727 resultados para Virgin female
This work examines behavioural relationships between young females (potential queens) and workers, in a multi-nest population (supercolony), of Formica lugubris. Each nest contains hundreds of functional queens but the colony is initiated by a single foundress (secondary polygyny). Thus, recruitment of new queens into the nests is part of the population dynamics. Substantial variation in worker response towards introduced female sexuals, ranging from execution to complete acceptance, is demonstrated. The mating status of the introduced females has a clear effect on the worker response: virgin females are accepted with about twice the probability of inseminated females. When native alates are present in a nest, all introduced females are accepted with higher probability than when the native alates are absent, later in the season. No effect of distance (between donor and recipient nests) on the worker reaction was found, within the supercolony borders. Proximate mechanisms and selective forces regulating the recruitment process are discussed in light of these findings.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Endocrine features of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) include altered ovarian steroidogenesis, hyperinsulinemia and abnormal luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. This study was undertaken to further evaluate the role of insulin to modulate LH secretion in lean PCOS patients with normal insulin sensitivity and normal volunteers. METHODS: The study was performed in five nonobese patients diagnosed with PCOS on the basis of amenorrhea and a polycystic morphology at ovarian ultrasound, and 5 normal controls in early to mid-follicular phase and matched for weight and age. All subjects were phenotyped, and then admitted for 12 h of frequent (q 10') blood sampling on two separate occasions, once for a baseline study and the other time for a hyperinsulinemic and euglycemic clamp study. LH was measured in samples obtained throughout each admission in order to perform LH pulse analysis. RESULTS: Baseline LH secretion in PCOS subjects was significantly different from controls: they had higher LH levels, higher LH/FSH ratios as well as a faster LH pulse frequency than normal women. Insulin administration did not affect the pattern of LH secretion of PCOS patients, whereas it significantly increased the LH pulse frequency while decreasing the LH interpulse intervals in the controls. CONCLUSIONS: These data confirm that an abnormal pattern of LH secretion characteristic of PCOS can be observed in lean patients, and appears independent of peripheral insulin levels. Furthermore, our results in lean controls provide the first direct evidence that peripheral insulin can modulate the activity of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in the human.
Rapport de synthèse : La satisfaction des patients concernant leur prise en charge fait maintenant partie intégrante de la qualité des soins. Elle a été évaluée à maintes reprises chez des patients adultes ou pédiatriques, mais rarement chez des patients adolescents. Les attentes des adolescents par rapport aux services de soins ont par contre été souvent étudiées et certains facteurs semblent particulièrement importants. Parmi ceux-ci, citons la confidentialité, le respect, l'honnêteté, l'écoute, l'accès aux soins ou le fait d'avoir des informations compréhensibles. L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé a développé le concept de 'Youth-friendly health services' pour répondre aux besoins et attentes particuliers des adolescents. Il est basé sur sept principes : l'accessibilité, l'équité, l'efficience, l'efficacité, le fait d'être approprié et compréhensible. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la satisfaction des adolescentes consultant dans une clinique multidisciplinaire pour adolescents basée sur le modèle 'Youth-friendly health services' et de déterminer les facteurs qui y sont associés. Nous avons fait une enquête transversale dans une clinique pour adolescents à Lausanne entre mars et mai 2008 moyennant un questionnaire anonyme auto-administré. Tous les patients qui avaient consulté au moins une fois auparavant étaient éligibles. Nous avons ensuite éliminé les garçons, en très petit nombre et donc de faible valeur statistique. Trois cents onze patientes âgées de 12 à 22 ans ont été inclues dans l'étude. Nous avons effectué des analyses bivariées pour comparer les patientes satisfaites et non satisfaites puis avons construit un modèle log- linéaire afin de déterminer les facteurs directement ou indirectement liés à la satisfaction des patientes. Nonante-quatre pourcent des patientes étaient satisfaites. Les facteurs significativement associés à la satisfaction des adolescentes étaient les suivants : Les jeunes filles se sentaient plus écoutées en ce qui concerne leurs plaintes, et avaient plus l'impression que le soignant les comprenait. Elles avaient aussi moins changé de soignant durant le suivi, avaient plus l'impression d'avoir bénéficié du traitement adéquat et pensaient avoir plus suivi les conseils du soignant. Le modèle log-linéaire que nous avons effectué a mis en avant quatre facteurs directement liés à la satisfaction des patientes, qui sont la continuité des soins, le résultat de la prise en charge, l'adhérence au traitement et le sentiment d'être comprise par le soignant. Ces résultats mettent en avant l'importance de la relation interpersonnelle entre le soignant et le patient, mais rendent aussi attentif à des aspects qui pourraient être améliorés, en ce qui concerne par exemple la continuité des soins. En effet, une clinique comme la nôtre fait partie d'un hôpital de formation et le tournus fréquent des soignants est inévitable. Les changements de médecins et autres soignants devraient alors être préparés et expliqués aux patients avec la plus grande attention. L'adhérence au traitement semble être fortement liée à la satisfaction des patients, mais la nature de notre étude ne permet pas de conclure à une relation de cause à effet. Nous pouvons tout de même supposer qu'elle est une conséquence de la satisfaction des patients. Enfin, la confidentialité et l'accès aux soins souvent cités comme essentiels à la satisfaction des patients dans la littérature étaient secondaires dans notre étude. En conclusion, la satisfaction des adolescentes était principalement basée sur une relation de confiance de longue durée avec leurs soignants. Les pédiatres occupent une place privilégiée pour répondre à ces besoins parce qu'ils connaissent leurs patients depuis l'enfance. Ils devraient cependant garder à l'esprit que la relation avec le patient change au moment de l'adolescence et que les jeunes sont très sensibles à la relation de confiance interpersonnelle qu'ils ont avec leur médecin.
Amphibians display wide variations in life-history traits and life cycles that should prove useful to explore the evolution of sex-biased dispersal, but quantitative data on sex-specific dispersal patterns are scarce. Here, we focused on Salamandra atra, an endemic alpine species showing peculiar life-history traits. Strictly terrestrial and viviparous, the species has a promiscuous mating system, and females reproduce only every 3 to 4 years. In the present study, we provide quantitative estimates of asymmetries in male vs. female dispersal using both field-based (mark-recapture) and genetic approaches (detection of sex-biased dispersal and estimates of migration rates based on the contrast in genetic structure across sexes and age classes). Our results revealed a high level of gene flow among populations, which stems exclusively from male dispersal. We hypothesize that philopatric females benefit from being familiar with their natal area for the acquisition and defence of an appropriate shelter, while male dispersal has been secondarily favoured by inbreeding avoidance. Together with other studies on amphibians, our results indicate that a species' mating system alone is a poor predictor of sex-linked differences in dispersal, in particular for promiscuous species. Further studies should focus more directly on the proximate forces that favour or limit dispersal to refine our understanding of the evolution of sex-biased dispersal in animals.
We conducted a study on 91 women with thyroid cancer and 306 controls in hospital for acute nonneoplastic, non-hormone-related disorders in order to investigate the role of reproductive and hormonal factors in the etiology of epithelial thyroid cancer in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Non-significant increases in cancer risk with an increasing number of full-term pregnancies (odds ratio, OR, after allowance for age and previous benign thyroid disease = 1.6, for > or = 3 vs. 0 full-term pregnancies, 95% confidence interval, CI: 0.7-3.6) and spontaneous abortions (OR = 2.0 for > or = 2 vs. 0 spontaneous abortions, 95% CI: 0.7-5.2) were seen. A significantly elevated OR (2.8, 95% CI: 1.1-7.2) was found in those women whose first pregnancy ended with an abortion. Whereas most other reproductive, menstrual and hormonal factors examined did not seem to affect the risk of thyroid cancer significantly, a clue emerged of an association between thyroid cancer and artificial menopause (OR = 6.3, for women who underwent artificial menopause vs. premenopausal women, 95% CI: 1.7-23.2). Although not necessarily causal, the relationship between the risk of epithelial thyroid cancer and the occurrence of spontaneous abortions and artificial menopause deserves attention in future studies, in the light of the high incidence of thyroid cancer in young and middle-aged women.
In contradiction to sexual selection theory, several studies showed that although the expression of melanin-based ornaments is usually under strong genetic control and weakly sensitive to the environment and body condition, they can signal individual quality. Covariation between a melanin-based ornament and phenotypic quality may result from pleiotropic effects of genes involved in the production of melanin pigments. Two categories of genes responsible for variation in melanin production may be relevant, namely those that trigger melanin production (yes or no response) and those that determine the amount of pigments produced. To investigate which of these two hypotheses is the most likely, I reanalysed data collected from barn owls ( Tyto alba). The underparts of this bird vary from immaculate to heavily marked with black spots of varying size. Published cross-fostering experiments have shown that the proportion of the plumage surface covered with black spots, a eumelanin composite trait so-called "plumage spottiness", in females positively covaries with offspring humoral immunocompetence, and negatively with offspring parasite resistance (i.show $132#e. the ability to reduce fecundity of ectoparasites) and fluctuating asymmetry of wing feathers. However, it is unclear which component of plumage spottiness causes these relationships, namely genes responsible for variation in number of spots or in spot diameter. Number of spots reflects variation in the expression of genes triggering the switch from no eumelanin production to production, whereas spot diameter reflects variation in the expression of genes determining the amount of eumelanin produced per spot. In the present study, multiple regression analyses, performed on the same data sets, showed that humoral immunocompetence, parasite resistance and wing fluctuating asymmetry of cross-fostered offspring covary with spot diameter measured in their genetic mother, but not with number of spots. This suggests that genes responsible for variation in the quantity of eumelanin produced per spot are responsible for covariation between a melanin ornament and individual attributes. In contrast, genes responsible for variation in number of black spots may not play a significant role. Covariation between a eumelanin female trait and offspring quality may therefore be due to an indirect effect of melanin production.
Estrogen deprivation is associated with delayed healing, while Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) accelerates acute wound healing and protects against development of chronic wounds. Estrogen exerts its effects on healing via numerous cell types by signalling through the receptors ERα and ERβ, which bind to the Estrogen Responsive Element (ERE) and initiate gene transcription. The ERE-luciferase transgenic mouse model has been influential in assessing real-time in vivo estrogen receptor activation across a range of tissues and pathologies. Using this model we demonstrate novel temporally regulated peri-wound activation of estrogen signalling in female mice. Using histological methods we reveal that this signal is specifically localised to keratinocytes of the neoepidermis and wound margin dermal cells. Moreover using pharmacological agonists we reveal that ERβ induces ERE-mediated signal in both epidermal and dermal cells while ERα induces ERE-mediated signal in dermal cells alone. Collectively these novel data demonstrate rapid and regional activation of estrogen signalling in wounded skin. A more complete understanding of local hormonal signalling during repair is essential for the focussed development of new therapies for wound healing.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the metabolic effects of fructose in healthy male and female subjects. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Fasting metabolic profile and hepatic insulin sensitivity were assessed by means of a hyperglycemic clamp in 16 healthy young male and female subjects after a 6-day fructose overfeeding. RESULTS: Fructose overfeeding increased fasting triglyceride concentrations by 71 vs. 16% in male vs. female subjects, respectively (P < 0.05). Endogenous glucose production was increased by 12%, alanine aminotransferase concentration was increased by 38%, and fasting insulin concentrations were increased by 14% after fructose overfeeding in male subjects (all P < 0.05) but were not significantly altered in female subjects. Fasting plasma free fatty acids and lipid oxidation were inhibited by fructose in male but not in female subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Short-term fructose overfeeding produces hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic insulin resistance in men, but these effects are markedly blunted in healthy young women.
Many models of sex-biased dispersal predict that the direction of sex-bias depends upon a species' mating system. In agreement with this, almost all polygynous mammals show male-biased dispersal whereas largely monogamous birds show female-biased dispersal (FBD). The hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) is polygynous and so dispersal is predicted to be male biased, as is found in all other baboon subspecies, but there are conflicting field data showing both female and male dispersal. Using 19 autosomal genetic markers genotyped in baboons from four Saudi Arabian populations, we found strong evidence for FBD in post-dispersal adults but not, as expected, in pre-dispersal infants and young juveniles, when we compared male and female: population structure (F(st)), inbreeding (F(is)), relatedness (r), and the mean assignment index (mAIc). Furthermore, we found evidence for female-biased gene flow as population genetic structure (F(st)), was about four times higher for the paternally inherited Y, than for either autosomal markers or for maternally inherited mtDNA. These results contradict the direction of sex-bias predicted by the mating system and show that FBD has evolved recently from an ancestral state of male-biased dispersal. We suggest that the cost-benefit balance of dispersal to males and females is tightly linked to the unique hierarchical social structure of hamadryas baboons and that dispersal and social organization have coevolved.
Recent studies indicate that directional female mate choice and order-dependent female mate choice importantly contribute to non-random mating patterns. In species where females prefer larger sized males, disentangling different hypotheses leading to non-random mating patterns is especially difficult, given that male size usually correlates with behaviours that may lead to non-random mating (e.g. size-dependent emergence from hibernation, male fighting ability). Here we investigate female mate choice and order-dependent female mate choice in the polygynandrous common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). By sequentially presenting males in random order to females, we exclude non-random mating patterns potentially arising due to intra-sexual selection (e.g. male-male competition), trait-dependent encounter probabilities, trait-dependent conspicuousness, or trait-dependent emergence from hibernation. To test for order-dependent female mate choice we investigate whether the previous mating history affects female choice. We show that body size and body condition of the male with which a female mated for the first time were bigger and better, respectively, than the average body size and body condition of the rejected males. There was a negative correlation between body sizes of first and second copulating males. This indicates that female mate choice is dependent on the previous mating history and it shows that the female's choice criteria are non-static, i.e. non-directional. Our study therefore suggests that context-dependent female mate choice may not only arise due to genotype-environment interactions, but also due to other female mating strategies, i.e. order-dependent mate choice. Thus context-dependent female mate choice might be more frequent than previously thought.
The Swiss National Science Foundation made a call for National Centers fo Competence in Research (NCCR) for the first time in 1999 and 2004. Together, these announcements concerned all disciplines and led to 126 preproposals, which were put forward by 2134 men and women researchers. It can be assumed that this operation mobilised Swiss researchers who regarded themselves as particularly well qualified to conduct high-level research in their field. The article uses network analysis and regression analysis methods to examine to what extend women had a lower success rate than men in the two selection rounds because of their sex. On the whole, the findings attest the gender neutrality of the National Science Foundation's selection procedures. However, they also confirm the well-known fact that women scientists are less represented in the higher echelons of academia and concentrated in the social sciences and humanities, as well as showing that this concentration reduces women's chances of success in scientific competition. The article shows that unequal gender-specific success rates prior to the NCCR funding contest play a fairly significant role.
OBJECTIVE To assess the specific risks of injury to neural and vascular structures inherent in two approaches to transobturator surgery for inserting a suburethral sling, i.e. the outside-in (standard technique) and inside-out approaches. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study comprised seven cadavers, providing 14 obturator regions. Five specimens had a tape inserted outside-in on one side, and inside-out on the other; of the remaining two cadavers, one had an inside-out tape and one an outside-in tape, bilaterally. After tape insertion, the cadavers were dissected. Particular attention was paid to the distances between the tape and the deep external pudendal vessels, and between the tape and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve. RESULTS With the inside-out technique, the safety margins were reduced, and the external pudendal vessels and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve were at greater risk of injury. CONCLUSION The two techniques are not equivalent, with a lower risk of injury to vascular and nerve structures with the outside-in technique.
Introduction Societies of ants, bees, wasps and termites dominate many terrestrial ecosystems (Wilson 1971). Their evolutionary and ecological success is based upon the regulation of internal conflicts (e.g. Ratnieks et al. 2006), control of diseases (e.g. Schmid-Hempel 1998) and individual skills and collective intelligence in resource acquisition, nest building and defence (e.g. Camazine 2001). Individuals in social species can pass on their genes not only directly trough their own offspring, but also indirectly by favouring the reproduction of relatives. The inclusive fitness theory of Hamilton (1963; 1964) provides a powerful explanation for the evolution of reproductive altruism and cooperation in groups with related individuals. The same theory also led to the realization that insect societies are subject to internal conflicts over reproduction. Relatedness of less-than-one is not sufficient to eliminate all incentive for individual selfishness. This would indeed require a relatedness of one, as found among cells of an organism (Hardin 1968; Keller 1999). The challenge for evolutionary biology is to understand how groups can prevent or reduce the selfish exploitation of resources by group members, and how societies with low relatedness are maintained. In social insects the evolutionary shift from single- to multiple queens colonies modified the relatedness structure, the dispersal, and the mode of colony founding (e.g. (Crozier & Pamilo 1996). In ants, the most common, and presumably ancestral mode of reproduction is the emission of winged males and females, which found a new colony independently after mating and dispersal flights (Hölldobler & Wilson 1990). The alternative reproductive tactic for ant queens in multiple-queen colonies (polygyne) is to seek to be re-accepted in their natal colonies, where they may remain as additional reproductives or subsequently disperse on foot with part of the colony (budding) (Bourke & Franks 1995; Crozier & Pamilo 1996; Hölldobler & Wilson 1990). Such ant colonies can contain up to several hundred reproductive queens with an even more numerous workforce (Cherix 1980; Cherix 1983). As a consequence in polygynous ants the relatedness among nestmates is very low, and workers raise brood of queens to which they are only distantly related (Crozier & Pamilo 1996; Queller & Strassmann 1998). Therefore workers could increase their inclusive fitness by preferentially caring for their closest relatives and discriminate against less related or foreign individuals (Keller 1997; Queller & Strassmann 2002; Tarpy et al. 2004). However, the bulk of the evidence suggests that social insects do not behave nepotistically, probably because of the costs entailed by decreased colony efficiency or discrimination errors (Keller 1997). Recently, the consensus that nepotistic behaviour does not occur in insect colonies was challenged by a study in the ant Formica fusca (Hannonen & Sundström 2003b) showing that the reproductive share of queens more closely related to workers increases during brood development. However, this pattern can be explained either by nepotism with workers preferentially rearing the brood of more closely related queens or intrinsic differences in the viability of eggs laid by queens. In the first chapter, we designed an experiment to disentangle nepotism and differences in brood viability. We tested if workers prefer to rear their kin when given the choice between highly related and unrelated brood in the ant F. exsecta. We also looked for differences in egg viability among queens and simulated if such differences in egg viability may mistakenly lead to the conclusion that workers behave nepotistically. The acceptance of queens in polygnous ants raises the question whether the varying degree of relatedness affects their share in reproduction. In such colonies workers should favour nestmate queens over foreign queens. Numerous studies have investigated reproductive skew and partitioning of reproduction among queens (Bourke et al. 1997; Fournier et al. 2004; Fournier & Keller 2001; Hammond et al. 2006; Hannonen & Sundström 2003a; Heinze et al. 2001; Kümmerli & Keller 2007; Langer et al. 2004; Pamilo & Seppä 1994; Ross 1988; Ross 1993; Rüppell et al. 2002), yet almost no information is available on whether differences among queens in their relatedness to other colony members affects their share in reproduction. Such data are necessary to compare the relative reproductive success of dispersing and non-dispersing individuals. Moreover, information on whether there is a difference in reproductive success between resident and dispersing queens is also important for our understanding of the genetic structure of ant colonies and the dynamics of within group conflicts. In chapter two, we created single-queen colonies and then introduced a foreign queens originating from another colony kept under similar conditions in order to estimate the rate of queen acceptance into foreign established colonies, and to quantify the reproductive share of resident and introduced queens. An increasing number of studies have investigated the discrimination ability between ant workers (e.g. Holzer et al. 2006; Pedersen et al. 2006), but few have addressed the recognition and discrimination behaviour of workers towards reproductive individuals entering colonies (Bennett 1988; Brown et al. 2003; Evans 1996; Fortelius et al. 1993; Kikuchi et al. 2007; Rosengren & Pamilo 1986; Stuart et al. 1993; Sundström 1997; Vásquez & Silverman in press). These studies are important, because accepting new queens will generally have a large impact on colony kin structure and inclusive fitness of workers (Heinze & Keller 2000). In chapter three, we examined whether resident workers reject young foreign queens that enter into their nest. We introduced mated queens into their natal nest, a foreign-female producing nest, or a foreign male-producing nest and measured their survival. In addition, we also introduced young virgin and mated queens into their natal nest to examine whether the mating status of the queens influences their survival and acceptance by workers. On top of polgyny, some ant species have evolved an extraordinary social organization called 'unicoloniality' (Hölldobler & Wilson 1977; Pedersen et al. 2006). In unicolonial ants, intercolony borders are absent and workers and queens mix among the physically separated nests, such that nests form one large supercolony. Super-colonies can become very large, so that direct cooperative interactions are impossible between individuals of distant nests. Unicoloniality is an evolutionary paradox and a potential problem for kin selection theory because the mixing of queens and workers between nests leads to extremely low relatedness among nestmates (Bourke & Franks 1995; Crozier & Pamilo 1996; Keller 1995). A better understanding of the evolution and maintenance of unicoloniality requests detailed information on the discrimination behavior, dispersal, population structure, and the scale of competition. Cryptic genetic population structure may provide important information on the relevant scale to be considered when measuring relatedness and the role of kin selection. Theoretical studies have shown that relatedness should be measured at the level of the `economic neighborhood', which is the scale at which intraspecific competition generally takes place (Griffin & West 2002; Kelly 1994; Queller 1994; Taylor 1992). In chapter four, we conducted alarge-scale study to determine whether the unicolonial ant Formica paralugubris forms populations that are organised in discrete supercolonies or whether there is a continuous gradation in the level of aggression that may correlate with genetic isolation by distance and/or spatial distance between nests. In chapter five, we investigated the fine-scale population structure in three populations of F. paralugubris. We have developed mitochondria) markers, which together with the nuclear markers allowed us to detect cryptic genetic clusters of nests, to obtain more precise information on the genetic differentiation within populations, and to separate male and female gene flow. These new data provide important information on the scale to be considered when measuring relatedness in native unicolonial populations.
This study tests the hypothesis that female South American sea lions shift from off-shore, pelagic prey to coastal, benthic prey after parturition in order to reduce the foraging trip duration and hence the time pups remain unattended on the beach during early lactation. The δ13C and δ15N values of the serum and blood cells of 26 South American sea lion suckling pups from northern Patagonia were used to track the dietary changes of their mothers from late pregnancy to early lactation, after correction for differential isotopic fractionation between tissues. Primary producers and potential prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline for interpreting the stable isotope concentration of serum and blood cells. Isotopic ratios revealed a generalized increase in the consumption of coastal-benthic prey after parturition. Such a generalized post-partum shift will allow females to spend more time on land and look after their pups. The effects of this foraging strategy on the nutritional quality of the female"s diet are discussed.
Virgin queens of the fire ant,Solenopsis invicta Buren, that were removed from the influence of the inhibitory queen pheromone, dealated more readily in the presence of workers than in their absence. During 72 hours after disinhibition, a significantly greater number of overwintered virgin queens than spring-reared virgin queens dealated when they were isolated, but the numbers that dealated in the presence of workers were very similar. Some sexually immature virgin queens dealated after disinhibition. Virgin dealates were found to be capable of preventing other virgin queens from dealating. The various factors that influence dealation by virgin queens were used to develop a bioassay for the inhibitory queen pheromone ofS. invicta. Lorsque des reines vierges de la fourmi de feu sont soustraites à l'influence de la phéromone inhibitrice produite par la reine, elles perdent leurs ailes plus facilement en présence d'ouvrières qu'en leur absence. Lorsqu'elles sont isolées pendant 72 heures après la levée de l'inhibition, un nombre significativement plus grand de reines vierges ayant hiverné perdent leurs ailes, par rapport aux reines vierges élevées au printemps. Toutefois, les nombres d'individus perdant leurs ailes en présence d'ouvrières sont similaires. Après désinhibition, quelques reines vierges immatures perdent leurs ailes. Les sexués vierges désailés sont capables de prévenir la perte des ailes chez d'autres sexués vierges. Les divers facteurs influençant la déalation chez les reines vierges ont été utilisés afin de développer un essai biologique pour la phéromone inhibitrice produite par la reine deS. invicta.