951 resultados para Unpublished


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This report details the port interconnection of two subsystems: a power electronics subsystem (a back-to-back AC/AC converter (B2B), coupled to a phase of the power grid), and an electromechanical subsystem (a doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM), coupled mechanically to a flywheel and electrically to the power grid and to a local varying load). Both subsystems have been essentially described in previous reports (deliverables D 0.5 and D 4.3.1), although some previously unpublished details are presented here. The B2B is a variable structure system (VSS), due to the presence of control-actuated switches: however from a modelling and simulation, as well as a control-design, point of view, it is sensible to consider modulated transformers (MTF in the bond-graph language) instead of the pairs of complementary switches. The port-Hamiltonian models of both subsystems are presents and coupled through a power-preserving interconnection, and the Hamiltonian description of the whole system is obtained; detailed bond-graphs of all the subsystems and the complete system are provided.


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En el fons Hernández Sanahuja que es guarda a la Reial SocietatArqueològica de Tärragona es conserven uns interessants originals que aclareixen, per una banda, la història de la identificació com a monument funerari romà de la Torratxa de Vilablareix (Gironès) i, simultàniament, proporcionen dades inèdites realment extraordinàries sobre el mausoleu romà de cal Temple (Aiguaviva, Gironès) situat a poc més d'un quilòmetre a migdia de I'altra tomba.


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L’estancament que han patit històricament les comarques dels Pallars (Jussà i Sobirà) tant a nivell humà com econòmic, ha ajudat, fins fa pocs anys, a conservar fossilitzades estructures socials, religioses i humanes de diferents períodes, alhora que a nivell científic, aquest estancament té com a conseqüència la marginació quant al gruix de les investigacions que es fan a la resta del país. Es proposa en aquest treball de síntesi una anàlisi i contrastació de les dades que ens ofereix la historiografia quant al poblament i la seva evolució des de la Prehistòria fins al període tardoromà al Paratge de Montcortès i Pla de Corts (Baix Pallars, Pallars Sobirà), amb l’aportació de les darreres investigacions, encara sense publicar, que ens proporcionen, alhora que noves dades quantitatives, informació qualitativa sobre el funcionament d’aquests grups humans, és a dir, una nova perspectiva biofísica sobre la coevolució dels nous sistemes socioeconòmics amb els ecosistemes naturals en aquest territori.


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Urbano Fos fue uno de los mejores representantes del Barroco valenciano. En este estudio atribuimos a su pincel un lienzo inédito de gran calidad. Se trata de una magnífica representación de San Pascual Bailón. Con nuestra investigación hemos demostrado sus filiaciones técnico-artísticas y resaltado aquellos aspectos por los que se popularizó su pintura.


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La atribución a Joan Reixach de una tabla con la Flagelación, nos ha permitido aportar noticias inéditas en torno a su autor y a los lazos profesionales que pudieron unirle en ocasiones con Jacomart. Una asociación tácita demostrada documentalmente con una nueva noticia fechada en 1449 que explicaría la proximidad estilística y contractual de algunas de sus obras.


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[spa]Los bozales y las muserolas en bronce para caballo constituyen unos excepcionales complementos ecuestres cuyo conocimiento se encuentra disperso en una extensa bibliografía. De muchos ejemplares apenas se ha publicado una breve descripción y nunca hasta el presente han sido objeto de un estudio monográfico, quizás por el desaliento que produce el desconocimiento de su procedencia en unos casos, o la superficial noticia del contexto de aparición en la mayoría de ellos, hecho que ha limitado las consideraciones cronológicas y de asociación. La identificación de nuevos ejemplares inéditos en los museos de Barcelona y Lleida ha animado a los autores a emprender un trabajo que por primera vez reúne y revisa los ejemplares conocidos de la Península Ibérica, para los que se propone una descripción normalizada, una clasificación tipológica y, en determinadas piezas, una sustancial revisión de las escenas decorativas y cronologías comúnmente admitidas. La seriación formal y la propuesta de datación implican la referencia de los ejemlares aparecidos en Grecia e Italia. Esa ampliación espacial conduce a replantear los agentes sociales que pueden estar detrás de la propagación de ese complemento ecuestre hasta la peninsua más occidental del Mediterráneo. [eng] Horse muzzles and Bronze muzzles are unique equestrian tools that have been referred to in scattered accounts throughout history. Nevertheless, the majority of these objects have received short descriptions and an overall study is still missing. The lack of a comprehensive study hinges on the over looked importance of these items and the superficial manner that have characterized their documentation. Both these reasons have limited observations on chronology and archaeological investigation. The recent identification of new unpublished exemplars among the Museums" collections in Barcelona and Lleida has encouraged the authors of this paper to start a new study dedicated to these objects. Starting from a catalogue inclusive of all muzzles and muzzles currently known in the Iberian Peninsula, an attempt will be made to propose an accurate description, typological classification and, for some of the items, a revision of the decorative scenes that have marked their place in bronze horse muzzle and muzzle chronology. The formal development and the chronological framework here proposed refer to those of the exemplars found in Greece and in Italy. The broadening of the geographical area will allow reconsideration of those social phenomena that have in the past determined the diffusion of elements in horse tack throughout most of the western Peninsula in the Mediterranean.


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Forest management for groundwater protection is a cheap solution for a vital question, which is implemented for decades all over the world. The main challenge is to insure a constant adequate forest management to preserve the service provided. In Lombok Island, the problem is the lack of implementation of the public regulation in the forest area. Therefore payments for environmental services (PES) are used as an alternative in this weak institutional environment. The results of the field research show that, surprisingly, the "famous" Lombok PES case is not a PES at all, even if there are some payments. This research has however happy ends because other "forest for water" PES have been identified in the field. In addition, the legal review identified a way to solve the lack of legal base for PES implementation. Thus, the PES examples that we identified could be spread all over Indonesia without conflicting other regulations (fiscal, local finance, forest, etc.) and circumventing the forest administrations.


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Présentation de différentes pistes pour financer les services forestiers rendus pour la production d'eau potable. Il s'agit d'une externalité positive, reconnue, mais qui reste gratuite pour ceux qui en profitent.


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This contribution (presented in the first International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) in Grenoble in June 2013) explores the phenomena of innovation in action ("innovative implementation"). To do so, we operationalize "innovative implementation" as a strategy by which (coalitions of) non-state actors seek to develop ad hoc solutions to address a given environmental issue, going beyond what is provided for in formal policy designs. Following an inductive research strategy, we elaborate a conceptual framework whose main advantage is to bring the actors and their coalition (in all their diversity) back in the analysis. More concretely, we state that perceiving implementation as broader 'social interaction processes' (De Boer & Bressers 2011) within which actors play strategic 'games' (Bardach 1977, Scharpf 1997) opens interesting lines of research to better account for their innovative and strategic behaviours. In a second step, we apply this framework to three strategies of innovative implementation in different contexts, and identify on this basis empirical regularities in the individual pathways related to the emergence and success (or failure) of these strategies.