973 resultados para Weibull distribution function


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The structural parameters of the aggregated state in the polyamide PA1010 and N,N'-bismaleimide-4,4'-diphenyl methane (BMI) system were computed by means of the desmearing intensity from SAXS and using the concept of the distance distribution function. The results revealed that the parameters Q, I(0), l(c) and L decreased with the increase BMI component, whereas O-s increased. The particle dimension Z for different BMI contents was less than 13.2 nm, and the maximum value of the distance distribution function P(Z) was found to be in the range Z = 6.5-7.0 nm.


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The structural parameters of the aggregated state under various heat treatment for PA-1010 samples were computed by means of the desmearing intensity from SAYS, and by using the concept of the distance distribution function and 1D EDCF method. The results revealed that the maximum values of Q, I(0), P-max(Z), dtr, Rg and W-c,W-x were obtained nearby T=175 degreesC for PA-1010 samples with various annealing treatment. The higher degree of the crystallinity, the greater values of all the structural parameters of the aggregated state for PA-1010 samples were.


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Radial distribution function of CaCl2-KCl (1:2 mol) melt was measured by X-ray scattering of high temperature liquid. The nearest neighbour distances of Ca2+-Cl-, K+-Cl- and Cl--Cl- ionic pairs are 0.278, 0.306 and 0.380 nm, respectively, Discussion on the relation between structure and physicochemical properties in the melt was simply done in this paper.


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That the dodecahedral water cluster (DWC) can adsorb dissolved methane molecules, an important phenomenon related to the hydrate nucleation study, has been observed through molecular dynamics simulations, but it has not been explained satisfactorily [Guang-Jun Guo; Yi-Gang Zhang; Hua Liu. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111, 2595]. In order to explain this phenomenon by using the potential of mean force (PMF) between the DWC and the dissolved methane, we perform several series of constrained molecular dynamics simulations in the methane-water system. The distance between the center of DWC and the methane molecule is constrained from 5 Å to 18 Å by adding 0.2 Å every time. For each fixed distance, we perform 20 independent simulations to improve the statistical precision. We first get the constraint force between the DWC and the dissolved methane in each simulation and then calculate the PMF by integrating these forces. Subsequently, the radial distribution function (RDF) is obtained from the PMF through an equation of statistical mechanics. The results show that the RDF has a sharp peak at about 6.2 Å, successfully explaining why the DWC adsorbs dissolved methane molecules. The preferential binding coefficient is a positive value (=2.05±0.5), indicates that the DWC tends to adsorb dissolved methane rather than water molecules in methane aqueous solutions. The curve of PMF for the DWC encaging a methane almost coincides that for the empty DWC, meaning that it is the DWC rather than the encaged methane who could adsorb dissolved methane molecules. By comparing the curves of PMF for different directions of the DWC relative to the dissolved methane, we find that it is the cage face rather than the cage edge or vertex that plays an essential role when the DWC adsorbing dissolved methane. This research sheds light on the driving force for the methane adsorption, and it is helpful in understanding the nucleation process of methane hydrate.


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Plakhov, A.Y.; Torres, D., (2005) 'Newton's aerodynamic problem in media of chaotically moving particles', Sbornik: Mathematics 196(6) pp.885-933 RAE2008


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Hydrogen ions (H+, H-2(+) and H-3(+)) are produced in a magnetically confined inductively coupled radio frequency plasma. Ions are accelerated in the plasma boundary sheath potential, of several hundred volts, in front of a biased metal electrode immersed in the plasma. Backscattered hyperthermal hydrogen atoms are investigated by optical emission spectroscopy and an energy-resolved mass spectrometer. Ionisation of fast neutrals through electron stripping of atoms in the plasma allows energy analysis of the resulting ions. Thereby, the energy distribution function of the hyperthermal atoms can be deduced. The energy spectra can be explained as a superposition of individual spectra of the various ion species. The measured spectra also shows contributions of negative ions created at the electrode surface. In addition to experimental measurements, simulations of the neutral flux of backscattered atoms are carried out.


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Phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES) bears considerable potential for diagnostics of RF discharges that give detailed insight of spatial and temporal variations of excitation processes. Based on phase and space resolved measurements of the population dynamics of excited states several diagnostic techniques have been developed. Results for a hydrogen capacitively coupled RF (CCRF) discharge are discussed as an example. The gas temperature, the degree of dissociation and the temporally and spatially resolved electron energy distribution function (EEDF) of energetic electrons (>12eV) are measured. Furthermore, the pulsed electron impact excitation during the field reversal phase, typical for hydrogen CCRF discharges, is exploited for measurements of atomic and molecular data like lifetimes of excited states, coefficients for radiationless collisional de-excitation (quenching coefficients), and cascading processes from higher electronic states.


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The characterization of a direct current, low-pressure, and high-density reflex discharge plasma source operating in argon and in nitrogen, over a range of pressures 1.0-10(-2) mbar, discharge currents 20-200 mA, and magnetic fields 0-120 G, and its parametric characterization is presented. Both external parameters, such as the breakdown potential and the discharge voltage-current characteristic, and internal parameters, like the charge carrier's temperature and density, plasma potential, floating potential, and electron energy distribution function, were measured. The electron energy distribution functions are bi-Maxwellian, but some structure is observed in these functions in nitrogen plasmas. There is experimental evidence for the existence of three groups of electrons within this reflex discharge plasma. Due to the enhanced hollow cathode effect by the magnetic trapping of electrons, the density of the cold group of electrons is as high as 10(18) m(-3), and the temperature is as low as a few tenths of an electron volt. The bulk plasma density scales with the dissipated power. Another important feature of this reflex plasma source is its high degree of uniformity, while the discharge bulk region is free of electric field. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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A new type of direct current, high-density, and low electron temperature reflex plasma source, obtained as a hybrid between a modified hollow-cathode discharge and a Penning ionization gauge discharge is presented. The plasma source was tested in argon, nitrogen, and oxygen over a range pressure of 1.0-10(-3) mbar, discharge currents 20-200 mA, and magnetic field 0-120 Gauss. Both external parameters, such as breakdown potential and the discharge voltage-current characteristic, and its internal parameters, like the electron energy distribution function, electron and ion densities, and electron temperature, were measured. Due to the enhanced hollow-cathode effect by the magnetic trapping of electrons, the density of the bulk plasma is as high as 10(18) m(-3), and the electron temperature is as low as a few tenths of electron volts. The plasma density scales with the dissipated power. Another important feature of this reflex plasma source is its high degree of uniformity, while the discharge bulk region is free of an electric field. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Diagnostic-based modeling (DBM) actively combines complementary advantages of numerical plasma simulations and relatively simple optical emission spectroscopy (OES). DBM is applied to determine spatial absolute atomic oxygen ground-state density profiles in a micro atmospheric-pressure plasma jet operated in He–O2. A 1D fluid model with semi-kinetic treatment of the electrons yields detailed information on the electron dynamics and the corresponding spatio-temporal electron energy distribution function. Benchmarking this time- and space-resolved simulation with phase-resolved OES (PROES) allows subsequent derivation of effective excitation rates as the basis for DBM. The population dynamics of the upper O(3p3P) oxygen state (? = 844 nm) is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses, and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through tracer comparison with the upper Ar(2p1) state (? = 750.4 nm). The resulting spatial profile for the absolute atomic oxygen density shows an excellent quantitative agreement to a density profile obtained by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.


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We propose a new approach for modeling nonlinear multivariate interest rate processes based on time-varying copulas and reducible stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In the modeling of the marginal processes, we consider a class of nonlinear SDEs that are reducible to Ornstein--Uhlenbeck (OU) process or Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985) (CIR) process. The reducibility is achieved via a nonlinear transformation function. The main advantage of this approach is that these SDEs can account for nonlinear features, observed in short-term interest rate series, while at the same time leading to exact discretization and closed-form likelihood functions. Although a rich set of specifications may be entertained, our exposition focuses on a couple of nonlinear constant elasticity volatility (CEV) processes, denoted as OU-CEV and CIR-CEV, respectively. These two processes encompass a number of existing models that have closed-form likelihood functions. The transition density, the conditional distribution function, and the steady-state density function are derived in closed form as well as the conditional and unconditional moments for both processes. In order to obtain a more flexible functional form over time, we allow the transformation function to be time varying. Results from our study of U.S. and UK short-term interest rates suggest that the new models outperform existing parametric models with closed-form likelihood functions. We also find the time-varying effects in the transformation functions statistically significant. To examine the joint behavior of interest rate series, we propose flexible nonlinear multivariate models by joining univariate nonlinear processes via appropriate copulas. We study the conditional dependence structure of the two rates using Patton (2006a) time-varying symmetrized Joe--Clayton copula. We find evidence of asymmetric dependence between the two rates, and that the level of dependence is positively related to the level of the two rates. (JEL: C13, C32, G12) Copyright The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org, Oxford University Press.


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In a recent experimental study, the beam intensity profile of the Vulcan petawatt laser beam was measured; it was found that only 20% of the energy was contained within the full width at half maximum of 6.9 mu m and 50% within 16 mu m, suggesting a long-tailed non-Gaussian transverse beam profile. A q-Gaussian distribution function was suggested therein to reproduce this behavior. The spatial beam profile dynamics of a q-Gaussian laser beam propagating in relativistic plasma is investigated in this article. A non-paraxial theory is employed, taking into account nonlinearity via the relativistic decrease of the plasma frequency. We have studied analytically and numerically the dynamics of a relativistically guided beam and its dependence on the q-parameter. Numerical simulation results are shown to trace the dependence of the focusing length on the q-Gaussian profile.


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We consider the derivation of a kinetic equation for a charged test particle weakly interacting with an electrostatic plasma in thermal equilibrium, subject to a uniform external magnetic field. The Liouville equation leads to a generalized master equation to second order in the `weak' interaction; a Fokker-Planck-type equation then follows as a `Markovian' approximation. It is shown that such an equation does not preserve the positivity of the distribution function f(x,v;t). By applying techniques developed in the theory of open systems, a correct Fokker-Planck equation is derived. Explicit expressions for the diffusion and drift coefficients, depending on the magnetic field, are obtained.


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In this paper we present a new method for simultaneously determining three dimensional (3-D) shape and motion of a non-rigid object from uncalibrated two dimensional (2- D) images without assuming the distribution characteristics. A non-rigid motion can be treated as a combination of a rigid rotation and a non-rigid deformation. To seek accurate recovery of deformable structures, we estimate the probability distribution function of the corresponding features through random sampling, incorporating an established probabilistic model. The fitting between the observation and the projection of the estimated 3-D structure will be evaluated using a Markov chain Monte Carlo based expectation maximisation algorithm. Applications of the proposed method to both synthetic and real image sequences are demonstrated with promising results.