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This systematic review aimed to collate randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of various interventions used to treat tardive dyskinesia (TD) and, where appropriate, to combine the data for mete-analysis, Clinical trials were identified by electronic searches, handsearches and contact with principal investigators. Data were extracted independently by two reviewers, for outcomes related to improvement, deterioration, side-effects and drop out rates. Data were pooled using the Mantel-Haenzel Odds Ratio (fixed effect model). For treatments that had significant effects, the number needed to treat (NNT) was calculated. From 296 controlled clinical trials, data were extracted from 47 trials. For most interventions, we could identify no RCT-derived evidence of efficacy. A meta-analysis showed that baclofen, deanol and diazepam were no more effective than a placebo. Single RCTs demonstrated a lack of evidence of any effect for bromocriptine, ceruletide, clonidine, estrogen, gamma linolenic acid, hydergine, lecithin, lithium, progabide, seligiline and tetrahydroisoxazolopyridinol. The meta-analysis found that five interventions were effective: L-dopa, oxypertine, sodium valproate, tiapride and vitamin E; neuroleptic reduction was marginally significant. Data from single RCTs revealed that insulin, alpha methyl dopa and reserpine were more effective than a placebo. There was a significantly increased risk of adverse events associated with baclofen, deanol, L-dopa, oxypertine and reserpine. Metaanalysis of the impact of placebo (n=485) showed that 37.3% of participants showed an improvement. Interpretation of this systematic review requires caution as the individual trials identified tended to have small sample sizes. For many compounds, data from only one trial were available, and where meta-analyses were possible, these were based on a small number of trials. Despite these concerns, the review facilitated the interpretation of the large and diverse range of treatments used for TD. Clinical recommendations for the treatment of TD are made, based on the availability of RCT-derived evidence, the strength of that evidence and the presence of adverse effects. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Subtropical grasslands are low in organic matter digestibility (OMD) (0.60) and nitrogen (N) (15 g/kg) for much of the year and this limits cattle production which is characterized by low calving rates and low weaning weights. Production has been based on Bos taurus British breeds of cattle but this is changing and now many breeding herds comprise B, indicus cows and their crosses. This change has increased some aspects of production, but low calving rates persist. A 4-year study was undertaken with a view to improve calving rates and weaner output by supplementing cows grazing either native or improved pastures with a high protein oilseed meal (cottonseed meal; CSM) on four sites. These sites were subdivided into a total of 36 paddocks to allow for two replications in a 3 breeds X 3 supplementation rates X 2 pastures factorial design. Selected cows (no. = 216) from Hereford (H), Brahman (B) and Brahman X Hereford (BH) breed types were set to graze either native pastures (0.45 to 0.62 OMD, 8 to 15 g N per kg; low quality) or improved pastures (0.47 to 0.67 OA ID, 10 to 22 g N per kg; medium quality). Cows were given either 0, 750 or 1500 g/day of CSM for 130 days from calving until 4 weeks into a 12- to 13-week mating period. The CSM was given as two meals per week. Live weight at mating of cows on the low quality pasture was increased (P < 0.01) over those not supplemented by feeding either 750 g CSM per day (H and B cows) or 1500 g CSM per day tall cows). There was no significant effect of supplementation on the mating weights of B cows grazing the medium quality sites. Calving rate of B cows was not increased by their supplementation on either low (4-year mean 58.3 %) or medium quality pastures (66.8%) but did tend to be higher in H cows when supplemented at 1500 g CSM per day on the low (66.7 v. 78.0 (s.e. 6.09) %; P < 0.1) and medium quality pastures (70.5 v. 93.5 (s.e. 4.72) %). An increased calving rate (65.8 (s.e. 6.6) % to 83.2 (s.e. 5.82) % in supplemented BH cows grazing low quality pastures approached significance (P < 0.1) when given CSM at 1500 g/day but there was no increased trend in calving rate when this breed type was supplemented on medium quality pastures. Weaning weights of calves from and B and BH cows were increased (P < 0.05) by supplementation of their darns at 750 g/day and for calves weaned from H cows supplemented at 1500 g/day of CSM. Supplementation at 1500 g/day on low quality pastures increased weaner output per cow mated by 120% for H, by 65% for BH cows and by 50% for B cows. Weaner output was increased by 34 and 40%, respectively, for B and H cows when supplemented at 750 g/day and grazing medium quality pastures but there teas no significant effect of supplementation on output from BH cows. Responses in many parameters differed between years. These results were interpreted as a response to the protein in the oilseed meal supplement by B, taurus and B. taurus X B. indicus cross cows grazing on the subtropical pastures. The study also highlighted that responses to the meal differed between breed types, between the quality of the grazed pasture and between the years of supplementation.
Objective: To assess how general practitioners might interpret and apply the results of a systematic review relevant to general practice. Design: Cross-sectional postal survey of general practitioners in August 1997. Participants: 51 general practitioners in the Southern Division of General Practice in Adelaide and 11 professors or heads of departments of general practice. Main outcome measures:Extent to which comments on the implications for practice and implications for research coincided with the evidence presented in a systematic review of antibiotics for the treatment of acute otitis media in children; and reported probability that respondents would prescribe antibiotics in three brief case scenarios. Results: There was considerable variation in the comments made by general practitioners on the implications of the review for clinical practice. After reading the review, respondents with training in critical appraisal were more likely to state that children with acute otitis media would usually recover spontaneously and reported a lower probability of prescribing antibiotics in two of the three case scenarios. Conclusions: Providing systematic reviews is not sufficient for the results of such evidence to be translated:into clinical practice. There is an association between critical appraisal skills and the application of evidence-based practice.
Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification (UROD) involves the acceleration of opioid withdrawal hv administering thp opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone under general anaesthesia. There is evidence from uncontrolled and a few controlled studies that UROD accelerates opioid withdrawal and that it achieves high rates of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. However, there is clear evidence that the use of a general anaesthetic is not required to accelerate withdrawal or to achieve high rates of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. These goals can be achieved by using naltrexone or naloxone to accelerate withdrawal under light sedation, a procedure known as rapid opioid detoxification under sedation (ROD). There is also evidence that use of an opioid antagonist is not required to achieve a high rate of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. The mixed agonist-antagonist buprenorphine has achieved comparable rates of completion in similarly selected patients with fewer withdrawal symptoms. There is no evidence from controlled trials that either UROD or ROD increases the rate of abstinence from opioids 6 or 12 months after withdrawal. UROD and ROD may increase the number of patients who are inducted onto naltrexone maintenance (NM) therapy but extensive experience with NM therapy suggests that it only has a limited role in selected patients. Given the lack of evidence of substantially increased rates of abstinence, and the need for anaesthetists and high dependency beds, UROD has at best a very minor role in the treatment of a handful of opioid dependent patients who are unable to complete withdraw in any other way. ROD may have more of a role as one option for opioid withdrawal in well motivated patients who want to be rapidly inducted onto NM therapy or who want to enter other types of abstinence-oriented treatment.
Ecdysteroids regulate many aspects of insect physiology after binding to a heterodimer composed of the nuclear hormone receptor proteins ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (Use). Several lines of evidence have suggested that the latter also plays important roles in mediating the action of juvenile hormone (JH) and, thus, integrates signaling by the two morphogenetic hormones. By using an RNAi approach, we show here that Us p participates in the mechanism that regulates the progression of pupal development in Apis mellifera, as indicated by the observed pupal developmental delay in usp knocked-down bees. Knock-down experiments also suggest that the expression of regulatory genes such as ftz transcription factor 1 (ftz-f1) and juvenile hormone esterase (jhe) depend on Usp. Vitellogenin (vg), the gene coding the main yolk protein in honeybees, does not seem to be under Usp regulation, thus suggesting that the previously observed induction of vg expression by JH during the last stages of pupal development is mediated by yet unknown transcription factor complexes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To assess from a health sector perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in children and adolescents, compared to 'current practice'. Method: The health benefit is measured as a reduction in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), based on effect size calculations from meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. An assessment on second stage filter criteria ('equity'; 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Costs and benefits are tracked for the duration of a new episode of MDD arising in eligible children (age 6-17 years) in the Australian population in the year 2000. Simulation-modelling techniques are used to present a 95% uncertainty interval (UI) around the cost-effectiveness ratios. Results: Compared to current practice, CBT by public psychologists is the most cost-effective intervention for MDD in children and adolescents at A$9000 per DALY saved (95% UI A$3900 to A$24 000). SSRIs and CBT by other providers are less cost-effective but likely to be less than A$50 000 per DALY saved (> 80% chance). CBT is more effective than SSRIs in children and adolescents, resulting in a greater total health benefit (DALYs saved) than could be achieved with SSRIs. Issues that require attention for the CBT intervention include equity concerns, ensuring an adequate workforce, funding arrangements and acceptability to various stakeholders. Conclusions: Cognitive behavioural therapy provided by a public psychologist is the most effective and cost-effective option for the first-line treatment of MDD in children and adolescents. However, this option is not currently accessible by all patients and will require change in policy to allow more widespread uptake. It will also require 'start-up' costs and attention to ensuring an adequate workforce.
Objective: To analyze from a health sector perspective the cost-effectiveness of dexamphetamine (DEX) and methylphenidate (MPH) interventions to treat childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), compared to current practice. Method: Children eligible for the interventions are those aged between 4 and 17 years in 2000, who had ADHD and were seeking care for emotional or behavioural problems, but were not receiving stimulant medication. To determine health benefit, a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was performed for DEX and MPH, and the effect sizes were translated into utility values. An assessment on second stage filter criteria ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Simulation modelling techniques are used to present a 95% uncertainty interval (UI) around the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), which is calculated in cost (in A$) per DALY averted. Results: The ICER for DEX is A$4100/DALY saved (95% UI: negative to A$14 000) and for MPH is A$15 000/DALY saved (95% UI: A$9100-22 000). DEX is more costly than MPH for the government, but much less costly for the patient. Conclusions: MPH and DEX are cost-effective interventions for childhood ADHD. DEX is more cost-effective than MPH, although if MPH were listed at a lower price on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme it would become more cost-effective. Increased uptake of stimulants for ADHD would require policy change. However, the medication of children and wider availability of stimulants may concern parents and the community.
Objective: To assess from a health sector perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of interventions for generalized anxiety disorder (cognitive behavioural therapy [CBT] and serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors [SNRIs]) and panic disorder (CBT, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] and tricyclic antidepressants [TCAs]). Method: The health benefit is measured as a reduction in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), based on effect size calculations from meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. An assessment on second stage filters ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Costs and benefits are calculated for a period of one year for the eligible population (prevalent cases of generalized anxiety disorder/panic disorder identified in the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, extrapolated to the Australian population in the year 2000 for those aged 18 years and older). Simulation modelling techniques are used to present 95% uncertainty intervals (UI) around the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Results: Compared to current practice, CBT by a psychologist on a public salary is the most cost-effective intervention for both generalized anxiety disorder (A$6900/DALY saved; 95% UI A$4000 to A$12 000) and panic disorder (A$6800/DALY saved; 95% UI A$2900 to A$15 000). Cognitive behavioural therapy results in a greater total health benefit than the drug interventions for both anxiety disorders, although equity and feasibility concerns for CBT interventions are also greater. Conclusions: Cognitive behavioural therapy is the most effective and cost-effective intervention for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. However, its implementation would require policy change to enable more widespread access to a sufficient number of trained therapists for the treatment of anxiety disorders.
The amygdala, the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG), and the media] hypothalamus have long been recognized to be a neural system responsible for the generation and elaboration of unconditioned fear in the brain. It is also well known that this neural substrate is under a tonic inhibitory control exerted by GABA mechanisms. However, whereas there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the amygdala and dPAG are also able to integrate conditioned fear, it is still unclear, however, how the distinct hypothalamic nuclei participate in fear conditioning. In this work we aimed to examine the extent to which the gabaergic mechanisms of this brain region are involved in conditioned fear using the fear-potentiated startle (FPS). Muscimol, a GABA-A receptor agonist, and semicarbazide, an inhibitor of the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), were used as an enhancer and inhibitor of the GABA mechanisms, respectively. Muscimol and semicarbazide were injected into the anterior hypothalamus (AHN). the dorsomedial part of the ventromedial nucleus (VMHDM), the dorsomedial (DMH) or the dorsal premammillary (PMD) nuclei of male Wistar rats before test sessions of the fear conditioning paradigm. The injections into the DMH and PMD did not produce any significant effects on FPS. On the other hand, muscimol injections into the AHN and VMHDM caused significant reduction in FPS. These results indicate that injections of muscimol and semicarbazide into the DMH and PMD fail to change the FPS, whereas the enhancement of the GABA transmission in the AHN and VMHDM produces a reduction of the conditioned fear responses. On the other hand, the inhibition of this transmission led to an increase of this conditioned response in the AHN. Thus, whereas DMH and PMD are known to be part of the caudal-most region of the medial hypothalamic defensive system, which integrates unconditioned fear, systems mediating conditioned fear select the AHN and VMHDM nuclei that belong to the rostral-most portion of the hypothalamic defense area. Thus, distinct subsets of neurons in the hypothalamus could mediate different aspects of the defensive responses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mutations in the Grb10-interacting GYF protein 2 (GIGYF2) gene, within the PARK11 locus, have been nominated as a cause of Parkinson`s disease in Italian and French populations. By sequencing the whole GIGYF2 coding region in forty-six probands (thirty-seven Italians) with familial Parkinson`s disease compatible with an autosomal dominant inheritance, we identified no mutations. Our data add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that GIGYF2 mutations are not a frequent cause of PD. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: There is growing evidence that vitamin D is active in the brain but until recently there was a lack of evidence about its role during brain development. Guided by certain features of the epidemiology of schizophrenia, we have explored the role of vitamin D in the developing brain and behaviour using whole animal models. Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a vitamin D deficient diet (DVD) or control diet 6 weeks prior to mating and housed under UVB-free lighting conditions. On the day of birth all rats were fed a control diet for the remainder of the study. We observed behaviour at two timepoints; on the day of birth to study maternal behaviour, and at 10 weeks of age to study offspring behaviour in adulthood, under baseline and drug induced conditions (MK-801, haloperidol, amphetamine). Results: Prenatal vitamin D deficiency results in subtle alterations in maternal behaviour as well as long lasting effects on the adult offspring, despite a return to normal vitamin D levels during postnatal life. These affects were specific to transient prenatal vitamin D depletion as adult vitamin D depletion, combined prenatal and chronic postnatal vitamin D depletion, or ablation of the vitamin D receptor in mice led to markedly different outcomes. Conclusions: The developmental vitamin D (DVD) model now draws strength from epidemiological evidence of schizophrenia and animal experiments. Although the DVD model does not replicate every aspect of schizophrenia, it has several attractive features: (1) the exposure is based on clues from epidemiology; (2) it reproduces the increase in lateral ventricles; (3) it reproduces well-regarded behavioural phenotypes associated with schizophrenia (e.g. MK- 801 induced hyperlocomotion); and (4) it implicates a disturbance in dopamine signaling. In summary, low prenatal levels of vitamin D can influence critical components of orderly brain development and that this has a long lasting effect on behaviour.
A glasshouse study examined 49 diverse sorghum lines for variation in transpiration efficiency. Three of the 49 lines grown were Sorghum spp, native to Australia; one was the major weed Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), and the remaining 45 lines were cultivars of Sorghum bicolor. All plants were grown under non-limiting water and nutrient conditions using a semi-automatic pot watering system designed to facilitate accurate measurement of water use. Plants were harvested 56-58 days after sowing and dry weights of plant parts were determined. Transpiration efficiency differed significantly among cultivars. The 3 Australian native sorghums had much lower transpiration efficiency than the other 46 cultivars, which ranged from 7.7 to 6.0 g/kg. For the 46 diverse cultivars, the ratio of range in transpiration efficiency to its l.s.d. was 2.0, which was similar to that found among more adapted cultivars in a previous study. This is a significant finding as it suggests that there is likely to be little pay-off from pursuing screening of unadapted material for increased variation in transpiration efficiency. It is necessary, however, also to examine absolute levels of transpiration efficiency to determine whether increased levels have been found. The cultivar with greatest transpiration efficiency in this study (IS9710) had a value 9% greater (P < 0.05) than the accepted standard for adapted sorghum cultivars. The potential impact of such an increase in transpiration efficiency warrants continued effort to capture it. Transpiration efficiency has been related theoretically and experimentally to the degree of carbon isotope discrimination in leaf tissue in sorghum, which thus offers a relatively simple selection index. In this study, the variation in transpiration efficiency was not related simply to carbon isotope discrimination. Significant associations of transpiration efficiency with ash content and indices of photosynthetic capacity were found. However, the associations were not strong. These results suggest that a simple screening technique could not be based on any of the measures or indices analysed in this study. A better understanding of the physiological basis of the observed genetic differences in transpiration efficiency may assist in developing reliable selection indices. It was concluded that the potential value of the improvement in transpiration efficiency over the accepted standard and the degree of genetic variation found warrant further study on this subject. It was suggested that screening for genetic variation under water-limiting conditions may provide useful insights and should be pursued.
Many lines of evidence indicate that theta rhythm, a prominent neural oscillatory mode found in the mammalian hippocampus, plays a key role in the acquisition, processing, and retrieval of memories. However, a predictive neurophysiological feature of the baseline theta rhythm that correlates with the learning rate across different animals has yet to be identified. Here we show that the mean theta rhythm speed observed during baseline periods of immobility has a strong positive correlation with the rate at which rats learn an operant task. This relationship is observed across rats, during both quiet waking (r=0.82; p<0.01) and paradoxical sleep (r=0.83; p<0.01), suggesting that the basal theta frequency relates to basic neurological processes that are important in the acquisition of operant behavior. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fogo selvagem (FS), the endemic form of pemphigus foliaceus (PF), is characterized by pathogenic anti-desmoglein 1 (DSG1) autoantibodies. To study the etiology of FS, hybridomas that secrete either IgM or IgG (predominantly IgG1 subclass) autoantibodies were generated from the B cells of eight FS patients and one individual 4 years before FS onset, and the H and L chain V genes of anti-DSG1 autoantibodies were analyzed. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that these anti-DSG1 autoantibodies are antigen selected. First, clonally related sets of anti-DSG1 hybridomas characterize the response in individual FS patients. Second, H and L chain V gene use seems to be biased, particularly among IgG hybridomas, and third, most hybridomas are mutants and exhibit a bias in favor of CDR (complementary determining region) amino acid replacement (R) mutations. Strikingly, pre-FS hybridomas also exhibit evidence of antigen selection, including an overlap in V(H) gene use and shared multiple R mutations with anti-DSG1 FS hybridomas, suggesting selection by the same or a similar antigen. We conclude that the anti-DSG1 response in FS is antigen driven and that selection for mutant anti-DSG1 B cells begins well before the onset of disease.
The cytochrome P450-dependent covalent binding of radiolabel derived fi om phenytoin (DPH) and its phenol and catechol metabolites, 5-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin (HPPH) and 5-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin (CAT), was examined in liver microsomes. Radiolabeled HPPH and CAT and unlabeled CAT were obtained from microsomal incubations and isolated by preparative HPLC. NADPH-dependent covalent binding was demonstrated in incubations of human liver microsomes with HPPH. When CAT was used as substrate, covalent adduct formation was independent of NADPH, was enhanced in the presence of systems generating reactive oxygen species, and was diminished under anaerobic conditions or in the presence of cytoprotective reducing agents. Fluorographic analysis showed that radiolabel derived from DPH and HPPH was selectively associated with proteins migrating with approximate relative molecular weights of 57-59 kDa and at the dye front (molecular weights < 23 kDa) on denaturing gels. Lower levels of radiolabel were distributed throughout the molecular weight range. In contrast, little selectivity was seen in covalent adducts formed from CAT. HPPH was shown to be a mechanism-based inactivator of P450, supporting the contention that a cytochrome P450 is one target of covalent binding. These results suggest that covalent binding of radiolabel derived from DPH in rat and human Liver microsomes occurs via initial P450-dependent catechol formation followed by spontaneous oxidation to quinone and semiquinone derivatives that ultimately react with microsomal protein. Targets for covalent binding may include P450s, though the catechol appears to be sufficiently stable to migrate out of the P450 active site to form adducts with other proteins. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that DPH can be bioactivated in human liver to metabolites capable of covalently binding to proteins. The relationship of adduct formation to DPH-induced hypersensitivity reactions remains to be clarified.