997 resultados para Vertical direction
X-ray microtomography has become a new tool in earth sciences to obtain non-destructive 3D-image data from geological objects in which variations in mineralogy, chemical composition and/or porosity create sufficient x-ray density contrasts.We present here first, preliminary results of an application to the external and internal morphology of Permian to Recent Larger Foraminifera. We use a SkyScan-1072 high-resolution desk-top micro-CT system. The system has a conical x-ray source with a spot size of about 5µm that runs at 20-100kV, 0-250µA, resulting in a maximal resolution of 5µm. X-ray transmission images are captured by a scintillator coupled via fibre optics to a 1024x1024 pixel 12-bit CCD. The object is placed between the x-ray source and the scintillator on a stub that rotates 360°around its vertical axis in steps as small as 0.24 degrees. Sample size is limited to 2 cm due to the absorption of geologic material for x-rays. The transmission images are back projected using a Feldkamp algorithm into a vertical stack of up to 1000 1Kx1K images that represent horizontal cuts of the object. This calculation takes 2 to several hours on a Double-Processor 2.4GHz PC. The stack of images (.bmp) can be visualized with any 3D-imaging software, used to produce cuts of Larger Foraminifera. Among other applications, the 3D-imaging software furnished by SkyScan can produce 3D-models by defining a threshold density value to distinguish "solid" from "void. Several models with variable threshold values and colors can be imbricated, rotated and cut together. The best results were obtained with microfossils devoid of chamber-filling cements (Permian, Eocene, Recent). However, even slight differences in cement mineralogy/composition can result in surprisingly good x-ray density contrasts.X-ray microtomography may develop into a powerful tool for larger microfossils with a complex internal structure, because it is non-destructive, requires no preparation of the specimens, and produces a true 3D-image data set. We will use these data sets in the future to produce cuts in any direction to compare them with arbitrary cuts of complex microfossils in thin sections. Many groups of benthic and planktonic foraminifera may become more easily determinable in thin section by this way.
The Fáiltiú service provides information and advice on rights, entitlements and options to homeless people, or those at risk of homelessness. The objectives of this evaluation were to assess the information needs of users of the service, how effectively they were being met, and how they could be improved. Two focus groups of staff members and service users gave their views on the design and implementation of the research at the outset of the project. A screening questionnaire identified 78 people who used the Fáiltiú service in a specified time period, of whom 40 participated in the evaluation by giving their views on the service. The study reviewed the literature on homelessness, attempted to define the term, and examined the characteristics of homeless people and relevant Irish social policy. The conclusions reached were: users of the Fáiltiú service are marginalized in a number of ways and share characteristics related to poverty and social exclusion, such as poor educational qualifications, high levels of unemployment and experience of prison; their needs are multi-dimensional and include accommodation, financial, social and medical support, and access to employment and training services: the service needs to respond to these needs in a holistic way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Ireland can be justly proud of the history and quality of its medical education. Graduates of Irish medical schools are accepted globally as being of international standard and many of the most eminent of Irish medical professionals have returned to Ireland after periods of distinguished service in other countries. This high international standing is reflected in the large number of North American, African and Asian students attending medical school in Ireland. Indeed, the ability of Irish medical schools to successfully compete at an international level in terms of attracting students to Ireland, and to establish a range of strategic relationships with Universities and Governments in other countries is to be commended.
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) provides high-resolution point clouds of the topography and new TLS instruments with ranges exceeding 300 m or even 1000 m are powerful tools for characterizing and monitoring slope movements. This study focuses on the 35 million m3 Åknes rockslide in Western Norway, which is one of the most investigated and monitored rockslides in the world. The TLS point clouds are used for the structural analysis of the steep, inaccessible main scarp of the rockslide, including an assessment of the discontinuity sets and fold axes. TLS acquisitions in 2006, 2007 and 2008 provide information on 3-D displacements for the entire scanned area and are not restricted like conventional survey instruments to single measurement points. The affine transformation matrix between two TLS acquisitions precisely describes the rockslide displacements and enables their separation into translational components, such as the displacement velocity and direction, and rotational components, like toppling. This study shows the ability of TLS to obtain reliable 3-D displacement information over a large, unstable area. Finally, a possible instability model for the upper part of Åknes rockslide explains the measured translational and rotational displacements by a combination of southward planar sliding along the gneiss foliation, gravitational vertical settlement along the complex, stepped basal sliding surface and northward toppling toward the opened graben structure.
Aedes albopictus was responsible for transmission in the first outbreak of chikungunya (CHIK) on La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean, in 2005-2006. The magnitude of the outbreak on this island, which had been free of arboviral diseases for over 30 years, as well as the efficiency of Ae. albopictus as the main vector, raises questions about the maintenance of the CHIK virus (CHIKV) through vertical transmission mechanisms. Few specimens collected from the field as larvae were found to be infected. In this study, Ae. albopictus originating from La Réunion were orally infected with a blood-meal containing 10(8) pfu/mL of the CHIKV epidemic strain (CHIKV 06.21). Eggs from the first and second gonotrophic cycles were collected and raised to the adult stage. The infectious status of the progeny was checked (i) by immunofluorescence on head squashes of individual mosquitoes to detect the presence of viral particles or (ii) by quantitative RT-PCR on mosquito pools to detect viral RNA. We analysed a total of 1,675 specimens from the first gonotrophic cycle and 1,709 from the second gonotrophic cycle without detecting any viral particles or viral RNA. These laboratory results are compared to field records.
This study is part of the project “Pneumocystis Pathogenomics: Unravelling the Colonization-to-Disease Shift,” a Coordination Action supported by the European Commission (ERANET PathoGenoMics). This study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS 03/1743). M.A.M.-C. and C.d.l.H. were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS CP-04/217 and FIS CM-04/146).