950 resultados para Weyden, Rogier van der, 1399 or 1400-1464.


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27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Setúbal, Portugal, 8-10 April 2013.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre o uso pesado de álcool entre estudantes e os fatores familiares, pessoais e sociais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com estudantes de dez a 18 anos de escolas públicas de 27 capitais brasileiras, em 2004. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário anônimo, de autopreenchimento, adaptado de instrumento desenvolvido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. A amostra representativa, composta por 48.155 estudantes, foi estratificada por setores censitários e por conglomerados (escolas). Associações entre o uso pesado de álcool e os fatores estudados foram analisadas por meio de regressão logística, considerando nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Do total de estudantes, 4.286 (8,9%) fizeram uso pesado de álcool no mês anterior à entrevista. A análise por regressão logística mostrou associação entre relações ruins ou regulares com pai (OR=1,46) e mãe (OR=1,61) e uso pesado de álcool. Seguir uma religião (OR=0,83) mostrou-se inversamente associado a este tipo de consumo de álcool. A prática de esportes e o fato de a mãe se percebida como liberal não mostraram significância no modelo. Houve maior prevalência de uso pesado de álcool entre os estudantes que trabalhavam. CONCLUSÕES: Ligações familiares mais coesas e seguir uma religião podem prevenir o uso abusivo de álcool entre estudantes.


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J Biol Inorg Chem. 2008 Jun;13(5):737-53. doi: 10.1007/s00775-008-0359-6


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INTRODUCTION: Staphylococcal species are pathogens that are responsible for outbreaks of foodborne diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of enterotoxin-genes and the antimicrobial resistance profile in staphylococcus coagulase-negative (CoNS) and coagulasepositive (CoPS) isolates from black pudding in southern Brazil. METHODS: Two hundred typical and atypical colonies from Baird-Parker agar were inoculated on mannitol salt agar. Eighty-two mannitol-positive staphylococci were submitted to conventional biochemical tests and antimicrobial susceptibility profiling. The presence of coagulase (coa) and enterotoxin (se) genes was investigated by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The isolates were divided into 2 groups: 75.6% (62/82) were CoNS and 24.4% (20/82) were CoPS. The biochemical tests identified 9 species, of which Staphylococcus saprophyticus (37.8%) and Staphylococcus carnosus (15.9%) were the most prevalent. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests showed resistance phenotypes to antibiotics widely administered in humans, such as gentamicin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and erythromycin. The coa gene was detected in 19.5% (16/82) of the strains and 4 polymorphic DNA fragments were observed. Five CoNS isolates carrying the coa gene were submitted for 16S rRNA sequencing and 3 showed similarity with CoNS. Forty strains were positive for at least 1 enterotoxin-encoding gene, the genes most frequently detected were sea (28.6%) and seb (27.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of antimicrobial resistant and enterotoxin-encoding genes in staphylococci isolates from black pudding indicated that this fermented food may represent a potential health risk, since staphylococci present in food could cause foodborne diseases or be a possible route for the transfer of antimicrobial resistance to humans.


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The geographical distribution of the African Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicusin Suriname is restricted to a narrow strip of land along the Atlantic coast. Within the coastal plain, O. mossambicusoccurs in brackish lagoons, oligohaline canals, and shell-sand pit lakes. Physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton composition of representative Tilapia water bodies are described. Blue-green algae and fine flocculent detritus are dominant food items in the diet of the Tilapia, while Rotifera and microcrustacea are also important in the diet of larvae and juveniles. Intraspecific diet overlap among ontogenetic stages of the Tilapia did not differ significantly from 1, which means that these diets showed complete overlap. Interspecific diet overlap between the Tilapia and the indigenous armoured catfish Hoplosternum littoralewere moderate or low. The results are discussed in relation to recent developments in the Surinamese fisheries and aquaculture sector.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Propriedades e Tecnologias de Polímeros


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es estudiar los procesos físicos y químicos del radical OH con compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COVs), con los cuales sea factible la formación de agregados de van der Waals (vdW) responsables de la curvatura en los gráficos de Arrhenius, empleando técnicas modernas, complementarias entre si y novedosas en el país. El problema será abordado desde tres perspectivas complementarias: 1) estudios cinéticos, 2) estudios mecanísticos y de distribución de productos y 3) estudios de la dinámica de los procesos físicos y químicos. La finalidad es alcanzar una mejor comprensión de los mecanismos que intervienen en el comportamiento químico de especies presentes en la atmósfera y obtener datos cinéticos de alta calidad que puedan alimentar modelos computacionales capaces de describir la composición de la atmósfera, presente y futura. Los objetivos son estudiar: 1) mediante fotólisis láser pulsada con detección por fluorescencia inducida por láser (PLP-LIF), en reactores de flujo, la cinética de reacción del radical OH(v”=0) con COVs que presentan gráficos de Arrhenius curvos con energías de activación negativas, tales como alcoholes insaturados, alquenos halogenados, éteres halogenados, ésteres alifáticos; 2) en una cámara de simulación de condiciones atmosféricas de gran volumen (4500 L), la identidad y el rendimiento de productos de las reacciones mencionadas, a fines de evaluar su impacto atmosférico y dilucidar los mecanismos de reacción; 3) mediante haces moleculares y espectroscopía láser, la estructura y reactividad de complejos de vdW entre alcoholes insaturados o aromáticos (cresoles) y el radical OH, como modelo de los aductos propuestos como responsables de la desviación al comportamiento de Arrhenius de las reacciones mencionadas; 4) mediante PLP-LIF y expansiones supersónicas, las constantes específicas estado a estado (ksts) de relajación/reacción del radical OH(v”=1-4) vibracionalmente excitado con los COVs mencionados. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos serán contrastados con cálculos ab-initio de estructura electrónica, los cuales apoyarán las interpretaciones, permitirán proponer estructuras de estados de transición y aductos colisionales, como así también calcular las frecuencias de vibración de los complejos de vdW para su posterior asignación en los espectros LIF y REMPI. Asimismo, los mecanismos de reacción propuestos y los parámetros cinéticos medidos experimentalmente serán comparados con aquellos obtenidos por cálculos teóricos. The aim of this project is to study the physical and chemical processes of OH radicals with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with which the formation of van der Waals (vdW) clusters, responsible for the observed curvature in the Arrhenius plots, might be feasible. The problem will be addressed as follow : 1) kinetic studies; 2) products distribution and mechanistic studies and 3) dynamical studies of the physical and chemical processes. The purpose is to obtain a better understanding of the mechanisms that govern the chemical behavior of species present in the atmosphere and to obtain high quality kinetic data to be used as input to computational models. We will study: 1) the reaction kinetics of OH (v”=0) radicals with VOCs such as unsaturated alcohols, halogenated alkenes, halogenated ethers, aliphatic esters, which show curved Arrhenius plots and negative activation energies, by PLP-LIF, in flow systems; 2) in a large volume (4500 L) atmospheric simulation chamber, reaction products yields in order to evaluate their atmospheric impact and reaction mechanisms; 3) using molecular beams and laser spectroscopy, the structure and reactivity of the vdW complexes formed between the unsaturated or aromatic alcohols and the OH radicals as a model of the adducts proposed as responsible for the non-Arrhenius behavior; 4) the specific state-to-state relaxation/reaction rate constants (ksts) of the vibrationally excited OH (v”=1-4) radical with the VOCs by PLP-LIF and supersonic expansions. Ab-initio calculations will be carried out to support the interpretation of the experimental results, to obtain the transition state and collisional adducts structures, as well as to calculate the vibrational frequencies of the vdW complexes to assign to the LIF and REMPI spectra. Also, the proposed reaction mechanisms and the experimentally measured kinetic parameters will be compared with those obtained from theoretical calculations.


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Background: Dyslipidemia is the primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and statins have been effective in controlling lipid levels. Sex differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of statins contribute to interindividual variations in drug efficacy and toxicity. Objective: To evaluate the presence of sexual dimorphism in the efficacy and safety of simvastatin/atorvastatin treatment. Methods: Lipid levels of 495 patients (331 women and 164 men) were measured at baseline and after 6 ± 3 months of simvastatin/atorvastatin treatment to assess the efficacy and safety profiles of both drugs. Results: Women had higher baseline levels of total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) compared with men (p < 0.0001). After treatment, women exhibited a greater decrease in plasma TC and LDL-C levels compared with men. After adjustment for covariates, baseline levels of TC and LDL-C influenced more than 30% of the efficacy of lipid-lowering therapy (p < 0.001), regardless of sex. Myalgia [with or without changes in creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels] occurred more frequently in women (25.9%; p = 0.002), whereas an increase in CPK and/or abnormal liver function was more frequent in in men (17.9%; p = 0.017). Conclusions: Our results show that baseline TC and LDL-C levels are the main predictors of simvastatin/atorvastatin therapy efficacy, regardless of sex. In addition, they suggest the presence of sexual dimorphism in the safety of simvastatin/atorvastatin. The effect of sex differences on receptors, transporter proteins, and gene expression pathways needs to be better evaluated and characterized to confirm these observations.