992 resultados para UPM


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Las construcciones tradicionales del centro histórico de Arquipa-Perú, declarada recientemente patrimonio de la humanidad, son de piedra de tufo volcánico tanto en los muros como en los techos abovedados en planta baja. Levantadas desde el siglo XVIII hasta inicios del XX, han sufrido los daños de los movimientos sísmicos que se registran en esta región, por lo que muchas de ellas han sido reconstruidas. En esta comunicacion se detallan las adaptaciones que han sufrido en el intento de adecuarse la ciudad de fundacion colonial hispánica en el siglo XVI a las exigencias de los usos terciarios actuales.


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El estudio de los enlucidos de la iglesia de San Pedro de los Francos de Calatayud ha permitido demostrar, en primer lugar, la secuencia estratigráfica mediante la lectura de la interfase de adherencia; en segundo lugar, la evolución de las técnicas de aplicación, desde el enlucido mudéjar, un fingido de piedra agramilado y pintado (siglo XV), hasta los enlucidos lisos y pinturas aplicados posteriormente. Y, finalmente, a través de los estudios de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) y de difracción de rayos X (DRX), se ha determinado que son morteros en los que tanto el conglomerante como el árido son yeso y anhidrita, que correspondería a un yeso trasdicional multifase, cuyos granos más gruesos analizados como áridos proceden del producto obtenido artesanalmente.


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El estudio de las diferencias constructivas entre las casas populares y las casas señoriales construidas con piedra volcánica y cubiertas con bóvedas de cañón, no se basa solamente en la ornamentación de las portadas, sino también en la disposición y proporción de las bóvedas de acuerdo a las dimensiones de los solares, que se manifiestan en la configuración de fachadas estribo o fachadas testero, que se igualan con una cornisa, y en los patios más o menos grandes que inciden directamente en la iluminación natural interior.


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This paper presents the application of the Integral Masonry System (IMS) to the construction of earthquake resistant houses and its experimental study. To verify the security of this new type of building in seismic areas of the third world two prototypes have been tested, one with adobe and the other with hollow brick. In both cases it’s a two-story 6x6x6 m3 house built to scale 1/2. The tests are carried out at the Laboratory of Antiseismic Structures of the Department of Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima, in collaboration with the UPM (Technical University of Madrid). This article shows the design process of the prototypes to test, including the sizing of the reinforcements, the characteristics of the tests and the results obtained. These results show that the IMS with adobe or brick remains stable with no significant cracks faced with a severe earthquake, with an estimated acceleration of 1.8 g. Este artículo presenta una aplicación del Sistema de Albañilería Integral (SAI) a la construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes y su estudio experimental. Para verificar su seguridad para su construcción en zonas sísmicas del tercer mundo se han ensayado dos prototipos, uno con adobe, y otro con ladrillo hueco. Se trata de una vivienda de 6x6x6 m3 y dos plantas que se construyen a escala 1/2. Los ensayos se realizaron en el Laboratorio de Estructuras Antisísmicas del Departamento de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Católica Universidad del Perú (PUCP) de Lima en colaboración con la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Este artículo muestra el proceso de diseño de los prototipos a ensayar, incluido el dimensionado de los refuerzos, las características de los ensayos y los resultados obtenidos. Estos resultados muestran que el SAI con adobe o ladrillo permanece estable sin grietas significativas ante un sismo severo, con una aceleración estimada de 1,8 g.


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The traditional buildings in the historic center of the city of Arequipa, Perú, recently declared of human heritage, are of volcanic tuff both in walls and in vaulted roofs on the ground floor. Having been built in the 18th century and up to the beginning of the 20th century, they have suffered many damages from the seismic movements registered in this region. Due to this, many of them have had to be rebuilt. In this presentation, the different changes to adapt the city of Spanish colonial origin to the present tertiary use are analyzed.


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La accesibilidad física en los itinerarios de visita a los edificios históricos debería estar complementada por una accesibilidad intelectual para que sea total la comprensión de los valores histórico-artísticos y de los valores intangibles del edificio. Los primeros se refieren tanto a los valores intrínsecos (valores arquitectónicos, espaciales y formales; de las artes aplicadas), como a los valores dados por su contenido (bienes muebles, colecciones).


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Monument conservation is related to the interaction between the original petrological parameters of the rock and external factors in the area where the building is sited, such as weather conditions, pollution, and so on. Depending on the environmental conditions and the characteristics of the materials used, different types of weathering predominate. In all, the appearance of surface crusts constitutes a first stage, whose origin can often be traced to the properties of the material itself. In the present study, different colours of “patinas” were distinguished by defining the threshold levels of greys associated with “pathology” in the histogram. These data were compared to background information and other parameters, such as mineralogical composition, porosity, and so on, as well as other visual signs of deterioration. The result is a map of the pathologies associated with “cover films” on monuments, which generate images by relating colour characteristics to desired properties or zones of interest.


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The Laboratory of Materials seminar is an optional course offered to students in the School of Architecture in Madrid. It is taught during 35 class hours in the laboratory of materials distributed in two hours and forty minutes weekly. One of the working lines is the preparation of traditional mortars made by students groups, each one of 4 or 5 members. It is basically a practical course, and students have to prepare a group of tests pieces in order to confirm the initial hypothesis, or when needed, make innovations. The test pieces are of 150mmx150mmx10mm and applied to big size hollow bricks, prismatic test pieces of 40mmx40mmx160mm to apply physical and mechanical tests and brick wallings of varied dimensions.


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The paper presents the results of the tests of a self-compacting concrete made with fines which include Portland cement and three fillers: hornfels, limestone and metakaolin, in a weight proportion between 23% and 45% of the admixtures. The first mix proportions were designed with a high proportion of Portland cement (720-750kg/m3), and are compared to those having a smaller content of cement and more fillers. The results obtained show that the limestone filler percentage should be higher than the hornfels one, and both of them significantly higher than that of the metakaolin so as to facilitate the fluidity and self-compactability. AIso, the higher proportion of fillers causes a rounded porosity in the mixing which has a bearing on better compressive strength results.


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Because climate can affect xylem cell anatomy, series of intra-annual cell anatomical features have the potential to retrospectively supply seasonal climatic information. In this study, we explored the ability to extract information about water stress conditions from tracheid features of the Mediterranean conifer Juniperus thurifera L. Tracheidograms of four climatic years from two drought-sensitive sites in Spain were compared to evaluate whether it is possible to link intra-annual cell size patterns to seasonal climatic conditions. Results indicated site-specific anatomical adjustment such as smaller and thicker tracheids at the dryer site but also showed a strong climatic imprint on the intra-annual pattern of tracheid size. Site differences in cell size reflected expected structural adjustments against cavitation failures. Differences between intra-annual patterns, however, indicated a response to seasonal changes in water availability whereby cells formed under drought conditions were smaller and thicker, and vice versa. This relationship was more manifest and stable at the dryer site


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Question: How do tree species identity, microhabitat and water availability affect inter- and intra-specific interactions between juvenile and adult woody plants? Location: Continental Mediterranean forests in Alto Tajo Natural Park, Guadalajara, Spain. Methods: A total of 2066 juveniles and adults of four co-occurring tree species were mapped in 17 plots. The frequency of juveniles at different microhabitats and water availability levels was analysed using log-linear models. We used nearest-neighbour contingency table analysis of spatial segregation and J-functions to describe the spatial patterns. Results: We found a complex spatial pattern that varied according to species identity and microhabitat. Recruitment was more frequent in gaps for Quercus ilex, while the other three species recruited preferentially under shrubs or trees depending on the water availability level. Juveniles were not spatially associated to conspecific adults, experiencing segregation from them inmany cases. Spatial associations, both positive and negative, were more common at higher water availability levels. Conclusions: Our results do not agree with expectations from the stressgradient hypothesis, suggesting that positive interactions do not increase in importance with increasing aridity in the study ecosystem. Regeneration patterns are species-specific and depend on microhabitat characteristics and dispersal strategies. In general, juveniles do not look for conspecific adult protection. This work contributes to the understanding of species co-existence, proving the importance of considering a multispecies approach at several plots to overcome limitations of simple pair-wise comparisons in a limited number of sites.


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From the Englightenment to the middle of the 19th century, geological time and the antiquity of human beings received ever growing attention. This was caused by a series of events, such as: *the beginnings of experimentation in Geology (Buffon, 1778) *the development of the transformism (Lamarck, 1809) *the recognition and description of extinct animals (Cuvier, 1812) *as well as the studies made in alluvial deposits, caves and gravel beds, with brought to light artefacts, human rest and bone of extinguished animals (from John Frere, 1797, to Albert Gaudry, 1859). The development towards evolutionism (Darwin, 1859) came gradually. In Spain, all these currents found their echo: Spain, e.g. was the third country where the Palaeolithic remains were discovered (Verneuil and Lartet, 1863). Also the Darwin ideas were introduced forcefully, right from the beginning. But the change in worldview, which was prerequisite to these ideas, lead to polemic controversies in the political and religious realm. The most significant evidence was the official prohibition of the teaching Darwinism in public educational centres (1875). At theological level, thanks to the advance of the geologic knowledge, went leaving the literal interpretations of Biblical texts was eventually discontinued and replaced by more liberal interpretation. In some case, the process was difficult because some political, religious and scientific authors and researchers didn’t understand the new scientific ideas.


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A historical study and a construction pathology survey were conducted prior to proposing a solution for restoring the upper windows on the south side of Old San Carlos College at Saragossa (16th-17th centuries), wich had been forteited to add a third storey to the cloister. Althought initially designed to a simple large hall format, the church is a harmonius blend of Aragonese Gothic architecture and typical Jesuit scheme, consisting in a central nave flanket by chapel-confessional and raised galleries for the community. A subsequent enlargement of the roof, wich rests on the original framing over the central nave, reduced the mechanical strength of the principal rafters on the opposite side, prompting a concomitant imbalance of forces that has affected the entire structure. In view of the foregoing, in addition to restituting the upper window, the proposal solution envisages restoring the roof over the central nave to its original design, and with the interior lighting in the church.


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Las limitaciones de las tecnologías de red actuales, identificadas en la Agencia de Proyectos de Investigación Avanzados para la Defensa (DARPA) durante 1995, han originado recientemente una propuesta de modelo de red denominado Redes Activas. En este modelo, los nodos proporcionan un entorno de ejecución sobre el que se ejecuta el código asociado a cada paquete. El objetivo es disponer de una tecnología de red que permita que nuevos servicios de red sean desarrollados e instalados rápidamente sin modificar los nodos de la red. Un servicio de red que se puede beneficiar de esta tecnología es la transmisión de datos en multipunto con diferentes grados fiabilidad. Las propuestas actuales de servicios de multipunto fiable proporcionan una solución específica para cada clase de aplicaciones, y los protocolos existentes extremo a extremo sufren de limitaciones técnicas relacionadas con una fiabilidad limitada, y con la ausencia de mecanismos de control de congestión efectivos. Esta tesis realiza propuestas originales conducentes a solucionar parte de las limitaciones actuales en el ámbito de Redes Activas y multipunto fiable con control de congestión. En primer lugar, se especificará un servicio genérico de multipunto fiable que, basándose en los requisitos de una serie de aplicaciones consideradas relevantes, proporcione diferentes clases de sesiones y grados de fiabilidad. Partiendo de la definición del servicio genérico especificado, se diseñará un protocolo de comunicaciones sobre la tecnología de Redes Activas que proporcione dicho servicio. El protocolo diseñado estará dotado de un mecanismo de control de congestión para que la fuente ajuste dinámicamente el tráfico inyectado a las condiciones de carga de la red. En esta tesis se pretende también profundizar en el estudio y análisis de la tecnología de Redes Activas, experimentando con dicha tecnología para proporcionar una realimentación a sus diseñadores. Dicha experimentación se realizará en tres ámbitos: el de los servicios y protocolos que puede soportar, el del modelo y arquitectura de las Redes Activas y el de las plataformas de ejecución disponibles. Como aportación adicional de este trabajo, se validarán los objetivos anteriores mediante una implementación piloto de las entidades de protocolo y de su interfaz de servicio sobre uno de los entornos de ejecución disponibles. Abstract The limitations of current networking technologies identified in the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) along 1995 have led to a recent proposal of a new network model called Active Networks. In this model, the nodes provide an execution environment over which the code used to process each packet is executed. The objective is a network technology that allows the fast design and deployment of new network services without requiring the modification of the network nodes. One network service that could benefit from this technology is the transmission of multicast data with different types of loss tolerance. The current proposals for reliable multicast services provide specific solutions for each application class, and existing end-to-end protocols suffer from technical drawbacks related to limited reliability and lack of an effective congestion control mechanism. This thesis contains original proposals that aim to solve part of the current drawbacks in the scope of Active Networks and reliable multicast with congestion control. Firstly, a generic reliable multicast network service will be specified. This service will be designed from the requirements of a relevant set of applications, and will provide different session classes and different types of reliability. Then, a network protocol based on Active Network technology will be designed such that it provides the specified network service. This protocol will incorporate a congestion control mechanism capable of performing an automatic adjustment of the traffic injected by the source to the available network capacity. This thesis will also contribute to a deeper study and analysis of Active Network technology, by experimenting with the technology in order to provide feedback to its designers. This experimentation will be done attending to three different scopes: support of Active Network for services and protocols, Active Network model and architecture, and currently available Active Network execution environments. As an additional contribution of this work, the previous objectives will be validated through a prototype implementation of the protocol entities and the service interface based on one of the current execution environments.


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