948 resultados para Water contact pattern


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Two sites on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift were drilled on DSDP Legs 68 and 69, one on crust 3.9 m.y. old and the other on crust 5.9 m.y. old. The basement of the younger site is effectively cooled by the circulation of seawater. The basement of the older site has been sealed by sediment, and an interval in the uppermost 560 meters of basement recently reheated to temperatures of 60 to 120°C. Although the thickness of the sediments at the two sites is similar (150-240 m versus 270 m), the much rougher basement topography at the younger Site 505 produces occasional basement outcrops, through which 80 to 90% of the total heat loss apparently occurs by advection of warm seawater. This seawater has been heated only slightly, however; the temperature at the base of the sediments is only 9°C. Changes in its composition due to reaction with the basement basalts are negligible, as indicated by profiles of sediment pore water chemistry. Bacterial sulfate reduction in the sediments produces a decrease in SO4 (and Ca) and an increase in alkalinity (and Sr and NH3) as depth increases to an intermediate level, but at deeper levels these trends reverse, and all of these species plus Mg, K, Na, and chlorinity approach seawater values near basement. Si, however, is higher, and Li may be lower. At the older site, Site 501/504, where heat loss is entirely by conduction, the temperature at the sediment/basement contact is 59°C. Sediment pore water chemistry is heavily affected by reaction with the basaltic basement, as indicated by large decreases in d18O, Mg, alkalinity, Na, and K and an increase in Ca with increasing depth. The size of the changes in d18O, Mg, alkalinity, Ca, Sr, and SO4 varies laterally over 500 meters, indicating lateral gradients in pore water chemistry that are nearly as large as the vertical gradients. The lateral gradients are believed to result from similar lateral gradients in the composition of the basement formation water, which propagate upward through the sediments by diffusion. A model of the d18O profile suggests that the basement at Site 501/504 was sealed off from advection about 1 m.y. ago, so that reaction rates began to dominate the basement pore water chemistry. A limestone-chert diagenetic front began to move upward through the lower sediments less than 200,000 yr. ago.


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Originally, we had planned to piston core at Site 595 in order to meet the sedimentologic and biostratigraphic objectives outlined in the introductory chapter. However, consultation with our colleagues, Thomas Jordan and John Orcutt on board Melville, indicated that coring near the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) array around Hole 595B could alter the programmed signal to noise ratio above which teleseisms trigger recording in the OBSs. They requested that we core no closer than about 8 km from three OBSs nearest Hole 595B, and selected a target for us about that distance to the west. Since a new beacon was required at this distance, a new site number, 596, was designated. Briefly, we planned to obtain oriented hydraulic piston cores to the top of the cherts, then core through the cherts using the extended core barrel (XCB) to basement. With improved recovery, we hoped to reach the sediment/basalt contact, and thus obtain a reliable biostratigraphic determination of the basement age. We planned to obtain at least one core in basement, perhaps more, with time permitting. We planned no geophysical program for the hole.


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Several studies indicate that the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) off the Pacific coast of Japan has induced slip to the trench and triggered landslides in the Japan Trench. In order to better understand these processes, detailed mapping and shallow-coring landslides at the trench as well as Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) deep drilling to recover the plate boundary décollement (Japan Trench Fast Earthquake Drilling Project, JFAST) have been conducted. In this study we report sediment core data from the rapid response R/V SONNE cruise (SO219A) to the Japan Trench, evidencing a Mass Transport Deposit (MTD) in the uppermost section later drilled at this JFAST-site during IODP Expedition 343. A 8.7 m long gravity core (GeoB16423-1) recovered from ~7,000 m water depth reveals a 8 m sequence of semi-consolidated mud clast breccias embedded in a distorted chaotic sediment matrix. The MTD is covered by a thin veneer of 50 cm hemipelagic, bioturbated diatomaceous mud. This stratigraphic boundary can be clearly distinguished by using physical properties data from Multi Sensor Core Logging and from fall-cone penetrometer shear strength measurements. The geochemical analysis of the pore-water shows undisturbed linear profiles measured from the seafloor downcore across the stratigraphic contact between overlying younger background-sediment and MTD below. This indicates that the investigated section has not been affected by a recent sediment destabilization in the course of the giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake event. Instead, we report an older landslide which occurred between 700 and 10,000 years ago, implying that submarine mass movements are dominant processes along the Japan Trench. However, they occur on local sites and not during each megathrust earthquake.


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Through the Deep Sea Drilling Project samples of interstitial solutions of deeply buried marine sediments throughout the World Ocean have been obtained and analyzed. The studies have shown that in all but the most slowly deposited sediments pore fluids exhibit changes in composition upon burial. These changes can be grouped into a few consistent patterns that facilitate identification of the diagenetic reactions occurring in the sediments. Pelagic clays and slowly deposited (<1 cm/1000 yr) biogenic sediments are the only types that exhibit little evidence of reaction in the pore waters. In most biogenic sediments sea water undergoes considerable alteration. In sediments deposited at rates up to a few cm/1000 yr the changes chiefly involve gains of Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) and losses of Mg(2+) which balance the Ca(2+) enrichment. The Ca-Mg substitution may often reach 30 mM/kg while Sr(2+) may be enriched 15-fold over sea water. These changes reflect recrystallization of biogenic calcite and the substitution of Mg(2+) for Ca(2+) during this reaction. The Ca-Mg-carbonate formed is most likely a dolomitic phase. A related but more complex pattern is found in carbonate sediments deposited at somewhat greater rates. Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) enrichment is again characteristic, but Mg(2+) losses exceed Ca(2+) gains with the excess being balanced by SO4(post staggered 2-) losses. The data indicate that the reactions are similar to those noted above, except that the Ca(2+) released is not kept in solution but is precipitated by the HCO3(post staggered -) produced in SO4(post staggered 2-) reduction. In both these types of pore waters Na(+) is usually conservative, but K(+) depletions are frequent. In several partly consolidated sediment sections approaching igneous basement contact, very marked interstitial calcium enrichment has been found (to 5.5 g/kg). These phenomena are marked by pronounced depletion in Na(+), Si and CO2, and slight enhancement in Cl(-). The changes are attributed to exchange of Na(+) for Ca(2+) in silicate minerals forming from submarine weathering of igneous rocks such as basalts. Water is also consumed in these reactions, accounting for minor increases in total interstitial salinity. Terrigenous, organic-rich sediments deposited rapidly along continental margins also exhibit significant evidences of alteration. Microbial reactions involving organic matter lead to complete removal of SO4(post staggered 2-), strong HCO3(post staggered -) enrichment, formation of NH4(post staggered +), and methane synthesis from H2 and CO2 once SO4(post staggered 2-) is eliminated. K+ and often Na+ (slightly) are depleted in the interstitial waters. Ca(2+) depletion may occur owing to precipitation of CaCO3. In most cases interstitial Cl- remains relatively constant, but increases are noted over evaporitic strata, and decreases in interstitial Cl- are observed in some sediments adjacent to continents.


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On Leg 96 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), holes were drilled in Orca and Pigmy basins on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope and on the Mississippi Fan. The holes on the fan encountered interbedded sand, silt, and mud deposited extremely rapidly, most during late Wisconsin glacial time. Pore-water chemistry in these holes is variable, but does not follow lithologic changes in any simple way. Both Ca and SO4 are enriched in the pore water of many samples from the fan. Two sites drilled in the prominent central channel of the middle fan show rapid SO4 reduction with depth, whereas two nearby sites in overbank deposits show no sulfate reduction for 300 m. Calcium concentration decreases as SO4 is depleted and Li follows the same pattern. Strontium, which like Li, is enriched in samples enriched in Ca, does not decrease with SO4 and Ca. Potassium in the pore water decreases with depth at almost all sites. Sulfate reduction was active at the two basin sites and, as on the fan, this resulted in calcium carbonate precipitation and a lowering of pore water Ca, Mg, and Li. The Orca Basin site was drilled through a brine pool of 258? salinity. Pore-water salinity decreases smoothly with depth to 50 m and remains well above normal seawater values to the bottom of the hole at about 90 m. This suggests constant sedimentation under anoxic hypersaline conditions for at least the last 50,000 yr.


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Sixty hours of direct measurements of fluorescence were collected from six bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) instrumented with fluorometers in Greenland in April 2005 and 2006. The data were used to (1) characterize the three-dimensional spatial pattern of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in the water column, (2) to examine the relationships between whale foraging areas and productive zones, and (3) to examine the correlation between whale-derived in situ values of Chl-a and those from concurrent satellite images using the NASA MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) EOS-AQUA satellite (MOD21, SeaWifs analogue OC3M and SST MOD37). Bowhead whales traversed 1600 km**2, providing information on diving, Chl-a structure and temperature profiles to depths below 200 m. Feeding dives frequently passed through surface waters ( >50 m) and targeted depths close to the bottom, and whales did not always target patches of high concentrations of Chl-a in the upper 50 m. Five satellite images were available within the periods whales carried fluorometers. Whales traversed 91 pixels collecting on average 761 s (SD 826) of Chl-a samples per pixel (0-136 m). The depth of the Chl-a maximum ranged widely, from 1 to 66 m. Estimates of Chl-a made from the water-leaving radiance measurements using the OC3M algorithm were highly skewed with most samples estimated as <1 mg/m**3 Chl-a, while data collected from whales had a broad distribution with Chl-a reaching >9 mg/m**3. The correlation between the satellite-derived and whale-derived Chl-a maxima was poor, a linear fit explained only 10% of the variance.


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Barremian through uppermost Aptian strata from ODP Hole 641C, located upslope of a tilted fault block on the Galicia margin (northwest Spain), are syn-rift sediments deposited in the bathyal realm and are characterized by rapid sedimentation from turbidity currents and debris flows. Calcarenite and calcirudite turbidites contain shallow-water carbonate, terrigenous, and pelagic debris, in complete or partial Bouma sequences. These deposits contain abraded micritized bioclasts of reefal debris, including rudist fragments. The youngest turbidite containing shallow-water carbonate debris at Site 641 defines the boundary between syn-rift and post-rift sediments; this is also the boundary between Aptian and Albian sediments. Some Aptian turbidites are partially silicified, with pore-filling chalcedony and megaquartz. Adjacent layers of length-fast and -slow chalcedony are succeeded by megaquartz as the final pore-filling stage within carbonate reef debris. Temperatures of formation, calculated from the oxygen isotopic composition of the authigenic quartz, are relatively low for formation of quartz but are relatively warm for shallow burial depths. This quartz cement may be interpreted as a rift-associated precipitate from seawater-derived epithermal fluids that migrated along a fault associated with the tilted block and were injected into the porous turbidite beds. These warm fluids may have cooled rapidly and precipitated silica at the boundaries of the turbidite beds as a result of contact with cooler pore waters. The color pattern in the quartz cement, observed by cathodoluminescence and fluorescence techniques, and changes in the trace lement geochemistry mimic the textural change of the different quartz layers and indicates growth synchronism of the different quartz phases. Fluorescence petrography of neomorphosed low-Mg-calcite bioclasts in the silicified turbidites shows extensive zonation and details of replacive crystal growth in the bioclasts that are not observed by cathodoluminescence. Fluorescence microscopy also reveals a competitive growth history during neomorphism of the adjacent crystals in an altered carbonate bioclast. Barremian-Aptian background pelagic sediments from Hole 641C have characteristics similar to pelagic sediments from the Blake-Bahama Formation described by Jansa et al. (1979) from the western North Atlantic. Sediments at this site differ from the Blake-Bahama Formation type locality in that the Barremian-Aptian pelagic sediments have a higher percentage of dark calcareous claystone and some turbidites are silicified at Site 641. The stable isotopic composition of the pelagic marlstones from Site 641 is similar to those of other Berriasian-Aptian pelagic sediments from the Atlantic.


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1. Great Meteor Seamount (GMS) is a very large (24,000 km**3) guyot with a flat summit plateau at 330-275 m; it has a volcanic core, capped by 150-600 m of post-Middle-Miocene carbonate and pyroclastic rocks, and is covered by bioclastic sands. The much smaller Josephine Seamount (JS, summit 170- 500 m w. d.) consists mainly of basalt which is only locally covered by limestones and bioclastic sands. 2. The bioclastic sands are almost free of terrigenous components, and are well sorted, unimodal medium sands. (1) "Recent pelagic sands" are typical of water depths > 600 m (JS) or > 1000 m (GMS). (2) "Sands of mixed relict-recent origin" (10-40% relict) and (3) "relict sands" (> 40% relict) are highly reworked, coarse lag deposits from the upper flanks and summit tops in which recent constituents are mixed with Pleistocene or older relict material. 3. From the carbonate rocks of both seamounts, 12 "microfacies" (MF-)types were distinguished. The 4 major types are: (1) Bio(pel)sparites (MF 1) occur on the summit plateaus and consist of magnesian calcite cementing small pellets and either redeposited planktonic bioclasts or mixed benthonic-planktonic skeletal debris ; (2) Porous biomicrites (MF 2) are typical of the marginal parts of the summit plateaus and contain mostly planktonic foraminifera (and pteropods), sometimes with redeposited bioclasts and/or coated grains; (3) Dense, ferruginous coralline-algal biomicrudites with Amphistegina sp. (MF 3.1), or with tuffaceous components (MF 3.2); (4) Dense, pelagic foraminiferal nannomicrite (MF 4) with scattered siderite rhombs. Corresponding to the proportion and mineralogical composition of the bioclasts and of the (Mgcalcitic) peloids, micrite, and cement, magnesian calcite (13-17 mol-% MgCO3) is much more abundant than low-Mg calcite and aragonite in rock types (1) and (2). Type (3) contains an "intermediate" Mg-calcite (7-9 mol-X), possibly due to an original Mg deficiency or to partial exsolution of Mg during diagenesis. The nannomicrite (4) consists of low-Mg calcite only. 4. Three textural types of volcanic and associated gyroclastic rocks were distinguished: (1) holohyaline, rapidly chilled and granulated lava flows and tuffs (palagonite tuff breccia and hyaloclastic top breccia); (2) tachylitic basalts (less rapidly chilled; with opaque glass); and (3) "slowly" crystallized, holocrystalline alkali olivine basalts. The carbonate in most mixed pyroclastic-carbonate sediments at the basalt contact is of "post-eruptive" origin (micritic crusts etc.); "pre-eruptive" limestone is recrystallized or altered at the basalt contact. A deuteric (?hydrothermal) "mineralX", filling vesicles in basalt and cementing pyroclastic breccias is described for the first time. 5. Origin and development of GMS andJS: From its origin, some 85 m. y. ago, the volcano of GMS remained active until about 10 m. y. B. P. with an average lava discharge of 320 km**3/m. y. The volcanic origin of JS is much younger (?Middle Tertiary), but the volcanic activity ended also about 9 m. y. ago. During L a t e Miocene to Pliocene times both volcanoes were eroded (wave-rounded cobbles). The oldest pyroclastics and carbonates (MF 3.1, 3.2) were originally deposited in shallow-water (?algal reef hardground). The Plio (-Pleisto) cene foraminiferal nannomicrites (MF 4) suggest a meso- to bathypelagic environment along the flanks of GMS. During the Quaternary (?Pleistocene) bioclastic sands were deposited in water depths beyond wave base on the summit tops, repeatedly reworked, and lithified into loosely consolidated biopelsparites and biomicrites (MF 1 and 2; Fig. 15). Intermediate steps were a first intragranular filling by micrite, reworking, oncoidal coating, weak consolidation with Mg-calcite cemented "peloids" in intergranular voids and local compaction of the peloids into cryptocrystalline micrite with interlocking Mg-calcite crystals up to 4p. The submarine lithification process was frequently interrupted by long intervals of nondeposition, dissolution, boring, and later infilling. The limestones were probably never subaerially exposed. Presently, the carbonate rocks undergo biogenic incrustation and partial dissolution into bioclastic sands. The irregular distribution pattern of the sands reflects (a) the patchy distribution of living benthonic organisms, (b) the steady rain of planktonic organism onto the seamount top, (c) the composition of disintegrating subrecent limestones, and (d) the intensity of winnowing and reworking bottom current


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Spreading pattern and mesoscale structure of Mediterranean water outflow in the eastern North Atlantic are studied on the basis of historical hydrographical records. Effect of bottom topography on Mediterranean water distribution is revealed. It is shown that the Mediterranean water outflow is divided into two streams after leaving the Gulf of Cadiz. These are northwestern and southwestern ones; the former is more intensive and spreads in more regular and continuous way. West of the Tejo (Tagus) Plateau it splits into three branches; the most intense of them keeps continuity up to 14°W. The less intensive southwestern stream passes south of the Gettysburg Bank and splits into two branches immediately after the Gulf of Cadiz. From 11°W, this stream has lenticular, intermittent character. West of 14°-15°W all Mediterranean water branches are represented mainly by isolated salty patches. As a result of historical data analysis in the 32°-44°N, 8°-22°W area, 30 Mediterranean water lenses have been found; 12 of them had not been previously mentioned in publications. A table of main parameters of Mediterranean water lenses is presented. It includes data of 108 observations from 1911 to 1993.


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Cold-water corals (CWC) are frequently reported from deep sites with locally accelerated currents that enhance seabed food particle supply. Moreover, zooplankton likely account for ecologically important prey items, but their contribution to CWC diet remains unquantified. We investigated the benthic food web structure of the recently discovered Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) CWC province (300 to 1100 m depth) located in the oligotrophic northern Ionian Sea. We analyzed stable isotopes (delta13C and delta15N) of the main consumers (including ubiquitous CWC species) exhibiting different feeding strategies, zooplankton, suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and sedimented organic matter (SOM). Zooplankton and POM were collected 3 m above the coral colonies in order to assess their relative contributions to CWC diet. The delta15N of the scleractinians Desmophyllum dianthus, Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa and the gorgonian Paramuricea cf. macrospinawere consistent with a diet mainly composed of zooplankton. The antipatharian Leiopathes glaberrima was more 15N- depletedthan other cnidarians, suggesting a lower contribution of zooplankton to its diet. Our delta13C data clearly indicate that the benthic food web of SML is exclusively fuelled by carbon of phytoplanktonic origin. Nevertheless, consumers feeding at the water sediment interface were more 13C-enriched than consumers feeding above the bottom (i.e. living corals and their epifauna). This pattern suggests that carbon is assimilated via 2 trophic pathways: relatively fresh phytoplanktonic production for 13C-depleted consumers and more decayed organic matter for 13C-enriched consumers. When the delta13C values of consumers were corrected for the influence of lipids (which are significantly 13C-depleted relative to other tissue components), our conclusions remained unchanged, except in the case of L. glaberrima which could assimilate a mixture of zooplankton and resuspended decayed organic matter.


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The characteristics of a global set-up of the Finite-Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model under forcing of the period 1958-2004 are presented. The model set-up is designed to study the variability in the deep-water mass formation areas and was therefore regionally better resolved in the deep-water formation areas in the Labrador Sea, Greenland Sea, Weddell Sea and Ross Sea. The sea-ice model reproduces realistic sea-ice distributions and variabilities in the sea-ice extent of both hemispheres as well as sea-ice transport that compares well with observational data. Based on a comparison between model and ocean weather ship data in the North Atlantic, we observe that the vertical structure is well captured in areas with a high resolution. In our model set-up, we are able to simulate decadal ocean variability including several salinity anomaly events and corresponding fingerprint in the vertical hydrography. The ocean state of the model set-up features pronounced variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation as well as the associated mixed layer depth pattern in the North Atlantic deep-water formation areas.


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Precise measurements were conducted in continuous flow seawater mesocosms located in full sunlight that compared metabolic response of coral, coral-macroalgae and macroalgae systems over a diurnal cycle. Irradiance controlled net photosynthesis (Pnet), which in turn drove net calcification (Gnet), and altered pH. Pnet exerted the dominant control on [CO3]2- and aragonite saturation state (Omega arag) over the diel cycle. Dark calcification rate decreased after sunset, reaching zero near midnight followed by an increasing rate that peaked at 03:00 h. Changes in Omega arag and pH lagged behind Gnet throughout the daily cycle by two or more hours. The flux rate Pnet was the primary driver of calcification. Daytime coral metabolism rapidly removes dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the bulk seawater and photosynthesis provides the energy that drives Gnet while increasing the bulk water pH. These relationships result in a correlation between Gnet and Omega arag, with Omega arag as the dependent variable. High rates of H+ efflux continued for several hours following mid-day peak Gnet suggesting that corals have difficulty in shedding waste protons as described by the Proton Flux Hypothesis. DIC flux (uptake) followed Pnet and Gnet and dropped off rapidly following peak Pnet and peak Gnet indicating that corals can cope more effectively with the problem of limited DIC supply compared to the problem of eliminating H+. Over a 24 h period the plot of total alkalinity (AT) versus DIC as well as the plot of Gnet versus Omega arag revealed a circular hysteresis pattern over the diel cycle in the coral and coral-algae mesocosms, but not the macroalgae mesocosm. Presence of macroalgae did not change Gnet of the corals, but altered the relationship between Omega arag and Gnet. Predictive models of how future global changes will effect coral growth that are based on oceanic Omega arag must include the influence of future localized Pnet on Gnet and changes in rate of reef carbonate dissolution. The correlation between Omega arag and Gnet over the diel cycle is simply the response of the CO2-carbonate system to increased pH as photosynthesis shifts the equilibria and increases the [CO3]2- relative to the other DIC components of [HCO3]- and [CO2]. Therefore Omega arag closely tracked pH as an effect of changes in Pnet, which also drove changes in Gnet. Measurements of DIC flux and H+ flux are far more useful than concentrations in describing coral metabolism dynamics. Coral reefs are systems that exist in constant disequilibrium with the water column.


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Manganese-iron oxide concretions are presently forming on Patrick Sill in upper Jervis Inlet. The marine geology of Patrick Sill and the adjoining basins (Queen's Reach and Princess Royal Reach) was studied to define the environment in which the concretions form. The river at the inlet head is the principal source of sediment to the upper basin. The average grain size of surficial bottom sediments within this basin decreases uniformly with distance from the source. Patrick Sill separates the upper from the lower basin. The sediment distribution pattern within the lower basin differs markedly from the upper basin as there is no dominant source of material but rather many localized sources. Abundant shallow marine faunal remains recovered in deep water sediment samples indicate that sediments deposited as deltas off river and stream mouths periodically slump to the basin floors. Geologic and optical turbidity information for the upper basin can best be explained by slumping from the delta at the inlet head with the initiation of turbidity or density currents. Patrick Sill appears to create a downstream barrier to this flow. The mineralogy of the bottom sediments indicates derivation from a granitic terrain. If this is so, the sediments presently being deposited in both basins are reworked glacial materials initially derived by glacial action outside the present watershed. Upper Jervis Inlet is mapped as lying within a roof pendant of pre-batholithic rocks, principally slates. Patrick Sill is thought to be a bedrock feature mantled with Pleistocene glacial material. The accumulation rate of recent sediments on the sill is low especially in the V-notch or medial depression. The manganese-iron oxide concretions are forming within the depression and apparently nowhere else in the study area. Also forming within the depression are crusts of iron oxide and what are tentatively identified as glauconite-montmorillonoid pellets. The concretions are thought to form by precipitation of manganese-iron oxides on pebbles and cobbles lying at the sediment water interface. The oxide materials are mobile in the reducing environment of the underlying clayey-sand sediment but precipitate on contact with the oxygenating environment of the surficial sediments. The iron crusts are thought to be forming on extensive rocky surfaces above the sediment water interface. The overall appearance and evidence of rapid formation of the crusts suggests they formed from a gel in sea water. Reserves of manganese-iron concretions on Patrick Sill were estimated to be 117 metric tons. Other deposits of concretions have recently been found in other inlets and in the Strait of Georgia but, to date, the extent of these has not been determined.


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Major-element compositions (Cl-, SO4[2-], Ca2+, Mg2+ , Li+ , K+, Na+ , Sr2+) of interstitial waters obtained from sediment cores along the ODP Leg 110 transect across the Northern Barbados accretionary prism have shown that a complex set of geochemical processes are of importance in this area. In the volcanic ash-rich Pleistocene-Pliocene sediments, alteration reactions involving volcanic ash lead to depletions of Mg2+ and K+. This process is confirmed by the much lower than contemporaneous seawater values of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of dissolved strontium. In the deeper sediments recovered below the zone of decollement (Sites 671 and 672) large increases in Ca2+ and gradual decreases in Mg2+ , Na+, and d18O (H2O) indicate a potential contribution to the interstitial water chemistry by exchange with underlying basement rocks. This process has been hard to confirm because the drill holes were terminated well short of reaching basement. However, the concentration gradient pattern is consistent with observations in a large number of DSDP drill holes. Finally, but most importantly, low Cl- concentrations in the decollement zone and underlying sand layers, as well as in fault zones at Sites 673 and 674, indicate dilution of interstitial waters. The potential origins of the low Cl- concentrations are discussed, though we are not able to distinguish any mechanism in particular. Our evidence supports the concept of water migration along the decollement and through the underlying sandstones as well as along recent fault zones in the accretionary complex. Interstitial water concentration depth profiles are affected by faulting, thrusting, and overturn processes in the accretionary prism. These processes have caused a diminished diffusive exchange with the overlying ocean, thus explaining increased depletions in Mg2+ and SO4[2-] in sites farther onto the accretionary prism.


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A series of long-chain (C37, C38, C39), primarily di and tri-unsaturated methyl and ethyl ketones, first identified in sediments from Walvis Ridge off West Africa and from Black Sea (de Leeuw et al., 1979), has been found in marine sediments throughout the world (Brassell et al., 1986 doi:10.1038/320129a0). The marine coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi and members of the class Prymnesiophyceae are now the recognized sources of these compounds (Volkman et al., 1979; Marlowe, et al., 1984). Experiments with laboratory cultures of algae showed the degree of unsaturation in the ketone seris biosynthesized depends on growth temperature (Brassell et al., 1986; Marlowe, 1984), a physiological respons observed for classical membrane lipids (vanDeenen et al., 1972). Brassell and co-workers (Brassell et al., 198; Brassell et al., 1986b) thus proposed that systematic fluctuations in the unsaturation of these alkenones noted down-core in sediments from the Kane Gap region of the north-east tropical Atlantic Ocean and correlated with glacial-interglacial cycles provide an organic geochemical measure of past sea-surface water temperatures. Using laboratory cultures of E. huxleyi, we have calibrated changes in the unsaturation pattern of the long-chain ketone series versus growth temperature. The calibration curve is linear and accurtely predicts unsuturation patterns observed in natural particulate materials collected from oceanic waters of known temperature. We present evidence supporting the proposed paleotemperature hypothesis (Brassell et al., 1986, Brassel et al., 1986b) and suggesting absolute 'sea-surface temperatures' for a given oceanic location can be estimated from an analysis of long-chain ketone compositions preserved in glacial and interglacial horizons of deep-sea sediment cores.