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Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon atom depositions are used to investigate energy diffusion from the impact zone. A modified Stillinger-Weber potential models the carbon interactions for both sp2 and sp3 bonding. Simulations were performed on 50 eV carbon atom depositions onto the (111) surface of a 3.8 x 3.4 x 1.0 nm diamond slab containing 2816 atoms in 11 layers of 256 atoms each. The bottom layer was thermostated to 300 K. At every 100th simulation time step (27 fs), the average local kinetic energy, and hence local temperature, is calculated. To do this the substrate is divided into a set of 15 concentric hemispherical zones, each of thickness one atomic diameter (0.14 nm) and centered on the impact point. A 50-eV incident atom heats the local impact zone above 10 000 K. After the initial large transient (200 fs) the impact zone has cooled below 3000 K, then near 1000 K by 1 ps. Thereafter the temperature profile decays approximately as described by diffusion theory, perturbed by atomic scale fluctuations. A continuum model of classical energy transfer is provided by the traditional thermal diffusion equation. The results show that continuum diffusion theory describes well energy diffusion in low energy atomic deposition processes, at distance and time scales larger than 1.5 nm and 1-2 ps, beyond which the energy decays essentially exponentially. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
A new method of estimating the economic value of life is proposed. Using cross-country data, an equation is estimated to explain life expectancy as a function of real consumption of goods and services. The associated cost function for life expectancy in terms of the prices of specific goods and services is used to estimate the cost of a reduction in age-specific mortality rates sufficient to save the life of one person. The cost of saving a life in OECD countries is as much as 1000 times that in the poorest countries. Ethical implications are discussed.
New techniques in air-displacement plethysmography seem to have overcome many of the previous problems of poor reproducibility and validity. These have made body-density measurements available to a larger range of individuals, including children, elderly and sick patients who often have difficulties in being submerged underwater in hydrodensitometry systems. The BOD POD air-displacement system (BOD POD body composition system; Life Measurement Instruments, Concord, CA, USA) is more precise than hydrodensitometry, is simple and rapid to operate (approximately 1 min measurements) and the results agree closely with those of hydrodensitometry (e.g. +/-3.4% for estimation of body fat). Body line scanners employing the principles of three-dimensional photography are potentially able to measure the surface area and volume of the body and its segments even more rapidly (approximately 10 s), but the validity of the measurements needs to be established. Advances in i.r. spectroscopy and mathematical modelling for calculating the area under the curve have improved precision for measuring enrichment of (H2O)-H-2 in studies of water dilution (CV 0.1-0.9% within the range of 400-1000 mu l/l) in saliva, plasma and urine. The technique is rapid and compares closely with mass spectrometry (bias 1 (SD 2) %). Advances in bedside bioelectrical-impedance techniques are making possible potential measurements of skinfold thicknesses and limb muscle mass electronically. Preliminary results suggest that the electronic method is more reproducible (intra-and inter-individual reproducibility for measuring skinfold thicknesses) and associated with less bias (+ 12%), than anthropometry (+ 40%). In addition to these selected examples, the 'mobility' or transfer of reference methods between centres has made the distinction between reference and bedside or field techniques less distinct than in the past.
Back,ground To examine the role of long-term swimming exercise on regional and total body bone mineral density (BMD) in men. Methods. Experimental design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Musculoskeletal research laboratory at a medical center, Participants:We compared elite collegiate swimmers (n=11) to age-, weight-, and height-matched non-athletic controls (n=11), Measures: BMD (g/cm(2)) of the lumbar spine L2-4, proximal femur (femoral neck, trochanter, Ward's triangle), total body and various subregions of the total body, as well as regional and total body fat and bone mineral-free lean mass (LM) was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic QDR 1000/W). Results. Swimmers, who commenced training at 10.7+/-3.7 yrs (mean+/-SD) and trained for 24.7+/-4.2 hrs per week, had a greater amount of LM (p<0.05), lower fat mass (p<0.001) and percent body fat (9.5 vs 16.2 %, p<0.001) than controls. There was no significant difference between groups for regional or total body BRID, In stepwise multiple regression analysis, body weight was a consistent independent predictor of regional and total body BMD, Conclusions. These results suggest that long-term swimming is not an osteogenic mode of training in college-aged males. This supports our previous findings in young female swimmers who displayed no bone mass benefits despite long-standing athletic training.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess quantitative ultrasound (QUS) parameters in collegiate female gymnasts, a population whose training incorporates high-impact loading, which is particularly osteogenic, and to determine the discriminative capacity of this relatively new radiation-free technique compared with bone densitometry in a young healthy population. Methods: We studied 19 collegiate gymnasts and 23 healthy controls undergoing regular weight-bearing activity, matched for age (gymnasts 19.2 +/- 1.2, controls 19.9 +/- 1.6 yr) and body weight (gymnasts 56.7 +/- 3.7, controls 57.7 +/- 7.8 kg). QUS parameters of the calcaneus (broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), bone velocity (BV), and speed of sound (SOS)) were measured by a Walker Sonix UBA 575+. Bone mineral density (BMD; g.cm(-2)) of the lumbar spine, hip (Femoral neck, trochanter. Ward's triangle) and whole body was assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic QDR 1000/W). Data analysis included unpaired two-tailed Student's t-tests, analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment, and Spearman rank-order correlations. Results: Regional and whole body BMD of gymnasts was greater than controls (P < 0.001), with the difference being 7-28%. Average QUS parameters of the right and left calcaneus were also higher (P < 0.001) in the gymnasts. BUA, BV, and SOS were significantly (P < 0.001) correlated to each bone site with r = 0.54-0.79. Analysis of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves indicated no significant difference in sensitivity and specificity for QUS and DXA measures. Conclusions: These results indicate that QUS parameters of the calcaneus are higher in young women gymnasts compared to individuals who undergo regular weight-bearing activity and that QUS parameters are able to discriminate between these two groups in a similar manner as does regional and whole body BMD.
Background: This study examined rates of and risk factors associated with suicide attempts by psychiatric patients under active care. It was especially focussed on the relative rates across three standard treatment settings: acute inpatient care, long-stay inpatient care and community-based carl. Methods: A total of 12,229 patients in 13,632 episodes of care were rated on the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) Item 2. For the purposes of the current investigation, a score of 4 was deemed to indicate a suicide attempt. Results: Incidence densities per 1000 episode days were 5.4 (95% CI = 4.8-6.1) for patients under care in acute inpatient settings, 0.6 (95% CI = 0.5-0.8) for patients under care in long-stay inpatient settings, and 0.5 (95% CI = 0.5-0.6) for patients under carl in community-based arrangements. Predictors varied by treatment setting. Risk was elevated for personality disorders across all settings: 22.7 attempts per 1000 episode days (95% CI = 17.2-30.0) in acute inpatient care; 2.1 (95% CI = 1.0-4.5) in long-stay inpatient care; and 2.3 (95% CI = 1.7-3.0) in community-based care. This effect remained after adjustment for demographics. Conclusion: Rates of suicide attempts among psychiatric patients are a major issue facing contemporary mental health care systems, and risk factors vary across different treatment settings.
Development and characterization of novel potent and stable inhibitors of endopeptidase EC
Solid-phase synthesis was used to prepare a series of modifications to the selective and potent inhibitor of endopeptidase EC (EP24.15), N-[1(R,S)-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl]-Ala-Ala-Tyr-p-aminobenzoate (cFP), which is degraded at the Ala-Tyr bond, thus severely limiting its utility in vivo. Reducing the amide bond between the Ala and Tyr decreased the potency of the inhibitor to 1/1000. However, the replacement of the second alanine residue immediately adjacent to the tyrosine with alpha-aminoisobutyric acid gave a compound (JA-2) that was equipotent with cFP, with a K-i of 23 nM. Like cFP, JA-2 inhibited the closely related endopeptidase EC 1/20 to 1/30 as potently as it did EP24.15, and did not inhibit the other thermolysin-like endopeptidases angiotensin-converting enzyme, endothelin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase. The biological stability of JA-2 was investigated by incubation with a number of membrane and soluble sheep tissue extracts. In contrast with cFP, JA-2 remained intact after 48 h of incubation with all tissues examined. Further modifications to the JA-2 compound failed to improve the potency of this inhibitor. Hence JA-2 is a potent, EP24.15-preferential and biologically stable inhibitor, therefore providing a valuable tool for further assessing the biological functions of EP24.15.
OBJECTIVE: To describe variation in all cause and selected cause-specific mortality rates across Australia. METHODS: Mortality and population data for 1997 were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. All cause and selected cause-specific mortality rates were calculated and directly standardised to the 1997 Australian population in 5-year age groups. Selected major causes of death included cancer, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, accidents and suicide. Rates are reported by statistical division, and State and Territory. RESULTS: All cause age-standardised mortality was 6.98 per 1000 in 1997 and this varied 2-fold from a low in the statistical division of Pilbara, Western Australia (5.78, 95% confidence interval 5.06-6.56), to a high in Northern Territory-excluding Darwin (11.30, 10.67-11.98). Similar mortality variation (all p<0.0001) exists for cancer (1.01-2.23 per 1000) and coronary artery disease (0.99-2.23 per 1000), the two biggest killers. Larger variation (all p<0.0001) exists for cerebrovascular disease (0.7-11.8 per 10,000), diabetes (0.7-6.9 per 10,000), accidents (1.7-7.2 per 10,000) and suicide (0.6-3.8 per 10,000). Less marked variation was observed when analysed by State and Territory. but Northern Territory consistently has the highest age-standardised mortality rates. CONCLUSIONS: Analysed by statistical division, substantial mortality gradients exist across Australia, suggesting an inequitable distribution of the determinants of health. Further research is required to better understand this heterogeneity.
The reported experimental work on the systems Fe-Zn-O and Fe-Zn-Si-O in equilibrium with metallic iron is part of a wider research program that combines experimental and thermodynamic computer modeling techniques to characterize zinc/lead industrial slags and sinters in the system PbO-ZnO-SiO2-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3. Extensive experimental,investigations using high-temperature equilibration and quenching techniques followed by electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA) were carried out. Special experimental; procedures were developed to enable accurate measurements in these ZnO-containing systems to be performed in equilibrium with metallic iron; The systems Fe-Zn-O and FeZn-Si-O were experimentally investigated in equilibrium with metallic iron in the temperature ranges 900 degreesC to 1200 degreesC (1173 to 1473 K) and from 1000 degreesC to 1350 degreesC (1273 to 1623 K), respectively. The liquidus surface in the system Fe-Zn-Si-O in equilibrium with metallic iron was characterized in the composition ranges 0 to 33 wt pet ZnO and 0 to 40 wt pet SiO2. The wustite (Fe,Zn)O, zincite (Zn,Fe)O, willemite (Zn,Fe)(2)SiO4, arid fayalite: (Fe,Zn)(2)SiO4 solid solutions in equilibrium with metallic iron were measured.
Background The aim of this study was to study ecological correlations between age-adjusted all-cause mortality rates in Australian statistical divisions and (1) the proportion of residents that self-identify as Indigenous, (2) remoteness, and (3) socio-economic deprivation. Methods All-cause mortality rates for 57 statistical divisions were calculated and directly standardized to the 1997 Australian population in 5-year age groups using Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. The proportion of residents who self-identified as Indigenous was obtained from the 1996 Census. Remoteness was measured using ARIA (Accessibility and Remoteness Index for Australia) values. Socioeconomic deprivation was measured using SEIFA (Socio-Economic index for Australia) values from the ABS. Results Age-standardized all-cause mortality varies twofold from 5.7 to 11.3 per 1000 across Australian statistical divisions. Strongest correlation was between Indigenous status and mortality (r = 0.69, p < 0.001). correlation between remoteness and mortality was modest (r = 0.39, p = 0.002) as was correlation between socio-economic deprivation and mortality (r = -0.42, p = 0.001). Excluding the three divisions with the highest mortality, a multiple regression model using the logarithm of the adjusted mortality rate as the dependent variable showed that the partial correlation (and hence proportion of the variance explained) for Indigenous status was 0.03 (9 per cent; p = 0.03), for SEIFA score was -0.17 (3 per cent; p = 0.22); and for remoteness was -0.22 (5 per cent; p = 0.13). Collectively, the three variables studied explain 13 per cent of the variability in mortality. Conclusions Ecological correlation exists between all-cause mortality, Indigenous status, remoteness and disadvantage across Australia. The strongest correlation is with indigenous status, and correlation with all three characteristics is weak when the three statistical divisions with the highest mortality rates are excluded. intervention targeted at these three statistical divisions could reduce much of the variability in mortality in Australia.
The pseudoternary sections FeO-ZnO-(CaO + SiO2) with CaO/SiO2 weight ratios of 0.33, 0.93, and 1.2 in equilibrium with metallic iron have been experimentally investigated in the temperature range from 1000 degreesC to 1300 degreesC (1273 to 1573 K). The liquidus surfaces in these pseudoternary sections have been experimentally determined in the composition range from 0 to 33 wt pct ZnO and 30 to 70 wt pct (CaO + SiO2). The sections contain primary-phase fields of wustite (FexZn1-xO1+y), zincite (ZnzFe1-zO), fayalite (Fu(w)Zn(2-w)SiO(4)), melilite (Ca2ZnuFe1-uSi2O7), willemite (ZnvFe2-vSiO4), dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4), pseudowollastonite and wollastonite (CaSiO3), and tridymite (SiO2). The phase equilibria involving the liquid phase and the solid solutions-have also been measured.
Over 1000 marine and terrestrial pollen diagrams and Some hundreds of vertebrate faunal sequences have been studied in the Austral-Asian region bisected by the PEPII transect, from the Russian arctic extending south through east Asia, Indochina, southern Asia, insular Southeast Asia (Sunda), Melanesia, Australasia (Sahul) and the western south Pacific. The majority of these records are Holocene but sufficient data exist to allow the reconstruction of the changing biomes over at least the past 200,000 years. The PEPII transect is free of the effects of large northern ice caps yet exhibits vegetational change in glacial cycles of a similar scale to North America. Major processes that can be discerned are the response of tropical forests in both lowlands and uplands to glacial cycles, the expansion of humid vegetation at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition and the change in faunal and vegetational controls as humans occupy the region. There is evidence for major changes in the intensity of monsoon and El Nino-Southern oscillation variability both on glacial-interglacial and longer time scales with much of the region experiencing a long-term trend towards more variable and/or drier climatic conditions. Temperature variation is most marked in high latitudes and high altitudes with precipitation providing the major climate control in lower latitude, lowland areas. At least some boundary shifts may be the response of vegetation to changing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Numerous questions of detail remain, however, and current resolution is too coarse to examine the degree of synchroneity of millennial scale change along the transect. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Hippolyte obliquimanus is a small, gonochoric shrimp found in algal substrates along the western Atlantic coast of Brazil, particularly in association with seaweed of the genus Sargassum. We studied population features (sexual ratio, reproductive period and temporal distribution) of H. obliquimanus in southeastern Brazil, including its relationships with the seasonality of banks of this alga. Specimens were collected at two-monthly intervals from March 2005 to January 2006, in Ubatuba Bay. The sex of individuals was checked, and the carapace length measured. In total, 668 individuals were collected: 211 males (0.70-2.50 mm carapace length), 341 non-ovigerous females (0.55-2.90 mm), and 116 ovigerous females (1.55-3.20 mm). Hippolyte obliquimanus showed seasonal-continuous reproduction and variable continuous recruitment. The highest number of animals (75%) was collected in fall-winter. The percentages of ovigerous females/total females (fall-winter: 27%; spring-summer: 26%) and the sexual ratio (fall-winter: 31%; spring-summer: 32%) were practically equal in both periods. The sexual ratio showed a predominance of females in almost all size classes, and we detected a new sex ratio pattern for this species. The seasonal variation in the number of individuals can be related to its migration to deeper areas, due to the decrease in the abundance of Sargassum sp. in shallower waters in spring-summer.
The present study prospectively recorded the circumstances, incidence, mechanisms, injury detection and presentation of concussion in Rugby League. Forty-three consecutive concussions were recorded over three competitive seasons in 175 professional Rugby League players. Data showed (i) the incidence of concussion ranged from 5.9 to 9.8 injuries/1000 player hours across grades - except when age-group players were mismatched (18.4); (ii) 'head-high tackles' accounted for a significant number of concussions; (iii) concussion rarely involved a loss of consciousness with the most common indicators of concussion being amnesia, headache and unsteadiness, with the mechanism of injury often missed; and (iv) concussion often occurs concurrently with other injuries. Concussion (including repeated episodes) is a common injury in Rugby League. Systematic mental status questioning is warranted whenever concussion is suspected. Coaches, trainers and players need more education in the recognition and management of concussion. Stricter penalties for illegal 'head-high' tackling are strongly recommended.