550 resultados para Wedgwood ware.
Este Trabajo fin de grado ha tomado como punto de partida el escenario y los casos de uso que han sido seleccionados para el demostrador ("live demo") del proyecto europeo de I+D+I FI-WARE para, a través del diseño y de la implementación del conjunto de widgets y operadores que forman parte de dicho demostrador, deducir los principios subyacentes al Desarrollo sistemático de los elementos composicionales que conforman un mashup de aplicaciones Web 2.0. En concreto, con el escenario escogido se quiere demostrar, en un contexto de Smart Cities, como puede monitorizarse el estado y la geolocalización de un conjunto de máquinas de vending y de los técnicos y reponedores que les dan soporte. Este trabajo fin de grado se ocupa, en concreto, de crear todos los componentes de interfaz necesarios para poder ofrecer un mashup de aplicación que ofrezca un cuadro de mando personalizable para llevar a cabo la monitorización y el control de máquinas de vending, técnicos y reponedores. Teniendo en cuenta el documento de casos de uso para ese escenario, se hizo una revisión de los diferentes widgets y operadores que había que diseñar y desarrollar. El conjunto inicial de widgets se mantuvo invariable, ya que las vistas que hay que mostrar deben ser las que se especifican en el documento anteriormente citado. No obstante, los operadores necesarios para el mashup han ido cambiando a lo largo del desarrollo como consecuencia de las necesidades de los tipos de datos tratados y de las características propias de la plataforma utilizada. El diseño del mashup se ha dividido en dos tipos de diseños distintos: Diseño de vistas: Es un disño de alto nivel donde se pueden observar las distintas vistas que vería el usuario en cada uno de los widgets (los operadores no tienen vista). Diseño de interacciones: Es un diseño de alto nivel donde se representa esquemáticamente el ujo de datos entre los elementos composicionales del mashup (tanto widgets como operadores). Al mismo tiempo que se planteaba el diseño del mashup, y como consecuencia de la experiencia ganada, se han podido ir realizando trabajos como la creación de la "Guía de desarrollo de widgets y operadores" y la "Guía de estilo para el desarrollo de widgets y operadores".Estos documentos, por su importancia, dan pie al título del presente trabajo ya que suponen una ayuda metodológica al desarrollo sistemático de elementos composicionales para mashup de aplicaciones. Durante ese periódo, simultaneamente, se pudieron encontrar y consultar diferentes fuentes de información que completan el "Estado del arte" y el documento de "Principios de diseño de aplicaciones composicionales orientadas a mashups" y se realizaron varias herramientas que facilitan la tarea del programador de crear un nuevo widget u operador desde cero. Entre estas últimas, destacan: una herramienta para crear y mantener la estructura de directorios y archivos de un widget y de un operador; y una herramienta que empaqueta todos los ficheros del widget u operador en un solo fichero WGT, dejándolo preparado para ser desplegado en la plataforma. La mayor parte del trabajo ha consistido en la implementación de los widgets y operadores. Los widgets implementados son los siguientes: Map Viewer. Issues List. Technicians List. Technicians Info. Los operadores implementados son los siguientes: Poi2Issue Issue2Poi Poi2vCard Vcard2Poi TechnicianSource IssuesSource También se han realizado tres tipos de tests: unitarios, de integracion y de sistema. Además se ha creado documentación de cada elemento composicional para el usuario. En dicha documentación se explica cuales son las funcionalidades de cada uno de los elementos composicionales y cuales son las capacidades de conexión con otros elementos. El resultado de mi trabajo puede observarse en: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8 Vv ehJSw
Los Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) y los Cursos Educativos Abiertos (OCW) son utilizados como apoyo para los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje; el carácter de abierto de estos recursos contribuye a la difusión de conocimiento y facilita el acceso a la información. Existe una gran cantidad de universidades e instituciones de educación superior que se han unido al movimiento abierto, poniendo a disposición los OCW que sus docentes realizan para los estudiantes formales, sin embargo se ha detectado que no existe un proceso estándar en la producción de OCW ya que cada universidad lo realiza con modelos propios de acuerdo a las normativas institucionales. Por lo cual en este trabajo de tesis doctoral se propone un modelo de producción de REA y OCW, denominado REACS que contempla el uso de un modelo de diseño instruccional que permite realizar un proceso sistemático de actividades que contribuyen al aprendizaje; además de la utilización de herramientas sociales y herramientas semánticas que aportan al trabajo colaborativo e identificación de los recursos por su significado, lo cual aporta a la inteligencia colectiva. REACS fue comparado con procesos de producción similares de las universidades relevantes del movimiento OCW, además de ser implementado en un caso de estudio con tres fases en la creación de OCW para una institución de educación superior. Con esta validación se pudo comprobar que REACS aportaba a incrementar el número de estudiantes que aprueban un curso y disminuye el tiempo de producción y publicación de un OCW. ABSTRACT Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Course Ware (OCW) are used as support for teaching and learning processes; the open characteristic of these resources contributes to the diffusion of knowledge and facilitates the access to information. There are an important number of universities and institutions of higher education have joined to the open movement, making available the OCW´s for formal students. However, it has been found that there is not a standard process for the production of OCW and each university develop these with their own models according to their institutional regulations. Therefore, this doctoral thesis proposes REACS, a production model of OER and OCW that contemplates the use of an instructional design model that allows a systematic process of activities that contribute to learning. REACS includes the use of social tools and semantic tools that provide collaborative and identification of resources based in their meaning, contributing with the collective intelligence. REACS was compared with similar production processes belonging to relevant universities in the OCW movement. Additionally OCW were produced using REACS in a study case developed in three stages. With these validations, it was found that REACS contributed to increasing the student approved ratio and the OCW production and publication times were reduced.
Although an excitotoxic mechanism of neuronal injury has been proposed to play a role in chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, and neurotrophic factors have been put forward as potential therapeutic agents, direct evidence is lacking. Taking advantage of the fact that mutations in the presenilin-1 (PS1) gene are causally linked to many cases of early-onset inherited Alzheimer’s disease, we generated PS1 mutant knock-in mice and directly tested the excitotoxic and neurotrophic hypotheses of Alzheimer’s disease. Primary hippocampal neurons from PS1 mutant knock-in mice exhibited increased production of amyloid β-peptide 42/43 and increased vulnerability to excitotoxicity, which occurred in a gene dosage-dependent manner. Neurons expressing mutant PS1 exhibited enhanced calcium responses to glutamate and increased oxyradical production and mitochondrial dysfunction. Pretreatment with either basic fibroblast growth factor or activity-dependent neurotrophic factor protected neurons expressing mutant PS1 against excitotoxicity. Both basic fibroblast growth factor and activity-dependent neurotrophic factor stabilized intracellular calcium levels and abrogated the increased oxyradical production and mitochondrial dysfunction otherwise caused by the PS1 mutation. Our data indicate that neurotrophic factors can interrupt excitotoxic neurodegenerative cascades promoted by PS1 mutations.
Circulating autoantibodies to phospholipids (aPLs), such as cardiolipin (CL), are found in patients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS). We recently demonstrated that many aPLs bound to CL only after it had been oxidized (OxCL), but not to a reduced CL analogue that could not undergo oxidation. We now show that the neoepitopes recognized by some aPLs consist of adducts formed between breakdown products of oxidized phospholipid and associated proteins, such as β2 glycoprotein 1 (β2GP1). Addition of human β2GP1, polylysine, native low-density lipoprotein, or apolipoprotein AI to OxCL-coated wells increased the anticardiolipin antibody (aCL) binding from APS sera that first had been diluted so that no aCL binding to OxCL could be detected. No increase in aCL binding was observed when these proteins were added to wells coated with reduced CL. The ability of β2GP1, polylysine, or low-density lipoprotein to be a “cofactor” for aCL binding to OxCL was greatly reduced when the proteins were methylated. Incubation of β2GP1 with oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleyl-[1-14C]-phosphatidylcholine (PC), but not with dipalmitoyl-[1-14C]-PC, led to formation of covalent adducts with β2GP1 recognized by APS sera. These data suggest that the reactive groups of OxCL, such as aldehydes generated during the decomposition of oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids, form covalent adducts with β2GP1 (and other proteins) and that these are epitopes for aCLs. Knowledge that the epitopes recognized by many aPLs are adducts of oxidized phospholipid and associated proteins, including β2GP1, may give new insights into the pathogenic events underlying the clinical manifestations of APS.
The Lec35 gene product (Lec35p) is required for utilization of the mannose donor mannose-P-dolichol (MPD) in synthesis of both lipid-linked oligosaccharides (LLOs) and glycosylphosphatidylinositols, which are important for functions such as protein folding and membrane anchoring, respectively. The hamster Lec35 gene is shown to encode the previously identified cDNA SL15, which corrects the Lec35 mutant phenotype and predicts a novel endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein. The mutant hamster alleles Lec35.1 and Lec35.2 are characterized, and the human Lec35 gene (mannose-P-dolichol utilization defect 1) was mapped to 17p12-13. To determine whether Lec35p was required only for MPD-dependent mannosylation of LLO and glycosylphosphatidylinositol intermediates, two additional lipid-mediated reactions were investigated: MPD-dependent C-mannosylation of tryptophanyl residues, and glucose-P-dolichol (GPD)-dependent glucosylation of LLO. Both were found to require Lec35p. In addition, the SL15-encoded protein was selective for MPD compared with GPD, suggesting that an additional GPD-selective Lec35 gene product remains to be identified. The predicted amino acid sequence of Lec35p does not suggest an obvious function or mechanism. By testing the water-soluble MPD analog mannose-β-1-P-citronellol in an in vitro system in which the MPD utilization defect was preserved by permeabilization with streptolysin-O, it was determined that Lec35p is not directly required for the enzymatic transfer of mannose from the donor to the acceptor substrate. These results show that Lec35p has an essential role for all known classes of monosaccharide-P-dolichol-dependent reactions in mammals. The in vitro data suggest that Lec35p controls an aspect of MPD orientation in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane that is crucial for its activity as a donor substrate.
The Rho small GTP-binding proteins are versatile, conserved molecular switches in eukaryotic signal transduction. Plants contain a unique subfamily of Rho-GTPases called Rop (Rho-related GTPases from plants). Our previous studies involving injection of antibodies indicated that the pea Rop GTPase Rop1Ps is critical for pollen tube growth. In this study we show that overexpression of an apparent Arabidopsis ortholog of Rop1Ps, Rop1At, induces isotropic cell growth in fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and that green fluorescence protein-tagged Rop1At displays polar localization to the site of growth in yeast. We found that Rop1At and two other Arabidopsis Rops, Rop3At and Rop5At, are all expressed in mature pollen. All three pollen Rops fall into the same subgroup as Rop1Ps and diverge from those Rops that are not expressed in mature pollen, suggesting a coupling of the structural conservation of Rop GTPases to their gene expression in pollen. However, pollen-specific transcript accumulation for Rop1At is much higher than that for Rop3At and Rop5At. Furthermore, Rop1At is specifically expressed in anthers, whereas Rop3At and Rop5At are also expressed in vegetative tissues. In transgenic plants containing the Rop1At promoter:GUS fusion gene, GUS is specifically expressed in mature pollen and pollen tubes. We propose that Rop1At may play a predominant role in the regulation of polarized cell growth in pollen, whereas its close relatives Rop3At and Rop5At may be functionally redundant to Rop1At in pollen.
Five extremely thermophilic Archaea from hydrothermal vents were isolated, and their DNA polymerases were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Protein splicing elements (inteins) are present in many archaeal DNA polymerases, but only the DNA polymerase from strain GB-C contained an intein. Of the five cloned DNA polymerases, the Thermococcus sp. 9 degrees N-7 DNA polymerase was chosen for biochemical characterization. Thermococcus sp. 9 degrees N-7 DNA polymerase exhibited temperature-sensitive strand displacement activity and apparent Km values for DNA and dNTP similar to those of Thermococcus litoralis DNA polymerase. Six substitutions in the 3'-5' exonuclease motif I were constructed in an attempt to reduce the 3'-5' exonuclease activity of Thermococcus sp. 9 degrees N-7 DNA polymerase. Five mutants resulted in no detectable 3'-5' exonuclease activity, while one mutant (Glul43Asp) had <1% of wild-type activity.
The same heterozygous T -> C transition at nt 8567 of the von Willebrand factor (vWF) transcript was found in two unrelated patients with type III) von Willebrand disease, with no other apparent abnormality. In one family, both alleles were normal in the parents and one sister; thus, the mutation originated de novo in the proposita. The second patient also had asymptomatic parents who, however, were not available for study. The structural consequences of the identified mutation, resulting in the CyS2010 -> Arg substitution, were evaluated by expression of the vWF carboxyl-terminal domain containing residues 1366-2050. Insect cells infected with recombinant baculovirus expressing normal vWF sequence secreted a disulfide linked dimeric molecule with an apparent molecular mass of 150 kDa before reduction, yielding a single band of 80 kDa after disulfide bond reduction. In contrast, cells expressing the mutant fragment secreted a monomeric molecule of apparent molecular mass of 80 kDa, which remained unchanged after reduction. We conclude that CyS2010 is essential for normal dimerization of vWF subunits through disulfide bonding of carboxyl-terminal domains and that a heterozygous mutation in the corresponding codon is responsible for defective multimer formation in type III) von Willebrand disease.
Research has demonstrated that human infants and nonhuman primates have a rudimentary numerical system that enables them to count objects or events. More recently, however, studies using a preferential looking paradigm have suggested that preverbal human infants are capable of simple arithmetical operations, such as adding and subtracting a small number of visually presented objects. These findings implicate a relatively sophisticated representational system in the absence of language. To explore the evolutionary origins of this capacity, we present data from an experiment with wild rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) that methodologically mirrors those conducted on human infants. Results suggest that rhesus monkeys detect additive and subtractive changes in the number of objects present in their visual field. Given the methodological and empirical similarities, it appears that nonhuman primates such as rhesus monkeys may also have access to arithmetical representations, although alternative explanations must be considered for both primate species.
Applied colorimetry is an important module in the program of the elective subject "Colour Science: industrial applications”. This course is taught in the Optics and Optometry Degree and it has been used as a testing for the application of new teaching and assessment techniques consistent with the new European Higher Education Area. In particular, the main objective was to reduce the attendance to lessons and encourage the individual and collective work of students. The reason for this approach is based on the idea that students are able to work at their own learning pace. Within this dynamic work, we propose online lab practice based on Excel templates that our research group has developed ad-hoc for different aspects of colorimetry, such as conversion to different colour spaces, calculation of perceptual descriptors (hue, saturation, lightness), calculation of colour differences, colour matching dyes, etc. The practice presented in this paper is focused on the learning of colour differences. The session is based on a specific Excel template to compute the colour differences and to plot different graphs with these colour differences defined at different colour spaces: CIE ΔE, CIE ΔE94 and the CIELAB colour space. This template is implemented on a website what works by addressing the student work at a proper and organized way. The aim was to unify all the student work from a website, therefore the student is able to learn in an autonomous and sequential way and in his own pace. To achieve this purpose, all the tools, links and documents are collected for each different proposed activity to achieve guided specific objectives. In the context of educational innovation, this type of website is normally called WebQuest. The design of a WebQuest is established according to the criteria of usability and simplicity. There are great advantages of using WebQuests versus the toolbox “Campus Virtual” available in the University of Alicante. The Campus Virtual is an unfriendly environment for this specific purpose as the activities are organized in different sectors depending on whether the activity is a discussion, an activity, a self-assessment or the download of materials. With this separation, it is more difficult that the student follows an organized sequence. However, our WebQuest provides a more intuitive graphical environment, and besides, all the tasks and resources needed to complete them are grouped and organized according to a linear sequence. In this way, the student guided learning is optimized. Furthermore, with this simplification, the student focuses on learning and not to waste resources. Finally, this tool has a wide set of potential applications: online courses of colorimetry applied for postgraduate students, Open Course Ware, etc.
Póster presentado en XI Congrès AIECM3 sur la céramique médiévale et moderne en Méditerranée, Antalya, Turquía, 19-23 octubre 2015
Las fuertes opiniones nacionalistas y los poderosos intereses personales continúan interponiéndose entre las comunidades rakáin y musulmana y en la resolución del desplazamiento.
Collection primarily documents McCulloch's research on women's legal status, and her work with the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association, the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and the League of Women Voters. There is also documentation of women in the legal profession, of McCulloch's friendships with the other women suffragists and lawyers, and some biographical material. The papers contain little information about her family or social life.