invitano ad estendere questa formazione, e la sua valutazione di efficacia, a diversi comparti economici e svariate mansioni. Nel fare questo è possibile fare riferimento, e testare nuovamente, un modello che indica la corretta percezione del rischio (conoscenza) come fattore necessario, ma non sufficiente per ottenere, con la mediazione di atteggiamenti favorevoli allo specifico comportamento, azioni sicure, attraverso le quali si rinforza l’atteggiamento e migliorano le conoscenze. La formazione, per raggiungere i propri obiettivi, deve tuttavia agire anche sui meccanismi di conformismo sociale favorevoli alla safety, questi originano da conoscenze e azioni sicure e reciprocamente le rinforzano.


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Introduction: Gender inequalities exist in work life, but little is known about their presence in relation to factors examined in occupation health settings. The aim of this study was to identify and summarize the working and employment conditions described as determinants of gender inequalities in occupational health in studies related to occupational health published between 1999 and 2010. Methods: A systematic literature review was undertaken of studies available in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Sociological Abstracts, LILACS, EconLit and CINAHL between 1999 and 2010. Epidemiologic studies were selected by applying a set of inclusion criteria to the title, abstract, and complete text. The quality of the studies was also assessed. Selected studies were qualitatively analysed, resulting in a compilation of all differences between women and men in the prevalence of exposure to working and employment conditions and work-related health problems as outcomes. Results: Most of the 30 studies included were conducted in Europe (n=19) and had a cross-sectional design (n=24). The most common topic analysed was related to the exposure to work-related psychosocial hazards (n=8). Employed women had more job insecurity, lower control, worse contractual working conditions and poorer self-perceived physical and mental health than men did. Conversely, employed men had a higher degree of physically demanding work, lower support, higher levels of effort-reward imbalance, higher job status, were more exposed to noise and worked longer hours than women did. Conclusions: This systematic review has identified a set of working and employment conditions as determinants of gender inequalities in occupational health from the occupational health literature. These results may be useful to policy makers seeking to reduce gender inequalities in occupational health, and to researchers wishing to analyse these determinants in greater depth.


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Nos dias de hoje, continua a assistir-se a elevados níveis de sinistralidade, no eventual reflexo de deficientes ou inexistentes estruturas de prevenção de riscos profissionais em muitos locais de trabalho. A necessidade de segurança, higiene, prevenção e formação no trabalho é, simultaneamente, uma reflexão sobre nós mesmos e as nossas atitudes, intervenientes prioritários, cada vez mais dependentes e exigentes com o trabalho e com tudo o que ele implica. Todavia, nos locais de trabalho são frequentemente criadas situações de perigo para a saúde e para a integridade física dos trabalhadores. A nível mundial, fontes ligadas à OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) e à OIT (Organização Internacional do Trabalho) referem que as condições de trabalho de cerca de 2/3 da população ativa estão abaixo dos padrões mínimos de qualidade, ou seja representam um risco real para a saúde e integridade física dos indivíduos. As estatísticas mundiais apontam para a existência de cerca de 157 milhões de novos casos de doenças profissionais por ano e de 120 milhões de acidentes de trabalho, dos quais 220 mil acidentes são fatais.


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The Illinois On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program assists employers in providing their employees a safe and healthy workplace. The goal of the program is to help Illinois employers identify and correct potential safety and health hazards before they become expensive and dangerous problems.


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The Illinois On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program assists employers in providing their employees a safe and healthy workplace. The goal of the program is to help Illinois employers identify and correct potential safety and health hazards before they become expensive and dangerous problems.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This study assessed the item validity of 15 of the physical demands from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), as evaluated in a new approach to functional capacity evaluation (FCE) for clients with chronic back pain, the Gibson Approach to FCE (GAPP FCE). Fifty-two occupational therapists were sent the specifications of the items in the GAPP FCE procedures and were asked to rate the items in terms of item-objective congruence, relevance and difficulty. A response rate of 59.2% was obtained. The majority of the therapists agreed that most of the items were congruent with the objectives based on the definition of the physical demands from the DOT. The items evaluating Balancing and Pushing and Pulling had the lowest item-objective congruence. The evaluation of Balancing and the Lifting, Carrying and Pushing and Pulling of loads greater than light-medium weight (10–16 kg) were not considered significantly relevant. Concerns were raised about the difficulty and safety of the evaluation of Lifting, Carrying and Pushing and Pulling with clients with chronic back pain, particularly if the therapist evaluates the manual handling of medium to heavy loads. These results may have implications for other FCEs, particularly those which are based on the DOT, or when assessing clients with chronic back pain.


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The relationship between locus of control, the quality of exchanges between subordinates and leaders (LMX), and a variety of work-related reactions (intrinsic/extrinsic job satisfaction, work-related well-being, and organizational commitment) are examined. It was predicted that people with an internal locus of control develop better quality relations with their manager and this, in turn, results in more favourable work-related reactions. Results from two different samples (N = 404, and N = 51) supported this prediction, and also showed that LMX either fully, or partially, mediated the relationship between locus of control and all the work-related reactions.


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All staff members of a child and adolescent mental health service were invited to participate in a survey about the use of email. Sixty-two of the 105 staff members responded to the survey, a participation rate of 59%. Of the respondents, 32 were allied health staff, 10 were nurses, seven were administrative staff, six were medical staff, three were operational staff and four were acting in a combination of these roles. The respondents reported extensive work-related email usage and considered that they were confident in using email despite low levels of training. However, they did not feel that they understood the legal and ethical issues involved. Furthermore, there was limited incorporation of email into standard record keeping. The majority of respondents thought that increased use of email would lead to a greater workload, a consequence they considered would probably increase over time. Many commented on the quick and practical use of this medium, but were wary about using email with individuals outside the service organization, especially if it were to contain clinical material. There was low use of email directly with clients, and clinicians were ambivalent about incorporating email into therapy. The results suggest that it is timely to consider the utility and appropriateness of email communication with clients and external service providers, and to formulate guidelines and procedures to ensure the confidentiality of client information and the safety of clients and staff.


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Although perceived health risk plays a prominent role in theories of health behavior. its empirical role in risk taking is less clear. In Study 1 (N = 129), 2 measures of drivers' risk-taking behavior were found to be unrelated to self-estimates of accident concern but to be related to self-ratings of driving skill and the perceived thrill of driving. In Study 2 (N = 405), out of a wide range of potential influences, accident concern had the weakest relationship with risk taking. The authors concluded that although health risk is a key feature in many theories of health behavior and a central focus for researchers and policy makers, it may not be such a prominent factor for those actually taking the risk.


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PURPOSE. The driving environment is becoming increasingly complex, including both visual and auditory distractions within the in- vehicle and external driving environments. This study was designed to investigate the effect of visual and auditory distractions on a performance measure that has been shown to be related to driving safety, the useful field of view. METHODS. A laboratory study recorded the useful field of view in 28 young visually normal adults (mean 22.6 +/- 2.2 years). The useful field of view was measured in the presence and absence of visual distracters (of the same angular subtense as the target) and with three levels of auditory distraction (none, listening only, listening and responding). RESULTS. Central errors increased significantly (P < 0.05) in the presence of auditory but not visual distracters, while peripheral errors increased in the presence of both visual and auditory distracters. Peripheral errors increased with eccentricity and were greatest in the inferior region in the presence of distracters. CONCLUSIONS. Visual and auditory distracters reduce the extent of the useful field of view, and these effects are exacerbated in inferior and peripheral locations. This result has significant ramifications for road safety in an increasingly complex in-vehicle and driving environment.