987 resultados para Variation intra-populationnelle


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In this work, 14 primary schools of Lisbon city, Portugal, followed a questionnaire of the ISAAC - International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Program, in 2009/2010. The questionnaire contained questions to identify children with respiratory diseases (wheeze, asthma and rhinitis). Total particulate matter (TPM) was passively collected inside two classrooms of each of 14 primary schools. Two types of filter matrices were used to collect TPM: Millipore (IsoporeTM) polycarbonate and quartz. Three campaigns were selected for the measurement of TPM: Spring, Autumn and Winter. The highest difference between the two types of filters is that the mass of collected particles was higher in quartz filters than in polycarbonate filters, even if their correlation is excellent. The highest TPM depositions occurred between October 2009 and March 2010, when related with rhinitis proportion. Rhinitis was found to be related to TPM when the data were grouped seasonally and averaged for all the schools. For the data of 2006/2007, the seasonal variation was found to be related to outdoor particle deposition (below 10 μm).


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OBJECTIVE: To review the estimated suicide rates for the Region Metropolitan, the main socio-political center in Chile, for the period 1979-1994, and to determine whether they follow a seasonal pattern. METHOD: Data available for the period 1979-94 at the Forensic Services in Chile was analyzed using ANOVA. RESULTS: It was register 5.386 suicides. While the "warm" months (October, November, December & January) concentrated 39.0% of cases, the so called "cold" months reported 28,7%. This contrast is made even clearer by the month-to-month analysis, showing the highest suicide rate in December (10.9%) against the lowest rate in June (7.0%). Further statistical analysis revealed these differences to be significant. CONCLUSION: The study shows that in Chile, representing as it does the Southern Hemisphere, the suicide rates tend to present a seasonal variation as has elsewhere been determined for in the North Hemisphere.


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The effects of dyke intrusion on the magnetic properties of host sedimentary rocks are still poorly understood. Therefore, we have evaluated bulk magnetic parameters of standard palaeomagnetic samples collected along several sections across the sediments hosting the Foum Zguid dyke in southern Morocco. The study has been completed with the evaluation of the magnetic fabric after laboratory application of sequential heating experiments. The present study shows that: (1) close to Fourn Zguid dykes, the variations of the bulk magnetic parameters and of the magnetic fabric is strongly related with re-crystallization and Fe-metasomatism intensity. (2) The thermal experiments on AMS of samples collected farther from the dyke and, thus, less affected by heating during dyke emplacement, indicate that 300-400 degrees C is the minimum experimental temperature necessary to trigger appreciable transformations of the pre-existing magnetic fabrics. For temperatures higher than ca. 580 degrees C, the magnetic fabric transformations are fully realized, with complete transposition of the initial fabric to a fabric similar to that of samples collected close to the dyke. Therefore, measured variations of the magnetic fabric can be used to evaluate re-crystallization temperatures experienced by the host sedimentary rock during dyke emplacement. The distinct magnetic behaviour observed along the cross-sections strongly suggests that samples collected farther from the dyke margins did not experience thermal episodes with temperatures higher than 300 degrees C after dyke emplacement. (3) AMS data shows a gradual variation of the magnetic fabric with distance from the dyke margin, from sub-horizontal K-3 away from the dyke to vertical K3 close to the dyke. Experimental heating shows that heat alone can be responsible for this strong variation. Therefore, such orientation changes should not be unequivocally interpreted as the result of a stress field (resulting from the emplacement of the dyke, for instance). (4) Magnetic studies prove to be a very sensitive tool to assess rock magnetic transformations, thermally and chemically induced by dyke intrusion in hosting sediments.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar o resultado da colpocitologia oncológica (CO) de encaminhamento com o resultado da CO coletada no serviço de referência, e avaliar as alterações da colposcopia e o resultado da biópsia. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 213 mulheres atendidas de janeiro de 1989 a abril de 1991 de um centro especializado de atenção à saúde da mulher, com seguimento até julho de 1998. Noventa foram encaminhadas por CO sugestiva de lesão induzida pelo vírus do papiloma humano (HPV) ou neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC) grau 1 e 123 por CO sugestiva de NIC 2 ou 3. RESULTADOS: Das mulheres encaminhadas por CO HPV/NIC 1, 49% apresentavam NIC 2 ou 3 na CO do serviço. Na colposcopia, 16 não apresentavam lesões suspeitas e em 10 não se via a junção escamo-colunar. Ao diagnóstico histológico, 42 (46%) apresentavam NIC 2 ou 3. Das 123 mulheres encaminhadas com CO NIC 2 ou 3, 54% apresentaram NIC 2 ou 3 na CO do serviço. Na colposcopia, 24 mulheres não apresentavam lesões suspeitas e em 12 não se via a junção escamo-colunar. Na histologia, 61 (49%) apresentavam NIC 2 ou 3. CONCLUSÕES: A conduta expectante nos casos de CO HPV/NIC 1 deve ser criteriosa, envolvendo profissionais capacitados na coleta do exame, e conscientizar a população para retornos periódicos de controle.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar possíveis divergências no padrão reprodutivo de mulheres residentes em áreas de diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento humano, pela análise de suas taxas de fecundidade total e taxas específicas de fecundidade por idade. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados os 96 distritos do Município de São Paulo, agrupados em cinco áreas segundo ordem crescente dos valores assumidos pelo Indicador de Desenvolvimento Humano. O estudo compreendeu a população feminina de 15 a 49 anos e os nascimentos vivos ocorridos durante o ano de 1997. As fontes de obtenção dos dados foram as declarações de nascidos vivos e a contagem da população 1996. Foram trabalhadas as seguintes variáveis: IDH, distrito de residência e idade da mulher. RESULTADOS: As mulheres residentes na área de menor desenvolvimento humano apresentaram taxa de fecundidade total de 2,62, sendo que a cúspide (151/1.000 filhos por mulheres) situou-se no grupo etário de 20 a 24 anos. Na área de maior indicador de desenvolvimento humano, observou-se menor número médio de filhos por mulher (1,67), e a cúspide (93/1.000 filhos por mulheres) se situou no grupo etário de 25 a 29 anos. CONCLUSÕES: As mulheres residentes nas áreas de maior desenvolvimento humano apresentaram menor número médio de filhos e tendência a tê-los em idades mais avançadas, o que sugere a coexistência de distintos padrões reprodutivos no Município de São Paulo.


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Introdução – Numa era em que os tratamentos de Radioterapia Externa (RTE) exigem cada vez mais precisão, a utilização de imagem médica permitirá medir, quantificar e avaliar o impacto do erro provocado pela execução do tratamento ou pelos movimentos dos órgãos. Objetivo – Analisar os dados existentes na literatura acerca de desvios de posicionamento (DP) em patologias de cabeça e pescoço (CP) e próstata, medidos com Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) ou Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Metodologia – Para esta revisão da literatura foram pesquisados artigos recorrendo às bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e b-on. Foram incluídos artigos que reportassem DP em patologias CP e próstata medidos através de CBCT e EPID. Seguidamente foram aplicados critérios de validação, que permitiram a seleção dos estudos. Resultados – Após a análise de 35 artigos foram incluídos 13 estudos e validados 9 estudos. Para tumores CP, a média (μ) dos DP encontra-se entre 0,0 e 1,2mm, com um desvio padrão (σ) máximo de 1,3mm. Para patologias de próstata observa-se μDP compreendido entre 0,0 e 7,1mm, com σ máximo de 7,5mm. Discussão/Conclusão – Os DP em patologias CP são atribuídos, maioritariamente, aos efeitos secundários da RTE, como mucosite e dor, que afetam a deglutição e conduzem ao emagrecimento, contribuindo para a instabilidade da posição do doente durante o tratamento, aumentando as incertezas de posicionamento. Os movimentos da próstata devem-se principalmente às variações de preenchimento vesical, retal e gás intestinal. O desconhecimento dos DP afeta negativamente a precisão da RTE. É importante detetá-los e quantificá-los para calcular margens adequadas e a magnitude dos erros, aumentando a precisão da administração de RTE, incluindo o aumento da segurança do doente. - ABSTRACT - Background and Purpose – In an era where precision is an increasing necessity in external radiotherapy (RT), modern medical imaging techniques provide means for measuring, quantifying and evaluating the impact of treatment execution and movement error. The aim of this paper is to review the current literature on the quantification of setup deviations (SD) in patients with head and neck (H&N) or prostate tumors, using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) or Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Methods – According to the study protocol, MEDLINE/PubMed and b-on databases were searched for trials, which were analyzed using selection criteria based on the quality of the articles. Results – After assessment of 35 papers, 13 studies were included in this analysis and nine were authenticated (6 for prostate and 3 for H&N tumors). The SD in the treatment of H&N cancer patients is in the interval of 0.1 to 1.2mm, whereas in prostate cancer this interval is 0.0 to 7.1mm. Discussion – The reproducibility of patient positioning is the biggest barrier for higher precision in RT, which is affected by geometrical uncertainty, positioning errors and inter or intra-fraction organ movement. There are random and systematic errors associated to patient positioning, introduced since the treatment planning phase or through physiological organ movement. Conclusion – The H&N SD are mostly assigned to the Radiotherapy adverse effects, like mucositis and pain, which affect swallowing and decrease secretions, contributing for the instability of patient positioning during RT treatment and increasing positioning uncertainties. Prostate motion is mainly related to the variation in bladder and rectal filling. Ignoring SD affects negatively the accuracy of RT. Therefore, detection and quantification of SD is crucial in order to calculate appropriate margins, the magnitude of error and to improve accuracy in RTE and patient safety.


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Trabalho de natureza profissional para a atribuição do Título de Especialista do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, na área de Recursos Humanos, defendido a 09-04-2012


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Fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) is now one of the most important tools in biomedicine research. In fact, it makes it possible to accurately study the dynamic processes occurring inside the cell and its nucleus by following the motion of fluorescent molecules over time. Due to the small amount of acquired radiation and the huge optical and electronics amplification, the FCM images are usually corrupted by a severe type of Poisson noise. This noise may be even more damaging when very low intensity incident radiation is used to avoid phototoxicity. In this paper, a Bayesian algorithm is proposed to remove the Poisson intensity dependent noise corrupting the FCM image sequences. The observations are organized in a 3-D tensor where each plane is one of the images acquired along the time of a cell nucleus using the fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP) technique. The method removes simultaneously the noise by considering different spatial and temporal correlations. This is accomplished by using an anisotropic 3-D filter that may be separately tuned in space and in time dimensions. Tests using synthetic and real data are described and presented to illustrate the application of the algorithm. A comparison with several state-of-the-art algorithms is also presented.


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Anaemia has a significant impact on child development and mortality and is a severe public health problem in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Nutritional and infectious causes of anaemia are geographically variable and anaemia maps based on information on the major aetiologies of anaemia are important for identifying communities most in need and the relative contribution of major causes. We investigated the consistency between ecological and individual-level approaches to anaemia mapping, by building spatial anaemia models for children aged ≤15 years using different modeling approaches. We aimed to a) quantify the role of malnutrition, malaria, Schistosoma haematobium and soil-transmitted helminths (STH) for anaemia endemicity in children aged ≤15 years and b) develop a high resolution predictive risk map of anaemia for the municipality of Dande in Northern Angola. We used parasitological survey data on children aged ≤15 years to build Bayesian geostatistical models of malaria (PfPR≤15), S. haematobium, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura and predict small-scale spatial variation in these infections. The predictions and their associated uncertainty were used as inputs for a model of anemia prevalence to predict small-scale spatial variation of anaemia. Stunting, PfPR≤15, and S. haematobium infections were significantly associated with anaemia risk. An estimated 12.5%, 15.6%, and 9.8%, of anaemia cases could be averted by treating malnutrition, malaria, S. haematobium, respectively. Spatial clusters of high risk of anaemia (>86%) were identified. Using an individual-level approach to anaemia mapping at a small spatial scale, we found that anaemia in children aged ≤15 years is highly heterogeneous and that malnutrition and parasitic infections are important contributors to the spatial variation in anemia risk. The results presented in this study can help inform the integration of the current provincial malaria control program with ancillary micronutrient supplementation and control of neglected tropical diseases, such as urogenital schistosomiasis and STH infection.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde. Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão dos Serviços de Saúde.


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Anaemia is known to have an impact on child development and mortality and is a severe public health problem in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. We investigated the consistency between ecological and individual-level approaches to anaemia mapping by building spatial anaemia models for children aged ≤15 years using different modelling approaches. We aimed to (i) quantify the role of malnutrition, malaria, Schistosoma haematobium and soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) in anaemia endemicity; and (ii) develop a high resolution predictive risk map of anaemia for the municipality of Dande in northern Angola. We used parasitological survey data for children aged ≤15 years to build Bayesian geostatistical models of malaria (PfPR≤15), S. haematobium, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura and predict small-scale spatial variations in these infections. Malnutrition, PfPR≤15, and S. haematobium infections were significantly associated with anaemia risk. An estimated 12.5%, 15.6% and 9.8% of anaemia cases could be averted by treating malnutrition, malaria and S. haematobium, respectively. Spatial clusters of high risk of anaemia (>86%) were identified. Using an individual-level approach to anaemia mapping at a small spatial scale, we found that anaemia in children aged ≤15 years is highly heterogeneous and that malnutrition and parasitic infections are important contributors to the spatial variation in anaemia risk. The results presented in this study can help inform the integration of the current provincial malaria control programme with ancillary micronutrient supplementation and control of neglected tropical diseases such as urogenital schistosomiasis and STH infections.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican and Egyptian youth and to describe its associated risk factors. METHODS: Data from questionnaires applied to 12,862 Mexican and 5,662 Egyptian youth, aged 10 to 19, who attended public schools were analyzed. Biviarate and logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between socio-demographics, the experience of intra-familial violence and violence perpetration. RESULTS: The prevalence of having experienced intra-familial violence was comparable across the Mexican and Egyptian populations (14% and 17%, respectively). In Mexico, young men were more likely to have experienced such violence (OR=2.36) than women, whereas in Egypt, young women were at slightly greater risk than young men (OR=1.25). Older age, male gender and urban residence were independent correlates of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican youth. For Egyptian adolescents, in contrast, younger age, female gender and having non-married parents were independent correlates of victimization. Intra-familial violence victims were also more likely than non-victims to perpetrate violence (Mexico: OR=13.13; Egypt: OR=6.58). CONCLUSIONS: Mexican and Egyptian youth experienced intra-familial violence at a relatively low prevalence when compared with youth of other countries. A strong association was found between experiencing intra-familial violence and perpetrating violence.


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Objective: To assess different factors influencing adiponectinemia in obese and normal-weight women; to identify factors associated with the variation (Δ) in adiponectinemia in obese women following a 6-month weight loss program, according to surgical/non-surgical interventions. Methods: We studied 100 normal-weight women and 112 obese premenopausal women; none of them was on any medical treatment. Women were characterized for anthropometrics, daily macronutrient intake, smoking status, contraceptives use, adiponectin as well as IL-6 and TNF-α serum concentrations. Results: Adiponectinemia was lower in obese women (p < 0.001), revealing an inverse association with waist-to-hip ratio (p < 0.001; r = –0.335). Normal-weight women presented lower adiponectinemia among smokers (p = 0.041); body fat, waist-to-hip ratio, TNF-α levels, carbohydrate intake, and smoking all influence adiponectinemia (r 2 = 0.436). After weight loss interventions, a significant modification in macronutrient intake occurs followed by anthropometrics decrease (chiefly after bariatric procedures) and adiponectinemia increase (similar after surgical and non-surgical interventions). After bariatric intervention, Δ adiponectinemia was inversely correlated to Δ waist circumference and Δ carbohydrate intake (r 2 = 0.706). Conclusion: Anthropometrics, diet, smoking, and TNF-α levels all influence adiponectinemia in normal-weight women, although explaining less than 50% of it. In obese women, anthropometrics modestly explain adiponectinemia. Opposite to non-surgical interventions, after bariatric surgery adiponectinemia increase is largely explained by diet composition and anthropometric changes.


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World Congress of Malacology, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 21-28 de julho.


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World Congress of Malacology, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 21-28 de julho.